Some progress
The last few posts weren´t so exciting regarding progress, because most of it didn´t involve features that were easily shown on images. Since now I´m working on more "graphically showable" stuff, I can share a few WIP pics with you:

A maintenance passage. There will be some exciting action going on here.

Testing the new color palette for the cave parts of Area 5, and a preliminary fog effect.

Most of my work was spent on the new water physics. I tried to fight an Alpha Metroid underwater, and even with HiJump and SpaceJump, it´s really frustrating. Just play Metroid: Confrontation, and try moving around under the lava, then imagine exploring half a sector of the game like that.
So, instead of using direct speed multipliers for underwater, I had to make a separate set of speeds for all the states. This way, I could make the physics more like Super Metroid (it takes some time to build some speed, but you keep the momentum, and move fairly fast).
This lead to a lot of tweking and bugfixing, but it´s working nicely right now.
This lead to a lot of tweking and bugfixing, but it´s working nicely right now.
Work on the soundtrack will resume this week, once I have some decent material I´ll let you hear some of the new tracks.
As always, comments and suggestions are welcome, here or in the forum.
Keep up the good work!
Solo pasava para decirte que espero que no te descuides del blog atendiendo el forum ok.
I'd have to say, though, that the background of the cave doesn't quite fit. Not sure what it is, but it seems a bit off. Still looks good.
Also, the water is a little too blue to match the darker cave around it. Perhaps just dim it a bit?
Also, thanks for atlest acknowledging that a lot of people suggest aquatic metroids. It will be something that would be a nice feature apsect implemented to have to fight alpha metroids (or even aquatic metroids) without the gravity suit and inhibited water physics.
As far as the pictures go, nice job. I have a couple comments. On the 1st, I realize that Samus is supposed to standing in a tunnel, but it doesn't really look like she is standing on anything. The ceiling and floor of the tunnel don't look clear enough. The second picture looks really amazing, and I like the fog effect. The place reminds me of lower crateria in the hack Super Metroid Redesign. I hope you make a lot of rooms like that. It would be fun to explore a maze-like area of empty caverns. The water on the 3rd picture doesn't look quite right. I think the light blue lines should be darker so they don't clash so much much with the rest of the water. Also, the water might look more fitting to the environment if you made it murkier. This would also help create a darker atmosphere in this area. I'm not exactly clear on what area of the game these caverns are in. Is this the area with the Omegas, or is it the brand new area you've mentioned before?
Really looking forward to playing too.
but keep up the good work. I know that you've put two years into this accursed-time-consuming programming and scripting and stuff but I won't mind. This remake already seems promising enough
The background is perfect. I don't think any of the backgrounds Nintendo have done have been better.
The water and stone bg aren't looking so hot though. Do you need a spriter for them?