The last stretch

I know we'll make it in time. See you then.
EDIT: Project AM2R now has its own Twitter Account. Stay up to date with the latest news, anticipating the release.

Countdown Clock


Unknown said…
Holy shit, my excitement levels just went through the roof!
Anonymous said…
Maximum hype.
sabre230 said…
Anonymous said…
Unialien said…
Awesome! I believe in you guys! I can't wait to play it fully!
Unknown said…
All aboard the hype train
Ricardo Suarez said…
Ah maldicion XD, De vuelta a la camara criogenica de 30 dias ._. :V
Anonymous said…
ITS HAPPENING!! I can't believe how far its come over the years, and I can't wait to play the final product! We're all behind you Doc!
Jack said…
Holy ?&%$ !!!! So excited :) I can't wait to play the final version :)
Thank You again !
Anonymous said…
Unknown said…
Unknown said…
Is thus for real? I'm loosing my mind here. I have been fling this for years and have thoroughly enjoyed every demo that you have posted. I'm blocking my calendar. Congratulations Doc!
Mayan Mystery said…
Gaaaaaaaaa!!! Crying actual tears!
Toxyn said…
oh boy! I can't wait! I'm buying a controller this month!
Unknown said…
I am SO excited about this game! I've been following your progress through the builds for years! I really admire what you have done and I look forward to what you can show us in the future!
McGiggaChicken said…
I can't wait! This is gonna be sick.
Smiley said…
Oh. Sweet (but I do expect at least two weeks of delays, just so I can be positively surprised when there aren't any)
Anonymous said…
*ear piercing Fan girl scream*
Anonymous said…
Here we go boys, the final stretch...
zachThePerson said…
The page loaded, and I involuntarily made a sound somewhere between an exited yelp and a gasp.

I have been following this project since I was in 7th grade. The first post I believe I read was "A little sick" back when h1n1 was a thing.

Its hard to believe it's almost finally over. It's been one hell of a journey Doc, I wish you the best of luck over this next month. Godspeed
Roxy said…
really ? almost 8 years now.... each month waiting for news and see how this is gonna rise .
Now i wish you luck in geting this done in time :)and a big thankyou x) cant wait to play this <3
Anonymous said…
Sooooooooooo glad to hear this doc!!! You've made my dream come true!!
Anonymous said…
Hell yes, been waiting for so long! Keep up the hard work!! :D
Anonymous said…
Thank you... For giving us what Nintendo wont!
Anonymous said…
Wow, I've been following this blog for years, before I even really played Metroid honestly :P and now it's finally coming out. I just took the time to finally marathon all the main entries in the series (except Other M, I'll get there soon) so after years of dedicated hard work on your part it's surreal but sweet to finally see the project coming to fruition.
Anonymous said…
SMBLOZ123 said…
I am shivering with excitement. See you in August, doc.
Anonymous said…
I can't wait! Great work! :D
Unknown said…
Got chills as soon as I saw the countdown. Can't wait! :D

Anonymous said…
Excellent Work Doc I have been waiting this for awhile now a Metroid 2 Remake was something that has been always I wanted to see after playing the original to be able to play it the full version of the remake in a month its going to be a painful but so worth it wait

Great Job
MegaSeveN said…
Whaaaaaat?! Part of me never thought I'd see the day. So glad to hear this!
Zero-ELEC said…
This might be the best goshdarn birthday present I'll ever get.
Anonymous said…
my reaction: well it might be 3 days but i dont know *checks post* DANG IT
Anonymous said…
Pera ai! Não entendi direito sobre essa contagem regressiva....

Quer dizer que tem a chance dele sair antes do timer acabar ou só irá ser lançado depois do mesmo chegar a zero?
Daniel Quan said…
Unknown said…
Wow. You did it man. Nintendo won't give us a proper metroid game? I guess you are up tp the task. if there's any way to support you, please share a paypal link or whatever. I will pay for this game. they ask 40 bucks for federation crap? I will give you 40 bucks to you instead.
Anonymous said…
the sun will implode that day!
Unknown said…
Oh My God, thanks, for all of this, for this years of hype.
Daniel Quan said…
It's going to be the best birthday present ever!.... a 6 days late present, but still the best present!! :33
Anonymous said…
Doc does what Nintendon't!
netsendjoe said…
So excited! I've replayed the recent demo at least 3 times in its entirety as well as several times during previous versions and confrontation. I've been fiending so much that I even had to replay Fusion, Zero Mission, and Other M
Honestly, I bought a SNES30 usb bluetooth controller specifically for playing AM2R, before discovering how well it adapts to emulators and my already owned titles.
Evan said…
metroids 30th anniversary you sly dog you
Auto Pilot said…
I think you just blew my mind!
Unknown said…
6 Years... and it's finally coming to a close.
Being a massive junkie for the 2D Metroid games, I gotta say that seeing the development of this project coming to a close is bittersweet. It's been fun seeing how things have changed, and learning how the world was put together. Even if I didn't directly partake with the development itself (I played the demo only recently, though I had known of the project existence since 2012). I can only hope that Metroid will recover.

