
Here's an album I compiled, with music that ended up in AM2R, and some tracks that didn't make it into the game. I remastered every track, and some songs sound a lot better with minor changes.
These tracks were going to be a part of the 1.2 update, but now you can enjoy them.


MP3 - MediaFire - Mega
FLAC - MediaFire - Mega

Also, it includes a bonus track from Falcool, the awesome composer who did the Area 5 songs.

Thank you very much for following this project.


Unknown said…
Muchas gracias. Los temas musicales de AM2R son muy buenos. :)
V said…
Hey man. I followed this project from the very beginning. I'm sure there's many people like me who rarely commented but watched as it progressed. Best if wishes in your future. Thanks for such an amazkng game!
Unknown said…
Hey I've been wondering.
If you could Dr.M64
Could you send out the project files for AM2R? I really would like to look at the code for the game and the engine
Mak said…
Thanks for releasing the soundtrack... Damn this is going to be a good ride.
testyourmine said…
for those wondering, Doc can't share the the am2r source code at all. Not even privately. It would go against the C&D/DMCA.
jorge said…
thanks doc thanks for all buddy
Unknown said…
Gracias DRM64 estaba esperando el soundtrack!!!
Tiozor said…
Thank you for sharing! I'll love to check it out. Going to listen right now
Anonymous said…
No, thank you Doc. You have given me the joy that Metroid gave me all over again. I can now play through the entire series in a modernized way and love it from start to finish... even if Nintendo never makes another true game.
Unknown said…
DocM64, I never ask for an answer to any content creator, but after playing the original and your really awesome version of MII:RoS, I can't help asking you for your thoughts on this article:

I was rather against it at first, but after I read up, I urge anyone to do so in order to appreciate the original Metroid II in a whole new light, and please tell us your thoughts about it.

-Thanks a lot for all your hard and amazing work.
Rakki said…
Replying to Miles Manners:
I saw that review, and I'm sorry, but I do not know what is wrong with that guy. Says M2 had so much stuff, yet mostly talks about the end game, complains about some minor things that I believe make no sense to complain about other than he is simply talking out of his nostalgia, even though he probably claims it isn't.
I can't remember what part of AM2R is the one he speaks of that "keeps you trapped with no save spots against a boss" part, Mainly since i really didn't have any troubles like that person did.

As for the escape part, wow what a load of bullcrap, yes, you are placed with 5HP, but if you were a bit smart, you would know that you can literally either spiderball, or just space jump along the wall you come out of to head into the safe area towards a Save Station.

I'm sorry, but this review is horrible, and it obviously shows the person is just being as bad as Pokemon 1st gen person. The way i see this game, is literally like a better successor to how Metroid 1 was remade. Having additional upgrades, additional bosses, an entire additional area running as zero suit samus. AM2R did the same in its own style, giving us better control (i do not know why the reviewer said it was almost as zero suit and fusion, when the controls are way better), additional bosses, additional areas, and some edited parts to make the areas unique.

I don't know, I don't think I'd trust the words of this person that misinforms a lot of things, and specially starts you off with "The original version was my favorite game of all time", then mention a lot of debunk-able things (what i mentioned being a few) that make the person seem a bit biased.

