April´s fools and progress report

I hope you found the small demo fun enough to forget the hate and frustration of seeing Mario instead of Samus. I tried to make it less obvious compared to last year, I was actually going to release it on April´s fools of 2009, but I couldn´t finish it in time.
Once I get a little closer to completion, I might release an actual, real demo of the first area, so I can have some feedback while finishing the game.

Here´s the progress report I promised:
Game Engine
Physics, states, behaviours - 100%
Abilities - 100%
Powerup System - 100%
Weapons - 99% (some balance and testing still needed)
Enemies - 90%
Map System - 100% (might expand it later)
HUD - 100%
Sound FX - 70%
Music - 60%

Level Design
Area0 - 100%
Area1 - 90% (some revamping underway)
Area2 - 97% (some scripts need to be revised)
Area3 - 95% (miniboss AI not done yet)
Area4 - 95% (miniboss and some scripting left)
Area5 - 98% (some testing needed)
Area6 - 100%
Area7 - 100%

Alpha - 98% (some tweaking left)
Gamma - 90% (some tweaking left)
Zeta - 80% (some animations need to be redone)
Omega - 70% (some animations/behaviors missing)
Queen - 50% (still no AI, sprites almost done)

This last stretch is the most complicated, there´s a lot to test and balance.

I´ll be updating the links to Confrontation 2.5 later today.


Asian Metalhead said…
awesome bro
Anonymous said…
Okay, feel free to check my math, but it seems like:
Game engine- 91%
Level design- 97%
Metroids- 78%
OVERALL- 90%!!!!!!
Asian Metalhead said…
Looks like am2r might be finished in about 1-3 months considering how much is done :D
Meem0 said…
Great job, Doc, looks like you're actually getting there! SO stoked for release, I know this will be a great game!

Keep up the good work!
Bunnypoppop said…
I'm loving those stats! Can't wait!
Ken said…
Thanks so much for the update! I get giddy whenever you post anything. Sounds like your in the last stretch!

To be honest, as excited as I was when I thought you had posted a real demo yesterday, I was almost a little disappointed too. I have conflicted feelings about a first area demo. On the one hand, it would relieve some of this anticipation and let you get some feedback before a v1.0 release. On the other hand, I'm not sure I want to play the actual game until you deem the whole thing ready--and I KNOW there's no way I'd be able to stop myself! Whatever you do, though, I'm sure we'll all be thrilled. Keep up the great work!
Nintendoer said…
This feels sooooo close. I'm guessing it will be out sometime before October at least.

By the way, great April Fools joke. Way better than last year. =)
Anonymous said…
how you got the idea for the april fools joke (i mean the idea with mario)
Anonymous said…
FINALLY! a progress report! thanks doc. can't wait for AM2R to release!
Yonathan said…
Ya falta poco! falta poco! :D
Anonymous said…
Congratulations, Doc. You're making the dreams of those who want to see "Metroid II: Return of Samus" remade come true. Keep it up, man. Because from the looks of your progress report, it's only a matter of time before your project reaches 100% completion. :D Either way, kudos to you. :)
Anonymous said…
I wanted to suggest yet another Title option. Actually this is more of an intro credit type thing.

What I was thinking in the lines of,

Dr. Mario64 Presents,
Project AMR2,
Metroid 2,

And then the Title screen appears,
Like the intro to Super Metroid and Metroid Fusion.
Anonymous said…
I cant wait :D
I agree with Zappsoft, that would be pretty awesome
Anonymous said…
j'avais vraiment peur que ce projet n'arrive a terme.
Anonymous said…
I'm glad to see how much progress has been made. I'm really looking forward to the music score, as we all know the music in metroid is the key element. Anyways cant wait to see the game Doc much love and respect....iLLFaction
demulation449 said…
Anonymous said…
i hope there is a new video trailer
Anonymous said…
I was actually looking forward to seeing what you whipped up for this year's April Fools Day. It was kinda fun actually.
The Doctor [NO, not that doctor in the blue box]] said…
by what i've seen on the demos so far, I'm gonna love this game when it is done.
Anonymous said…
Give us a demo.
Gult är fult said…
Can't wait for THE Game!
Septimus X said…
So close. Thanks Doc!
Raziel said…
Doc, you straight up made some people have their periods instantly with that April fools joke! Pretty funny!
Raziel said…
By the way, while we wait for AM2R, google Metroid Cubed. It's a 3d rendering of the original Metroid. I just played it. It's pretty sweet. Wish I could use a controller though. That's the only downside.
SWAnimus01 said…
Wowwie. It's hard to believe that it's that close to being done! Maybe I'll LP the game after it's done. Not sure if I want to do it blind or play through it once, first.
Anonymous said…
20/26 medals :D
mega-metroid said…
buen trabajo, no espero a ver el juego o al menos una demo ¡¡

