Happy Holidays!

Another year, and a whole lot of changes happened in that time.

AM2R advanced, not as much as planned but the great feedback you people sent me about the demo was very useful (Yes, the first Metroid will be easier). Work is now centered on the main menu, and adding the 3 save slots with their respective options. It´s already designed, but the stats of each save slot aren't working yet.

A lot has changed in my personal life too. Besides the huge pride of being a father, I recently got a solid job offer to address our money issues. I´ll be programming ASP websites in C# for a consultant, and keeping the studio working. Of course, AM2R will always be my top free time project.

Anyway. I want to thank all the great people who shows their support, who take their time to leave comments, write emails and participate in the forum. To all the people who contributed to the project: Spriters, mod makers, translators, beta testers, and you, for playing the demo.

I wish you Happy Holidays, have a good and safe celebration with the people you love.


Anonymous said…
º º


....... thank you
Anonymous said…
No, thank you.
Anonymous said…
Hey doc quick question How much do u estimate That when the game is finished(Hopefully Soon) how much hard drive space it will take and will u also make a mac version of the game?

PS: Merry Christmas And Happy New Year, and tell your daughter i said "hi" XD
Anonymous said…
felices fiestas y pásalo bien con tus seres amados ^^
JusticeforAngels said…
I wish the same to you, Milton. Merry Christmas! :)
Anonymous said…
Merry Christmas everyone! happy holidays! :P
Xekolax said…
Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year, Milton. We feel proud too, somehow. :)
Bunnypoppop said…
Merry Christmas Doc! Great work and I hope to see AM2R completed in 2012 :)

Well, before the world ends I hope lol
Gonzalo said…
happy holidays doc!
congrats on your new job offer.
2012 may be the time to play am2r complete!
Anonymous said…
Merry Christmas Doc!!! Wow your family got some great presents this year! You and your girlfriend got a wonderful baby girl, and your daughter got an awesome guy for a father! Have a great new year!!!!!
Anonymous said…
Merry Christmas Doc,to you and your new family. We owe you thanks for this outstanding project, and all the work that has been put into it.
Bruno 1986 Brasil said…
Merry Christmas, DoctorM64. Thank you for being always respectful and dedicated.

About the game, you just surprised us all, especially for Samus' look, different from all 2D games, also more beautiful than all of them.

I'm sure the rest of the game will be amazing. I just want to give a few suggestions I believe you can do at this time:
- Samus' jumps are very noisy, when she rolls on air. Couldn't you make just the jump noise a little more silent?
- I read that some people liked my idea of showing the Parasite X starting to infect animals with a dark soundtrack, after the game credits, to remind us of Metroid 4. Please, do that, it would be nice.
- Make more cutscenes. In the demo you didn't show any, but I think (I hope I'm right) you made some cutscene of Samus arriving for the full version.
- Are there going to be difficult levels? Please, do it. For example, an Alpha Metroid has to be shot 6 times to die. In difficult we'd need 10... Some crazy players, like me, love challenges and I DO love to get pissed off.

Thank you again. Have a wonderful 2012
Anonymous said…
Been following the project since the first tech demo, always glad to see an update! Best of luck to you.
I was glad to be of assistance.
Those few Mods I did were fun.

And Have a Merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Hope there is mod support for the full game.
Anonymous said…
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !!!

About the demo... I've played ALL Metroid games out there, from the original to Other M but NONE gave me the problems your fiendish Alphas gave me, serously, having them fly faster than you can run and with such an aiming makes them a real challenge BUT MAKE EM DODGE TOO !? I wasted the Metroid Queen from both games in less time than that little monster. This definitely belongs to hard mode...
I'd suggest droping it's speed to 80-75% on easy mode so you can outrun it and have a chance to escape (keep the dodging on all difficulty levels, that's awesome)
And another thing, Samus' sprites look great but they have strane things like her legg suddenly growing twice in width and such plus the green lights that oters already mentioned.

Despite de fiendish dificulty and awkward sprites of Samus the level design left me breathless, as well as the music. All that polishing was definitely worth it.

¡¡¡ Felices Fiestas !!!
Anonymous said…
gracias por el exelente trabajo... pero cuando termine, podria ayudar a FSMR por favor y si en algo puedo ayudar pues estoy para servirle.

gracias feliz navidad...
Melissa said…
Feliz navidad y feliz años nuevos para ti también!! Mucho exito en todos tus proyectos tanto personales como laborales.

Y en serio, muchas felicitaciones por esa demo que sacaste, me la he pasado como 5 veces y no me canso de ella.
Realmente a los fans de Metroid nos da una gran alegría al saber que se hace un remake tan bueno del Metroid 2.

Anonymous said…
Hey Doc !
Merry Christmas und a Happy New Year, as ever I have to work those Days too,...

NO ! Dont make the Metroids Eayser, i liked it :)

Thanks Anyways for the Good Work !
Anonymous said…
Easier? The difficulty is fine as it is! I didn't die once in the demo...

Easier would chew donkey nuts.
Dudeman said…
congratulations dude
iamli3 said…
nooooo god don't make metroids easier their difficulty was just fine , and after you got the learning curve down they're just as easy as the originals....

at the very least plz make a hard mode and even a super hard mode would be nice , not by making everything a 1 hit ko but don't make the already easy enemies even easier >_> ........

oh btw lped the game if anybody wants to check it out....

VexusFlytrap said…
Something I forgot to adress on the previous comment: I loved the dificulty, it reminded me of the original Metroid 2, but I understand that others find it very frustrating. It'd be cool if I could choose an option to fight them in the harder dificulty.

