The progress so far

This is a rough estimate of how advanced the project is:

  • Physics, states, behaviours - 95%

  • Abilities - 95%

  • Powerup System - 90%

  • Weapons - 98%

  • Enemies - 15%

  • Map System - 99%

  • HUD - 100%

  • Level Design - 15%

  • Sound FX - 5%

  • Music - 0%

This little map shows a draft of the entire game, along with the already completed areas (the ones colored red are mapped and tiled).

Right now I´m mapping all the rooms of the game with black squares for tiles. This will give me an idea of how dynamic travelling between zones is, if a tunnel is too cluttered, etc. before spending too much time with tiles. I´m also trying to figure out how I´m going to implement the vertical pipes of the second ruins.

I noticed these days that the project is somehow extremely popular now. The rumor spread around many gamer sites with a lot of possitive comments, and advise about the "cease and desist" letter that many think is imminent. I learned about other great projects that got shut down for legal reasons, that made me feel a little more paranoid than before. I put a lot of effort and time into this little project, and I´d like to finish it at least.

I want to thank all the people that showed their support and constructive criticism.

For all the people that couldn´t find all the items on the demo, here´s a 100% run:


Unknown said…
port to the Mac please...
Anonymous said…
Hey there.... This is acn010 here telling how amazing the project is going on... I can t believe how exact the behavior of your engine works for metroid.
I am also doing a Metroid game for for a gaming platform, the PSP... And its pretty much incomplete i may say... but yours, wow, I want to see a portation of your demo on the PSP system. Please contact me if your interested on the port to the PSP.
My aim is: acn020 (i am currently on the phone so im always on aim)
As in on forums you can join in and you will see me posting comments...
So please,I really want to feel the nature of your Metroid engine
in the palms of my hands and many other people.
Contact me if your interested. If not, i understand.....
Thank you for reading my post, I hope we can join and make this portation on the PSP system.
Anonymous said…
This is pretty amazing! I love Metroid II and this demo plus your other releases look really really good. The Zero Mission style works well even if I don't like its physics as much as Super Metroid's.

Though, speaking of that, there's one tiny bug in this demo. In Zero Mission, once you have the Speed Booster, you move as if the run button is always held. In this demo, you run at normal speed until you get the boost going, but in ZM, even at shorter distances, you run faster with the Booster than without it. There's an acceleration period like in SM, too, but it's kind of annoying since you can't control it's start or stop. But the acceleration and the speed boost are both there in ZM and not in this demo. Did you leave it out intentionally, or just forget about it?

Anyway, good work! I'm looking forward to more releases.
Anonymous said…
Amazing work thus far dude! Looking forward to playing this game when its done =)
Anonymous said…
Incredible. Your engine is absolutely flawless - I would've sworn those were official Zero Mission gameplay videos if you hadn't told me. I am amazed that Game Maker could handle such an advanced engine.

Keep on truckin'

CezarM said…
Guys, you are amazing.

Bookmarked and posted around in forums
Anonymous said…
hey man the demo is very very great
I'm try to finish that but it's difficult so I like it because it's dificult
make the game hard guy
Unknown said…
I commend you for your wonderful efforts, sir :) I will be playing it shortly. I hope Nintendo doesn't send you a cease and desist order.
Dusk said…
Dude, I don't know what to say. That fucking rocked. You've given me 5 minutes of Metroid I haven't had in years since... well, Super. Please keep going. All the others stop. Don't be them. If you get hassled, take it offline, continue to work on it, then leak it somewhere when it's done. This project is on the edge of greatness, please keep going.
Anonymous said…
WOW!!!!! what a cool project!!!!!!!!! i'm looking forward for the end version! Thanks for your work.
greetings from italy, hannes
Lag.Com said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lag.Com said…
Hey there, I'm quite impressed with your engine. :) I notice the 'music progress' is stuck at a rather unfortunate 0%, an d I think I could do something about that. How would you like the Metroid II soundtrack remixed? Well, the bits of it that are not random high frequency beeps punctuated by silence.
JadenGuy said…
best course of action to avoid a cease and desist:

1) Remove all references to metroid. Your game will now be about a robot or a ninja or an alient or whatever.
2) Release the source code. Make the project open source.
3) Wait for somebody to, ahem, mod the game with a metroid skin. Heck, make the game skinnable in the first place and it'll be even easier! Include a level editor.

If you are worried that somebody is going to take the game and rebrand it and not credit you, make the license require like a special splash screen or something. If /they/ continue, you can use a C&D them.

You can neglect to persue the metroid modders.

