Menu controls, and demo release date

I know the DLC joke couldn't match last year's, but I had a lot of fun writing it.
Too bad I couldn't make a screenshot of the cat launcher in time...

Anyway, the new demo is almost ready for a release.
The miniboss of Area 3 had several revisions, and it's still being tweaked during the final playtest sessions. As usual, as things get fixed and features are added, other things break. Sometimes it feels like a never ending loop. But things look pretty stable nowadays, just a couple of (hopefully) simple bugs left to fix.

I know I entered into a "feature lockdown" to focus on the contents, but there was a feature that was requested a lot: Centralized menu controls. Now, first time players might find the subscreen controls a bit confusing (almos nobody reads the commands at the bottom of the screen), so I limited all the actions involving menus to 2 dedicated, customizable buttons.
This is a small detail that makes things much more intuitive.

Anyway, as for a release date... I will have a definitive date soon.
I'll post much more often as things develop, so please check back next week.

Thanks for following the project, and for all the awesome support!


Anonymous said…
The7thGuest said…
Awsome !
Keep it up Doc !
Anonymous said…
Thanks for your hard work, i look forward to release.
Unknown said…
I was fooled by your post yesterday..."Do we really have to pay for in-game missiles and tanks?" Keep up the awesome work...I'm looking forward to the demo very soon.
Unknown said…
Awesome Doc, I'm looking forward to it. Oh and by the way, your April fools day joke was great XD.
Loud said…
Great! I will wait up for play the awesome new demo. Btw how much areas are in the game? For thinking how much percent of the game is finished, I never played metroid 2 more than 30 seconds.

Thanks for all man, you are a true hero!
Chapolin Colorado said…
Can I ask a question?

Will the Demo be the exact same areas as the final release? Because if it were, I don't think I want to play the Demo anymore...

It's like a movie trailer, for example, Gravity. I watched the trailer and it was like "OMFG!" then, when I saw the movie, I realized they have showed everything in the trailer! The movie was just mediocre!

I certainly don't want this to happen to this awesome game.
Anonymous said…
Can't wait! Thank you for your dedication these past few years...
Anonymous said…
Fantastic this is really a beatiful project and now you also put area 4 and area 5 right they are only some pasagesways with at least 3 metroids
the area 6 is another Hard area ,area 7 and 8 are other pasageays area 9 is another pasageway but this is diferent this have Water and alot of OMegas And area 10 is the Queen lair :D
Anonymous said…
I´ve been following you for about 6 years now. I´m so happy you are finally making this real
Unknown said…
Been following you for 3 years now! Or more! I am always excited to check out the website for updates! You are getting so close! Keep up the good work. It will pay off big time, and be well worth the wait!
Unknown said…
Is it possible to add dpad support for gamepad users?
Xtremekidd said…
Oh man the day is almost here i can't wait
Unknown said…
you inspire me to start my own project based on Chrono Trigger called 'Magus-Master Of Shadows.' I intended to advertise it around release time so that fans wouldn't have to wait. I hope I don't get sewed for this. its a side scrolling platform like The Rise of Magus but a better gameplay and story
Anonymous said…
dos proyectos geniales: AM2R y Magus-Master Of Shadows.

Tienen todo mi apoyo
jorge said…
good i wait for the output of the demo
Unknown said…
Please put speedrun options like in confrontation.

Saludos desde Merlo, Buenos Aires.
Anonymous said…
I love Samus.

Anonymous said…
Amazing! Ive been keeping an eye on this for a while now and i can't wait. Quick question when you fully complete this what are you going to do with it?
brandino said…
Getting Pumped for the release of this awesome project. Its been a long wait but its gonna be worth it.

Thanks Doc
Anonymous said…
Yo man, keep up the hard work, I'm sure it'll pay off in the future!
Unknown said…
Antes que subas el demo, ¿Puedes hacer que el juego avance más rapido en Windows 8?
coloradohugge said… check this out =3
Anonymous said…
Maybe a Bit more of hours and the new demo is released Im so freaking Impatient im just get my hands shaking of the impatient XD
Unknown said…
ohhhhhh nvm last one was a joke phew you scared me doc, xD wow

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