No future for AM2R

Nintendo of America, Inc. has filed a takedown request under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). I received the request on my personal email, so I'm complying with their requests.

There will be no more AM2R updates, and no more releases under any platform. 

Thank you for the support during all these years.


samadhimx789 said…
I hope that they gave you a job offer along with that email. Because you made a magnificent metroid game.
Unknown said…
Clearly Adam hasn't authorized this game's distribution.

In all seriousness, this is deeply saddening and disappointing... I'm so glad we got to play this, thank you, and see you next mission.
Anonymous said…
Think you'll work on another game now? perhaps something from your own mind? or are you tired of all this?
Anonymous said…
I'm sorry, this is terrible. Good luck to you in future endeavors, I do hope you'll update us with whatever those may be
Anonymous said…
Nintendo SHOULD have worked with you. This game is MORE than worthy of being an official Metroid game.
Unknown said…
This is depressing, I really wanted to get this game when I got my laptop but to see this, all that work and yet your shot down
Unknown said…
This is depressing, I really wanted to get this game when I got my laptop but to see this, all that work and yet your shot down
innersheeting said…
well... i love the game .. inclusive im translating the game right now to spanish version :c
but i need unpack the :c idk but im trying to get it for a SouthAmerica Version too :c
innersheeting said…
Im translating the game to spanish version .. but i cant edit images like " Intro Splash Art becouse " i dont have access to Data.Win .. i dont know how extract them :c
Anonymous said…
I'm so sorry that you had to deal with this man. I truly enjoyed Metroid 2; the remake, and I think you're one of the best developers this industry could ask for, along with the cadre of people who helped you out.

I hate that Nintendo didn't recognize all the hard work you put into the game. It royally sucks. I wish you the best and I thank you for the joy that you've no doubt bestowed upon every Metroid fan. You have truly made Metroid's 30th anniversary a memorable one, and may you and your loved ones be blessed for such dedication and passion that have been absent from this corporate run ballwashing industry we call modern video games.

esco1979 said…
Sounds like a perfect time for the source code to get randomly "leaked." Who knows maybe someone else would make updates instead. **WINK WINK**

Regardless, awesome game. A true masterpiece.
Anonymous said…
What the HELL?!
Anonymous said…
So much for Nintendo going "Hey, fans really love this game and really hate our official game. Maybe we should make like Sega and offer this guy a job, thereby getting a ton of easy money and a ton of positive fan response."
This Guy said…
Can we just stop paying attention to nintendo? maybe they'll give up when they see how much alienating fans hurts them.
Unknown said…
Well... I don't really know what to say, or the state of mind you might be in now.

So I'll just say this : thank you for your hard work and your dedication during all these years. Your project oozes love for the franchise, that is something you do not see often.

I wish you luck in your life, career, and everything.

Best regards,

A happy, yet bittersweet, Metroid fan.
Anonymous said…
I respect nintendo and you Dr. great game, been followin your blog for the past years, Am2r may have no more updates, but its complete and perfect, i know it will live on, great jop cant thank you enough :)
Sad Samus said…
>No More AM2R Updates
>AM2R Officially Dead
>Creator Complies and Gives Up

...Hello Darkness my old friend.
It's good to see you yet again...

Thank you for everything you done for
the Metroid 2 Remake over those couple
of years.

It's too bad, actually really sad that
Nintendo didn't see past this and adamantly...
went to take this down. (I have hope that someday
they'll embrace fangames/fan creators like SEGA has...but that'll
be rare and unlikely to happen if it does).

It has been an amazing journey and happily that journey
has been completed with it's release last month...

With that said, I heartful thank you...
May the future do well for you DoctorM64.
Sad Samus Corrects herself and Apologizes said…
>Says: "It's good to see you again"
Meant to say: "I've come to talk to you yet again..."

Also I wish I didn't type
>Creator Complies and Gives up
as that's not what happened.

I apologize...
Though I am still filed with grief over this.
Again may the future hold brightly for you DoctorM64.

As the mission is complete, bittersweet it may be...
At least you've accomplished it thus far, coming out
as a fan of the series, for both new and old veteran fans
far and wide...esp. on Metroid's 30 Anniversary.

Thank you and I only wish you well DoctorM64.
Tsukiyomaru said…
Persist. If you give up, you prove the broken system to be right! And answer them "Did you talk with Reggie or Miyamoto about it yet?". If you want to give up, pass on the source code and the engine. The engine itself could go on github and stuff.
Unknown said…
Darn, I had my hopes up for the Linux release. Guess it'll have to live in Virtualbox or run under WINE. Thank you for your hard work to bring this to us!
Tsukiyomaru said…
Also, just like This Guy said, just give them the silent treatment, no response, it would be better to wait for a C&D than accept yet another idiotic lawyer's Takedown request!
Unknown said…
I think you should remove the direct Nintendo and obvious trademarks and release an update. The game is so unique and fresh, that it would be a great game and would never die.

Maybe start a KickerStarter to have a lawyer go over the new version before releasing it.

I am sure that you can keep all the enemy designs as they look nothing like the Lego pixel enemies from the original which are probably 20x20 pixels where yours 500x500 in average?

Maybe the space jump will have to become a double jump, but I seriously doubt it. There are many good lawyers out there that would take your case for sure on a personal level.

I'd say even at this point send an email to and hear what they have to say about all this. It might be simpler than your think.
Unknown said…

Go to this petition if you will not stand for this BS and show Nintendo we aren't going to let them get away with this injustice.
Unknown said…
Btw. And if you don't plan on doing anything with project please release the source code and assets =) Other will pick the project up and keep it updated and take it places where you never imagined it could go.
Anonymous said…
I'm sorry to hear this. I wish you the best of luck in your newfound career!
Unknown said…
This is... very depressing news to hear.

To be honest, when I first looked at the first trailer for AM2R, way back then, it gave me many, many thoughts, at such a young age I was...
I had the thoughts I could make a Metroid fan game too. Something, that, I may never be able to do. Not because of stuff such as DMCA claims, or C&D's. But because I don't really have the talent to do such things at this point in my life.
Metroid: Zero Mission, is the one 2D Metroid game that I like the most because of the way it plays, the abilities within it, and many other things. And honestly, AM2R really expanded on this, and i'm really glad it was done this way.

If I ever had the ability and talent to make a Metroid fan game in the future, It would no doubt be based on this.
If it's one thing I CAN do and HAVE done, is pixel art work of concepts I would have for such a Fan game(Which, I post them on my Google+ account), though I might not have the talent to make realistic art work in general(or actual tile sets), the things I have done, seem pretty believable.

Ranting aside though, I hope that you keep going with your life, work on other projects that can be as good as this, maybe better. And many people have said this already, but thank you. Just, thank you.
KhaosVoid said…
This is KhaosVoid here. DoctorM64, from one developer to another, I must congratulate you. You have accomplished what most other fan projects have not...Released a completed fan-remake of an existing IP. Not only was the essence that NR&D1 put into the gameplay and look & feel of prior Metroid games expanded upon that, just as Zero Mission did. Throughout the entire game, I was on an adventure. Just as I was with all Metroid games of past. YOU WILL FOREVER BE REMEMBERED AS THE ONE WHO BROUGHT THE SOUL OF METROID BACK TO THE COMMUNITY.

It is indeed a shame that Nintendo chose the path of monetary greed, instead of acknowledging the tribute this game is to the series. I do hope that we may see a true Metroid game in the near future; befitting of the greatness that both the 2D Metroid and Prime games hold. This...Federation Force that Nintendo has forced us to swallow; a 'Metroid themed, community volley ball game' that not only does not feature Metroids (the basis behind the game), but also the lack of Samus.

