Alpha Metroids on their way

The second ruins are almost done, I still have to add some scripted events, but the map is there.

So, I´ve coded 11 enemies so far, a few of those have some interesting and complex behavior. I made a version of Ridley for the demo, and it came out quite well, even if it was an experiment.
I feel I´m ready to start working on Alpha Metroids. I know I´m capable of making interesting enemies to fight, and I have some cool ideas for all the Metroid evolutions that I´m sure I´ll be able to pull off succesfully. Metroids are a key part in this game, and I wanted to be sure they are well coded.

Most of the actions of the Alphas are planned. Not all of them will behave the same way, and some will appear in unexpected ways (Sorry, I don´t wanna spoil the surprise).
I´m taking into account that Samus can now aim in 8 directions, and an Alpha would last 5 seconds if it behaves like in the original game. They will be faster, more agile, and smarter. I´m still trying to figure out a way to make them learn to avoid incoming missiles.
There will be enviromental interaction to aid you in battles, but in rare ocasions.

Hyrule_SwordsMan is busy with exams, so Alpha Metroid sprites production will begin in a couple of weeks.

To all the people who are asking for screenshots: I won´t be posting screens until I finish the new areas. Backgrounds and tilesets are being tweaked and recolored all the time, so whatever I show you now, it will be different in a couple of days.

If you have any suggestions about anything, I´m all ears. Thanks!


Anonymous said…
I realy cant wait for the game to come out, and cant wait to see what the metroids look like!
Anonymous said…
you are my god, I've been waiting for someone to do this for years. My only idea is that you use the original music for the beginning area, originally dubbed "enter SR388". I know a site you can get a remix that almost exact to the original. Only someone who plays the two together can tell the difference. If you want to know the sight email me at

I'm really looking forward to this game.
Anonymous said…
HOLA!!! Me encanto el remake del metroid II. Ya he jugado el La verdad es que buscando el juego original (nunca antes había jugado la version de gambeboy) y me parecio mala, no me gusto para nada.

Bueno, tengo conocimientos musicales y me gustaría ayudarte con la música y si es que puedo en los sonidos.

Trabajo con Cool Edit Pro (y audition), Con fruity Loops y XGWorks. Tengo Conocimientos MIDI.

Te ofrezco trabajar la musica MIDI o Mp3, OGG.


Axle Sparks said…
Hello. I saw this a couple months ago, and I was amazed. In 2005 I started a project very similar to what you are making. I stopped working on it, and I lost all of my information, but I had sent some pics to nintendo power. I had a few ideas I thought were pretty cool. Like, the farther you get in the game, the darker it would get. You would be equiped with a light that let you see around, and whereever your gun was aiming. Once you beat the area lights would turn on. And by the time you get to level 10 it would be pitch black around you. Plus it was more based on the gba display, not the super metroid. Anyway, I am happy to see that someone is doing this, and so close to my image. The game is too great to not have
an updated version.
Dylan French said…
Those are some very nice pictures, Axle Sparks! Perhaps DoctorM64 will use some ideas you share with him.
Anonymous said…
So what's the percentage complete now?? I'm already aching to play this...
Anonymous said…
God bless you for everything you are doing. I literally cannot wait to play this, just finished the original and eager to play this remake more than any next-gen title that's coming.

And those are wonderful screens, Axle.
Anonymous said…
Heya, is there a specific or like good program that would be used to create new metroid themes? Because i'm not very experienced but i would like to help if i could, and i find the metroid atmosphere isn't often kept in new more upbeat remixes of the classic themes. I would suggest a little more darker/mystique to the music.
Unknown said…
I have to admit, when I first saw this, I was skeptical. I happen to be a hardcore fan of Metroid Two, and will be following this very closely until it comes to fruition.

If you need a beta tester, I'm your man. Contact me if you do.

