AM2R Demo Update - v1.34

One of the benefits of working with Game Maker Studio, compared to older versions, is that I can build updates much more easily. This means I can do bug fixes and release updates more often than before.
This is the first update, tackling some issues you reported these last couple of days:

- Built without the YoYo Compiler to ensure WinXP compatibility
- Music files are now available in the package for customization
- Updated health pickup sprites
- Fixed music crossfades playing part of the wrong track
- Fixed collisions of spiked plants in Area 3
- Fixed missing keycodes on the keyboard settings screen
- Fixed music not being played if you enter the sound options with volume 0
- Fixed very low music volume resulting in glitchy playback

If you had trouble getting the demo to run in Windows XP, you should give this update a try.
As always, feel free to report any bugs or make any suggestions here or at the forums.


Sir_Poeta said…
Gracias doc por haber colocado la opciĆ³n de elecciĆ³n de mĆŗsica, asĆ­ podremos decidir si queremos las anteriores o escuchar las actuales. Pido disculpas por haber dicho que no leĆ­a acotaciones.
Genial que subirƔ actualizaciones con mƔs frecuencia (Y)
Anonymous said…
Siempre genial tu, te pasate Gracias!!!!! buen juego para los nostalgicos de Metroid.
Unknown said…
there seems to be a glitch right in the area where youll soon meet the first gamma (i guess its breeding grounds 2) where you get a new logbook entry but when you go into the logbook there is nothing new there. is it just the system reminding you of the first breeding grounds entry? or was something else supposed to actually show up?
Anonymous said…
Hi Dear Doc, thanks for the effort,
Thanks to you all metroid fans could be happy to look all good stuff,
I will try your new version and I hope that all your bugs could be fixed

Kind regards: Kaito Kid
Suggestion: As you're now using GameMaker Studio, AM2R is no longer natively portable (that is, being able to run it purely from the likes of a USB flash drive).

Therefore, would it be possible to have a PortableApps versino?
Saint Heiser said…
Whoah! Well done. I love metroid games. And your ones pretend on the "official" metroid game.

I run the game on Linux. And I have some glitches with fullscreen. Sometimes switching between map changes windowed/fullscreen mode. Also I have two displays and game go to the fullscreen and FIT BOTH dysplays. But usually game go to the fullscreen on main display.
Anonymous said…
Well this is fantastic. I'm not sure how frequent you are planning on having the updates, but it's always good if they're easier to make.

I second the comments about portability, it's kinda convenient. (Including taking snapshots and having the saves in the self directory)

Thank you as always for your great work.
Unknown said…
In case someone else is getting this fatal crash upon loading the file select screen:

action number 1
of Other Event: User Defined 2
for object oGameSelMenu:

Data structure with index does not exist.
at gml_Object_oGameSelMenu_Other_12

It is because it is attempting to load the save files from the folder, (it will take them from Appdata if it doesn't find them there). Version 1.33 just ignored them, so you didn't get the crash.
Anonymous said…
Dear DoctorM64 and all AM2R fans, I have a good news for you (If you want to change all music and make easier your music construction),

I discovered a program caller atubecatcher that makes any audio files in some formats (in that case you can convert any audio to .ogg)...

DoctorM64, if that could help you
to make all soundtracks better (I love ypur soundtracks, anyway, I want to better it) this is the possible solution to make better sounds....

If you like my idea, aplly in hte next update...

Kind Regards : Kaito Kid
Ricardo Suarez said…
un detalle para el gamma evolucionado Ponerle como dientes o boca y un caparazon podrido (blanco) como el que se ve en el review 4 de tu juego que aparece el zeta de un caparazon blanco.

y la estacion de guardado ( solo torre area 6) ponerle un estilo zero mission como los de chozodia :)

que tengas una buen dia.
The7thGuest said…
@Recker this seems to be a classic Bug ^^
I remember this very well from the older Version, but i forgot to report it ^^

Nice and Shiny as always Doc :)
Thank´s a lot.