It is understandable that they want to expand the series. But....isn't that why Retro left that teaser at the end of MP3? As a way of continuing the series in a new storyline? This '5 minute game' that Nintendo has given us is not the answer.

To everyone:
Raise your glasses!
To AM2R!
May she go down in history forever!

rogelio11 said…
someone will take over the project anonymous :O

Thank you DoctorM64 and his team on making this happen
kewnt said…
why not just host everything outside the US, somewhere in EU, where laws are more human-oriented?
OrinDesu said…
Thanks for all, I'll keep your awesome game forever !
Unknown said…
im not so sure those are docs words... whats with the highlight? not normal maybe a blog takeover? was hoping to see if he did anything with that tease of a warp pipe dagnabbit...
false said…
That is sad, but to be expected with Nintendo. They are really anal when it comes to anything even remotely connected to their IPs.

Anyway, you made a GREAT remake, don't let anybody tell you otherwise! I know of people who even consider AM2R even their GOTY.
Anonymous said…
Damn you, Nintendo. Not even a mention of Metroid's 30th anniversary and you do this now.

I'm glad we got the game out there, and I pretty much consider the game 100% complete, but I wanted that last official soundtrack release.

Oh well. Thank you for all this Doc. Your game will never be forgotten by us.

Move on with your life and career and make the best of this.
Strider said…
I was reading the other day how Federation Force's first week in Japan yielded just under 5000 sales. Makes me wonder how badly the game is going to do now that fans of Metroid are quite disappointed in Nintendo. I don't blame yhem for wanting to protect their IP, but they really need to follow Capcom's example when it comes to fan creations. If nothing else, they generate more fans for their respective series. AM2R is a shining example on how creative fans can be when creating something based on what they love. My hat is off to you, sir. Excellent work. It's just a shame that it had to end in such a way.
Ezekiel Rage said…
Well, V1.1 is absolutely stunning and if this really is the end, it is an amazing product to end on. Wishing you the best and hopefully we'll hear more from you :)
false said…
A message from my bearded friend GunpeiYokoiWould'veBeenProud:
"Doc, thank You for all Your hard work on AM2R!

You managed to make every Metroid fan happy and delivered what Nintendo lost during the past years: to make a game with amazing passion and love.

Thank You for honoring the anniversary of one of gaming's greatest franchises!

Wishing You the best for all Your future endeavors!"
Anonymous said…
Best of luck selling those NX's Nintendo :)

Vote with your wallets people.
spotblast said…
I love AM2R 1.1. It's an amazing product. That said, I'm not shocked by Nintendo's response as AM2R is too close to Metroid for them to let it fly under the radar.

My advice is the following: Think "Freedom Planet". That was a Sonic the Hedgehog fan game reconceived and reformulated as its own game with its own intellectual property. You really should do the same with AM2R. Get a new story, new character, new origin, and put out a great game that isn't in Nintendo's shadow. Like what "Castlevania: Symphony of the Night" director Koji Igarashi is trying to do with "Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night".
geoslake said…
Just replace the main sprite with a tomato (and make it user replaceable) remove all mentions to big-n, metroid etc and it should be fine.
Unknown said…
Just change the assets and all of the Nintendo's references, and you will be able to continue to work on this amazing project and publish regular updates woth any troubles from Nintendo himself.
Anonymous said…
Gracias por el precioso regalo que le diste al mundo
Gracias por tu tiempo, sudor, sangre y lagrimas

Nos vemos en la próxima misión
Matt said…
Hey, THANK YOU for making this game. I hate that Nintendo has shut you down. I think it's Too good for their comfort. Too bad they can't embrace it.
Anonymous said…
Good riddance. You're a criminal stealing Nintendo's assets and infringing their copyright.
Unknown said…
Consider this Doc, your game reached many, many players who will always remember this project as one of the greatest metroid experiences ever released. Yes, Nintendo didn't need to protect their IP in this situation since they are not legally obligated to do so. Yes, they should have taken a much more forward thinking, tasteful approach as we've seen from Sega or even simply let you know that they weren't okay with the project when you started going public. Yes, you're not going to be able to release an update that is probably pretty awesome. But for what its worth you made something really special to many fans, you made something on par with Nintendo's best and even if it just a remake, your skill and polish are immediately apparent in AM2R and most of all you actually finished it. From one creator to another you did a hell of a job with this game, as a Metroid fan, I am so very honored by what you did for us, thank you.
Unknown said…
Bon voyage you beautiful bastard...

What you managed to make gave me the same feelings as the first time I played Prime and Fusion. And that's a beautiful thing.
I implore you, make your own game. If I remember right, with this project you have 10 years of development experience. Make a game that is a love letter and a challenge to the Metroid series. One that shows everything good about the series, then step it up. Show Nintendo what Metroid could be like.
I know you could do it because, dammnit, you did! AM2R is one of the best games I've played in quite a while.
Unknown said…
Bon voyage you beautiful bastard...

What you managed to make gave me the same feelings as the first time I played Prime and Fusion. And that's a beautiful thing.
I implore you, make your own game. If I remember right, with this project you have 10 years of development experience. Make a game that is a love letter and a challenge to the Metroid series. One that shows everything good about the series, then step it up. Show Nintendo what Metroid could be like.
I know you could do it because, dammnit, you did! AM2R is one of the best games I've played in quite a while.
Serotonin2501 said…
I take it this means no official soundtrack release. Be that as it may I still have my copy of 1.1 and will still enjoy the hell out of it. You have done an amazing thing here. Don't feel any less proud of your accomplishment
Blue Madness said…
Well, this is sad. I was looking forward to V1.2. Well, at least we got to play this incredible game, considering we could have even not gotten that, and for that I'm glad.

Thank you so very much for this amazing effort. I've seen projects start and be abandoned within the time it took to finish this one, and that says a lot about your commitment to it. This game has finally completed my Metroid collection, something it looks like Nintendo would never have done if it were up to them, and I will treasure and preserve it accordingly.
Anonymous said…
I'm with everyone else. Make your own. You've the skills and talent and nintendo do not own the rights to a female protagonist bounty hunter raised by space aliens who fights pirates and other asorted bad aliens through the universe.

Such a general set of ideas could easily let people know a game is, without falling under exact likeness. Go for it and show them that people not only want another game but will happily pay for it. I would gladly buy future efforts from you.

Hope you do well no matter what though and thankyou for a great game.
Serde said…
Sorry to hear that man. GG i guess
jorge said…
Hey thanks for all the years all your work you are will missed and nintedo good luck wiht your lame generation of console beacause you begin your destroction right here in this moment
TheMaximus said…
That sucks to hear...but just so you know, lots of people played your game, and them and I tremendously enjoyed it. Thank you for providing us with one of the best Metroid games I ever played! :)
Unknown said…
Thank You for all your work.
You made a Metroid game that stand up next to the official metroid games!
I hope you'll continue making such beautiful games.
Unknown said…
Well, I haven't bought anything Nintendo in years now. In fact this was the first thing in a while that reminded me that I used to have fun with their games. But I'm a modder. And when Nintendo does something like this, it reminds me of why I just plain won't deal with them anymore. Thanks for the amazing game; I enjoyed the hell out of it. Too bad Nintendo doesn't believe in PC releases...
Anonymous said…
i've made a true Metroid game. Give us a great Metroid for celebrate the 30 years anniversary.
We could never thanke you enough for this amazing work.
Anonymous said…
Thank you so much for all the effort you and your team have put into the game, I have had pure consistent fun throughout the time I was playing the remake. And that's saying a lot when it comes from an old pessimistic bastard like me.