Even if you do get the C&D, you can follow this path. It might feel like it's too late to change everything, but ask for help with the project. If it's open source, you'll find a lot more help I think.
Saulo said…
This looks gorgeous, man!
standardman said…
Fantastic work, this is a great celebration of a classic game.
Anonymous said…
Wow, I must say that I'm impressed. This page really inspired me to make my own metroid game with game maker. This takes place after metroid fusion, since metroid 5 got...canceled. It's comming along really well. I'm just here to say thank you and good luck with the rest of your game.
Zach Miller said…
Where's the 'Donate' button?!
Carlos21ok said…
tu trabajo acava de ser publicado en DIGG
loco si yo fuera tu creo un link para aceptar donaciones pero ya, creeme te ayudarian mucho pero muchisimo.
Hazlo YA!!!!!
Anonymous said…
the project looks amazing, I think it's even better than what nintendo could make. keep up the good work.
I don't know if you'd be able to do this, but I would LOVE to play this on my nintendoDS. No touch screen nonsense necessary. Just using the bottom screen for map/menu stuff. That'd be sweeeet!
Something I forgot to mention before, but it popped in my mind while watching this 100% run. The explosions, simply saying, suck. They don't fit with the style. Also, I think that, considering quite good graphical capabilities of GM, you could even make them mostly real-time generated.
Besides, nice play. Aaand, a really BIG request - make it that there is also option to Toggle Missiles shooting on/off, not that I have to keep holding button (Or even better/stranger, seperate shooting key for missiles and normal beam).
Keep going :).
Anonymous said…
Nothing really to critique. I just wanted to say, excellent work. You called this a 'tech demo,' but you've already done most of the work required to get the "Metroid-feeling." I sincerely hope Nintendo does not C&D this project.

(Nintendo, if you're reading this: Every time I see Nintendo C&D a promising fan project, my love for Nintendo dies a little. Why punish your fans for being so passionate about your series? This fangame is only spurring more interest in Metroid, not depriving you of anything. Please do not C&D this developer!)
Anonymous said…
Great tech demo! I hope to see this project come to completion.

One thing though, please include game-pad support for the final version! The keyboard just doesn't cut it. Trying to charge, jump and shoot missiles from an angle just causes a finger-pretzel and made me easy prey for Ridley.
Anonymous said…
would you consider releasing an editable version of the game so that other game_maker users can get some ideas from your code?
Anonymous said…
No, I strongly advise you NOT to give anyone your source code. Take the advice of other top programmers that used to give out their Metroid game source (me being one of them). You will only regret doing so. You will encounter a number of idiots that will take your code, make an exe out of it and post it without making any changes or giving you any credit. You will be riddled with questions on even the simplest aspects of the game engine from people too dumb and/or lazy to try to figure things out on their own. If you give the code out in mass, Metroid fangaming may forever be ruined due to a flood of poorly-designed clones. Most kids will create crap even with the greatest game engine at their disposal. Please, don't let your beautiful work and the recognition that only you deserve be cheapened by any n00blet interested in slapping together a fangame. But, if for some crazy reason you decided to give out your source, give it to only a few select people that you can trust. Only give away the basics (just the Samus object, and only the codes required for her basic movement and shooting) and let those people know what is acceptable use. These are just a few warnings from someone who has been in your position before. Good luck with your game.
Unknown said…
I'm loving the looks of this project so far. I wish you the best in completing it before you land in trouble.

As easy as it is to blame Nintendo for sending out C&Ds saying they're snubbing fans or whatever. Keep in mind, they HAVE to protect their copyrighted properties. Else they risk losing them. Truth be told they might not care enough about such a fan project to bother sending a C&D, but if they don't act then they risk their copyright being challenged. It sucks, but that's the situation.

I'm really hoping this gets finished before Nintendo notices and acts. Good luck!
Anonymous said…
Freaking sweet !
Keep up the good work, played the demo, found all the items and cried like a little baby :).

Big thanks !
Anonymous said…
Whoever that anonymous idiot a few posts up is, he/she/it is not a "top programmer" but some dipshit on That's all there is to it.