PS. This is from a person that has played Metroid 2 so many times, and already know all of the things the person mentioned as "omg it's telling so much without any text this game is best".
Pedro Soares said…
Wow! Thanks a lot for this awesome piece of music! It's a great soundtrack and a very memorable one at that. :)
Necdilzor said…
Great! Flac is coming? Even better!! Awesome work :D
Jameson said…
Beautiful soundtrack, man. This is one game and soundtrack that will surely stay in my USB drive.
Unknown said…
Thank you for uploading this! Loving the game and the music, have played it a ton. Thank you again for all the work you put into this project! Truly a masterpiece. I look forward to seeing whatever you do next now that you've gotten your start in programming.
Anonymous said…
This is amazing! Is there anyway for us to use this in the game?
Unknown said…
yay thank you ^_^ they can't stop you from making soundtrack
Unknown said…
Muchas gracias, lo estaba esperando.
Unknown said…
reply to Rakki: i agree, but actually, the escape part was tense and it was surprising that it was in the middle of the game, and that made it very good!! (you knew if it was in the end of the game, but it surprises you and it gives a tense feeling that makes it epic) and after you escaped (sort of) it explodes!!! and you think you did something wrong and you died, but nope, cause samus is too badass to die by a thing like that. you are left with 5 hp, and you are like "i need to save, need to save, need to save!!!!! yes i saved :D" when you save you are so so happy. at least that's the way i see it. i did agree with some of the thing the guy says, mostly the serris appearing not being epic at all. i was so happy to see him, but he was too easy :(
Unknown said…
thank you. its a shame nintendo is not doing more to celebrate 30 years of metroid.
Rakki said…
reply to Nexus Kore:
there are soooo many things i could say against it, but I'm just lazy and bad with words. But yeah, the escape part was great, and the placing wasn't bad at all, it appears the person forgot that there is literally a small escape sequence in fusion (when SA-X is destroying the metroid cloning area), and let's be fair, there WAS a point in that escape, it was a thermal plant of sorts, and you used a power bomb. The person seems to just be hating on indie devs to be honest, seeing as it's ok for Nintendo to do these constant cliche things for a game, but call it "shoehorning" when an indie does it.
Justin said…
First, I must thank Doctor M64 for his tireless efforts, & his sacrifices, on working & delivering such an amazing game. Yes, Nintendo was within their rights to take it down. But was it right? Honestly, Nintendo these days are the equivalent of a dodgy, bitter old man that lashes out at anybody too close to their property.

Speaking of 1.2, would you at least be willing to share what you had planned for the update that we'll never receive, thanks to NintenDON'T? I still use version 1.0 because of the Gravity Suit jumping glitch that causes Samus' legs to continue to move in mid-air.

I honestly HATE that we're stuck with 1.1 & we won't get any more updates for it, at least in the forseeable future.

Unknown said…
awesome... man i remember somebody said something about a possible multiplayer option in the future sigh would have been grand to have seen that
Unknown said…
Unknown said…
Can't he just... I don't know... give the project to someone else to continue the work. I mean Nintendo's DMCA says that he can't work on the project, but it didn't say no one else can.
Unknown said…
I hope you just swap a few sprites, rename the project and eventually absorb the metroid hungry fans waiting for a true sequel of the genre to ever come out. I know you'll have my money when the time comes.