Like you, I had big holidays this year. So happy holidays and don't forget to breathe.
Fraöt said…
Hey. The first Metroid is already easy. Check out for the lower part of each one. I encountered this "weakness" and abused of it a lot.
If you stay still and crouched, you can shoot the belly like a boss.
Fraöt said…
Por cierto, olvidé que hablas español.
Solo checa eso, los Metroid andan mal en esa parte. Una vez que agarras el ritmo, ni uno es reto para el jugador.
Y te admiro, tienes el tiempo ocupado y puedes con el juego. Yo casi no tengo tiempo para mi juego de Megaman X.
Yonathan said…
Feliz años nuuuevoooo para ti tambien! y espero tengas muchas bendiciones para ti tu hijo y tu esposa se les quiere un monton mucha suerte en tus proyectos y sobre todo en el de am2r! HAPPY!! 2012!
Miles07 said…
C#, huh? Wow, you must be following me around or something: I just got a job in that, too!

Feliz an~o nuevo? Frohes neues Jahr!!
Simmons2714 said…
OMG I make web sites too, if you need any help dot be afraid to ask me.

Anonymous said…
@About the demo... I've played ALL Metroid games out there, from the original to Other M but NONE gave me the problems your fiendish Alphas gave me, serously, having them fly faster than you can run and with such an aiming makes them a real challenge BUT MAKE EM DODGE TOO !? I wasted the Metroid Queen from both games in less time than that little monster. This definitely belongs to hard mode...

-...did you NOT read what Doc said? He's making the Metroid easier. Not that it needs to be, considering you can just STAND THERE and waste it, but hey, if you need it to be a more simple cake walk, more power to you, I don't get how they were so friggin hard. But he's lowering the difficulty even more. I don't know what they will do now...maybe hatch and never move.
Josepzin said…
Felices proyectos y felices dosmildoces!
Anonymous said…
Falling out of excitement a little.
A visit to the site and still no game!
Great demo though.
Good gameplay too.
Oh how I wish the full game was out!
Time to go back to waiting!
Jeweled Iris said…
hey congrats on being a father! thats awesome! also congrats on the job, I noticed this blog hasn't been posted since 2008...??? anyway, I'm just trying to find the full version of your metroid 2 remake, cause its friggin AWESOME! can't wait to play the full game like that
Anonymous said…
hey do you think you can try and make it a game download for the 3ds?
Game-Master said…
it looks so good! I can't wait until you finish with it!
Zombf said…
hey, i always wanted the 2d metroid games to do this, can you make it so that you can play as zero suit samus? like if you go to the start menu where you can toggle through your upgrades, you can turn the power suit off and play as zero suit samus. sorry for being confusing, i think. it would be cool as if you were to do it. and congratulations for being a new father!
IcyWorld said…
This project is amazing, it felt really really good to play the demo you released, and I can't wait for the whole thing :D
Anonymous said…
I'm glad that you're not affected at all by the MegaUpload shutdown. Can't wait to see AM2R finish. The internet is scarier than ever, and threats feel like they're everywhere.
Anonymous said…
Any update on progress?

Add and option to use Zero Mission-style suits
Add an option to use the old music from trailers
Add GPU Acceleration (use either OpenCL, DirectCompute, or OpenAAC Directives)
Add Anti-Aliasing options (including FXAA)
Protest Against SOPA and PIPA

Also, I made a startling revelation: The Portal 2 menu music hares an eerie resemblence to the different Metroid themes.
Also, Samuel should get updates from the Terran Interstellar Communications Department, including the occasional letters from fans, just to make you feel less alone. Maybe random advertisements and news articles should also come in along with the intel that the Federation gives you.
Sir_Poeta said…
Hola, solo tengo dos cosas que decir a cerca del demo... ES FENOMENAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
magnifico escenario, y la musica tiene una esencia semejante a como lo haria nintendo, solo tengo una pequeña acotacion, deberias colocarle el mismo sonido que le pusiste anteriormente a tu primer demo de AM2R, el de ahora tiene un sonido igual al de Metroid Zero Mission cuando Samus toma un Misil. Metroid 2 se caracterizaba por tener sus propios sonidos y muchos detalles que otros metroid nunca mas tubieron, debes mantener ese canon, asi llegarás a la esencia real del original metroid 2.
Saludos amigo y que todo salga bien, avanza harto, es un demo increible.
Anonymous said…
You know, you seem to be entering the "EVERYTHING ELSE MUST BE PERFECT BEFORE THE FINISHING TOUCHES ARE APPLIED!!!" phase. Good luck getting out of that deep well.
Exar said…
Keep up the great work! Also, hope everythings going well for you new family wise. I also hope this project never dies ;) I can handle a slow pace, so long as we get to see this in the end, too much epic work to die now!!!
Jeweled Iris said…
hows the work coming on AM2R?
Tenka said…
Jesus .. whats with all the people requesting X/Y/Z to be in the game? Do you guys REALLY want him to take an extra 3-6 months just to add your vanity features?

Christ! .. let the man make his game!
bankslad said…
Just read about this project in a magazine! It's incredible. I love the Metroid series but could never get along with the GB one, hoping this will change all of that! Hope you can find the time to see it through whilst enjoying your new job and fatherhood.
Rudra said…
Wow you rock, I still remember when this project was still a new with only one teaser trailer, now look... Good work Doc
@myself Stupid Kindle Fire...

I meant to say Samus, not Samuel.

Similar to when I tried to type "has" but the Kindle wrote "hares".
Anonymous said…
I'm sure Doc is quite busy with his new family, but an update would be appreciated. This is the first time in a while he's taken well over a month to tell us anything.

Just let us know that you're there and everything's alright, Doc? We all want this project to be finished so badly, and you don't seem far off. Patience may pay off, but many projects that take too long get lost in limbo as well. Please don't let this happen to this one!

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