buena suerte¡
Anonymous said…
Can't wait, I'll bet a whole lot of people will be masturbating to the game. :D Anyways, I was too late to be fooled :/ I saw the most recent post first, for some reason, every time you post, I forget to check the website, but I check it every other day. I agree with ZAPPSOFT on the name thing, "AM2R, Metroid 2" sounds more epic than any other name.
Omega Metroid said…
We want a trailer!
We want a trailer!
Yes we do!
Yes we do!
We want a trailer!

Don't get me wrong doc, you're doing awsome work, but I would really appreciate a new trailer to see the progress.

Anyways, thank you for doing this!
7ThGuest said…
Hmm it seems like ananymos will Masturbate, nice for him XD hihi

Well, im Happy you r still on it :)
Anonymous said…
...Why would that even be in anybodys though process??
demulation449 said…
if theres gonna be anew metroid confrontation update add more medals
Anonymous said…
I'm followin a fan game for Megaman X called "Corruption" and on the youtube page you'll see the soundtracks for the game (as well as game videos).


The guy who does the soundtracks - perhaps he might be able to lend a hand to Project AM2R's sountrack??

THANKS for the awesome report Dr!
Ezekiel Rage said…
So, I wrote you a mail with a german translation. turned out you didnt need it. Oh well...

So, I happen to make music myself. you want me to provide a new track to the game for the new area? I recently uploaded two songs of mine for my Castlevania Wii Homebrew:


keep up the good work
Anonymous said…
i luv u
Rusty_Chicken said…
Wow best April fools I've seen in awhile. But really thanks for posting that progress report it really took a lot off of my curiosity of how the project is going :P.
Anonymous said…
Will you be releasing some game sprites after the completion, DoctorM64?
Anonymous said…
Hope the music will keep the same spirit ( especially that of the "tube world)
Anonymous said…
I wonder why there are a ton of metroid fan projects on the internet but not one is finished...that gives me a bad feeling about following this one for so long. kinda don't wanna get my hopes up. :(
Bruno 1986 Brasil said…
Nice. Closer to be completed than I thought. This is gonna be the unnoficial game of the year!
Anonymous said…
awsome cant wait!
s†Ab said…
hi there,
just wanted to say that i love what you guys are doing here.

also, if you want i can mirror the demo and metroid confrontation on my megaupload account (it's a premium account so the file would stay up there forever (or until i remove it ;) )). let me know if you're interested
Bruno 1986 Brasil said…
DoctorM64, you killed me with that April Fool! T_T' PLEEEEASE! Release a true demo, I'm dying to play Metroid 2 remake! @_@
Anonymous said…
Nice! Game is looking closer and closer to completion. Can't wait!!!
Anonymous said…
realmente admiro a personas como vos que lo hacen sin ninguna remuneracion y solo por amor a los videojuegos o por proponerse metas :D muchos saludos y un fuerte abrazo porque tu trabajo solo se podria comparar con la calidad de industrias de videojuegos saludos
Anonymous said…
And for everyone who downloaded it, here's an awesome Varia Suit mod to start off your mod library. ;)