testyourmine said…
He could do that, but it would take too long and wouldn't be worth it.
MattRob said…
Since you cannot work on this game anymore, do you think you will make anything else? (Maybe godzilla NES creepypasta remake?) if not, could you at least make some tutorials for things seen in game? Id like to know how they work. Im not asking for the whole project file itself, just some parts to teach new GMS people (Such as myself) some cool stuff. Would be helping alot of people you know ;) Anyway, good job on the full game, soundtrack is also amazing (especially that water area, my personal fav btw. what did you use to make it? If FL studio, what plugins and stuff?) i hope you will make more awesome stuff!
YolmzWelra said…
Thank you for the soundtrack. It's awesome, and so is the game. I've haven't played a Metroid game this good since the Metroid Prime series. You have proven that the Metroid community is still a strong communtiy, and that this community wants a proper game, not some mediocre spin-off. Thank you Doctor M64, thank you!
Spore said…
Nice soundtrack! I'm glad to see that this blog isn't completely dead. Good luck on any future projects!
Unknown said…
I know you've heard it so many times before, and I can't begin to understand just how demoralizing these recent events have been, but from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU, Doc, for working on AM2R and organizing others to help make this remake a reality!
I, unlike many, have not been around since the beginning. I found out about you and your project shortly after the "1.41" release because I wanted to get my 5 year old son into Metroid.
I've been checking back frequently, joining along the millions of others who were eagerly awaiting the release of the final version. When it came out, my son and I sat down and played it all the way through! We thoroughly LOVED it! We have played it about 20 times all the way through so far.
We have gone through and played all of them in order from Zero Mission through Metroid Prime (MP2 and 3 were lost in a fire), and I thought that you'd like to know that his favorite one of them all is by far yours. My favorite has always been Super Metroid 3, which has been the bar by which all other Metroid games have been set against. Now, after having played your remake, this has set the Metroid standard even higher.
Anyway, as a creative type myself, I was and am truly saddened, shocked, hurt and disappointed at the way everything went down; not just because there won't be any more updates to the game (I loved what you did there with the 1.1 update, BTW), but because I know how deeply that hurts to put so much of yourself into a creative project, such as this, only to have the rug pulled out from under you. I feel for you, and I am truly sorry.
Thank you again, though for all your hard work and perseverance. It has not gone unnoticed or unappreciated.
Thank you also for being a fantastic role model! You have handled this situation better than most would have. If your fine work didn't speak of your character, the way you held yourself during the thick of it does. And while you may not be allowed to distribute the game anymore, I am very glad to see that you have been able to share the soundtrack! We love the BGM on the Metroid games, and even have several of the tracks for other games. It's nice to be able to add these wonderful tracks to add these to our game music library.
It's been a fantastic journey! Thank you again!!!
Anonymous said…
Thank you, good sir. You will always be remembered as the man who alone made the best Metroid game out there.
Anonymous said…
A new update? Fantastic! AM2R is the best piece of Metroid content in years. Only strange things I've encountered in 1.1 is that when Samus falls, her leg keeps moving up and down without stopping until you hit the floor. Doesn't impeded gameplay, but still a weird visual bug. Once you combine the Wave Beam with any other beam, the shot sometimes misses the enemy and doesn't deal nearly as much damage as it could have due to how the projectile looks and that it spirals around. Perhaps that was intended, but I thought I'd throw that out there, if there is indeed a 1.2 update coming to fix stuff in the game.

Words cannot describe the amount of appreciation I have for you and AM2R, as well as the joy of playing a game I have always wanted. Even if nothing else was done since the DMCA, I would be satisfied. Sincerely, thank you.
Anonymous said…
I just cant... this is making me too sad. ten years. TEN! this game was made by one person and it goes beyond what a team of people have ever done for the metroid franchise. and nintendo shot you down. they shouldn't have shot you down, they should have hired you. because they cant do anything like this. you should be proud of yourself. and just know that what you made is going to be circling around on the internet for a while...
Unknown said…
Seanminator said…
There won't be any 1.2 He just said it would have been in the 1.2 if he could have still work on it. But he won't since he recieved a sease and desist.
Unknown said…
tengo una pregunta muy importante espero la respondas al finalizar el juego dice el dialogo de super metroid ese sera tu proximo proyecto di que si por favor.
Anonymous said…
el tema final es hermoso (sin querer hacer spoilers :f)
SON los verdaderos héroes sin capa, nintendo tubo la gran oportunidad de traer a metroid de vuelta a la gloria en su aniversario 30, y no trajo nada bueno
Unknown said…
IRONGAMER73 Así habría sido, pero lamentablemente tuvo que cesar las actualizaciones y los proyectos por el correo de desistir que le envió Nintendo..

Increíble juego, a pesar de que esperaba la siguiente actualización con ansias, el estado en el que quedo es perfecto.

¡Muchísimas felicitaciones de mi parte Milton!

- Isaac Caudillo.
Anonymous said…
What would it take to have a source code for an awesome game such as this one?
Nastynat_7 said…
I'm like many who have never made a comment, but with a project like this I have to say something. Words cannot express how grand and epic this game is. The game is just perfect in just about all aspects that one can think of in regards to a Metroid game. I cannot help but be nostalgic of when I 1st started playing Metroid as a child. I was only 5yrs old when I played Metroid I and was instantly struck at how great the game was(even though it was ridiculously hard), and was about 7/8yrs old when Super Metroid came out, and playing this game brought tears to my eyes. All my memories flooded back of the days when I became a metroid fan and times. You sir reminded me of how great Metroid is and will always be. Even though the the plug has been pulled from the project, know that this game, this baby will forever be yours and we the Metroid community, from people all over the world will never forget the contribution you have made to us all and to Metroid. Somebody give the man a fckn cigar and a toast to another great Metroid game!!!
Anonymous said…
You could simply replace sprites of Samus, her ship, and a few enemies and work on it under a different title...