Anonymous said…
The game doesn't even open of WinXP
Kalazzer Xavier said…
Doc, ha pasado mucho desde que di mi LAAARGA sugerencia xD Primero que nada, hasta la versiĆ³n 1.32 tuve problemas de compatibilidad en los cuales el juego, despuĆ©s de unos segundos se volvĆ­a lento e intermitente. El demo 1.33 es simplemente PERFECTO pero se presentĆ³ un problema en la versiĆ³n 1.34, ya que al iniciar, automĆ”ticamente reduce la pantalla a tamaƱo estrecho y en pantalla completa (obligĆ”ndome a configurar la pantalla desde el principio). Ahora, en los Ćŗltimos momentos del Demo, los pasillos estĆ”n algo vacĆ­os, aunque espero que sĆ³lo sea cosa de esperar el juego completo. Por lo demĆ”s, estĆ” perfecto, en especial ver que varias de mis sugerencias surgieron (como ver cada Alpha Metroid mĆ”s cabrĆ³n que el anterior x'D) Y pues eso, ya desde aquĆ­, espero la correcciĆ³n de ese pequeƱo error del demo, y de ahĆ­ en adelante, el juego completo (Y) Hasta la prĆ³xima.
Anonymous said…
Can you make this game in a 16:9 aspect ratio? I really hate the old 4:3 aspect ratio which doesn't cover the entire screen.
Kalazzer Xavier said…
AquĆ­ otra vez. Doc, creo que la batalla contra el Torizo es excesivamente desbalanceada en DifĆ­cil. Ya llevo 25 intentos seguidos de matarlo y no consigo pasar con mĆ”s de 99 de vida a la segunda parte de la batalla. Las oportunidades de conseguir algo de salud y municiĆ³n cuando lanza los proyectiles de su boca son casi nulas, por lo que se podrĆ­a decir es CASI imposible pasarlo, incluso para los jugadores mĆ”s experimentados. No digo que no sea posible pasar, pero en realidad, hay que ajustar un poco la brutalidad del jefe, que ya en las dificultades fĆ”cil y normal es bastante cabrĆ³n (por menos decir). Me despido y hasta la prĆ³xima. ._.
Kalazzer Xavier said…
OlvidĆ© sugerir algo importante: Dado que la morfoesfera permite un movimiento algo mĆ”s acelerado a ras del suelo y tomando como referencia Super Metroid, las piernas del Torizo podrĆ­an ser una pequeƱa esperanza para los jugadores. Porque en serio, la velocidad que alcanza antes de sacar sus alas, imposibilita toda posibilidad de balancear la batalla (sĆ³lo en modo difĆ­cil, aunque si es necesario agregar esta caracterĆ­stica a los otros modos para evitar fallas y si lo consideras algo Ćŗtil, hazlo). Como sea, ƉSTE comentario no es necesario que lo apruebes para que aparezca (asĆ­ evitar spoilers en caso de aplicarse xD). Saludos y sigue asĆ­ (Y)
Anonymous said…
+Rockman Trigger MƔs que apariencia (aunque les veo con algunos cambios como cola, como los Alfa les crecen patas) lo que me interesa ver es el comportamiento del Gamma avanzado. No cabe duda que sobrevivirƔ mƔs supermisiles, pero podrƭa alcanzar mƔs distancia con la electricidad o incluso agarrase al suelo con patas mas fuertes para cubrirse (e intentar caminar).

De hecho, creo que un Gamma ligeramente avanzado para la Ćŗltima area de la demo le darĆ­a un poco mĆ”s de vida.
Anonymous said…
Hey doc realmente te luciste con este remake eso tambiƩn habla de tu busqueda de altos estandares, originalidad y calidad, entiendo que ahora que puedes sacar actualizaciones mas a menudo el proyecto lo podrias finalizar en menos tiempo sin temor a equivocarme, espero con ansias el nuevo demo del area 4 y mas sorpresas solo tomate tu tiempo.
Unknown said…
Looking great man! Can't wait for the next major content update!
AEquilibriuM said…
Excelente remarke, me acorde de cuando era un niƱo y estaba jugando el retun of samus cuando tenia 11 aƱos, muy fiel al juego, claro con su toque actualizado, ojala alguno de los de nintendo viera este trabajo, para que se inspiraran en hacer un muy buen juego en la 3ds de metroid. salu2 desde Guadalajara Jalisco Mexico :)
Anonymous said…
i can't run the game on my laptop running windows vista.. it comes up with an error message;
Cannot create Direct3D X Device
I had already fully updated my drivers and system prior to this, and update 1.32 opened with no problems. I looked forward greatly to the new update but i was dissapointed when it wouldn't work.. I hope you can perhaps fix this, and thank you for your time and hard work!
Anonymous said…
hey, i've found a bug, in arach boss room, when i died, i've went there again and didn't take any damage, killed him without a scratch. but taken damage with other enemies...
Unknown said…
Hey Doc.
I just wanted to say that you are awesome. I'm also an enormous fan of the Metroid series, and I'm saddened that the fandom seems to have stagnated a bit. There's not a lot for the fandom to do or talk about really. All the fan sites seemingly never get traffic or get updated anymore, which leads to crap like Metroid: Fan Mission going into archive mode. Harmony Of A Hunter was awesome, but there hasn't been any Metroid related things going on since then. Whenever conversations about Metroid do happen, they always seem to be about people defending other m, or hating it, and making dumb "baby" jokes.
The point is, you are doing amazing work on this project, and it's going to be great to finally play a complete Metroid game again (other m doesn't count obviously). I could never have the patience and persistence that you have to keep making this game. Keep it up man.
Anonymous said…
I'll just try the Japanese people can't speak English, but I'm using the translation tools. From 1.3 per every time so finished looking forward to, but I have play patch every very firmly and UI. Good luck as a fan but I think it takes a long time from now :)
Hatchet said…
I just wanted to say that this latest demo was seriously impressive. I have been lurking and watching this game for a long time, trying to wait for the full release before actually playing it, to get the whole experience at once. But this latest demo, I finally broke down and gave it a try and man was I not disappointed. It seemed the more I played, the more impressed I got. First reaching the ruins and hearing that classic ruins theme in far better quality... it was a sweet moment.

