
Showing posts from December, 2009

Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Sorry I haven´t been replying emails or posting here. These last couple of weeks were too short and chaotic. So, I received a lot of offers from many different music and pixel artists, and I mean A LOT. I think the project has gained some popularity since last year, there are many talented artists out there and many of them offered their help. I gave a couple of test assignments to some people, hopefully by the next update I´ll be able to annouce the new spriters and musicians. In the meantime, the project has advanced a little. Right now I´m making all the caves that connect the main areas, and the new and mysterious area 5. Thank you very much for following the project, for your comments and for your support. I´ll do my best to make 2010 the year when AM2R is finally released. I wish you all a Happy New Year, have fun and be safe!

Another year...

Another year is about to end. It´s in these days when I realize how many of my plans for the whole year I couldn´t complete. AM2R is one of those, it´s not finished like I wanted it to be, but at least the progress was good. So, I´m planning my summer. Besides a couple of days of vacations, there will be very little movement here at my recording studios, like every summer. So it can be a nice opportunity to dedicate myself properly to the project. I do have plans for next year, some of them involve big changes in my life. My free time will be compromised, a lot. This means I´ll be putting myself a deadline to finish AM2R once and for all. Last year I made a checklist of features and goals to be achieved on summer, this time the list is as follows: - Finish Zeta Metroids sprite and AI - Start Omega Metroids production - Start Queen Metroid production - Recruit one or two sprite artists for backgrounds, tiles, minibosses and new enemies - Recruit one or more musicians for original compos