Just a suggestion.

Great work by the way. I enjoyed playing your game immensely.
rupidup said…
As suggested - replace the copyrighted stuff and release under a different name.
We have seen that with Turrican remakes. Only the name differs in the remakes. So Factor 5 thx for your understanding and support of the fans.
And why does Nintendo have to be so unwilling ?
Unknown said…
great !!! thank you !!
testyourmine said…
Also as said early, to replace all the sprites would be too much work, and wouldn't be worth it.
Unknown said…
You do a 1.2 update or no?
No, there is not going to be a 1.2. Why is this still being asked? He can't release another update because he got a cease and desist letter. This means that if he did attempt to continue working on and releasing updates, Nintendo would take legal action.

Anyways, thanks again Doc for all the hard work and the finished game. Hope to see work from you in the future.
Unknown said…
Beautiful. This is balls to the wall awesome! I may have to convert some FLAC to OGG and replace some files in the game :-P
I'm obsessing over the Hydro Station. Brings back memories of Super Metroid.

Thank you!
Anonymous said…
I know there must have been thousands of mails Mike this now, but whoever you are, this game you made, was a masterpiece.
I have very little to laugh in life and this brightened up my day. A great ride and im shure i will play it for years.
Thank you very much.
Unknown said…
Can you give the idea to Nintendo to release AM2R onto the Eshop for about $10 and have them have most of the profit, and the other money goes to you?
testyourmine said…
That won't happen. Nintendo is semi against fangames, and them endorsing them is just a dream.
Anonymous said…
If someone can made this game run as an apk, like they did with Undertale, we should be able to play it with Game Keyboard+. And thanks for all the happiness you gave to us.
Syluxguy28O3 said…
Ive always enjoyed metroid 2, despite its dated gameplay. I've followed this project for a few years, and didn't get a copy of 1.1 until after the dcma thing.

I found it to be good. I did find some elements to be easier then the demos, but hard mode takes care of that.

What really is unfortunate, is that the bugs in the game won't be fixed.most are minor, but one bug did force me to restart from a save.

Hopefully, the next official side scrolling metroid title is atleast on this level. Leaving out some of the features that this title has introduced (aim lock, auto morph, logs, etc) would seem like a step back.
Why couldn't he just a v1.2 via a patch file like people do with rom hacks?
JBW said…
I want to tell the development team that AM2R is the best Metroid game since the Prime series.
This isn't merely a mediocre game or a good game. It's excellent. It's better than Metroid Fusion. People don't have a concept of how hard it is to produce a game of this quality. Your work is mind-blowing.

Thank you for this game.
Unknown said…
I just finished the game last night and... wow...
Undoubtedly one of the best games i've ever played
It's a shame you won't be able to improve it even more but honestly, the game is excelent in it's current state
My favorite in the series till now was fusion, but your remake managed to beat it
The music, the art, the atmosphere, everything is just perfect!