HD Varia Suit Mod: http://www.mediafire.com/?9dcncbh6fs7cstc
Anonymous said…
The download on two of the upload sites has been deleted by request, what's happening?
Robert R said…
All that would make this better (besides being done) would be for you to make this game accessible for the DS system (making a single file with the .nds extension). This would allow people with R4 cards or emulators to play the game on their Nintendo DS system, which would be amazing. Otherwise, hurry up and get this game out. Also, maybe after this, you could do more with Confrontation. I love the demo and think there's actually potential there for an amazing fan game.
Austin McManus said…
I have been following for years I just got a Mac and I was woundering if you could make it playable on Mac I would be grateful
Anonymous said…
crocomire?... ''fantasmas del pasado''?...METROID 2?¡... crocomire no apareció hasta el metroid 3¡
Anonymous said…
I cannot cannot CANNOT wait :D Keep up the phenomenal work!!!
Anonymous said…
para el penúltimo anonimo:
De que estas hablando! lo que tu juegas es un demo de otro proyecto que se llama metroid confrontation. El proyecto AM2R no tiene esos enemigos de los que estas hablando, el miniboss de crocomire solo esta como un extra en el metroid confrontation el cual no tiene nada que ver con metroid 2!
AwsomeRobotic said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
AwsomeRobotic said…
None of the downloads work! Can anyone help me, please?
Anonymous said…
pero en el intro aparecía que iba a ''revivir''a los fantasmas del ''PASADO'',y fuera demo o no,aparece ''luego de escapar de la peligrosa base de los piratas espaciales bla bla bla...'' lo que significa que esto ocurrio despues del metroid 1 y no emporta que sea una demo,igual es pequeño error,insignificante. con mucho respeto,COMADRE¡
Kyran said…
No hay error. Es un juego independiente que tiene lugar en una sala de formación. No tiene nada que ver con la tradición o la historia de Metroid. La demostración se convirtió en un juego por separado y, específicamente, no llama la AM2R porque la gente no dejaba de quejarse acerca de Crocomire no estar en Metroid 2. Se trata de una demo. Nada más. No habrá crocomire en AM2R.
Kyran said…
... y por favor perdóname si mi español es oxidado. No es mi primera lengua.
mega-metroid said…
que pena que no este crocomire en AM2R...
Anonymous said…
CIERTO¡¡ queremos crocomire¡¡
Anonymous said…
With each update I feel closer to completion, but with this list, I now realize just how far from completion we really are. But hey, don't stress it. Better later and well-polished than sooner and a piece of crap. At least with this update I can somewhat formulate an ETA for it. Can't wait!
ArcanusDD said…
By all of the comments, you know everybody wants it, so, Go For it, we know you can finish it, don't ever give up, we're here to support you!!!
RadiantArtist said…
This is gonna be good. In a few months we'll be able to see the fruits of your labor. It's awesome that you are doing this for all of the people who have yet to play M2.

Keep rollin'!
metroid zero missiones said…
buen trabajo ¡¡ estoy feliz de saber la proximidad de la que estamos de jugar este maravilloso juego , por mientras , me entretengo con confrontation 2.5 en el cual me falta la de minimalista, experto salto bomba , experto salto pared y intocable(la cual se como adquirirla pero me toma mucho tiempo) y el resto de de las medallas nombradas no las se conseguir...
Marco said…
Please be careful with your project.
Not be as public Internet, that Nintendo is eliminated fangames.
Step: Super Mario Bros. X, and this is what the creator said:

Last Friday I received a call from Nintendo's lawyers asking me to remove Super Mario Bros. X from the site and delete all SMBX videos from my Youtube account. They also asked me to transfer SuperMarioBrothers.org over to them. I have complied with their first two wishes, but I do not want to lose SuperMarioBrothers.org. It is a good Mario fansite, even without Super Mario Bros. X. They were going to decide on that and get back to me. I was waiting to hear back from them before I made any statement about this, but the rumors needed to be cleared up. I have a lot of respect for Nintendo and never intended to cause any problems for them.

I am going to ask that you guys refrain from posting copies of SMBX on the internet, as it goes against Nintendo's wishes and could make things more complicated for me.
Anonymous said…
WOW, AM2R always felt like a distant project to me, like it would be done a lot later but NOW, OMG I can't wait for it to be ready. By the way, nice joke with the "demo", me and my friends really couldn't stop laughing when we saw Mario on screen.

Any way... Keep up the good work! I really like the fact that the game will have moding capability. Really cool man, really cool.
Unknown said…
Hi, I've found some small bugs:

-I was fighting Kraid, and losing health badly (I really hate fighting him but i do like how it's made) so i went to the safe spot and began shooting his stuff so i can recorer a bit. I had picked up only one Energy Tank and when i gor 99 energy and the tank was supposed to look empty, it looked full instead. It only looks like that because it still reads health well. If i get damaged i get it right, the tank doesn't fill itself.

-Another glich I discovered is that after i got the spazer and charged it up for later use, i managed to shoot once a normal shot without losing the charge.

-And the last one, when i charge the beam, morph and go in a door before I release the bombs I lose the charged bombs (not the powerup I just don't fire them on the other side)

Keep up the good work
Bamidele said…
Beta tester? Beta Tester.
CrispyYoshi said…
Hey, uh, I just wanted to make sure you were aware of a few glitches in your Metroid Engine (Specifically talking about Metroid Confrontation v2.5), in case you weren't. I also want to point out a few suggestions:

- You can wall-grip onto a crumble block and it won't crumble.