Keep up the good work. Distribute as you see fit. Conveniently lose C&D letters. Develop this in private until completion and leak the finished product. Whatever it takes. This is an amazing product that needs to see the fan admiration and respect it deserves.
Anonymous said…
That "idiot" anonymous poster is exactly who he says he is--a top programmer who has released extremely high quality Metroid engine source code in the past. Of course, there is no way to really convince someone like you of that, so I won't bother. I suspect you are one of the dumb/lazy n00blets I described and are merely upset because you don't know how to make a Metroid game (which is really easy) and you really want someone to give you a free code handout. I swear to God on everything holy, if you knew who I was, you'd feel like a complete moron. Call me a coward if you wish, but I'm smart enough not to reveal my identity.
Anonymous said…
I have been waiting for another 2D Metroid like this and I pray to god that Nintendo leaves you alone!!!
Oy said…
I just wanted to say that this is awesome project. I had always hoped that Nintendo would remake Metroid 2, but seeing as you're using the Zero Mission style, I think it'll be just as good.
I don't have some questions though.
Will you be including Controller it's playable with a PC/360 controler?
And also, are you planning to release a Metroid game creator from this, so people can make thier own games?
I'm really looking forward to this game. I kinda wish I could help you, but there isn't much I can do. Lol.
Anyway, good luck with it.
Mr.RGP said…
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR DOING THIS!!! I became an avid Metroid fan in 1997, and I never got a chance to play Metroid on Game Boy. I saw the story through, and I played the demo. It's incredible. Very similar to Metroid Fusion in terms of style, but the game runs great. Can't wait till the finished product is available.

Anonymous said…
Louddogs GM platformer engine, with some ZM and MF rips slapped on, fine and all, but what's the big deal?
Well, I'd say it's not "Just some platform engine with some rips and additional stuff", as upgrading the engine is indeed quite a bit of work, and as far as I remember few post ago, our kind host stated that he spent some time redoing the GFX itself.
And what is so special about this tech demo is it quite well grasped the metroid feel. Albeit I'd rather it was more like Fusion, still it is good.
And, last one thing, I sincerely hope that no one will begin a flame war :).
Anonymous said…
It's very good, but not as amazing and complex to code as many would think, since it's being made in Game Maker and not something like C++. When people hear "years in the making", they don't consider or remember the fact that that includes several weeks or months of no work in between due to lack of time or drive. A Metroid demo of this caliber could be programmed in Game Maker in less than a week by an experienced programmer with mostly free time on his hands. That's the beauty of Game Maker. Also, as the title states, this is "Another" Metroid 2 Remake. I have seen two other Metroid 2 remakes, and they are both very good also. However, I feel both may be more impressive than this one at the moment, one by several degrees. But the creators of those haven't posted them on as many forums as the Doctor, which is why they aren't as widely known. Search Google for Metroid 2 remakes, and you will probably find some impressive videos. But I have no doubt that this game will be a real stunner if and when it is completed.
Anonymous said…
Doctor64, I left you a message in Myspace, please check it out.
Anonymous said…
Hi! your project is pretty cool. I'm looking foward to play this new Metroid II, the original was so confusing.

P.D.: I'm not english, sry if I wrote something wrong
Anonymous said…
You're really amazing ! Very nice job. I love Super Metroid on Super Nes, and your job is at the same level (or more)....

Really really good ! Thank you.
(I talk about you on my website)
Anonymous said…
There already is an actual level editor for the zero mission/fusion gba games. A Total Conversion might be a nice to see.


you should talk to interdpth on the subject.
Anonymous said…
wow, me parece genial lo que estas haciendo

y yo pensaba que no habia interes para los juegos en argentina...

perdoname por mi castellano, soy hijo de tucumanos y naci en EEUU

soy fanatico de los juegos, y algun dia me encantaria hacer mis propios.

mi problema es que no tengo idea como hacerlo. por eso te queria preguntar, como hiciste para hacer todo esto? como aprendiste? si me podes dar unos consejos o contarme como te metiste en este proyecto, seria genial.

por favor mandame un mail a

buena suerte con el proyecto, y ojala lo puedas terminar antes de que nintendo se meta.
J-Boogie said…
To the one that mentioned about other Metroid 2 remakes there's only one that I've seen other than this. And that one didn't feel anywhere as fluid as this one.

Not saying that this is perfect as I don't think hitting the Shinespark on a ramp feels right but nearly everything else feels perfect.
Anonymous said…
If you add a donate button, I will click it.
Anonymous said…
You should totally add a way to play as Samus with out her armor on. Like Metroid 1 had. that would make up for Zero mission only kinda-sorta having it.

It looks amazing so far!
Anonymous said…
A girl gamer wants to see more of Samus in a bikini, LOL.

I'm kidding, of course, but I do wonder if alisonchainsv1 is cute....
Anonymous said…
I think the best way for us to prevent Nintendo from shutting this down is to keep it quiet until it's finished.

This looks completely epic by the way...
Anonymous said…
Hey. This project looks pretty darn cool... but, will it be the same type of file as the tech demo? Cause if so, I won't be able to play it. I'm a Mac user, so I can't run .exe files...PLEASE let this be Mac compatible!

