Happy holidays!

I was supposed to write this post a couple days ago, but preparations for the holidays took a bit more work than expected.

So, I wish you had a great celebration last night, and I hope 2016 will be a year with awesome Metroid game releases. I'm pretty sure AM2R will be one of them.

Have a great new year with your loved ones.
Happy holidays! 


Unknown said…
Happy holidays to you as well Doc! 2016 is definitely going to be EPIC. But I'm also a little sad because after AM2R is finished, cleaned up and perfected...that will be it. D:

But I'm also extremely excited to finally play the one Metroid game I never played as a kid. And I think you should be incredibly proud of yourself, Doc! When you complete this finally, you can use it as an example if you intend to work professionally as a game developer.

2016 is just around the corner, and I'm ready to complete this journey with ya.
Andrew said…
Happy holidays to you as well! Enjoy.
Anonymous said…
Happy Holidays to you too! :D
UltimatLif said…
This game has come such a long way since it's beginning! It's really something special to see how it's progressed throughout time. I can't wait to see what awaits us in future developments, I'm sure it'll be great! Happy holidays Doc!
Anonymous said…
Happy holidays to you, saviour of the saga !
Sir_Poeta said…
Felices fiestas, doc. Yo estoy seguro que el juego finalizará pronto. Estamos todos emocionados, esperando y atentos a las actualizaciones de esta página. Sería algo genial que se terminara pronto pero si no se puede igual está bien. La emoción igualmente está presente en todos nosotros. Saludos desde Chile.
testyourmine said…
And by awesome game releases you mean Federation Force then....
Unknown said…
It has been a long trip. I am happy to see this game come very far when I first subscribed back in 2012. Great work doc and I hope you have a happy holiday
Unknown said…
Cant wait for finished game!
Unknown said…
Happy holidays.

You show me that hard work and a good community with a solid fandom can create wonders! This project will succed everything what Nintendo ever created. Why? Because we improve every last bit of it again and again, and with all of us we can explore more than any other testing/auggestion team ever could. And you Doc are the pillar which holds everything. With you, we all are able to give this game the possibility to shine asnone of the brightest games ever!

Lets have a great year 2016!
Anonymous said…
Pretty sure those awesome Metroid releases this year aren't coming from Nintendo.
Unknown said…
Happy holidays to you too. I'm near then end of the demo and I'm having a blast from this game. this is making my christmas so joyfull, you have no idea.
Unknown said…
Happy Holidays Doc! 2016 is gonna be awesome thanks to you and your work!
Unknown said…
Merry Christmas man! Hope you and your family have a festive holiday and happy new year! See you in 2016!
Blue Madness said…
Whaaaat?? Full game in 2016?? Dude, my eyes are sparkling here! Can't wait!!
Vehrn321 said…
Happy holidays to you to Doc! Can't wait for the next update!
Anonymous said…
Happy holidays to everyone! :)
Unknown said…
will be looking forward to this all year, wont have much to look forward to metroid wise- after this is released. as "the last metroid will be in captivity, and the galaxy is at peace" ;) you are a great man doc.
you have made my metroid wishes come true
merry christmas/holidays

all the best, following the project from the start.