The rest of soundtrack also impressed me, some songs more than others, but I loved all the Prime references, such as in the Torizo battle. The music Having differen more ambient tversions of the songs was a very nice touch as well! I got chills when area 2's remix of Super Metroid's brinstar theme began, it was most appropriate.

I also loved how each area has its own style and purpose, they're not just random ruins anymore. I am looking forward to your take on the final areas. Even within each area, those extras like the morph ball water launchers, the mining machine, and controlling another robot to get the Super Missles all show this is a true labor of love. The lighting in area 3 truly made it atmospheric to explore.

The gameplay itself felt very solid, I was able to tweak the controls just how I liked them. I didn't find any noticable bugs in my playthrough, so kudos to you on that. The speed booster is fun to play with, though I hope to find even more areas to truly make use of it in later releases.

I did find the pause menus a little unintuitive to navigate at first, but they certainly did the job. Seeing the logbook get gradually filled as you go with updates was a nice touch, seeing the descriptions of each area. Seeing what happened to the GF research team, now I want to find out about the rescue team too!

I'm also curious if there might be any references to the X parasites planned.. I know they're meant to be a new discovery when Samus first encounters them in fusion, but even a logbook entry referencing the Metroids' original creation, the fall of the Chozo civilization, and for what purpose they were made for could be interesting to see!

Overall, I very much enjoyed this game, it felt *better* than Nintendo quality which is truly saying something, and is helping to fill the gap where a new Metroid game should be. I completed the demonat just over 2 hours and 93% collection and I am going to enjoy that classic Metroid experience of hunting for those last percentages. :)

Working on a Metroid style game myself, I know how much effort and time goes into making something like this. (Search youtube for Mannux is you're curious). My only hope is that you and your team can keep it going to the finish line. You should be proud!
Ricardo Suarez said…
Wow! Nunca me habia dado cuenta pero cuando volvi a la nave como por al 100% del demo para cartografiar toda el area (me gusta tener el mapa completo x) ) vi un hermoso detalle de atardecer en el area ,
Me pregunto como sera el 100% del juego completo una noche espectacular xd acompaƱado de la cria
Ricardo Suarez said…
Algo gracioso x) en el area por ahi 7 o 8 donde te encuentras un metroid alpha ahi y un Omega tambien supongo que asi reaccionaria el omega si hablara xD: (despues de destruir el alpha) Omega: NOOOOO era mi hermanito menor D= Que le voy a decir a mamaa T_T . Te destruiree xDD
Ricardo Suarez said…
Sobre el equipo de rescate que menciona Hatchet deberias poner a solo 1 vivo pero agonizante asi como la mano alzada y cuando samus se acerca al tipo se aparece un metroid y lo apuƱala por detras..

para el futuro yo creo que la version final seria mas o menos 1.5 o mas....Digo yo

Muchas gracias por este gran juegazo se merece 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000/5 :D
jorge said…
hey doc cuanto tiempo paso perdon por no comentar es que desde que me havia descargado en mayo corria muy lento y decidi dejar pasar unos 6 mese haver si lo podias arreglar y cuando pasaron los 6 meses lo jugue ahora va mas rapido tomaste una buena decicion en hacer que los tiempos de carga fueran mas rapido te felicito por esta actualisacion esperare tu otra actualizacion suerte con el proyecto
Ricardo Suarez said…
Tengo una idea sobre una nueva dificultad (Haz esto si quieres despues de la version final algo asi como un detalle) una dificultad super dificil ,los enemigos son muy fuertes , los metroids se pueden mover de un lugar a otro mientras vas avanzando salas usar el radar si es necesario bueno hasta aqui lo dejo ^_^
Javier Silva said…
you have done and excellent work, im going to share this on FB so more and more people know your exquisit work

Ricardo Suarez said…
Recordatorio sobre los movimientos de Super metroid(si es que los quieres poner.)
-Bombas de carga (ya)
-Combos de rayo
-Crystal flash
-Tanques de reserva

Que tengas un buen dia doc :).
Anonymous said…
I had problems running earlier versions of the demo on Windows Vista, but this runs perfectly.