You should definitely release the source code of the game under a Free license. My recommendations: MIT if you don't care, GPL if you don't want others (*cough* Nintendo *cough*) to just take the source and run with it. Obviously you cannot release the assets, but people will "find" them one way or another now that they have been leaked.

The reason I'm saying this is because the game has been programmed in GameMaker from what I understand. Nothing against GameMaker, but all software will eventually stop working, and the only way to keep it alive is by having the source under a Free license. Just look at what people have been doing with Doom source ports, that game is going to live forever.
Unknown said…
You made the best 2D Metroid ever.
Unknown said…
You did a fantastic game that even if dead will remain immortal, that will continue to be played for years to come.
It is the best Metroid game, after all.

It is only a real shame that it had to end like that.

Fantastic work, and thank you.
djnforce9 said…
Sad to see the game end development so quickly after release but thank you for making it nonetheless :D. I also really like how you kept an upbeat attitude despite years of work being ripped away days after you were ready show the world.

Copyright laws need to change badly; especially that nonsense about losing your trademark if you don't aggressively defend it. There would be a ton more quality fan projects like this and so much more if large companies were more liberal with derivative works from their IP.
Unknown said…
Reply with an offer to let them publish the game...
Also. Take what you've learned and make your own game in this genre! =)
Anonymous said…
Don't worry, we will keep the game uploaded for everyone to experience this master piece.
Anonymous said…
Time for the Great Giana Sisters (a Super Mario clone for C64). Do something similar, you made a great game- Change the names a bit, replace assets and add a new soundtrack. Why not keep the game going, and add features to distinguish it further in regard to gameplay...?

Good luck and hope the source code may one day be released for others to build upon...
Unknown said…
I personally think you should continue working on future updates of this game, i watched a video of AM2R and i thought it was amazing and magnificent! A true tribute to Metroid's 30th anniversary! As a fellow video game lover, i hope that Nintendo would get their act together and start listening to us fans. If not, well then that's their problem, focusing on the money rather than us fans and customers alike. Personally if Nintendo's is going to continue going this direction, I'm not buying anymore of their games or consoles until their copyright laws change to being more liberal. Truth be told, i am also a Pokémon fan and i have plans to remake Gen 1 with new features, gameplay, new Pokémon designs, fan made Pokémon, an expanded Kanto, and a few secret features. Oh' and have you heard of Pokémon Uranium? Its a very wonderful game that took 9 years to complete! That's a very remarkable feat! Sadly it suffered the exact same fate as your game. Yep, Nintendo just had to order it taken down. If i were in your shoes, i'd personally speak to the Nintendo directors to speak out a possible compromise in person. I have a DeviantArt account just so you know. The account name is Bradster4000. I've been off of it for a few years now and I'm planning on going back to submitting artwork. So if you feel like your in front of a Stop sign, Just go a another direction or better yet KEEP MOVING FORWARD! Good luck and Bestest of wishes for you!
Paulo Marques said…
Protecting your IP doesn't imply DMCAing every fan project. They could just acknowledge it and give permission, presumably with some changes - like Remnants of the Precursors.
Haven't touched it yet, though. I think you could safely release the code a couple of years from now on some obscure part of the internet, but it's your choice.
Paradox said…
Well I'm very sad to hear there won't be future versions, but I think 1.1 stands on its own. You've created a Metroid game that stands with the best of them - worthy of the Nintendo of 20 years ago. Thank you for all that you've done both for the fans, and for the Metroid franchise, which has been enriched by your contribution even if Nintendo will never admit it.

I hope this incident doesn't discourage you. You and your team are clearly skilled, have an eye for quality, and a great understanding of this genre of video games. I'm greatly looking forward to whatever you choose to work on next.
Anonymous said…
Thanks so much for your hard work and finally giving the franchise the respect it deserves.

As much as I'd like to see the AM2R team continue with the project (as well as potentially remaking other Metroid games), you guys owe it to yourselves to make a new, original game. I'll happily support you if you do so.

Hopefully one day, when Ninty inevitably goes bankrupt due to their asinine business decisions, they sell the franchise to a company that actually knows what they're doing.
Pedro said…
Não fique triste pelo fim do projeto. Seu trabalho chegou em milhares de pessoas, que consideraram esse fan-game melhor que alguns jogos da série. Você já deixou sua marca na comunidade Metroid.
Deixo meus "pesâmes", mas meus parabéns também, por terem feito um dos melhores games da série que já joguei, pois esse jogo não ficou abaixo de nenhum game oficial. E estou falando sério.
E garanto que se tentarem criar um game original, estarei apoiando, porquê você tem muito conhecimento pra produzir um.
E mais uma vez, obrigado, DOCTORM64!
Ridley said…
In the words of Lord Vader:

samus88 said…
Let me get this straight. You've been OPENLY working on this game for years. You've put up demos and all. But only NOW Nintendo makes you legally cease to "work on" and release the game? You shouldn't have made it public that it was finally completed, man.
Unknown said…
Aunque la accion de Nintendo America sea entendible, tambien deberian entender que llevan demasiados años sin ofrecer un Metroid tradicional, y que juegos como AM2R, no solo enriquecen una saga como Metroid, sino que puede atraer a muchas personas y que estas se conviertan en posibles compradores de otros Metroid tradicionales.

Una lastima por AM2R, uno de los mejores Metroid sin duda. De nuevo, gracias a Doctor M64 y al resto del equipo por permitirnos disfrutar de esta joya.
Anonymous said…
For years, I've been checking out this site for update notices, so sad, that this tradition will change :(
FrowsyGraphic said…
Your game has spread already around the world and it won't stop as soon as people will keep providing a download link.
We all loved your game and ive personally followed it since 2012, glad you've reached the end, sad that Nintendo doesn't allow those kind of things, i wish you all the best!
Anonymous said…
Very sad to hear. This has been my GOYT so far, and would love to play it on 3DS. Can you reveal how many downloads you had? That would valuable info for Ninty to know just what the appetite was for a game like this. If they had any brains at all, they'd embrace you and work with you to make it official.
Unknown said…
Ignoring this would just get him sued. This isn't a joke. He's not going to be able to act defiant and win against a massive company.
Unknown said…
I'm sorry. This is a great job made during a lot of years, and finnaly closed by the company that forget Metroid in every event and every time that they did something.
In my opinion, this is the best Metroid i´ve played next to Super Metroid, a game launched over 12 YEARS ago, and now, someone, YOU, make this masterpiece, and this is the future of a great game...


See you in the next mission :)
JohnnyB said…
This is very disappointing... You've made a better Metroid game than the last two Nintendo has worked on (including FF). I think the changes you made to the maps, etc. qualify AM2R as more than just Another Metroid 2 Remake. You did an extraordinary job. It's terrible and disappointing that this is how Nintendo chooses to recognize your achievement and the will of the series' fans.
YoshiAngemon said…
Good thing I got two of the three ending pics. Maybe you should work on an Overwatch Spin-Off starring that Samus-like Heroine, Pharah.
Rafael said…
If I were you I'd make a Metroidvania game using the engine and the original assets. Sony beat Nintendo for years after they've been rejected. You can make something better than what they're doing with Metroid right now, and actually you already made.