Good job, Doc.
Anonymous said…
watch the next post be a further 20 days delay for metroid 2's 25th anniversary, someone's got to celebrate that!
Anonymous said…
I'm about to play super metroid on the YOBO FC2 slim. But i don't know if i should wait and play this first.
Unknown said…
Thank you....You may have your way with my daughters, and my first born is yours to keep.
Yonathan said…
Unknown said…
jorge said…
Yahhhooooooooooo keep going doc i waiting for that!!!!
Unknown said…
Holy shit. Is this really happening? Is the wait finally over after six years? I'm so freaking excited right now.
Unknown said…
I just had an erection.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
I know its late to ask for features, but would it be possible to have an option to disable the mini map? it just being blank would be fine, as I would like to play it like I played the original on the gameboy, getting lost trying to find that last pesky Metroid!
Anonymous said…
In reply to the anonymous "watch the next post be a further 20 days delay for metroid 2's 25th anniversary" Watch nintendo release the NX with revisited classics including the colorizing of Metroid II: Return of Samus and other games that don't just get a graphical update but an engine overhaul ;~; I hope it doesn't happen because I love your work and am happy to see everyone is excited about something you have put so much time and effort into <3 Good luck on your release ^-^
bobsam said…
Anonymous said…
StellaInChains said…
Holy shit. I've been following this program since the beginning, I can't believe it's in the final stretch. Awesome work and congratulations on the impending release!
Anonymous said…
You know how to do it with style ; )
Anonymous said…
Not sure if countdown to release or count down to cease and desist notice.
please no C&D please no C&D please no C&D please no C&D please no C&D please no C&D please no C&D please no C&D please no C&D please no C&D please no C&D please no C&D please no C&D please no C&D please no C&D

Kerstin said…
Amazing news, I can't contain my excitement :D HYPE
Wow... It's so close. I'm probably gonna die of exitement before it gets released. I'm also curious if the game will be called something else than just AM2R. ",)
Anonymous said…
it's been 84 years
rogelio11 said…
oh man :O cant wait to play the full game.
Anonymous said…
Holy shit I can't believe it. I don't think any of us can thank you enough for the amount of time, passion and commitment that you've put into this game. Nintendo would never put this much love into a Metroid 2 Remake. I can remember first hearing about this years ago and following it ever since, thank you so much for all of it. Congratulations on the awesome work, here comes the final stretch!
Unknown said…
Gaaak!!!! I just did a double take and fell out of my chair! Years have passed since I've discovered this project! This has to be the most excited I've been since the announcement of the original Metroid Prime on the GameCube! Great work Doc! You've made a bunch of Metroid fan boys/girls very happy this day! The thirtieth anniversary of Metroid, very clever indeed!
Unknown said…
Anonymous said…
Wow! I've been lurking this remake and your progress for years. It's my first time commenting, but congratulations!
Unknown said…
Holy... Seriously ? I mean, seriously ? This will be the final version of the game ?
After all these years, the dream will come true !
Vachon said…
All I can say is thank goodness 30 days from now isn't April 1st... :-)
djnforce9 said…
Been following this project for years and I am excited to see it completed. I never owned Metroid 2 as a kid and purposely held off from playing it all the way through because I wanted to wait for this souped up version instead. Thanks for all your hard work and looking forward to playing your remake.
DonWafle said…
Interesting, fans are doing this, not nintendo
DonWafle said…
Oh my, can't wait for it!!!!😃
Unknown said…
so cool :) i was waiting for this moment for 4 years :D

Unknown said…
Omg, cant wait. I belive this is gonna be epic ! \ (•◡•) /
Unknown said…
Thank you for everything!!
Fenix said…
Anonymous said…
Doc I cant believe you have done this it provides everyone with a since of nistalgia and helps put to ease that Nintendo has killed metroid off for good knowing that the nx metroid will be the last metroid.
Unknown said…
A Metroid fan game that actually made it all the way through and will be realased.