But anyways, keep up the beautiful work.
Anonymous said…
When will the metroid video come out i really want to see how u do on the queen metroid. I LOVE METROID 2 WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT :) :) :)
Anonymous said…
Putting Ridley in the game would be awesome! But unless you plan on putting other space pirates in the game, it wouldn't make a whole lot of sense. Maybe you could add a whole new space pirate involvment in the game?
Just some thoughts.
Anonymous said…
Are you going to have Gamma/Zeta/Omega Metroids stay on the ground, or will they still fly? Honestly, I think it would be more true to the original intent of the design to have them on the ground, as evidenced by the Omega Metroid in Fusion.

Or perhaps Gamma Metroids can both fly and stay on the ground, but I'm not sure how hard that would be to do.

Also, I would shy away from putting in Space Pirates, but having some dead Space Pirates, or an old base of theirs from when they took the larval Metroids earlier in the landing area might be interesting.
Anonymous said…
That's an interesting thought. Remnents of the space pirates would be pretty cool. Kinda like the abandoned ship in super metroid.
Anonymous said…
What I think was missing from an aesthetic standpoint in Metroid II was the Infant Metroids. For dramatic effect, especially for those who have never played Metroid II before, it would be really cool to spot a few dead Infant Metroids in the opening area (and even have them interspersed throughout the whole game, not just at the end). Perhaps you could work in a way to fight them, but that would mean Samus would have to start out with the Ice Beam (or perhaps cold rooms, or something). For more dramatic effect, perhaps the first Alpha Metroid could start out as an Infant, eating some creature, and then evolve in front of Samus' eyes. Also, interspersing Infant Metroids throughout the game would be interesting as well.

Actually, now that I think about it, I rather like the idea of Samus starting out with the Ice Beam. In the game, she already starts out with missiles, and she is out to kill Metroids, so why shouldn't she have the Ice Beam to begin with? The Ice Beam is a fairly early power-up too, if I recall correctly. Then you could actually kill some Infants in the beginning, and have the whole dramatic evolution thing.
WiLL said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
WiLL said…
Ok then, a few ideas/suggestions/stuff:

1. It would be good, as above said that, the first Metroid Samus finds is firstly an infant, then it kills a creature, but then the creature turns out to be an X parasite. This is a thing what only the players see, and when the Metroid sucks it's energy, the Metroid glows in strange yellow color, like it sucked too much energy, then it causes the Metroid to be stunned, fall to the ground, then evolve to an Alpha.

2. What will be in that tower in the 3rd ruins? In the original it's full of the weapons, but since it's can be stacked, they're not necessary.

3. If you stict to that flashlight/darkness at the end idea, then it will be good if there would be somekind of eerie glow at Omega Guardians; that place has a strange bubble theme, so it would be good.

4. Another Idea: When the first Omega appears in the original, it's srange that we first encounter with an Alpha, then after a circle the Omega out of nowhere. I think it would be good, that when we meet with the Alpha, below that we can already see the Omega in the shell unhatched, then when we try to leave that place, an earthquake occurs, the tunnel collapse, then we fight the now hatched Omega. And another idea: Make the all-four Omega Battle different from each other somehow.

5. I noticed, when we arrive the room before the Queen, we can hear her cry/moan/sighing. It's pretty scary, it would be good if it will be scarier.
And about the Queen. In the original she only have two attacks, and with the bomb technicue it's too damn easy. It would be good if she has more attacks, or sometimes makes a barrier around her, and releases 3 Infant to the room, and it would be harder if it only be killed with the stomach-bomb, but it takes more try, and we can only jump to the mouth if we first shoot a super-missile to it, then freeze the mouth, then we can jump to the mouth.