I'm looking forward to see your an original work made by you!
Anonymous said…
Thank you for everything Doc. You will be always remembered and your game will always be loved by us all. It has become one of my favourites and it is because all the sweat, blood and passion you put on it.
You are a hero to me, good luck and rock on!
Jokerwolf said…
This is not sad news because hundreds of thousands if not millions of people have the game, and the game is always going to be available. It will live on through the power of internet!!
Anonymous said…
Nintendo has every right to protect their products, regardless of how anybody feels, was it good yeah sure, but still using trademarked material, I too am a huge Metroid fan and we all deserve a great Metroid game, maybe start a petition or whatever to send to Nintendo to try to get the ball rolling. Rather than swearing at the company like a child. Nintendo is under alot of stress to release great games and consoles to compete with and as sad as it is Metroid is not as popular as any of us want it to be, just cause we think its the best doesn't mean the work agrees sadly we are but a minority, patience Nintendo will hopefully get to a Metroid game soon a game we all deserve but until then we have to wait until Nintendo's financial future is assured, another words they have to release the big ticket items first to get the traction we all need for them to make the metroid game we want
Anonymous said…
Well I'm definitely pulling for a NX flash cart and that Cemu gets good enough so breath of the wild is playable. Fuck Nintendo, I'm done hoping for them, they will never be in touch with gamers. They ignore fans to the point that fans have to make the games they want then Nintendo kills those off too.
Please use the existing engine and make a game of your own. I'd love to see something with an H.P. Lovecraft / Cosmic Horror theme, so if you decide to continue making games please consider that idea.
Unknown said…
As a Metroid Fan since the original game i owned , thank you for making this dream possible. The second game was favorite of em all, i still ave the game in is original box. You did bring me fun and i will keep your game safelly locked in my PC vault.

They ave ignored the fans for way too long, after Federation Force , the strike they give you was the final nail in the coffin. I will not buy it . I was going to because i am a fan. But they dont deserve it for this serie.

I hope you computer geek Metroid Fan out there got inspired by him. Keep making em, ill keep coming back.

A sincere Fan.
Unknown said…
Thank you for amazing game I keep the game as a good memory
Anonymous said…
This in no way diminishes the value or quality of the game that you have created. The amount of love and polish that went into AM2R was truly inspiring, and gave metroid fans a glimmer of hope that I'm sure they'll hold on to for a very long time.
DestinyZX1 said…
Thank you for giving us AM2R. Your contribution to all Metroid fans will never be forgotten.
Jon said…
I'm deeply sorry to hear that, I just hope that this situation doesn't make you give up from making games in the future, you and the people you worked with through the years are clearly very talented and deserved way better treatment than what you've been given by Nintendo.

I hope you know that you guy's work has made a lot of people happy and made us remember the good times of Metroid, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for making me be able to relive that experience once again, I'll never forget it and I'm sure most people also will treasure it close to them.

Good luck in your future endeavors.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the best Metroid game in years.
zachThePerson said…
Haha, good one! But I think you got confused and released your April fool's post early! [Cries quietly]

In all seriousness doc, it's been one hell of a journey, and I, as I'm sure many others, are happy to have been able to follow you on this journey. See you next mission!
Gabriel Perez said…
I can only say, thank you...

I'm blooming with love for the Metroid series again after such a long time and it's all thanks to you guys.

Just a very personal opinion, go make your own game!!! I'm sure Kickstarter will explode with it... At least you have a pretty big bunch of Metroid fans who enjoyed your game as crazy and will support you without a doubt!

The legacy of AM2R will live on, you can be sure!!
Ridley said…
I don't know what you still had planned as updates, but the version so far is already a wonderful game and for every Metroid fan not "only" a fan game. It's the best Metroid game in years and since it's on the internet, people will still discover it in the future and play it. FF will be forgotten soon, but AM2R won't be. Thanks again for all your great work throughout the years - you gave the whole Metroid fanbase (and beyond) a wonderful present for the 30th anniversary and I really enjoyed the game as much as I did the other three main 2D titles - awesome job, thanks!!!
Murderlol said…
Expected, but still sad. It may have been a fan remake, but it was one of the best Metroids ever made IMO. Great work and I hope to see more of your work in the future!
Unknown said…
Dude all you got to do is rename the title change the story the ship and what not and your good to go. Or you could remake Kabuki Quantum fighter with similar mechanics of metroid combined with ninja Gadien and shinobi like a space ninja off to battle in a quantum world where bio engineering is super advance. Metro Gadien, Kabuka Metro Gadien, Shin Shinobi Metroid Kinobi Lol. Just throwing it out there man.
Kinda expected indeed. Oh well. Best of luck on your future projects, man!

¡Te mereces mucho! ¡Exitos!
Unknown said…
Missed my chance to get it on my PC, and Nintendo keeps insisting on making shit 3D halo clones with the Metroid IP.

Almost make me want to just emulate the old games. Why give support to a publisher that not only ignores a huge chunk of the franchise fan base, but also kills any fan made attempts at recreating the formula that made Metroid its own platforming sub-genre, and single-handedly started speed running?

Screw you, Nintendo.

I don't know what your plan is for future projects, or if you even have any. But if you do, you've at the very least proved you're capable of making great games with this. I'd be happy to support you. Best of luck.
Anonymous said…
Vote with your wallet.

I've boycotted Nintendo for years now.

It's time to make your stand.

RogerK said…
Am2r is a masterpiece, thank you for provinding a great gaming experience, a great entry in the Metroid series. Nintendo should revise their marketing decisions, and embrace community created content to increases their popularity and fan base.
I enjoyed watching your development over the last several years and wanted to say you've done a great job with the final product.
It's a little bit of a downer to read this latest news, but I wanted to add my voice to everyone else's about how great a job you've done and I really enjoy playing it! :)
Unknown said…
Nintendo is dead to me now. They will not get a cent from me anymore.
DarkZeroWarrior said…
the comment's keep piling up more and more... i only learned of AM2R a few month's ago before it was eve finished, then on i think it was the 20th, i came here and grabbed it, not aware much on the DMCA, thoguh having heard something was going on. this was to the Beard Bros. on Youtube, their Metroid Fusion Bonus Episode being of AM2R. i managed to get the game, play it, and beat it within a few day's, even with going AFK alot, ending at about 10 hours, and 98%. i used the official map and ee nothing i'm missing, yet it's clear i am... so i'll remake confused for now, however, i enjoyed the game greatly and loved it. I will continue to play it from time to time and try to master it most likely, as i had more fun with it than i did with even Metroid: Zero Mission and Metroid Fusion, and honestly, i think any and all official Metroid gamee's... i loved the graphics, how some things were very realistic, like dripping water falling on Samus' head and actually splashing, the background scenary was also wonderful, and i am saddened that this game may well now be at an end. But it will live in in everyone's heart's. Though this DMCA thing reminds me of another fan game, one that never actually was completed, and got a C&D. Chrono Trigger: Crimson Echoes. Though someone elsewhere got the game somehow and finished it themselves under Chrono Trigger: Flames of Eternity... I find myself often enjoying fan gmaes like this, that are worked on really hard, than quite alot of official games. Well, whatever comes of DoctorM64's life after this, i hope it's not bad, and i wish him the best. And who know's, maybe he'll return and make something of his own, and maybe he'll still be around to watch the forum's and chat with people or something.
Unknown said…
Thank you Doc for your great service and dedication! See you next mission!
Anonymous said…
I just finished the game and its an incredible journey. I wish all the developers luck in all your future endeavours. This game was just perfect for me, so much love for the franchise emanates from it. Such detail shouldn't go unnoticed. Thank you so much!
Ricardo Suarez said…
¡NOOO! Porque! Maldicion!!
Anonymous said…
"No future for AM2R" is a little extreme. When you release the final version of the game, it doesn't have no future, it's just in its final form. And I think pretty much everyone is satisfied with this v1.1. With this release under your belt, I'm sure you'll go on to make amazing games!
netsendjoe said…
This is so upsetting for true fans, because this Metroid game has got to be the best Metroid experience that fans have gotten to experience in years.
I wish you the best Doc.
It is what it is, see you next mission.
chaosCtrl said…
So I found out about this last week and just got done doing a 100% run. Definitely a fantastic remake, really appreciate all the time and effort that went its creation! Thanks!
Unknown said…
With all the work that you put into the game, I think people should be able to play it. Why not patch out all the Nintendo IP, and reskin it to be your own Metroidvania style game.