I can't thank you and you team enough for this work of art!
I will be following your next project
See you next mission!
Anonymous said…
Thanks for music. :-)
While not a big problem, I noticed that only "32 omega metroid fight" is 16 bit sample rate.
(Other music is 24 bit)
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the soundtrack. Pity we couldn't get these tracks in the 1.2 update, but still amazing all the same.
testyourmine said…
In response to Nintendo Maniac 64: He can't. Any work on AM2R at all will get him in trouble.
Anonymous said…
Hello, i know my question is kinda unrelated, but i'd want to know where is the save file, thanks.
Absolutely brilliant. While I understand big N's policy, I can't help but feel they are wasting talent by acting against your reboot (should have offered a job instead), which is in all regards excellent, while blasting the licence to pieces with mediocre titles such as Federation Force. Kudos for your amazing work, and for your talent in turning a good game into a great one.
Anonymous said…
This was a truly amazing game. I haven't enjoyed playing a Metroid game that much since Super Metroid. The way you updated it while keeping with the spirit of the original was impressive to say the least. I hope some of the folks at Nintendo gave it a good look and saw that you restored Metroid to its former glory. Bravo!
Anonymous said…
One thing that I think would be a great improvement for the Soundcloud files is if the unused tracks had descriptions to explain what they are supposed to be, conceptually speaking. Right now they are just big blanks. :p
Anonymous said…
Given that the author is named 'Leila Hann', the author is probably a 'she'. I don't agree with her opinion, but we Metroid fans in particular should be sure to address people by their gender correctly. ;)
Unknown said…
Really happy to see a final soundtrack for this! Thanks a lot.
Unknown said…
Cuanto tiempo tengo que hacer para que salga la tercera imagen de Samus Aran en la estación de Ceres, ya que solo 2 he podido desbloquear.
Anonymous said…
I want, like so many others, to say thank you Dr M64. Thank you for the dedication it took to see it through to completion. I also want to add a possible different perspective on Nintendo's handling of the situation that I hope can provide some solace. Granted it is just my opinion, but here it goes. I remember feeling a tangible sense of fear as the countdown ticked through its final hours that Nintendo was gonna kill it before it was truly born in its entirety... but to my (and countless others) great relief they didn't. Metroid's 30th anniversary rang in and you delivered, as promised, a great labor of love that I and many others eagerly downloaded. Two days passed before Nintendo rode in on a pale horse to rain death upon the project. Now I don't agree with their choice to kill it, butt I couldn't help but wonder why they waited when you didn't hide the fact that it was coming. They almost certainly knew that it was enroute long before then. If I had to guess, which I am, I think it is because there were several people at Nintendo with some clout who were waiting with anticipation like the rest of us. They wanted to play your final product as much as we did. They eventually had to follow company protocol, which once again I don't agree with, but they sat on their hands long enough for the fans to get their hands on it, ensuring that it would get out. If anything I take it as a silent nod from them to you that what you and your team did was amazing, otherwise they would have moved to shut you down years ago. I could totally be wrong, but that is the only scenario that makes sense to me. But at any rate, thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I wish you the best and hope you continue crafting quality games with the same passion and love that you showed with AM2R.
Anonymous said…
Doc, thank you. Seriously, AM2R was a blast to play through, I have followed you from the beginning, and so glad you delivered on this obvious labor of love. Best of luck to you in the future! :)
Unknown said…
still lookin here almost every day :D
Sir_Poeta said…
Doc, usted ya hizo un increíble trabajo. De ahora en adelante descanse de este proyecto, que para muchos y para mí ya está finalizado perfectamente. Su habilidad para rescatar la música del laboratorio genético es lo que más iba a criticar negativamente al momento de ver finalizar el proyecto, me interesaba que esa música quedara bien... y bueno, cuando la escuché quedé tan sorprendido que simplemente se me caían las lágrimas de la emoción... quedó mucho mejor de lo que me imaginaba. Las tres imágenes de galería son de una calidad impresionante. Sin duda usted seleccionó grandes artistas en diferentes campos para poder hacer de esto el mejor remake que haya existido en la historia de Metroid.
Anonymous said…
Thanks so much for everything that you've created. I love the game--played through it twice the day you released it. :)
Anonymous said…
Spew your drivel elsewhere. He could share it if so chose. Nintendo wouldn't do a damn thing about it. They are merely pushing their weight around.
testyourmine said…
Nop. Doc got a bunch of DMCA's that amounted to a C&D. Doing anything more with AM2R would be going against Nintendo, which could get into legal trouble likely. And Doc is not in this position to be doing that. He has family and stuff.
Anonymous said…
DoctorM64, unlike most people, I actually love every Metroid game, but in my opinion AM2R is the best by far. That's very impressive considering that I usually like the 3D games more than the 2D ones. Thank you for all your hard work, and know that thanks to all of your fans across the internet, your game will live on.
Anonymous said…
Hey doc, los temas estan buenisimos me deja sin palabras pero no me alivia del trago amargo de que no sacarás más actualizaciones del juego, estructuralmente el juego esta completo pero aún le falta.
Anonymous said…
Could you make these files '.ogg' so we can use them in game by replacing the other music files?
Bob_Squeezel said…
Just finished your game and it's even better than I anticipated. You did a splendid work out there! Thanks for the fun. You did remind me the fun I had playing metroid.
testyourmine said…
I mean, you can easily make it .ogg by using an mp3 to ogg converter, many of which are online. Even if you do, you would have to go into a program like audacity to change the length because many songs have fade out, making it not loop good. Some have fade in as well. Others have done it, if you check the forums.
Unknown said…
Why not make up a game that looks the same as AM2R but with a different name, characters, locations and all? Is it possible?
Unknown said…
I have been a fan of electronic music on the vein of Vangelis and Jean Michel Jarre, and this soundtrack is a glorious electronic album, simply wonderful.
Unknown said…
Being a new metroid fan I never could get into metroid 1, so I started with one everyone loved, super metroid , I instantly fell in love, I went through and found metroid fusion and loved it, but I wanted more, that's when found zero mission and my chance to play the original, I loved it, it took the original and made it into a game that made sense, a game that was actually good, I always wondered about metoid 2 tho, I played prime and was impressed but slightly disappointed in the platforming and first person controls but I still liked it, then I found YouTube videos about this project, I sat on the edge of my seat and waited so patiently for this game, when it came out I was busy and missed my chance at it. But then you released 1.1 and I downloaded it day one. Boy oh boy I had no clue the ride I was in for, the game took me completely by surprise, it was perfect in all ways I could see, the bugs that everyone is seeing I don't see but I was genuinely impressed by your work, I couldn't put the game down, it was finally the game the metroid franchise needed to bring love to metroid 2, I never enjoyed metroid 2 or 1 but i always respected their legacy, this game coming out gave me more respect for the game tho, it made me appreciate the franchise as a whole, thank you so much for your efforts, but at the same time you've got me waiting for the next metroid game, tho I'm sure Nintendo doesn't care, it's sad that they've lost interest in this amazing series but I'm so happy to see people like you who are trying so hard to keep it strong, your truely an amazing person, thank you for the perfect experience that is am2r and thank you for bringing me to love the franchise more, thanks to this game I've grown a deep love for the franchise and for metroid 2, still waiting on Nintendo but I doubt I'll get the game I'm waiting for, you've raised the bar and Nintendo acted prematurely, I'm glad you didn't tho, you acted perfectly like you should have, I love Nintendo but I hate them, I just wish theyd show metroid the love that you do, I know it's been said so much but thank you, and I'll see you next mission
Anonymous said…
still here waiting for an update that will never happen again :(
Unknown said…
Oh god this game literally made me (almost) cry, this is so BEAUTIFUL!!! I found the full version somewhere on the internet, hell yes!!! HELL YES!! THIS GAME IS SO GOOD! The Lore the Game mechanic, it feels like a freaking new Metroid game! DAMN GOOD WORK SON!