So this is my ideas for the whole game. Sorry for my bad english, and, please, keep up the good work!
Samuraikill said…
Nice work :) Keep up the good work!
Anonymous said…
i agree with Will except for the infant thing in the 5th idea... but he has some really good ideas.
Anonymous said…
i think that samus shouldn't start out with anything in the remake... it would make the beginning more challenging.
Namagem said…
@anon: It would make it more frustrating. She starts out with those items because it's part of the story. She just got back from her previous missions and still had them. It wouldn't make much sense to say "She just threw them away." She doesn't have much, still; just her charge beam, missles, and morph ball. If you play the original again, think about how frustrating it would have been having to find the weapons and items you start with.
Anonymous said…
I'm going to love this remake. And my first impression would be you would base the Metroid sprites in Fusion's Restricted Lab, and tweak their appearances to make them fit in.

I agree with whoever decided to put some dead Space Pirates in the area.

And don't forget the Federation guys who failed to kill those Metroids, too.

And I thought that Samus used an infrared (IR) scanner, someone said it was said in the manual. Putting a red light scanner might feel more bloody, though.
Anonymous said…
I think the reason why she doesn't start with the ice beam was because the makers expected to continue a nonstacked system where Samus would have to go back to where she found the beam to use it.

Since they swapped over to stacked in zero mission, it would make sense to make this version stacked as well and have samus start off with at least the ice beam because she leaves zebes with it (because she had to use it to kill the metroids). i beleive she started with the charge beam in the origional metroid 2 too.
Anonymous said…
Hola! :D I'm a 15 years old metroid gamer who love the game! Especially the games in the prime serie. Since I started to play metroid prime 2: Echoes(my first game) I've always wondered about how the whole thing began... And since nes metroid and metroid 2 etc.. was made long before my birth I've never got the chance to see how it all started...untill now! :D I really apreciate this and I respect your work 101%! ;D I'm glad someone finnaly could do this! I love the demo aswell!

I really cant wait for the game to come out! Good work! (thumbs up) ;D
Anonymous said…
I think that you could add a couple of baby metroids in the last area. You could have them have personalities.
1) For example, some of them won't be hostile and will run away when you see them because they just hatched and you have to chase them down or have a sort of hide and seek with it to kill it.
2) Or some of them will suck your life out but won't be able to attach because their fangs are not fully developed, it would be like a Mochroid.
3) Or some of them will ram you like the Infant Tallon Metroids in Prime 2.
4) Or they could just have a small group of 3-5 that just float around like the Miniroids in Corruption. (but you will still get hurt if you touch them, or they will latch onto you if you touch them)

With this idea, once you get to the last or second to last areas the metroid counter thingy will go up 1 or 2 every 5 min. or after you kill an Omega the queen will somehow know and will lay 3 eggs to replace the fallen giant. You could also add a metroid egg counter as an item in the last section, so you can keep track of the eggs and you can know when they hatch. (they could hatch every 7 min.)
Anonymous said…
Something that always irritated me is that only larva metroids can suck energy. That just doesn't make sense.

If you could give EVERY type of metroid the ability to grab you and suck your health in some way (grabbing you with claws, tentacles, jaws, etc), that would be just awesome.
Anonymous said…
Some of the posters above mentioned adding dead space pirates, which would be very cool... Someone else briefly mentioned dead federation troopers as well - I just want to agree about how awesome that'd be! Like, right at the start, there'd be maybe one or two dead troopers, and as you go deeper you find more and more, each one of them dead in unique ways...

Also, I think that after recently replaying the original, this game has a lot of potential to be very atmospheric and creepy, with the music and amount of light getting more and creepy as you get deeper, with things like dead troopers and stuff before rooms with metroids to add suspence.

My final idea is to somehow include a reference to the X parasites: metroids were created to destroy them, and the for the entire time that metroids were dominant on SR388 they kept the X in check. It'd be cool, like an above poster said, if you saw a Larva Metroid attack an X and evolve into an ALpha, or something.