You added enough, and changed things enough that you could turn the game into it's own.
Anonymous said…
I wonder what Nintendo would do if you re-released it without the Metroid graphics? I mean, if AM2R was changed to mean "Another Mineshaft 2 Raid" starring Sammy Aaron fighting the King Mecharoid, can they do anything about that? Personally, I probably wouldn't bother to push back if I were in your shoes, but I am curious if Nintendo could do anything at that point.

At any rate, thanks so much for the game and congrats on completing it.
~Joe said…
Well... make another metroidvania game "From the maker of AM2R".
Anonymous said…
It's not the end. This game will be floating around on the internet forever now. We'll spread it around so anyone can play it. Nintendo can't delete it completely.
Unknown said…
Well, I think a Mech style game, where the robot is piloted. Metroids could be replaced with different kinds of monsters, lots of fantasy things you could use (AD&D has some ideas) Queen Metroid could be a replaced with a dragon (large, long neck) Stuff like that. Need to change the appearance of the powerups, maybe to a point some of the landscape. But the basic game engine, and even premise don't have to be changed much.
Anonymous said…
But, now on a serious note Nintendo should have known that if they don't make a new Metroid game, the fans would.
Unknown said…
I hope you can do a original game!!
Anonymous said…
It's been a truly enjoyable and completely awesome game Doc, thank you and your contributors so much for making it. It's a piece of history now, and will never be forgotten or discarded.

Whatever you decide to do in the future, I wish you all the best.
Mossj32 said…
Shit like this is why I've gone from loving Nintendo, to hating them with every fiber of my being in later years.
Christiano said…
Unknown said…
This is an incredibly huge letdown, I've been watching this remake progress for years now, so long it even spans into my childhood. Nintendo really needs to revisit this and personally I feel like you should maybe start a patreon and or petition website, or maybe even an indiegogo page explaining the situation because your hard work and effort deserves the recognition, not a simple shutdown as if it never existed.
On the one hand, I'm really saddened by this. On the other, you did finish it before this happened, so you succeeded in that.

Please keep us up to date via the site or twitter if you move on to future gaming projects. I mean, there's this company called Chair who should be working on a Metroid-style game called Shadow Complex 2 that could probably use a skilled hand ...

Or if you go indie and make your own Metroid-style game, or ...

Just ... if you use AM2R as a resume note, keep us informed on what you do. After playing AM2R, I hope you do find a spot in the industry making Metroid-like games. I hope to see you on kickstarter or elsewhere.

Best of luck with whatever your future endeavors are, and thanks for the wonderful game.
Christiano said…
Mesonak said…
While I am disappointed to hear that this has happened to you, I would recommend not allowing yourself to feel demotivated by this development. You succeeded, Doc. You did what few have ever succeeded in doing and finished your project. I have been following AM2R for years and I was always fascinated and intrigued that a fan was taking it upon themselves to do what Nintendo simply will not, and I always eagerly anticipated the game's release. That being said, a part of me feared that the game would never make it to completion. A billion scenarios always ran through my head as to what could potentially go wrong... maybe a takedown notice by Nintendo before the game had finished development, perhaps massive hardware failure leading to extreme data loss and a lack of motivation to continue... I'm incredibly thankful that none of that ended up happening.

Am2R is one of the best Metroid experiences ever made, and your love for the project and the franchise shines bright in the game itself. You have given the Metroid community a shot in the arm at a time when it needs it the most, and gave tons of people a reaffirmation that Metroid is a franchise worth believing in, even if Nintendo has lost their way with it. The fan community is capable of producing content to carry on the franchise's legacy, and we should continue to do so. That's your legacy; you get to take credit for helping Metroid stay alive.

I cannot begin to thank you enough for the sheer amount of development time that you have invested into this project, and I want you to know that it did not disappoint in the least. I hope you move on to bigger and better things. Thank you.
RogerK said…
Am2r is a masterpiece, thank you for provinding a great gaming experience, a great entry in the Metroid series. Nintendo should revise their marketing decisions, and embrace community created content to increases their popularity and fan base.
Unknown said…
Will you liberate the source code of the game for who want study make games and use your code for examples to make a 2D game?
Anonymous said…
This is my first comment. I've been meaning to tell you that AM2R really blew my mind with its quality. It absolutely felt like a true Metroid game, through and through. I encountered zero bugs or amateur design giveaways. I was fully addicted and locked in the entire way. It was loyal in all the right ways, and innovated in some really cool ways as well. It was just perfect. Congrats on a serious achievement, and I hope this doesn't prevent you from making more great games of the same quality. I am a day-one customer.
Ariel said…
… Why not JUST move it to Russia, China or any other place not giving a shit about abstract concept like the copyrights?

As an examle new works set in the Tolkien world are released only in the Russian Federation as am aware.
Anonymous said…
1. Turn it into a different game by changing the sprites and map
2. Make a mod called AM2R
3. Uh idk, probably no profit, well uhh, YEAH!!
Anonymous said…
Thanks for making the game! I love it <3 I have my copy and will keep it ^_^
fck nintendo :p
Anonymous said…
Doc, your work is nothing short of phenomenal. What a person's effort and vision over the course of a decade can accomplish is clearly shown with your project. I'd say Nintendo felt threatened by your game because of sales related to Federation Force, but I'm sure everyone knows their history regarding fan games. I'm not sure on how many years I've watched your progress, but I know it was very early into it. I waited with such anticipation, always checking your blog and channel for any updates, and when there were any, I was never disappointed with what you had to show.

I could go on and on about how innovative this and that was in your game that the official series doesn't have or do as well, but I feel I wouldn't be saying much that hasn't already been said by countless others. On an opinionated note though, I do hope all your hard work has shown something to Nintendo. If they want to bring the Metroid series back into good standing with the fans, then that C&D should mean much more than a simple shutdown. Nintendo really should hire you, plain and simple.
Anonymous said…
For a company founded in a country so focused on Honour, Nintendo does not appear to honour their fans.

Lego learned (and there's a Netflix documentary about it) that embracing the open community creating new things from your product only results in higher fandom and additional sales; Lego is doing better than ever after almost going out of business.

Nintendo will soon be Nofriendo if they keep it up. The DMCA is bollox anyways -- I strongly encourage you to keep things alive through the various file host and p2p networks. They can't take them all down, and you're literally supporting the fear machine in compliance.

The internet was designed to be open. Companies weren't. Support the internet.
RogerK said…
Am2r is a masterpiece, thank you for provinding a great gaming experience, a great entry in the Metroid series. Nintendo should revise their marketing decisions, and embrace community created content to increases their popularity and fan base.
Anonymous said…
I won't hate Nintendo for sending DMCA requests.