- You can wall jump off of a wall even if you aren't in a somersault position.

- Bombs send you off left/right a bit more than Metroid: Zero Mission lets you. In MZM, you can hold left while bomb jumping, and it'll thrust you directly up and to the left. It's up to you if you want to fix this, but personally I'd find it a nice little touch for veterans of the Metroid games.

- Every single save point heals you up completely like the ship does, whereas in the original games, they do not. (Most likely a improvement, but I personally find it making the game a bit easier.)

- The game-pad controls menu doesn't have support for two diagonal aim buttons, as well as missile equip toggle mode.

Anyways, I just wanted to make sure you were aware of these bugs/suggestions before considering releasing your AM2R game. Well, I wish you the best of luck, and I look forward to the game release. ^^
Septimus X said…
I like the fact the save points heal you. Please leave that. They included that feature because it's a good feature. Besides, it's in every Metroid game to date, except Metroid 1&2, including the remake of 1.

Time for an update Doc? It's been a while.
Gonzalo said…
Doc parece que tu proyecto va bien.
Sólo una cosa k te falto en confrontation que vi: power grip sería agarre.
Si no sabes como traducir algunas habilidades a castellano o tienes dudas me puedes mandar un mensaje a: GF-BMartin@hotmail.com
Suerte y esperemos que lo acabes sobre el verano para exprimirlo!!!
Steffen said…
Im really happy about this news!
Wainting is over ;D
and please dont create again a mario demo :P
Anonymous said…
can't wait for the next update doc. ;p
(o_o) said…
Unknown said…
GREAT!!! The Game Is Really making progress!
Droksu said…
* has finished Metroid 1, 2, Super metroid, Zero mission and Fusion *
"belebelebelebelelbelbelbeleblbelebelebelebelebelebelebel...." * SEQUEEEEENCEBREAAAAAKKK *
Anonymous said…
come on doc, your worrying me.... 0~o
Anonymous said…
I'm waiting desperatly for the remake. Can you just tease us a little more with a few more images from the areas? ;)
Anonymous said…
It's been a month.. what's going on with AM2R?
gato preto said…
opa que isso cara já faz quase 1 mez
que você não posta nada.
você não vai dizer que o projeto se foi.
seria muita sacanagem.
cara na minha opinião esta demorando muito.
um projeto que começou em 2009 e até hoje não terminou.
é foda.
passarbye said…
hey doc, can you update the site? it's been like a month since your april fools and progress report...
Anonymous said…
One month since our last update...

Is everything alright over there?
Anonymous said…
por favor doc se lo ruego¡¡,me estoy trastornando... @~@
Anonymous said…
por favor doc se lo ruego¡¡,me estoy trastornando... @~@
Anonymous said…
is project still active?
Kyran said…
Doc, you gonna have an update soon???
Asian Metalhead said…
He is probably working extremely hard on this, so he is probably way too busy to make an update.
Anonymous said…
I agree with the others asking for an update. It's a bit unusual of you to go an entire month without saying anything...

Still, I imagine he's been working hard on this game. Maybe the next update will be a big one!

Screencaps, please?
Anonymous said…
The only things interesting for me right now is the new comments. It's like, I go here to the site, hope for an update, but no. Then I watch how many comments there are. 90! Yes, two new comments...
Kyran said…
Uh, you must be confused. 2 comments previous to yours was mine.
Nick said…
Any sign of life would be welcome. I hope all is well.
Anonymous said…
screens at least doc, you have us worried. ^^;;
Edd said…
Im playing it right now and it looks awesome! nice work! :D
Nintendoer said…
Hey doc, are you alright? I hope it's just computer problems or something...

It's been over a month. Something must've happened, right? Hopefully nothing bad... =(
Anonymous said…
@ Nintendoer I hope so too. Doc, you are making me become uneasy I hope to see a new update soon, I literally check the page 5 times a day no joke.
Anonymous said…
He won't left the project guys... I know that, cuz he's a metroid lover just like all of us... thanks for the remake Doc!

Firespawn7 said…
What is up doc? Been a while since you're last update. I know you won't stop now, I mean making it this far pretty much all by yourself on this game without quitting is a feet most game designers couldn't ever reach.