But anyway, keep up the good work - really looking forward to this!
Anonymous said…
If only there could be a GBA, PSP or DOS version of this. :(

Why does Game Maker have to be windows only?
Anonymous said…
Does anyone know, would it be possible to port something from gamemaker to homebrew? The you could play AM2R on a modded DS or PSP.
Anonymous said…
Does anyone know, would it be possible to port something from gamemaker to homebrew? The you could play AM2R on a modded DS or PSP.
Unknown said…
if ridley is being added to this, then the space pirates have to be in it. someone suggested dead space pirates and fed. troopers, if they could be added, the fed. troopers could be dead in diffrent ways, space pirates and metroids. what im saying is, add some fed. troopers in the frontal caves with some space pirate carcasses, like as if they were in a war, and some in the metroid-areas. I would suggest that in the game, samus is running around (possiply in the first ruins?) and she enters a room with an infant metroid feeding off an fed. trooper but just as samus is about to attack, it falls slowly and turns into an alpha metroid. as for the space pirates, or their base that is it could look really bad as tourian in metroid zero mission, the space pirates have to have a base, it would be in the second ruins, if not, then why would ridley be there?
Dylan French said…
Anonymous said…
(If I remeber correctly) the space pirates attacked a galactic federation exploration vessel to acquire the metoids, so unless the vessel was just leaving SR388, the pirates shouldn't have left any evidence of being on the planet. If pirate corpses are there, than the vessel would have to be there as well to be consistant with the story.

Also, i think it would make more sense to have more bodies at the beginning, and less bodies as you moved deeper into the planet because they failed and the few best would've have survived the first waves of meteroids. That is unless, they made some progress and then eventually were killed. However, they would never have gotten very deep or else they wouldn't have called on the help of samus.

It would be awesome if galactic federation machinery were infected by the X forces samus to fight it, and right as she destroys the machine, and the X is about to infect her, a metroid could come out of nowhere and eat it. Maybe a special ops force was able to get farther than everyone else and then died.
Anonymous said…
Alright, you may not know, but I'm the guy who suggested about the Federation Troops. Alright, so, what if one of the caves was a deserted area, the site where X Parasites were at? I would also would love to see a lot more of Chozo-made areas, and some more architecture, such as the pillars and statues in Zero Mission. And also waterfalls and fountains in the area.
Anonymous said…
Okey! I think that you could have a at least one or two X parasites, because they lived on the planet, and the metroids where created to keep them at bay. you have to add at least 1 or 2 thou, you dont have to add them as acommen enemy because the chozo said that the metroids where becomeing a problem, and could have nearly killed off all of the x, so there would just be acouple on the planet. no! got to go!! Sorry for bad spelling, im in a rush and sneeking it in school! crap! no! n-not detention!!! But, its Metroid... i love me-
Anonymous said…
I've been really interested in remakes, redesigns, and re-anything of the Metroid games. I just played the demo, and there's one thing I don't like: why is there no save function? Ridley has a LOT of health, and I've yet to kill him. However, having to go all the way to the start every time you die is REALLY annoying. Could you add a save room or two to the demo?
Anonymous said…
I finally killed him! I searched around more and found some super missiles, which helped a LOT. Without super missiles it's ridiculously tough; it takes 5 missiles to do as much damage as 1 super missile!

Anyway, it says I got 10/12 items, so I have some more things to find. Great demo! Looking forward to more!
Namagem said…
After you find all the items, try doing a LOW-item run. It's MUCH harder, because you need to find shortcuts and ways to damage enemies other than missiles.
I've actually done a 1% run. Once you actually do it, everything else is boring, except for speedruns.
Namagem said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
I happened upon your tech demo on Yoyo Games a few days ago, and I am thoroughly impressed by how you've managed to almost identically recreate the gameplay and feel of Metroid Zero Mission with Game Maker. I enjoyed playing it very much. I am a huge Metroid fan, and I am very excited to play your final product. Keep up the amazing work.
Anonymous said…
The thing to remember in regard to X though, is that prior to Fusion, Samus had never encountered, let alone heard of them.
Anonymous said…
Regarding what the poster before me said, she never came in contact with the X. You could add some X vs. Metroid encounters out of samus's sight. Like when the pirates take the power bombs from chozodia in Metroid Zero Mission. You could also put it in the background of some rooms.
Anonymous said…
I think that the speed running should be implemented in the game