I will hate Nintendo for ignoring the Metroid franchise instead.
Anonymous said…
At least the game that you put so much work into got into the hands of people who have really enjoyed it. Thank you for the years of work that you put into this project, Doc, it really is something special
Unknown said…
GPL the code and assets, sod them.
iamli3 said…
don't worry brony , we all already have the game , nintendo can't stop us , your game will be safe with us....
Patch said…
That's alright. I'll just keep posting it everywhere. Nintendo's fruitless attempts to get rid of this games existence is pointless.

Nobody cares Nintendo. I don't even like Metroid but i'll be sure to mirror this everywhere now.
Anonymous said…
Im sad that they have done this to you but let me say that it was an amazing metroid game. It was such a fresh spin on metroid 2 and it honestly has a spot at #3 on my list of fave games. Thanks for all your hard work bringing this to us.
Unknown said…
I'll seed this one forever. Hell, I may even mod it myself to help keep it alive. After Federation Farce, Nintendo is dead to me anyway.
Jokunuija said…
Sorry to hear about this man. You and your guys managed to make something that we've been waiting years for. Nintendo isn't exactly off base here but this won't kill the spread of the game and your fame. The Metroid community will not forget this.
See you next mission.
Anonymous said…
What a crock. They are just pissed you made the first good metroid game in like 15 years.

Side Note: If anyone has a magnet link for 1.1, I'd love to have it!
Anonymous said…
This game is very good. Thank you for your work.
Anonymous said…
Milton, you are truly amazing. Once I heard about the project, I certainly had my doubts, but now that i've played your project from beginning to end, I have to say, it's MORE than amazing. It's honestly better than Zero mission. And I have good news: There WILL be a future, because fans will continue to tell fellow fans about this amazing game, and they'll upload it and send it to others. This game will go down in history. The franchise really needed a breath of fresh air, and this was it. There's no stopping the fans. You have done your part very, very well. You're amazing. Everything about this game felt like Metroid. You've put your heart, soul, and effort into this game, and you've certainly touched our hearts. AM2R will continue to live on. I found nothing wrong with the game. It's just... amazing. Every part of it. My favorite parts were the first omega fight, and seeing the giant chozo statues on top of the tower. The music is very fitting as well. I hope you make more projects in the future, be them Metroid related or not. I'll be sure to tell my friends about this game. See you next mission. -M
Anonymous said…
Ghal416 here....Sir, I have been a fan of the Metroid series for as long as I've loved video games. I still recall with fondness my days of staying up late as a 6-year old boy into the early morning hours watching my uncle play Super Metroid...and then ultimately playing it. It was the first video game I ever played, and enveloped me with it's brilliant game design. AM2R, more than any other game, brought me back to that experience. I truly felt like I was 6 years old again, and I can't thank you enough for the devotion and care you brought to this project, DrM64. You no doubt have made many fellow Metroid fans happy with this.

It is a shame that Nintendo couldn't bring themselves to see such work, and in my opinion how much it could benefit them. How many perhaps have been brought in to possibly considering Metroid games as a result of this? I know that I have introduced some of my friends that have only played other action adventure games and now are considering playing other Metroid games as a result of this. The House of Mario could have taken this as a chance for collaboration and growth, but hey it is their loss. Indeed some of the that loss lays squarely on the shoulders of the U.S. copyright system, which goes beyond simple property rights protection, but no doubt Nintendo lost a chance here to revitalize one of their premiere franchises. At this point, beyond their NES classic console, I don't see any reason to support a company that continues to move away from making their franchises mere caricatures and nothing else.

Besides all that though, once again let me thank you and the team for the great effort put forth toward AM2R. You've accomplished something grand here, and no way does this takedown notice do away with that. Hold your head up, and know that you have a devoted fan ready to support whatever future endeavors you have planned, or will plan. AM2R doesn't have to be the end, but in fact the beginning. I have no doubt that a Kickstarter with a Metroid-like project led by you would get funded, because you have proven without a doubt that you have the skills with, and the love for, the format. Keep us appraised of any new developments, and hope all goes well with your future endeavors. Best.
Christopher said…
More bull from Nintendo. Sorry but this is insane that Nintendo is taking down a game that was offered for free and merely rehashes and somewhat improves a game that they abandoned to the digital vapor years ago.

It is things like that that are the reason why I have taken a harsh stance on buying new games from ANY of the current generation console makers.
Unknown said…
great game i enjoyed. sorry to see such years of work taken down by nintendo. but it was bound to happen sooner or later. but i wish you luck in your future where ever it takes you and i will play this again some day.
Anonymous said…
Hey Doc. Production might be done, but you've made a game that people will continue to play for a long time. If you ever produce you own game, I'd buy it day one. Thanks for doing what Nintendon't.
grossman said…
Thank you for your hard work and dedication to making this awesome game! I have been a Metroid fan since Super Metroid and this is the best Metroid game I've played since Metroid Zero Mission. I hope Nintendo considers hiring you when they make the next official Metroid game. (Maybe Project AM2R on the NX and 3DS)
Unknown said…
I'm sorry doc. This really bums me out, but I hope you know how awesome it was to see someone make a game like this. I remember seeing previews, and being excited every time. I also hope you continue doing work like this, if you've got it in you. Amazing job, man. All the best.
Anonymous said…
I'm sorry to hear of this. Please take the skills you've earned in this, and the framework that you put so much effort into, and make something new out of it.

Sometimes something bad has to happen to allow for something good to happen, and this could be the beginning.
Ian Cross said…
I am legitimately sad and sorry to see this happen Dr. This game was a masterpiece of a remake, and to see Nintendo continue to ignore the public outcries of their fan base once again is absolutely terrible and ridiculous. I have had a great time playing your game, and living through Metroid 2 after many years of being unable to. You gave me the ability to play a game I probably would never have had a chance to play until now, and you have my eternal thanks as an extreme Metroid fan. I wish you all the best with any of your future ideas, and I will be trying to keep an eye out for any new games you decide to make in the future! The fact that Nintendo didn't offer you a job after such an amazing remake of a game and franchise they have pushed to the side for years now is absolutely appalling! Good Luck in the future!!
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fan of 4869 said…
Nintendo is nearly as bad as Capcom and Konami at this point. I can see why people hate Nintendo now...I've been a Nintendo fan nearly all my life, but I've never seen Nintendo pull this level of douchery. They didn't care nearly as much when Iwata was at the helm - he was intrigued, even curious about Kaizo Mario World, and NOT ONCE did he try to have that shut down.

They really should take a more relaxed stance like SEGA - thanks to Green Hill Paradise Act 2, as well as projects like Sonic Classic Heroes and fans of Sonic Boom, one of their best series is still alive and kicking.
Unknown said…
I'm really sad to hear about this. I followed your project from the when I first heard about it in 2009 all the way up until its release. I was always excited to see that you posted a new update or demo. I still can't believe this game is out now, seeing as how I eagerly waited for it for so many years. It truly is a masterpiece, and I am happy that I was able to download it on day 1 before it was taken down. It was everything I hoped for and so much more. Thank you for pushing through for so many years and finishing a project that now means so much to so many people. I really hope that you can make some more awesome games in the future.
Anonymous said…
So it´s over? is that all? are you done? I don´t think so, stand up and keep updating the game secretly.
jesternario said…
Yeah. You can bet they're not going to make their own version. What's more, I'm betting they won't even release a metroid-related game anywhere within the next 5 game production cycles or longer. They're just going to continue to sit on the IP until kids are asking who that weird orange robot is that keeps showing up in smash brothers umpteen billion.

fuck them.
Anonymous said…
It is interesting how now Kimishima is president it has noticeably shifted to going so hard down on derivative works, along a lot of other things...
It's not like they were perfectly fine before either, but there's been a certain drastic increase.