If anything, just give us a tiny update showing us you're still there. Thanks again for this project. I have been a follower from the very start and have more than the highest respect for you're determination.
Anonymous said…
i think that Doc might come out with something good with the next update since it's taken this long
Anonymous said…
BLOG MUERTO... no mentira XD
Meem0 dijo que said…
creo chicos que esta demora es parar mejor y que tendríamos que espera con paciencia hasta que publique amenos que no quieran un buen juego,yo también tengo muchas ganas de que comente...
Anonymous said…
I check this blog thing every day, where are you doc?! Just post something like... "I", if you don't have the time.

I hope you're ok.
Unknown said…
Worried about the Doc!

Afrade he might be hurt D: ..
Raziel said…
Hey Doc! How about an update man? Getting about time, you know?
Dragonheart91 said…
Doc's not gone. He was online on the forum only three days ago. He's probably just busy working on a new update.
Nintendoer said…

That's good to hear. I was getting worried. =)
Anonymous said…
Man, that's just like an update
now we know that there is nothing to worry and that doc64 is just to busy

Septimus X said…
Dragonheart91 is lying! He has kidnapped the Doc and is forcing him to make Metroid games from the basement of his home for himself only! He then plays these Metroid games and laughs maniacly to himself, drinking his tea ever so smugly. He is using that story to cover his tracks! Don't be fooled! The Doc is in trouble and needs to be rescued! That is the only explination for his disappearance!!!
Anonymous said…

That sick monster!!!!!!!!
Dragonheart91 said…
"Dragonheart91 is lying! He has kidnapped the Doc and is forcing him to make Metroid games from the basement of his home for himself only! He then plays these Metroid games and laughs maniacly to himself, drinking his LEMONADE ever so smugly. He is using that story to cover his tracks! Don't be fooled! The Doc is MINE ALL MINE AND WILL BE FINE! That is the only explanation for his disappearance!!!"

I fix'd it for you. Bwahahaha!
Septimus X said…
wait...WAIT A MINUTE! THAT IS NOT WHAT I WROTE! You are obviously a master of deception and trickery, sir!
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
If he did die I call teh rihgts tah dis porjcet. HmawhaMEAaemha.
Anonymous said…
Ya, nobody is buying it. But I need something to busy me whilst waiting. Metroid triva anyone?
Anonymous said…
@Foriegner... shut up dude, it's not funny and no one believes your garbage.
Kyran said…
How many Metroids total does Samus dispose of on her adventure in Metroid II: Return of Samus?
Anonymous said…
Okay, it's been a while... more than a month, actually. I don't wanna press you, DoctorM64, but can you put some more news in this blog, please?
Nintendoer said…

I believe it's 48. (39 on counter plus an extra 8 that show up in queen's lair; I don't think the Queen is on the counter either.)
Anonymous said…
39 + 8 = 47..
Kyran said…
A: 47 is correct. There are 48 possible, but remember, she doesn't kill the baby.


In Super Metroid, what bosses (each containing a colored crystal) does the statue that guards the entrance of Tourian consist of?

*Bonus points if you can tell me what color crystal goes with which boss.
Asian Metalhead said…
@anonymous he included the queen, which is 39+8+1=48.
Asian Metalhead said…
@Kyran, the bosses were phantoon, draygon, kraid, and ridley.
Anonymous said…
y do u guys say trivias when doc go died on the news this is very rude!!!!!
Anonymous said…
Lol. I doubt he died haha. He's probably working hard on the game and wants it to be a surprise ;D
Anonymous said…
Doc I know you're almost done, but I saw this link on an older post and I think you should take a look at it... It's sprites for Samus' ship (not done by me)... I think they look more like her ship in Metroid II compared to the one you're currently using.. Just in case, I'll put this link in the Forum as well.

Kyran said…
@Asian Metalhead- That is correct! Phantoon(Yellow), Draygon(Blue), Kraid(Green), and Ridley(Red). After all the crystals are removed, Samus waits the 17 minute time period (it seems like anyway) it takes for the statue to sink, and then proceeds to Tourian.

Next one is a 2 part:
What were the natural predators of the X parasites and Why does Samus land on the B.S.L. in a different ship than her hunter ship?
Asian Metalhead said…
The natural predators of the x were metroids. Samus lands in a different ship because she crashed her older ship into an asteroid field.
Anonymous said…
@Asian Metalhead and Kyran... Because the X she encountered on SR388 attacked her central nervous system and rendered her unconscious.
Kyran said…
@Asian Metalhead- Correct on both accounts! Yes she crashed it because of the X attacking her central nervous system.