I'm actually very impressed, what's up doc?
Unknown said…
OH SNAP! I can't wait. I've played the demo, and you've done a great job with what I've seen. Eagerly awaiting the finished product.
JL said…
Oh.... wow....

I have followed the progress of this project religiously for almost 7 years, but this is my first time commenting.

I cannot compliment you enough for your perseverance throughout the years. As a fellow game designer/programmer, I know how bogged down big projects can get when you start to realize just how much needs to be done to bring it to completion. I know many would have given up a long time ago on such a massive undertaking, so you have a LOT to be proud of.

Can't wait for the release! Congrats.
dontcare said…
This is an unnecessarily creepy/weird response to a video game being released.
Please don't announce so far in advance! I check this website everyday because I want to make sure I get a copy immediately just in case you get a cease and desist from Nintendo. By publicly displaying a countdown to the release date you give them notice to make you pull it before anyone actually gets their hands on it.
Unknown said…
O please just pull a Scott Cawthon and release it at least 15 days earlier!!!
Anonymous said…
Unknown said…
Ridley12 said…
This is awesome! One month from now, the game will be finished! Can't wait!
My birthday is the 7th! Best early present ever. Thank you so much Doc for your passion and dedication to this project. I found this in 2011 and have been worried that it might die but here we are.
Anonymous said…
Unknown said…
Woah, at first it seemed really far away, but now all of a sudden it's here! It brings a tear to my eye, I can hardly contain my excitement! One more month, just one more!
Anonymous said…
Someone probably already asked this question, but : what engine are you using ?
Unknown said…
AM2R is an anomaly for sure, I don't think there is a metroid fan game that has ever released an official full version before dying off. Not only is AM2R the best metroid fan game, it is the best 2D Metroid Game, I think this game surpasses Zero Mission, Super Metroid, and Fusion. This game blew me away when I played every area. Progressively getting better. You could tell DR M64's game designing skills as a hull get better and better to an extremely impressive degree as each area become more atmospheric and challenging! This man needs to be paid, because he has done the metroid fan base a bigger service than anyone ever has including nintendo since after the release of prime trilogy. Congratulations for finally finishing the game doc :)

... and I really hope you find a way to payed for this, seriously this could be a 30$ game on steam if nintendo wouldn't sue :/
Paweł said…
(Just entered this website to check if something new appeared and...)

Man, this is the most polished and professional fan-made game that I have ever seen. Yes, it is better than Kotor 2 (don't blame me for this Sith Lords fans!).

Thank you very much for such a great entertainment.

Greetings from Poland.
Unknown said…
Can't wait for this update. If this is the Final update. I will be very glad to play the entire game. c: I so can't wait to be this on Hard Mode and 100% Good Job on that Part Doc~
Unknown said…
Antonio said…
Oh Good Lord! I can't wait. For so long I wait for this game, and in one month I can finally play it.
Anonymous said…
August 6th 1986 was Metroid's release date in Japan, abd August 7th 2016 is release date of AM2R.

Anonymous said…
It's like an opposite doomsday clock :D
Anonymous said…
I've been following this project from the beginning. So stoked that it's finally being released! I can't wait!! Congratulations! I'm sure it will be super awesome!
OlenAnanas said…
Best birthday present I could wish for.
Unknown said…
OH MY LORD! I can't believe this is gonna happen. Please Nintendo have mercy
Unknown said…
The Journey is finally over...

I will admit, I dint exactly fully join this project until early 2014 but I had seen and heard snippets of it. And Im finally excited that this is gonna be finished.