This isn't just some general hype, with the content this game provided I actually am freaking willing to play Metroid Zero Mission and Metroid Fusion HECK EVEN SUPER METROID BECAUSE OF HOW THIS GAME ENDS! You literally want to play it according the timeline because Another Metroid 2 Remake exactly manages to fit in between Zero Mission and Super Metroid, perfect! Magnifique design and Story content mate, nice job!
Unknown said…
DoctorM64, I know you've underestimated Nintendo's Attempt to protect not only their IPs, but also their monetization Rights. But I Love each and Every Metroid game that I Pondered years ago. But in Metroid Prime Federation Force's Perspective, AM2R Too is the Best one there is, so thank you for your Hard work throughout these years.
Unknown said…
You win my vote for your fan game Milton for Best Fan Creation of 2016, congratulations man!
Unknown said…
Only him can decide...he has the copyrights for the code after all.
Anonymous said…
I don´t understand, Nintendo of Japan allows the usage of IPs for fangames, Am I wrong?
Unknown said…
DoctorM64 you made an amazing experience it was one of the best Metroid games I have ever played I truly appreciate your dedication and hard work I've been following this project for a while now and it was well worth the wait. it saddening that such a great game had to be taken down but as such is life you've got to roll with the punches I harbor no resentment towards Nintendo but I am disappointed with there unreasonable actions against dedicated fan projects such as yours. AmR2,Project M, and Mother 4 are my favorite fan made games and it goes to show the effort from a regular group a people can live up to the corporate standards and even surpass them. No Matte the fact We fans will continue to enjoy your beloved creation because once its on the internet it stays there Thanks once again.
testyourmine said…
They might, but Nintendo of America/ lawyers are usually the the ones taking down fan projects. I don't usually see NoJ do anything.
Anonymous said…
Please, release version 1.2 in shadow internet.
Unknown said…
After listening to the SR388 piano theme and reading the last posts, i cried. It felt like if my favorite character from a serie died definitely...
Unknown said…
Do not let a company that develops Japanese entertainment software intimidate you, you have created a masterpiece with the remastering of that game. The atmosphere and mode of the game are incredible, I say keep creating new remasterizations and omit the laws of product protection.
testyourmine said…
Um, just letting you know, he isn't going to make another remake/ remaster. He is going on to original projects. Not remakes or anything.
Unknown said…
hi bro gg for your game and screw Nintendont
Anonymous said…
noice game ;)
Unknown said…
hey are you working on a different game NOT by nintendo? would love to see more of your work
Unknown said…
I salute you for this game, this soundtrack, and the ten YEARS you spent effort on bringing it all together.