like in Super Metroid because running in that slow pace is fustrating

you should absolutely put the remains of not only space pirates and Feds but the remains of other dead creatures right before you enter a room with a metroid in it

and the creatures should get bigger if the Metroid is bigger and tougher
Anonymous said…
OMG , metroid 2 return of samus
is the last game that I have to play for complete all metroid series.

but when i see this Remake


no words

, thanks only for metroid fans :D
Jedispy said…
You are brilliant!! I now have a new hero. I wish I could help you guys in some way.

Please keep up the good work. You deserve a major award (where do I send the leg lamp?)
Anonymous said…
Ah HA!! Samus said that she never encountered the X in Metroid Fusion, so the Metroids could have driven them to the brink of extinction. Also, Samus couldent of had the Ice Beam at the begining of the game because the last time in the Metroid Timeline she had it in Metroid Prime. In 2 Echos she didnt have any trace of it still installed in her sutes systems, and In corrupion the last beam you get is Nova. So if she was to start the game with a beam other than the power, it would have to be Nova. Not that im saying that you should have her satrt off with it, im just saying that she shouldent start off with the Ice Beam.
Anonymous said…
Oh one more thing, she is going to be hunting metroids, so you could have her start off with Ice Missles, instead of normal missles. The missles part will still be implimented in the game and ice is a metroids natural weeknes. You said that the super missles wont make the Metroid fights easer, so i think that the super missles should do the same dammage as normal missles on the metroids, but the super missles would push them far away from you. It could be like a last resourt, or if your in a small space.
Anonymous said…
All this talk about starting with the ice beam, doesnt it kind of take the fun out of a game if you start with the most effective item against metroids? That would take the whole challenge out of the game. Ice Beam is a LAME idea.
Anonymous said…
i really like the dead corpses idea

You should really aim towards making this game very creepy and eerie. Just the story line and concept of Metriod 2 is creep. O.o
Anonymous said…
Random comment time!!! Metroid Prime is so far the only game iv played that has that errie issolation feeling. echos had dead corpses to tell you that there where other people on the planet and corruption had you talking to that big brain. Zero mission whent by so fast, Fusion had "Adam", and maby super metroid was the only other one that had isolation. also to back up the ice missles, Samus had the ice missles in the end of Corruption which was right befor this game. unless that ship in the end will make 1 more game befor Metroid 2. In school must type fast sry!
Anonymous said…
I Think that you could have the Alpha and Gamma metroids grab Samus with there bottem claws and use the top one to drain her energy with. They would only do this some of the time and would also attack like you said, and the Gamma could use its legs to grab rocks and drop them on samus. The Zeta metroids could use its claws to grab samus and drain her energy using its mouth. The Omega metroid could just attack, but if you to into morph ball, it would suck samus up into its belly like the queen, and you have to bomb your way out. But don't make the bombs hurt it, just stun it or something. Also the Alpha/Gamma should fly at all times, and the Zeta is suposed to fly also by shooting high presurised gas from its back, but it could also walk, like when it wants to suck samus's life out. Finaly the Omega is also suposed to be able to fly, but you should make it only use it on rare occations, and instead have it use giant leaps (like Metroid Prime).

If you use the life sucking idea I thought up could you include me in the credets? Name: The Ant!
Anonymous said…
i think you should include x in cut scenes (if possible, that is)

like, for example, before the first omega metroid fight, samus stops at some ruins,(remembering her childhood or something like that)and an x sneaks up on her, then out of no where an omega metroid eats it, samus turns around, unaware of the x that had been there moments before.

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