God ist a dream come true.
Unknown said…
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

MaskedManClaus said…
Damn, we've already waited 8 years. I think we can wait a little bit longer XD.
Unknown said…
(world stops when am2r is released. millions of people buy new laptops to play) it really is a great game! well, so far anyway.
Unknown said…
Keep going strong Doc!!!! The galaxy needs you! :D
Unknown said…
OH MY GOD! All power to you!!! You can do it!
Can't be more excited, congratulations for all your hard work!
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
just beat Super metroid on the Super famicom. I'll probably play it again after AM2R.
Anonymous said…
Mind lost.
Anonymous said…
doc just in case nintendo sends you a cease and desist
send this as an answer

this remake along with streets of rage remake and super smash bros crusade are by far the best fan-made games ever
This Guy said…
I seriously hope nintendo doesn't see this.
Pennywise said…
Esta sucediendo!!!!! Wiiiiiii, wiiiiiii.
Chapolin Colorado said…
OMG *_* The most important gaming date of the year has been announced.

I played the original Metroid II a few months ago hoping that AM2R would be released soon so I could feel better how awesome it would be, and it's actually going to work =D
Camelslayer said…
8 years...
It's finally happening.
My god.
Unknown said…
what next? Super Metroid?
Unknown said…
Once this is finished if isn't too exhausted from AM2R, metroid confrontation would be nice to work on like adding different scenarios with different boss from other metroid games.
Ckozmac said…
Been following this since I was 8 years old. 16 Now. You're making the Metroid community a better place, Doc. Thank you.
Anonymous said…
The anticipation of checking your site doc for the release is finally coming to a close!! Nintendo aint got nothing on you doc!!!
Unknown said…
So great to see this timer.
Be sure I will play it and share on youtube ^^
Unknown said…
i have been following this fore a very long time, since i saw the first footage i found on youtube back when there were about 4 or 5 different metroid 2 remakes being made. congrates with staying with the very long project. i cant wait to play the release version, and see you next mission
Raykusen said…
Alright guys, here it is the countdown for the showdown, just like new year eve, get your weapons (controllers) ready for the intense fight that we are gonna have, it is showtime!
Sir_Poeta said…
Es emocionante al mismo tiempo que impresionante, pensar en el final de esta espera. Yo llevo siguiendo am2r desde que comenzó en sus primeros bosquejos, cuando solo se subían fotos de mapas borradores y de pruebas. Ha pasado ya tanto tiempo desde eso, tenía solo 21 y ahora tengo 30 de edad... Como suele hacerlo Samus Arán, con una mezcla de miedo y respeto... he decidido ponerle a este tiempo de espera intermedio |UN REPORTE COMUN PERO LLENO DE EMOCIONES PARA NOSOTROS|
Cas said…
Hey Doc, long time follower (never commenter) here! I wanted to say thank you so much for this project! I enjoyed Metroid 2 and I think your remake can do it all sorts of justice.
Grande said…
You are doing what "nintendon't". hahahahaha
You are a brave one.
A hero for all metroid fan.
Thank you.
Sphen said…
Unknown said…
cant believe im 17 now and its going to be done kinda cool that i have been here from the beging
Unknown said…
I'm a life-long Metroid fan (since I was 4, so be exact) and I've been following this for 3 years. So glad you've been able to do this, and I'm hyped to being playing this while everyone else is wasting time playing Federation Force.
Unknown said…
Just dropped in to check on the blog posts of AM2R, got a functioning game pad for the game, suddenly there's a countdown for the full release. Glad I got the setup finished and the game now has a release date. Thanks for the notification, and I'll practice on my skills in the game the duration of the counter.
Unknown said…
*Heavy Breathing*
Unknown said…
Before nintendo has a chance to shut this down You should release one more demo, or "leak" the game, i would hate to see something of this magnitude vanish so abruptly!!
Unknown said…
Because of all this hype for the completion of the game, I felt like going all the way back to the beginning of the blog and look at all the posts, and I came across that one post back in 2010 about naming AM2R something else, and I thought of a name myself. We may be way way too far into things to change the name, but if you decide to, maybe you'll consider my dumb idea? It sounds weird, but what about Metroid o2? It's sort of a shorter version of Metroid Zero Mission 2.
Neon Noble said…
After 10 years, I'm so excited to see this come to fruition! Thank you for your dedication, and I hope you will move on to even greater things!
Brian Z said…
Sooo much hype, when I checked your page for an update and saw a countdown clock, my eyes widened. Awesome to see this project coming to completion! Been on board for years. Great job Doc! And thank you! Can't wait to play
Loko said…
WOW! éxito y felicidades doc :)
Unknown said…
Anonymous said…
Good job Doctor!!

I've been following this project since October of 2008, I still play some of the first demos released at that time and of course the Confrontation Game, which all of them are very solid in my opinion, even if they were just little samples of what you really wanted to develop and make it better.