But if you want a conspiracy theory:
Federation Force was an obvious sales disaster. Since that game was a marketing test, and Nintendo's general dislike of Metroid in the first place, they could remove the fandom from Prime 4 wants, and intentionally want the franchise dead. Perhaps so it doesn't conflict with Starfox somehow, perhaps it doesn't fit their image.

Either way, I absolutely expect Metroid to be relegated to the status of F-Zero in the immediate future. In other words: dead, intentional or not. I really don't think there will ever be another Metroid game again, and from the looks of it they don't want so.

Though at least that is not like literally enslaving employees and blackmailing the rights of star works from their authors to turn them into slot machines.
Unknown said…
And Other M wasn't exactly better...
Unknown said…
This is why I do not like Nintendo along with their use of exclusives. They would make a killing on the PC, but no, they have to hold their games hostage. They could have hired talent like you to make good games. What is their plan with their brands?

The exclusive bit applies to Microsoft and Sony as well.

Well, I hope that you have good luck on your other projects and that the game is spread around so it never dies.
NovemberZulu said…
So god help me I hope you're just a troll. The majority of us would strongly disagree with you.
Unknown said…
no war, not believe that this game was great ... what a shame that no longer can improve this game so fascinating ... always extrañare retro games
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
Anonymous said…
Super Metroid has been my favorite of the series since I first played it all those years ago. You impressively, I believe, may have changed that with AM2R. I'm so glad I was able to play this. Nintendo really doesn't understand how to please its fans anymore. And that's really sad. I've always loved Nintendo games. I just hope they can come to realize what fans really want (AM2R), and what fans think suck(that other game). Fans really what what AM2R gave them. This was the Nintendo quality Metroid game I was hoping and waiting for that Nintendo itself should have given us. Thank you for sharing this amazing work of art with the rest of us!
Unknown said…
Hey Doc,

The amount of effort and love you poured into this project can't be DMCA'd! Even if the game is taken down the thousands of people who look to AM2R as the homegrown continuation of Metroid will cherish and enjoy this final product. As long as our love of this franchise survives we will continue to sow the seeds for the future, and the torrent of fan-made works of art will carry our dreams forward! I appreciate all that you have freely given to us, and thank you one final time for sharing your vision of this story we all love so much.

With lots of love,
Kevin Kerrigan
Anonymous said…
I just wanted to give you a huge thank you for making this game. I first fell in love with metroid when I played it on the gameboy and wow, what an amazing experience that was for me. Thank you for bringing me'll always be know as "that awesome guy" who made the metroid community's 30th the best It could be for all of us. :)

Robert said…
I love this game, and can't believe Nintendo is doing this to you. I fully intend to protest Nintendo, and encourage everyone else to do the same. Don't buy Federation Force unless Nintendo rescinds its DCMA orders regarding this project. Maybe if we, as the fans, hit their bottom line in retaliation for their treatment of, not only Doc, but all the fangames out there, maybe they'll stop behaving like Nazis and loosen up a little like Sega did.
Trev Wignall said…
Hey Milton and Team -

I've been following your progress on this game for a few years now. When my friend said it had been released I rushed on here and grabbed it. Very very glad I did.

Your game is jaw-droppingly gorgeous and incredible. The mechanics are superbly smooth. There are so many clever and well-executed ideas, too many cool surprises and nods to count, and the love shines through like a magnificent beacon. You've done Metroid II and the series perfect justice. This is right up there with Zero Mission in terms of play-ability, refinement, staying power, and FUN.

Thank you *so* much for creating this and sharing it. I'm thankful that a finished release saw the light of day, if only briefly. I've played it through quite a few times already and it's easily become one of my favorite games of my favorite series.

I wish you the very best in whatever you decide to do next. Thanks again, and mad props.

Unknown said…
im surprised you managed to finish it in it's entirety. guess this was expected... it's sad because this is the best nintendo game since snes eras. at least we all got it and at least it will remain available to find on the back alleys of the internet. nintendo - you are retarded. hire this guy and make 2d games that are actually fun again. rolling eyes
Anonymous said…
it would be a great idea to simply use the same engine and make a new game. maybe change samus sprite to something equally cool but different and not call it metroid... can that be done? we deserve more metroidlike games even if nintendo is retarded. how about a crowdfunding venture? those seem to go off and i think there is definitely enough desire amongst us to make one successful.
Anonymous said…
Sigh...I'm annoyed that this happened. I was even thinking about downloading it soon too. Just been too busy to download it. Guess I'll just have to deal with watching videos on the gameplay and how much work you put into the game. It's stupid that you got shot down like this.

GuryoMaster said…
It is unfortunate of how blind Nintendo is. Instead of embracing the idea of fans honoring their work...they remove any legitimate source of enjoyment of being with them anymore. They are more or less relying on the indie market to sustain them I feel. Sure they want to hit us with Nostalgia using the NES mini, but what are they doing new? Releasing lack luster titles and making their fans grasp for the crumbs they have to dish out. Minus their main IPs...their other game series are struggling. Federation Force is a prime example of how to not listen to your fans. (In the intro sequence, just look at the horrendous design they gave to just a mugshot of Samus!) I have a feeling that Metroid and Samus Aran will not see another mission and StarFox will not patrol the galaxy again just to name two. I'm slowly losing my respect towards Nintendo...and a shining light of redemption is hovering over Sega.
With the many moves that Sega has made this past year versus what Nintendo has done...Sega is doing what Nintendon't just like in the 90s.

Now Doc, just because you got a DCMA doesn't mean you can't continue to make the upgrades and bug fixes privately like you stated in a previous post. Nothing is stopping you from finalizing the soundtrack and waiting until the fans convince Nintendo to drop the DCMA. My only parting words of encouragement is don't give up. "See you next mission, Doc."

The last thing...and this is more of what I fear of Nintendo...
Mr. Satoru Iwata's time came too quickly. He knew what made video games what they are...and what they meant. At the end of the day, I think he would embrace AM2R. He knew what is the parting words Nintendo is not remembering.
"Above all, video games are meant to be one thing: Fun for everyone." ~Satoru Iwata
This is not discriminating fangames or indie games. This idea...embraces them as being games that will bring fun for everyone. And I think Nintendo can't see that anymore. They lost their leader...and what more can I say? When you lose your can get lost...very easily.
Stargazer Bleu said…
I am glad I got to play this game.
I can really tell all the time and love put into it.

Whats funny is I heard ppl doing Sega made fan games, and Sega was like cool.
They even hired a guy who they liked the content from a Sonic game.

So Nintendo take a hint from Sega.
Fans do some amazing things.
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
Glad I got this just before the takedown notice, I was coming here today to check for news before digging in to the game and unfortunate to see the results; your hard work hasn't been in vain though. You have:

- Brought happiness to many a Metroid fan
- Made more people aware of what Metroid is all about
- Grown a lot as a developer in the process of creating this game
- Got noticed by Nintendo, even if in a negative light.

Not many people travel the journey you have taken and succeeded, congratulations and best wishes to your the future :)

P.S - As many have mentioned, release the code and it will continue to live on. Of course, you've got to love it enough to let it go.

Mr. U.: "Can't stop the signal, Mal. Everything goes somewhere, and I go everywhere."
Unknown said…
What, are they upset that a mere fan was upstaging them? Giving other fans what they wanted? I know I was lenient towards Nintendo on my last posting, but god damn this pisses me off.
Wolyafa said…
The game is good as it is now!

