Moon Studios

Looks like I had to announce it earlier than anticipated. :-)

Some time ago, the CEO of Moon Studios (creators of Ori and the Blind Forest) reached out with an offer. They needed a level designer for their upcoming sequel, Ori and the Will of the Wisps, and I was a potential candidate for the job.

I gladly accepted the offer. Ori is one of the many games I was able to enjoy lately. One can see the love and attention to detail that went into its design. I feel like I'll be right at home working with this team.
It's a pretty huge change in my life, since it's a full time job. But dreams are there to be chased, my family supports this decision and it could be the beginning of a new career.

I want to thank you again, awesome people that kept AM2R alive with your motivating words, your lets plays and reviews. Without you, I wouldn't be sitting here writing this post with a huge smile on my face.

As for my personal project, I'll keep researching and slowly expanding it on my free time.

What wonders await me within the depths of and awesome indie studio?


Unknown said…
That is awesome! I love Ori and I love AM2R so now I'm looking forward to Ori's sequel even more.
I've been following this blog since you put out the very first demo or something so I'm kind of proud of you, haha.
Cohaagen said…
Man, I bet AM2R is a pretty damn impressive resume piece 😂

Congrats Milton! I’ve been following this blog for years and I’m so happy to see your talent get recognized!
They say that this is no longer an indie studio. Microsoft First Party Developer.
Unknown said…
I've read the news article about your job position which is quite exciting, I'm wishing you the best of luck in designing some stellar levels for the next Ori & The Blind Forest game as I will be looking forward to it. On a related note, happy AM2R anniversary Milton!
netsendjoe said…
Congratulations on your new job :)
Unknown said…
Congratulations! I'm happy the several years of work on AM2R got you an opportunity to do what you like again.
MechaBouncer said…
Congratulations! I love the look and feel of that game. Looking forward to the sequel!
jorge said…
Congratulations buddy you deserve that good luck to your future
Timon64 said…
Im so happy for you that your hard work is paying off (other than massive praise of course), but to an acutal company. Grateful to you an your team, never really got into Metroid as a kid but, the popularity of your game made me try it out and man i love it! Thanks for getting me hooked on a franchise I should have played all those years ago! I proud to say that your hard work was my first Metroid game =)
Anonymous said…
Does anyone know how to fix this? ############################################################################################
action number 1
of Other Event: Game Start
for object oControl:

File is not opened for reading.
at gml_Script_init_languages
stack frame is
gml_Script_init_languages (line 0)

Kenneth Johnson said…
Man dude I was waiting for the day that your work gets recognized like this. I check back at your website just about every other day for any updates and this is something I really wanted to happen. Good luck out there and I hope you bring more memorable moments to whatever game you are to work on. I'll buy it right away!
Jari said…
Congartulations! You totally deserve this!

This is awesome news indeed, not only for you (and Moon Studios), but for the whole scene of metroidvania enthusiasts!

Ori and the Blind Forest is one of the best obviously 2D Metroid inspired games out there so who better to join the team than a guy who spent 10 years of his life researching 2D metroids while developing a remake for one =).

I just recently played through Ori and that sequence where water fills a huge tree still gives me goosebumbps. Now I have another reason not to be able to wait for the sequel =P
Unknown said…
Grats, you deserve it! :D
Unknown said…
Good job! I wish i could get that kind of job, but i'm not very good at making games just the story.
Andrew said…
That is awesome!Good job, I love it.
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Unknown said…
Congratulations! They couldn't have picked a better man for the job. Glad all your hard work paid off in a concrete way!
Unknown said…
Me alegro mucho por ti. Esperé el AM2R durante años y se convirtió en uno de mis juegos favoritos de la saga en cuanto lo terminé. Seguro que el juego venderá muy bien. Teniendote a ti y viendo lo bueno que era el Ori sin ti, contigo en el equipo será mucho mejor :D
Unknown said…
You deserve this ! I'm really happy you could work on such a game ! Also I'm happy for the recognition you got for AM2R that was such a beautiful game.