I'm anxious about whats comming next.

Cheers, regards! :)
Lastboss42 said…
I've been following this project for a long time...they grow up so fast :)

On a semi-unrelated note, my birthday is July 29th, so I'll consider this a late birthday present from you, specifically!
Unknown said…
Unknown said…

but seriously great work doc' can't wait to see what you o in the fucher
Unknown said…
Bluestorm83 said…
The only downside is that when the clock hits zero, the website explodes. If the game hasn't escaped since then, it'll need to reload it's save from before the final boss fight.
Unknown said…
Porfin el juego que tanto estaba esperando, por fin jugare un buen juego de metroid y no la basura de metroid federation esa kk que hicieron para 3ds :v
Anonymous said…
I would SO love for this to be available on one of those flash carts for the NDS; we never got a good Metroid title for that platform. And again, I think I speak for everyone when I say thank you, Doc. Thank you for your dedication and hard work.
Writter Gamer said…
Unknown said…
You are my gods. thank you so much for this remake
Unknown said…
Unknown said…
Is this only for the PC
It sure deserves a name. Metroid Zero mission 2 (shortened or not) could work. Also Return of Return of Samus or Return of Metroid II or Metroid II: Return of Zero mission could be nice. However, maybe the name shouldn't mention zero mission since the game doesn't have zero suit Samus -- as far as I know.
Alberto said…
Anonymous said…
For now yes, I think doc was gonna try to work out some controls for android later, but not sure.
Anonymous said…
I CAN'T WAIT!!! YOU ARE DOING GOD'S WORK! I have always wanted a sequel to zero mission or another 2D metroid game from Nintendo, but they never pulled through. Not only is this exactly what I wanted but it's free. You are my hero doc.
Gabriel.rasilva said…
I do not know if my heart can stand to wait that, but let's go. finally we have a date set after every single day coming on the page waiting for an update, XD
The last time I felt like this was the ff7 remake of announcement.
Anonymous said…
Yes! This is gonna be so cool to play this game all the way threw. This game is so worth it! Keep up the good work, you can do it!
Padauy said…
Finalmente despues de tantos años!

Doc, de verdad que ha sido un trabajo increible! finalmente podre ponerme a jugar Metroid Prime 3 para ponerme al dia antes de empezar con AM2R...

Ya casi, muchachos!
Anonymous said…
Mother of God... it's happening. All I can say is that it has been an honour.
Anonymous said…
Only game announced that I'm psyched for. DoctorM64 does what Nintendon't
Unknown said…
If Nintendo sued DR M64 for making AM2R, The Metroid fan base would boycott Nintendo products, and would make them lose lots of money, I guarantee.
Anonymous said…
I went out and bought a 100 pack dvd_r set, so I can truly burn this fabulous masterpiece to a cd, just in case Nintendo gets on some b.s.!!
giovanna said…
Doc, usted podria haber creado un contador que tuviese la música de escape de Metroid Zero Mission, que se repita una y otra vez, para darle emoción metroideana jajajja
Kristopher said…
Anonymous said…
If Nintendo gets mad and tries to do something about this they can fuck off. We've been wanting a awesome Metroid game since Prime 3, what they gave us was Other M and Federation force. Clearly they dont know what to do with the franchise anymore so its time for the fans to take over.
Oceanologue said…
Mertroid 2 is my favorite game ever, thank you so much for all the work you've done to finally share the passion we both have. I wont hesitate to give you the money you deserve in substitution of the theorical price !
Unknown said…
people.. calm down about Nintendo. this project is almost 10 years old and Nintendo would have sent a cease and desist a long time ago. now i don't care about Nintendo and i'm not defending them(honestly i'm not even a Nintendo fan anymore). to Nintendo's credit they are allowing this game to be made and distributed (again i don't like Nintendo but they do have the power to shut this down). just saying be thankful that any of this is happening. i've been waiting for this remake ever since zero mission came out. let us not forget that the chrono trigger projects and remakes were shut down by Square Enix. let us be thankful that we are getting a metroid 2 remake and a metroid game that most have been wanting for a long time. i can still remember when i was a freshmen in high school and seeing this project for the first time, now i'm a junior in college and still just as excited as ever. now if nintendo did shut this down i would be very angry and upset, but they have never acted with a cease and desist when the demos in the past were distributed and i don't think they will now.
Unknown said…
Can't wait! :3. Everyone right now...
Anonymous said…
I always wondered why nintendo never went back to this game. The "natural" metamorphosis of metroids are awesome! I can't wait to see what the omegas and queen will look like.
Unknown said…
I have no doubt you will make it on time. I have no doubt it will be amazing.