Here are three more:
1) What were the creatures in
Super Metroid called that resembled Metroids in appearance and attack patterns, but were significantly weaker and not of the same species?

2) What is the name of the Hunter in Prime 3 that was strong with ice attacks and also used it as transportation?

3) In the original Metroid, what was planet Zebes reffered to as?

*Let me know if these ones are too hard. I consider myself somewhat educated in Metroid lore, so I don't know if these are too hard or not hard enough.
Anonymous said…
2) Rundas
Robert said…
1) Mochtroids
King Metroid said…
Anonymous said…
* not too hard at all... its kinda fun, and its something to do while waiting for the next update.
Asian Metalhead said…
Here's some more questions-

1.) How did Ian Malkovich (Adam's brother) die?

2.) How did Adam Malkovich die?

3.) How did the baby metroid that Samus save die?
Anonymous said…
3) Mother Brain killed it at the end of Super Metroid after it absorbed her energy and gave it to Samus.

I won't even try to answer the first two because I think those were in Other M and I haven't played that.
Asian Metalhead said…
@anonymous yup that is correct! and the 2 others are in other m.
King Metroid said…
1) He was in a two-part space ship. The part he was in overheated or something like that. It detached from the other part and blew up.
2) He went to Sector Zero in Bottle Ship and activated it's self-destruct protocol, because the Metroids that were located there were unfreezeable (thus impossible to kill by Samus). He sacrificed himself to save Samus.
Asian Metalhead said…
@ King Metroid- Both of them are correct!

New questions:

1.) What happened to Samus's old suit that she used in Metroid Zero Mission?
2.) How did she get her new suit that she uses in all other games except for Fusion?
Anonymous said…
1) She took it off after her fight with Mother Brain, and since the suit goes into the ship itself, it was destroyed along with her original ship when it was shot down by space pirates.

2) The new suit she got from the Chozo Ruins after she successfully completed the trial.
Asian Metalhead said…
@anonymous correct!

New questions:

1.) In super metroid, what was the only weapon that could kill the pink space pirates in maridia?

2.) Which items from Super Metroid were not reused in Other M?
Kyran said…
1) The Plasma Beam is the only thing that can kill the pink space pirates.
2) X-Ray Vizor, Screw Attack, Spring Ball. Maybe Spazer Beam too, but i'm not sure.
Asian Metalhead said…
@ Kyran
1.) correct

2.) Correct except for screw attack.

New questions!

1.) What weapon was used to kill Draygon in one hit?

2.) What creatures could you save at the end of Super Metroid that would appear in Metroid Fusion?
Anonymous said…
1) Grapple beam
2) The bird thingies...?
Anonymous said…
It'd be horrible if nintendo is taking this project down and that's the reason Doc's not posting anything. I really doubt it though, I'm just bored thinking of any posibilities, even though Doc is probably just busy.
Asian Metalhead said…
@anonymous- 1.) correct
2.) there were two species

Also, this can't be shut down. Doc is making this for non profit purposes. Nintendo would lose more money than they would gain.
Kyran said…
1) Grapple Beam
2) Etecoons and Dachoras
Asian Metalhead said…
@Kyran Correct!

How about you take over the questions this time Kyran?
Anonymous said…
This is the Anon that's been answering all the questions thus far... Except for the one where the answer said bird thingies... I didn't write that one... Anyway.. I've got one....

What power up appeared in Metroid II that wasn't seen again until the Prime series?
Anonymous said…
^^Dude, GTFO of here and take that crap somewhere else.
Anonymous said…
The answer is Spider Ball.
Anonymous said…
You're damn right it is, lol... Hmmm, ok, i got another one....

In Metroid Fusion, name ALL the upgrades and items the SA-X uses throughout the course of the game.
Unknown said…
Well I'm just some random guy but I'de love to answer your question.

Ok. all the abilities SA-X uses, As far to my knowledge it uses i think ice beam and plasma combo, screw attack with space jump of course. It uses missiles on a cut scene, i dont think it actually fires them at you. And morphball i believe. Oh and she uses power bomb on one part. I think i named them all... im not so sure tho xD been awhile since i played that game haha
MetalCoreCat said…
oh crap, lol i posted your answer above in my brothers account lol he left it open. Anyway I was actually the one who answered it haha woops
Anonymous said…
lol black people
Anonymous said…
Ice beam and Spazer combo (as far as visuals go) but otherwise yeah, you got it.. I'll try to think of more questions, but I can't think of any decent ones right now.
Kyran said…
Q: What is the name of the Boss that appears only in Metroid Fusion and Other M?