I wish you the best !
Yonathan said…
SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!! DIOS MIO COMO ESTAS DOOOC!! LOOOL DE VERDAD QUE NO ME ESPERABA ESTO PERO TARDE O TEMPRANO IBA A PASAR!!, no sabes cuanto me alegro por ti amigo apenas sube de esa noticia hoy por saselandia tenia tiempo sin entrar precisamente hoy estaba pensando entrar y justo salta esa noticia! FELICIDADEEES!!.

Te lo mereces doc!!, y conociendo el tan buen juego que fue ori (y que aun por desgracia no juego y espero que dentro de poco lo juegue) seguro haras un gran trabajo!! dios que emocion!1 ojala todo salga bien! te deseo lo mejor hermano!, que sepas que aqui siempre vas a tener el apoyo de cada uno de nosotros no importa el rumbo que tomes! un gran saludos y exitos!!
Lucas said…
That is awesome! router IP address
Anonymous said…
I'm so happy for that!!!!
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Unknown said…
Unknown said…
I would be willing to purchase a copy and the right to build on top of AM2R for my upcoming game Anti-Mimic Rescue starring Samu the Samuian.
zachThePerson said…
So does this mean your relocating to Austria?
Anonymous said…
Dude, you rock. I wish you the best of luck in all your endeavors. It was a blast watching this project evolve over time, and a year later, I still love all of the prior demos and the final product. You did a great job and should be very proud of yourself; truly a labor of love that made me appreciate anew one of my favorite video games again. Thanks!
Unknown said…
This is awesome !! Wow great job :D I can't wait to play that
Unknown said…
Congrats! I admit I'd have bought Ori 2 anyway, but knowing you'll be part of it makes me certain it'll be even better than the first one.
King Reggin said…
You should be fired for lying about the C&D. You've yet to post any evidence it existed, and I contacted Nintendo myself. They said they never filed a C&D.
Anonymous said…
Im so happy right now!!!

Congratulations! Moon Studios Do not know how fortunate they are :)
Anonymous said…


Unknown said…
Oh boy, that sounds amazing, concrats, all that hard works pays off woooo
Unknown said…
Want to say great job on AM2R really come close to the real thing! I would like to donate but I don't find no way to do it. Hit me up with a link like that i could do so. Again congrats and good luck with your new job! Metroid is not just a game but a culture and we the gamer are the follower- Don't forget us.
MemphiS said…
contrats mate, well deserved! Maybe there will be a time where you can create some content for the official Metroid developer team ;D
Jimbob64 said…
Given how thoroughly enjoyable AM2R and "Confrontation" are, and the sheer quality that went into them, I will keep a keen eye out for whatever you help to make.

I'm not exactly an fanboy of indie developers in general, but supporting the smaller devs as well as the big ones is important anyway. And I'm always happy to buy from the (to me) big 4: Studio Pixel (Cave Story), WayForward (Shantae), Yacht Club (Shovel Knight), and you.
Unknown said…
can we please make mods to work with your work it would be like the game zelda classic.fur the fans of the metoidvania game's.if done right we fun's can keep life to the loved series.and in making ned game wold's and scipt's as well new gear.for unique gameplay.that even nnintendo dose not have copyright too.i know you don't want nintendo being mad at you.but you gave this game a grate life as a fan to this and all metroid and metroidvaniad game's. it would help codesrs to pursue making new wold's for others to make.
Thomas said…
I hope you could stay at Moon Studios until the game was finished. In that case congratulations on shipping Ori and the Will of the Wisps. It's a wonderful game and I hope that all the effort you put into AM2R paid off in the end.
Anonymous said…
It's a really nice game, I have to say. Bought it shortly after release.
william said…
tengo que decir ,muchas felicidades por este juego me encanto lo disfrute cada segundo y me encanto como había información sobre el entorno y los metroids agradezco mucho que este fan game existido es increíble espero que en algún futuro tengas algún proyecto ya planeado

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