Glad to know that this huge project of yours is almost done.
Unknown said…
I saw the clock and fell out of my chair from a blast of pure hype. This is going to be literally epic, thank you so much. HHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Gidaio said…
Oh man! That's so epic! I (like sooo many others) have been waiting for the conclusion of this project for quite some time, and I'm so glad it's done! As others have said, if there's a (legal and won't get you sued) way to monetarily support this project, I'm in.

Keep strong in the final stretch! Make it as awesome as it can be.
Rathead said…
I can't belive this moment is this close to happen!
I've been following you since I was 13, I think. Now I'm 24, and the hype I.S. R.E.A.L.
I'm so grateful you never renounced to this proyect... Just congratulations for getting this far, man! You are making history in the fan-made world :)
JC said…

I've been following this for years. My anticipation quietly building as time went on. Then, to my dismay, the official Metroid franchise has stagnated and decayed more and more. Nintendo doesn't know how to properly handle such an amazing franchise.

But you do. Oh you ever!

I am more excited for this game release than I have been for almost anything else this entire year! I can't believe you have worked on it all this time, never giving up, and never leaving the project unfinished, as so many do. This is so very highly commendable, and it gives me immense respect for your sense of dedication and love for the Metroid franchise. As one man (backed by the appreciated efforts of beta testers and the like), you have shown more care, attention, and expertise for the Metroid franchise than Nintendo themselves. I can not praise your efforts enough. This is so, so fantastic and wonderful!

I absolutely can not wait for this. I saw the release date, and began to scream uncontrollably! Don't be surprised if I have more praise to heap onto your efforts, once I play the final game.

I've said it before, and I'll probably say it again. THANK YOU DOC FOR MAKING AM2R!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
No puede ser , desde hace 8 años que entro al blog para ver buenas nuevas y las demos y ahora esto , si sale la version final , lo jugare en modo super hard para disfrutarlo, disgustarme(por morir mucho XD) y hacer que dure el juego explorando cada rincon del mapa.
Zappsoft LLC said…
My God,

All these years of following this project.
I can't believe that it is almost released.

I can't remember the last time I was excited to see a game be released.

You have created a staple in history in probably millions of gamers out there.

This is it!

Avner said…
Righton my birthday too! I am completely hyped! Thank you for sticking to this project and working on it for years and years to come! What a great birthday gift this is going to be!
Unknown said…
yes!!! sa wakas, me bago ng updates, malalaro ka ulit nmin, d2 sa pilipinas iilan lng nag lalaro nyan, .. pero aq sulit metroid aq.. haha.. excited nq.. sa bday ko pa nman ma lulunch bagong updates.. haha woh!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
I've been following the project since 2009. Since then every month I check this blog for the updates. I can't describe how excited I am seeing that timer. But it's kinda bittersweet, because there won't be more updates. The story is over. But... Doc... Maybe, when you'll have your deserved rest after am2r... maybe... am3r? :D :D :D
With all that experience you gained from am2r it definitely will be something outstanding!
Anyway, Doc, thanks for your great work and for keeping us up to date during the whole process!
See you next mission! :D :D :D
FierceDeityIsOP said…
I cant wait you sir are the greatest.
Bluestorm83 said…
Even though this countdown is *PROBABLY* going to decrease at the rate of One Day per Day, I keep checking every day, just incase there's suddenly a "No, wait, here it is early!" fakeout, or something. Probably impossible, but I can dream...
Jameson said…
Glad to hear this game is almost at it's end for completion. I'm going to miss checking those updates every once a month, but that will be just a memory from now on. Good job, Doc. It's been one fun hell of a ride.
GuyroMaster said…
Doc, I have to hand it to you that this is going to be one of the best if not THE best Metroid games (even if unofficial) in the series.
Now since we are nearing completion, here are just a few small things to recap on before release. Take this idea with a note of drawing in that all Metroid games so far have done this in one way or another: item pickup/upgrade backtracking. Seeing as we have have Gravity Suit, Speed Booster, Power Bombs, and the Screw Attack, shouldn't there be a layer of exploring to find item pick ups in special designed locations or even branching paths for speed run and 100% completion purposes? Such a location could be the blocked elevator next to the GF Research Center. What's to say we couldn't use a bomb/power bomb to see that it's a screw attack blocked pathway that leads to a secret room on the surface maybe? (Maybe even make a game exclusive power up or upgrade for it? Like...a homing missile upgrade for the basic missiles? After all, this does take place after the prime trilogy in the timeline so homing missiles was a property that was introduced in those games for regular missiles.) Just some things to consider. I've seen many locations that could fit the "I'm hiding something" motive.