People who want to play it will find a way and the internet doesn't forgett, you made a good milestone there that will ever be there in gaming history!
Unknown said…
Thank you for making the remake. Hope to see your own game in the future.
Pyr0mrcow said…
Thanks for everything. You're pretty great.
Make sure to keep us informed if you create anything else in the future.
Anonymous said…
is your game!!! your creation!!! nobody tells you what to do with it!
Vecna said…
It's very sad how the project was closed.
I'm one of the Italian translator (LetsPlayNintendoITA, ReNext, Sephiroth1311 are the others).
And I swear that we will relaese the am2r italian translation complete at 100% graphic included. Thanks a lot for your great job.

P.S.: I hope the Nintendo go bankrupt as soon as possible.
Unknown said…
We should create a Metroid fan website petition to keep this site and the project alive.
Anonymous said…
Setroid - Return of Mamus

See? No more legal issues... Change names, swap colors and you're good...
Anonymous said…
Also thank you very much for this amazing project. It was an amazing experience. I always wanted to try an old school metrovania game but I never had the means.
Anonymous said…
You should keep continuing fixing the game and when it's like totally bug free releasing it under another file name but everything still the same
Anonymous said…
Thanks for your time and effort. One of the reasons copyright shouldn't be forever is because when an IP languishes with no or crappy updates just to keep the copyright active the fans should be able to take those IP's and make them their own. Everyone should remember that Hollywood became what it did because they _stole_ the ip for creating cinema cameras and movie projectors from east-coast film houses which were all covered under patents and copyright. That one of the first industries in the United States was illegally copying and reprinting books from England. There are reasons for copyright protection, some very good ones. For example, when an individual produces a work of the utmost quality that person deserves compensation and protection for that work. But it shouldn't be "forever" and there should be a limit to how long a business can milk an ip without significantly contributing to it. Especially considering how poorly content creators for such games can be compensated in the modern world.
Good luck in your future.
Kaido Pinoy said…
I am incredibly sad to see this news. I have a huge amount of respect for you that you worked so hard to make such an incredible Metroid 2 remake. Considering that I used to own the cartridge over 22 years ago, this was a fan made game I rank high next to Streets of rage remake and Street Fighter X Mega Man (a game that Capcom actually endorsed...). Thank you for creating a beautiful homage to Metroid's 30th anniversary. I wish you the best for whatever future projects you may work on
Anonymous said…
This game... this game gave me the feels as when I first played Super Metroid and Zero Mission. There were many times I even forgot this was a remake not by Nintendo. I'm sorry Nintendo decided to shut this down. This game is in the top three for best Metroid game... period! Not only did it bring back Samus's second mission to life from 25 years ago, It gave Metroid fans that feeling that Metroid is no where from dying out, at least in it's fan base. This game will forever stay on my computer. This is a masterpiece that Nintendo should be ashamed of. They realize that if they decide to remake Metroid 2... fans of the series will forever compare their work to this game. You truly did amazing work and made a perfect game that I hope Nintendo one day can come close to this. I mean that. Thank you for your efforts. Sincerely, an AM2R fan
Anonymous said…
There is still one last glimmer of hope, should you choose to try it.

As the worst has come to pass, there is no longer any harm in contacting Nintendo directly. You could ask them if they would take the rights to your game and host it on their systems. At this point, the worst that could happen is they say "No", and that would be the end of that, but it would offer the small chance that you would still be able to continue development of the game in the best case scenario, and if not that, then possibly make the game available to play for a wider audience.

All I ask is that you think about it. I am deeply sorry for what happened to this fantastic game that you spent the last 10 years loving and caring for, and I am really looking forward to hearing of your future endeavors.
Unknown said…
Doc, seriously. Let's try this:

Similar sort of to Operation Rainfall or the Get Me off the Moon Megaman Legends group.

Who's with me?
Unknown said…
Doc, you are obviously a VERY talented developer. This hurts, but you have a bright future in game design. Keep up this blog, or make another one, because we want to hear about what new projects you work on.
Amber said…
I've been following you for about a year and a half now after my brother first pointed me your way. And I've been impressed with everything that you've done. You and your team have a lot of talent! The music was so awesome-my favorite being the Distribution Center when it's active, but I also liked when it wasn't as well as the Nest, where the Throth was, that optional Genesis fight music and many others.

Not to forget that the gameplay was solid and the environments beautiful and well put together! I have shared copies of this game with others, as they weren't fortunate to grab it before it being taken down.

Everything in the game fits and it's an excellent combo of the 2nd Metroid games with some Prime stuff thrown in for good measure.

I'm also glad you were able to resolve the gravity suit glitch and add a warp to the final area.

Even though this seems to be the end, you could try to contact Nintendo like a couple others have said. Or maybe contact the dude that made Axiom Verge and see if you can't be hired to help with the sequel-that dude is a fan of Metroid and Axiom Verge is like a combo of Metroid and Contra. Hey couldn't hurt; it would suck if this was the end of any videogame making for you.

Best of luck for whatever your future holds!
Unknown said…
This is truly depressing news to hear about.
I can't believe after almost a decade, your project gets shot down.
All i can say is that you've made a Metroid experience unlike any other, which really made the 30th Metroid anniversary that special for all of us.

I wish you luck.
Dboxx said…
Haha You think this way, i will por this for XBOX and share for community, wait and see it, no ports for plataforms? hahaha, there´s a future for AMR2! Yes!
DrFluke Hawkins said…
Maudits soient les ricains avec leurs injonctions... Ils n'en ratent jamais une dès qu'ils voient un centime hors de leur poche. C'est écoeurant!
Je serais néanmoins curieux de connaître l'avis de Nintendo - mais la maison mère, japonaise - sur tout ce projet (outre Atlantique, j'leur demande pas, leur seule vision de la chose n'est que pécunière à tous les coups; on ne m'ôtera pas ça de la tête).

Bon, quoi qu'il en soit, encore bravo et merci quand même à toi, cher DoctorM64, et à tes partenaires, pour tout. Le projet AM2R restera une belle aventure malgré tout. ;)

Spore said…
Thank you for everything Doc. I followed this project for six years and was super excited for the release. Unfortunately, I guess Nintendo didn't feel the same way. At least you got the game out to the world, and now it will be impossible for Nintendo to take it down everywhere. I'll miss this project but at least I'll always have 1.1. Make sure to make a post on here about any future projects you start, I'd love to keep an eye on it!
Decompyler said…
Time to open source it man. They can't stop us all.
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
GamesPerJustin said…

It's a real shame that this happened, but I'm so glad AM2R turned out as beautiful as it is. Minus not being able to see your completion rate in the game menu (which is just a small gripe), the remake it pretty much perfect. I never experienced any major glitches (or hell, not even any minor ones), and just about any issues I had were fixed with v1.1. So rather than be all upset over Nintendo going after your remake of Metroid 2 (I mean, they were in their legal right to do so), I'm just gonna say thank you DoctorM64, and thank you to the entire AM2R team. You truly went above and beyond to bring new life to a good but aging game, and even though Nintendo took AM2R down, I hope they've learned how passionate fans of the Metroid series are and take ideas from AM2R to create a true official Metroid game. Even if that happens, I'm still going to go back to AM2R for a very long time. To me, AM2R even rivals Super Metroid, one of my favorite games of all time. Be proud of what you've done, and use that pride to fuel your future endeavors. Thank you.
Anonymous said…
This is utter BS. Abuses of the DMCA like this are why some companies are hated now, and Nintendo is joining that list of companies hated.
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