Q: What is the name of the planet where Metroids were secretly being bred as bio-weapons in Corruption, and what was the race that created them?

Q: (continued from question 2) The race that was breeding Metroids had a specific characteristic. What was it?
Kyran said…
Questions 2&3 are from Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. I just put Corruption, I didn't know if everyone would follow so I am clarifying.
awesomist said…
@ Kyran
1. Nightmare
2. Planet Elysia, Specifically Skytown. The race that created metroids was the Chozo. The race breeding them was probably the Elysians but the Galactic Federation had also made a base there and it is most likely that they brought the metroids with them.
3. The Elysians were sentient robots developed by the chozo. They appear to be steam-powered non-aggressive life forms.
Kyran said…
Wow! awesomist, that was a perfect answer! I was sure nobody would get all of that right. Way to prove me wrong!

Q: How many times does the lava shift for Samus during her mission on SR388?

Q: What was the name of the human colony that Samus lived with her parents before they were murdered?
Asian Metalhead said…
@Kyran, the colony was k2L.
Kyran said…
*Correct Asian Metalhead! That was the colony name.

Anyone for the second part?
Hemse said…
1. 9 times
-after first alpha metroid
-when clearing area 1
-when clearing area 2
-when clearing area 3
-after beating that one metroid in the tunnel area.
-after beating the two metroids close to area 3
-when clearing area 4
-when beating the the first omega (and the alpha close by)
-when beating the rest of the omega's

I think that's all...

shouldn't these quizes maybe be moved to a topic dedicated for it in the AM2R forums? (instead of filling the comments section of this blog post)
wtf@uguys said…
What's with people going on about black people all of a sudden? I mean, I know they are the highest population percentage wise in jail, but what does this have to do with Metroid?
Suomynona said…
And the racism keeps on comin'... in all seriousness dude, what the hell is your deal?
Anonymous said…
I also have to ask about the random comments on black people. I mean seriously? I thought this was Metroid not some KKK meeting
Anonymous said…
Good to know. Ive been following this project for 2 years now and I really cant wait for Doc to atleast post something new up
Anonymous said…
We are waiting for an update , Doc !
Keep working hard !
Awesomist said…
I've got some questions.
1. How did Ridley survive the self-destruct sequence initiated by Samus's Father on Earth Colony K2L?
2. What is hand configuration for the Wave Beam?
3. Which recurring power-ups were in Metroid Prime 1 and Echoes but not in Corruption? (Hint: there are 2)
4. What are the names of the federation ships Samus enters in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption?
5. What, and how many of each, objects do you "need to" collect in order to reach the final boss in all the Prime games?
Nintendoer said…
3.Super Missiles is one. I think the other one is the space jump boots; It's a power-up in Prime and Prime 2, but you always have it in Prime 3.

4.The Olympus and Valhalla I believe.

5.12(?) artifacts in Prime
9 Dark keys in Prime 2
9 energy cells in Prime 3, but I think you only need 5.

I forget the answer to 1, and I'm not sure what you mean by 2.
Septimus X said…
All the race somments are coming from the same IP address along with a lot of the anonymous comments that follow it. It is just some tool trying to get a rise out of people. Just ignore them.
Anonymous said…
What game is question 1 from?
Anonymous said…
2. it's blasting through things in the 2d parts of metroid, in other m throug transparent and semi-transparent things and in prime 1 its something like an electric blast
Raziel said…
I still hope that Nintendo decides to continue on with the story of the X parasites. I thought that was a really good chapter in the Metroid Saga and they can do a lot more with it. The SA-X was a great enemy, and when it mutates in the end was both freaky, and really cool. I really hope that Fusion was not the one and only chapter to deal with the X parasites.
Awesomist said…
1. Ridley survived from consuming the dead corpses around him. It's a metroid manga reference and therefore is not in the games.
2. I meant, "What does Samus's hand look like while using the wave beam?" It is spread open and the orientation of her hand in the arm cannon can be observed by by looking at the symbols for weapons in Metroid Prime .
3. The two upgrades are the Super Missiles and Powerbombs. The Space jump boots weren't included in the collectible power-ups in Prime 3 but they were listed in the inventory screen.
4. The GFS Olympus and Valhalla are correct.
5. Correct Except for the exclsuion of Metroid Prime hunters in the answer. 8 Octoliths are required.
I thought these would be easy people! But sorry for the lack of a good explanation on question #2.
Anonymous said…
I am not at the same IP as other people and I'm starting to think black people stole Doc's computer.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…