Next thing is just some small details to take note of.
1. Power Bomb refills. At this point from the last demo, there was no way to get a power bomb refill without going to a save station. Shouldn't enemies be able to drop those refills too?
2. Super Missile refills after defeating metroids. All the other bosses drop them so why not the metroids even if just a 1/10 chance it should still be noted especially if you are full on regular missiles.
3. Beam Upgrade blind spot. This may not have been noticed, but there is a spot in the beam fire that misses after getting the spazer/wide beam. This leaves holes in the firing waves after getting the wave beam and plasma beam. This happens because the ripples are following a pattern. Some shots will only connect at certain intervals and while this isn't a bad thing, it can make killing armored enemies just a bit tougher. I'm not sure exactly how Fusion and Zero Mission does it, but they make the beam waves hit in a a type of cone that covers that area of fire. Either way, if this can be fixed that would be nice, but it's not a mandatory thing at all.

Well that's all the little things I took note of just to make sure were brought to your attention just to give that extra coat of polish that might have been an oversight.
I can't wait for the game to release as I have been following ever since the 1.3 demo up till now.

Best of luck to the finish line with this good sir!
Anonymous said…
This game looks truly amazing. You have showed this series more love and care than Nintendo has in 10 years. Playing every Metroid game, I can't wait to add this to the list.

I hope down the line this can be converted to a gba rom (somehow) so I can play it on my 3ds or something. But right now I just can't wait to get my hands on it. Great job.
Unknown said…
Man...I love you. You are a fighter...congratulations!

Anonymous said…
I'm prepared to refresh the hell out of your site when one hour remains. I do not trust Nintendo period and feel they'd try to snatch it up quickly. Within just a few hours. A finished product gives them all they need to sue, and they just might. So as I'll tell everyone - don't hesitate to get the game as soon as it appears. If there are some bugs, you may just have to work around them. I'm not holding my breath for any patches. Niche Gamer already promoted the game to the commercial project, which might be more harmful than helpful.
Anonymous said…
*One day less on the counter*
Grey Fox said…
Pray near the last second Nintendo doesn't C&D this like SE did with Chrono Trigger Crimson Echoes
Gabriel Balbueno said…

Man, I just love this remake !! You're the best, Doc ! Seriously... I never been this hype since I've played Sonic Unleashed :v It's been a long time since I got hype for a good old classic reviving from its ashes haha jk The best for ya and your next projects ^^ Cheers from Brazil !
Unknown said…
¡No puede ser! ¡Está ocurriendo de verdad! ¡Después de tantos años esperandolo! ¡Gracias Doc, eres el mejor! :D
Unknown said…
First post on this blog to go past 200 replies, I didn't know that it made a second page for them after 200 :o
ThatIsFalco said…
The quality of this game feels so much like an official Nintendo made product. Even if it just a fan game, I will always look at it as another installment in the series. It's that good. I will probably keep refreshing the site in the last couple of minutes to get it as early as possible, because there's a part of me that believes Nintendo will just take it down (pls don't). Thanks for all of the hard work!
Anonymous said…
Nintendo definitely needs to hire you bro. Doc you are the man indeed!!
Tony said…

Thank you Metroid Gods! You have awakened the inner child of this grown man that I thought was gone. I remember what it feels like to be a kid again. The excitement is killing me!
kenraro said…
*Hyperventilates intensely*
Jokerwolf said…
I have been waiting for years man great job sticking with it! This is amazing. I am going to be making sure everyone knows about it once it releases.
Anonymous said…
Oh God!

*Crosses fingers*

Come on! I want August 6 to be now!
Anonymous said…
man i agree with some comments u should release the game as a surprise not with a countdown

just i cross fingers nintendo dont sue you before august 6
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