P.S. Sorry if I accidentally post this multiple times. I'm having trouble getting the comment posting system to work properly.
Tony said…
Very amazing. This game is intense at a great degree. Incredible level design, wonderful engine work (has some small quirks, but these are clearly fixable), and very fun gameplay.

The quirks are small things like horizontal move ment stopping when you are running, and there's no slowdown when you stop, but the character isn't super speedy, so it isn't a problem. These things kinda make the game feel slow, but the way you program jumping, I mean man, I am taking notes from you and doing my best to learn from you. You're a master. You could remake a Mario possibly better than the originals. This Metroid project is also almost the same thing. You are my first programming idol. This is incredible work. I salute you, and wish like mad to work with you on a project at anytime in the future.
Anonymous said…
what was up with that crybaby "top programmer" freaking out cuz someone called him out hahaha goddamn
Anonymous said…
Great! Keep up the good work!
Anonymous said…
What was up with all of those n00bs getting upset because there are other people like the "top programmer" who have skills far beyond their own that they can never achieve?
Anonymous said…
It's stupid to judge someone that you know very little/absolutely nothing about. Also, people should realize that someone posting as anonymous as a skilled programmer, advising DoctorM64 not to release his source code for very good reasons and defending himself against the attacks of idiots, has nothing to gain. If he wanted to gain, he would post under his real name and show the proof of his claims so people would know how good he really is. If he wasn't a skilled programmer, he'd probably be the type that would be interested in seeing someone else's code, so he certainly wouldn't tell another skilled programmer not to share it. Use your brains, kids. Don't be so unbelieving and jealous that it clouds your thought.
Anonymous said…
Yes, I was able to beat it and get all items (with your help) and 39,121 steps.
Anonymous said…
Sorry for my english :Good work , i´m fan of this saga , it will hope impatient that you culminate your work.
Anonymous said…
see, the problem is that the dumbass earlier claiming to be a top programmer had no reason not to give his name, alias, or any form of proof of credentials whatsoever

"oh ya i worked on top metroid programs before!!!!"

well unless he works for nintendo, he has absolutely zero of my respect.
Anonymous said…
Obviously he did have a reason. Since the people wanting source code dislike this anonymous programmer, he would keep his identity hidden so he wouldn't receive hell in the places he is actually known. "Oh, wait, you're that guy that pissed us off on the AM2R blog, eh???" But there was no good reason for anyone to attack that guy in the first place. It was just noobs being angry as usual. And for that, I call those that attacked him and the rest of you the REAL idiots. Toodles, kiddies!
Anonymous said…
It's funny that people are still more interested in going off topic and discussing my posts here instead of discussing the AM2R project. Thank you for continuing to keep me in your thoughts. :)

My original post about the problems with releasing source code was made in response to people who have used my old Metroid source code irresponsibly (no credit, no/little changes, etc.) and who gave me attitude for calling them out on it. Anyone in my position would be angry also, and only a certain kind of person should have a problem with me venting in the way I have.

You should realize why I have to assume that the people who have flamed me are merely people looking for source code because they don't have the experience/ability or are just too lazy to do their own programming. Just as there is no reason for me to defend myself if what I say about myself isn't true, there is no reason why anyone would flame me if what I said about dumb/lazy n00bs didn't pertain to them.

I could post a link to my old popular forum topic where my Metroid source code was being distributed and let anyone send me a private message so I can prove who I am. Though, the bright individuals should realize that I have already given a reason for not revealing myself. Re-READ my posts.... If you people continue this for much longer, I might just break from temptation and throw you a bone of sorts. Of course, that won't help alleviate the tension, now will it?

Anyway, DoctorM64 said he wouldn't be releasing the source code, and that's all I really cared about. :)
Anonymous said…
Thank you for making this game!
Anonymous said…
I will never judge nintendo on thier actions. I have a never ending respect for them, but it is natural that fans make thier own video game when the company turns thier back on them. I would show sympathy if I were nintendo. I don't want an excersise game like Wii Fit. I don't want a crappy ass remake of the first metroid where samus wags her tight ass in front of you like a blond. (Zero Mission)I want innocent creativity and meaning in my video games. I hope you do a great job. You will. I believe in you. You WANT to do a good job. You don't want the money. If you get "the letter" from nintendo, you'll find ways to get passed it.
Anonymous said…
Could I please have access to your engine? email me at
Anonymous said…
As Cameron said, Mac port please.

IMO it won't be any good if it's not Metroid. Just a generic action-platformer that wont get any attention. If he hides it well, you might not be able to find it.

@first "Anonymous" from bottom:
Get over Zero Mission already.

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