This is already one of my favorite Metroid games. So much fun!
Unknown said…
This is a fantastic project, and I would love to see a remake of other games using this engine in the future! My only issue with this release is that missiles often don't fire when diagonal aiming, same with beams (although if you hold down the fire button, it'll do a pretty cool rapid-fire with the beam sometimes).
Anonymous said…
Hey, I'm one of the people who have been kinda keeping up with this project. I've tried the demo and I am impressed. The remake is great and the controls are seamless and responsive. I am playing it using a SNES controller and mapped the buttons to match super metroid's control scheme.
Javier Silva said…
Ricardo Suarez said…
Lo siento doc pero ya me estoy impacientando ,tanto que hice speedruns otra vez en todas las ranuras XD si puedes hacer un nuevo update del blog (si es que tienes tiempo libre ) Por favor lo harias?

Que tengas la mejor de las suertes =)
Unknown said…
i'm using windows XP and the game doesn't even open...
SPike said…
Have you ever heard of Metroid Cinematica? You should do something similar with your AM2R Soundtrack, as it is very good from what I heard so far and put it out there for people to buy, once it is completed :)
Unknown said…
Hey doc!, u know? ur game is like 91% compatible with windows XP!!! sorry for saying that it wasn't compatible on XP, for those ppl that says that gets error to open it just install "DirectX 9" it will solve all problems with the game and it will run nice :D.
Ghoul King said…
Everything thus far has been fantastic, though most of the spike-wall boss's projectiles and the Arachnus' shockwaves mystify me as to how you're supposed to dodge them.

Only real issue I've had thus far is that one of the wall graphics looks more like a background object I should be able to move through than a wall I should not be able to move through. Kind of confusing. (I'd try to provide a screenshot, except when I took a screenshot it just took a screenshot of my desktop)
Ricardo Suarez said…
Anonymous said…
I just really really moved this game.
I didn't know that the amazing fan-made game exist like this.
Thanks for giving wonderful hours.
Good luck! I was very excited!!!
(I'm japanese,so perhaps something is wrong in this comment. sorry:( )
Anonymous said…
Estoy realmente impaciente por un nuevo update XD ando revisando todos los dias a cada hora el blog por si hay algo nuevo =D
Ghoul King said…
Having gotten a bit further into the game, I'm glad to see the wall section that confused me seems to be strictly an early phenomenon, and I really like the way Alphas progress, instead of all being identical clones. I especially like how one has longer legs than the others.

I have, however, run into a bug: using the Windows key (On a Windows 8 machine) and then going back in leads to the screen providing mostly black display with just a little bit of stuff visible, but nothing to do with the game. The game is still running, I can hear the sounds I would expect when I jump and whatnot, but I can't see anything and haven't been able to get back to seeing stuff.

I was actually not a fan of the Metroid fight music initially -it's simple, is a short loop, and is weirdly silly- but having encountered my first Gamma and noticed the music was a bit different I'm growing more fond of it, and actually looking forward to later variations.
JumpStARtR said…
Absolutely fantastic. The bosses are challenging and intense, and the spritework is incredible. This is the closes thing to a nintendo-made 2D metroid we're ever going to get and the work shows. Controls are fantastic.

I almost wish save points didn't reset your missles and super missles; I found it relatively easy to go back to a save and reset my missles if I ran out between battles. Kind of removes a little bit of the intensity of having to scavenge for extra ammo and conserve.

The torizo battle was fantastic. I wish it had more sprites for when it switched directions while flying. It seemed a little odd to see such a well programmed and animated creature with only a few sprites animated when it changed directions.

I'm also catching a weird little bug where every 10 minutes or so, there is some weird frame slowdown where the game spazzes for a few frames then runs perfectly fine again after pausing/unpausing or leaving and re-entering a room. Not sure if it could just be my hardware, or just a V-Sync bug or something. I'm running Win8.

This was so incredibly addictive and when the demo ended I was left still salivating for more. I can NOT wait to see the next areas. DoctorM64, you are a god for putting this all together.
Anonymous said…
I just watched the demo on YouTube and I'm pretty impressed. I didn't like the jumping sound it got quite annoying in the beginning, but later in the demo it blends in the music so its not terrible. I will stream this game once it is completed and the game is fully functional. I was very impressed with the chozo fight and agree with previous posts about the metroid: zero missions copy and low sprite detail when chozo flies to be true, a TouchUp on these things will improve an already stunning project.

My stream is and if you want me to stream updates I can do that, the fans will love to see it live.
Anonymous said…
Finally! A Metroid game with proper space jumping!

Oh yeah, everything else is pretty fantastic, too.

I have to agree with an earlier post on how some of the walls look like background images, and it's a little confusing at first.

Can't think of any other criticisms at the moment. But looking forward to further updates and especially the finished product. I'm loving it so far.

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