While Nintendo itself might have scoffed at it, slapping a DMCA on it, we the fans know better. Capcom took Megaman Vs Streetfighter from a fangame to a main game based on the amount of fan support for it. Sadly, Nintendo didn't get the memo. But again, us fans know better. And its almost a 100% given that we'll be playing it for years to come (especially since I'm fairly certain someone's working on a hack for it so it can be played on a 3DS).

Finally, while I know you're primarily in the music industry, I'm fairly certain there's at the very least a half dozen gaming companies that would hire you in an instant right about now after releasing both AM2R and its accompanying soundtrack.

I'll certainly be listening to it at Anime Expo, Sakuracon, and Pax Prime.
adv.mx2 said…
I would love to play the version 1.2 of the game.
Unknown said…
Hey, DoctorM64,

Out of curiosity, would you have made a Super Metroid remake if Nintendo actually let AM2R thrive? The work you and your team did with Metroid 2 is astounding, and seeing the same thing come to Super Metroid would be amazing.
Anonymous said…
Could you possibly upload the raw uncompressed soundtrack?
Gordo489 said…
DoctorM64, please after AS2R do a remake of the original Legend of Zelda, I would love to play the game in Better graphics, and better music.
TheEternalSheep said…
Reply to the anonymous that wanted to use this in game

You can certainly do so! All you really have to do is find a way to convert each .mp3 file to a .ogg file. You can use audacity or just search online for a mp3 to ogg converter!

I have never tried using these specific songs but i have put custom music in AM2R in the past (specifically a different serris theme) so it should work.

PS. Make ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that your converter uses vorbis as the compression codec.
as this is what most games that use .ogg files are programmed to read. Otherwise you will get silence instead of your music. PPS. the music you want to place in the game has to be renamed to the same name as the song you are trying to replace or else it wont work.
Cyrus said…
I love the soundtrack of this game! Metroid Prime is my favorite game soundtrack, I can see the inspiration from there, and the music surely resembles that from the original Metroid II.
Syncnel said…
Thanks man, i´ll enjoy for sure this ost!

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