Progress for real now

Ok, now that April's fools is over, here's this month's progress: THE LOGBOOK It was redone from scratch. It's now a big list, instead of being separated by categories. It's still ordered and labeled, and reading logs is a lot more intuitive. Just 1 button to display the (sometimes scrolling) text, that's it. The log pictures are bigger, and each entry can feature multiple images, as the text updates. Some of the cooler ones (Metroids and Minibosses) might end up featuring original concept art in these images. It's a minor detail overall, but it improves the way the story is presented, for those who take the time to read it. ZETAS AND OMEGAS Zetas are being balanced for normal mode now (they were extremely frustrating, but some features will be kept for Hard mode), and some frames of animation are being added to some of their attacks (well, to some of their bodyparts). They still need more testing, since there are still some very convoluted ...