SEE? I can post things and then laugh at them later too! Am I cool like you now??
Anonymous said…
I actually like the idea of the trivia thing filling up the blog comments. When Doc comes back, he is going to see hundreds of comments on this stuff. Plus, I don't go to the forums much.
Suomynona said…
Yup... it's because of this crap that I'm done with this section... the level of stupidity from that troll is unreal... I'm just sticking to the forum from now on.
Asian Metalhead said…
I agree with Suomynona. This trolling isn't funny anymore, its just annoying now.
The troll is clearly getting the attention it wants. It's not as retarded as you think it is, if you give it attention it wants then it outsmarted you. It's probably not even racist in real life.
Asian Metalhead said…
I know what trolls try to get. I do it sometimes on youtube. This troll is a fail troll though.
Anonymous said…
Doc disappears and this place degenerates.
^ Indeed, Doc helped keep this place stable. Now trolls are entering and people are losing their minds.
MetalCoreCat said…
haha yes doc needs to get his booty back on before this section gets eradicated by trolls
Zirrious said…
How about we stick to the Metroid Q's for now and forget the rest. Really cant wait for Doc... :(
MetalCoreCat said…
i know i cant wait for Doc to get finished with this either. It's amazing really. I not so long ago beat Metroid 2, now i can't wait for AM2R :DD it'll be AWESOMES
Kyran said…
Okay, on with the trivia:

1) Metroid creators drew inspiration from which movie series to formulate multiple aspects of the now known Metroid universe?

2) Without counting all the different Metroid evolutional encounters, what was the only other boss of Metroid II?

3) The "Ultimate Power" was a trap and lure to free which powerful entity?

4) Dark Aether was the syphon planet draining the energy and destroying life on Aether. What was the life form's name that guided you to complete the tasks to restore Aether to peace?

5) The Space Pirates are the scourge of the galaxy, in an everlong quest for power. What purpose did Mother Brain have with them in the original Metroid?
1) Alien? It was directed by "Ridley" Scott.
2) Arachnus

4) Luminoth
Nintendoer said…
Okay, then. I'll ask some questions.

1.How would you obtain the "Var" beam in Super Metroid?

2.What is the name of the planet visited in Metroid Prime? (easy!)

3.There is some secret dialogue in Metroid Fusion. How do you get to it and what is basically said in the dialogue?

4. Name the only boss in Metroid Prime 2 that is you can ONLY fight with the morph ball. (You can't even un-morph)

5. What is the bare minimum % of items you can get in Metroid: Zero mission? (easy or normal difficulty: The % is slightly higher on hard mode.)
Nintendoer said…

3. Gorea

4. I think he's looking for the name of the Luminoth. U Mos I think.
Kyran said…
*gustavo.gratacos - The first two are correct. Number four is the race of the character, but I was looking for his name.
Kyran said…
*correct Nintendoer!
Kyran said…
One question left -
5) The Space Pirates are the scourge of the galaxy, in an everlong quest for power. What purpose did Mother Brain have with them in the original Metroid?
Nintendoer said…
This is just a guess but...

Did she need them to breed Metroids?
Kyran said…
A - The Space Pirates needed Mother Brain's ability to use telepathy to control the Metroids, allowing them to successfully breed and control them. Once she was destroyed, (twice) the Metroids were a lot harder to produce, and the Space Pirates had to invent other means.
Kyran said…
So, yes Nintendoer, that was correct.

Anonymous said…
where is doc? its been over a month.
Anonymous said…
3. Is Gorea.
Anonymous said…
I didn't know that the comments on blogs could not exceed 200 per page.
1. Doing a trick to switch from high jump boots to the beams an select them quicly resulting in the Ice, Charge, Plasma, Wave, And Spazer beam to be selected all at the same time.
2. Tallon IV
3. Shinesparking constantly through sector 3 (the water one) after obtaining the gravity suit upgrade. They basically say you're a good player.
4. Spiderball Guardian Or spider Guardian because that's what the scan entry says.
5. Arguably you don't "need" any energy tanks so the answer is Morphball, and bombs, varia, and gravity suit, 1 missle expansion, space jump boots, ice and plasma beams, and that's it. So 8%, right?
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