Gabriel Balbueno said…
Hell yeah, Doc ! Great job there and Happy Holidays ^^ Can't wait for the full game... Never played Metroid II on GB and this game made me so hype about this one that I tried to play the original release but, no luck for me haha anyways, thanks for the great work again and see ya in 2016 !
jorge said…
happy holidays doc
Unknown said…
Happy holidays to you too doc! Let's hope Metroid NX will be awesome as well. But I can already tell this will be one of the most awesome unofficial Metroid games ever made. If only Nintendo would hire someone like you to make 2d metroids. It will be official in my book though!
Anonymous said…
There used to be a facebook page about am2r, it seems to have gone away? I normally kept up with your progress on that, but anyways I am very excited for the final product Doc. Seriously take your time and make this authentic and as awesome as possible. Loving one of the demos so far, it has a true fan-made feel combined with something that nintendo would have released also. Would you ever consider making a remake/redesign of the first Metroid down the road? Metroid Fusion? Metroid Zeromission? Super Metroid?
Christian Garay said…
Doctor me alegro por el avance del progreso del juego,espero que agreges extras al final del juego no se trajes de juegos anteriores como el fusion
Unknown said…
Feliz nata e ano novo!aguardando anciosamente o seu jogo!
Unknown said…
Thanks Doc! Happy Holidays to you. I'm looking forward to the final release of this masterpiece.
You have done amazing work on this project.
Unknown said…
If you guys who are working on AM2R have not yet been made the scene when you first encounter the Omega Metroid then I can tell you how it would be cool (not necessary to make like this)
So when you first encounter Omega Metroid you come to a room then you heard that Omega Metroid walking voice and a little bit of an explosion.
Then the wall starts shake and grumble and then the parts of the wall will be blown out and you can see a little about the Omega Metroid and then it finally comes out of there and the fight begins!
Anonymous said…
I know that this is a fan project, and maybe you can't make money off of it, because copy right or whatever, but is there any way I can support the making of this game? I don't intend to rush perfection(yes I love the demo that much), but I think if there was any way of helping you finish this game even an hour earlier, I totally would do it.
Unknown said…
Look at screw attacks video best remake ever it will be a great surprise because it doesn't seem like you've seen it yet :D
Anonymous said…
Just a suggestion for the final boss, I think the queen metroid should still be the final boss but you should definitely make it more difficult than the original. The original queen metroid is far too easy. Maybe you could make it larger too.
Anonymous said…
Can't wait for the finished product, I've been holding off playing the updates to keep everything as fresh as possible. Best of luck to you going forward.
Unknown said…
Man I've been following this since 2009, can't wait to see what you blow me away with <3
Unknown said…
finally gonna release in 2016 after how many years, i think i had you bookmarked since 09 what an adventure good luck.
Nathan Tabora said…
Finally the full release after so many years, I believe I have had your blog bookmarked as far back as 09 I think. Good luck on finishing the project.
Anonymous said…
Happy New Year Doc! Keep up with your great work!
Unknown said…
Happy New Year Doc! I'm so stoked for this to come out! I can hardly wait! >w< I'm killing time playing the original! All the best wishes!
Jesternario said…
First, belated Happy New Year
Not sure where to report a bug report, so I'll post one here. And this one caused my computer to bluescreen, so I think it's a major. When in the fourth area (I think, it was a large robotics facility), after escaping the exploding dynamo, I went back into the facility with everything, following the path I did when the power was down. Doing so caused the game to cause a fatal error that caused the computer to blue screen.

I apologize I can't describe what happened more than that.
Anonymous said…
you know, after you should make up more i don't care about the story i care about the area design and the items if it were me i would complete metroid 2 then continue deeper into planet sr388 or whatever and just keep it going because if this game went to something like area 10 or like 15 or something that would be awesome, im not the type of guy to play a game for its story i play to explore and i love the feeling i get going into a new area and screaming at the computer because the boss is to hard then try the next day and i beat it but if it were me, and i'm only saying if it were me, i would keep going on metroid 2 even after the story ends
Unknown said…
Will there be another update or will you just release the whole thing when it's finished?
Unknown said…
how hard is it to make this?
rogelio11 said…

Happy Holidays! Looking forward to the next demo update and hopefully the full game :)
Unknown said…
I check your webpage twice a day with hope of a new release. I am hungry for the next update!!
Kodii Wiruson said…
I'm so damn happy to be playing this game, and for two reasons. One, I never got to finish the original Metroid II as a kid, mostly because I was 6 when it was popular and I didn't quite have the coordination. This is an amazing chance to play a remastered version of the original, without having to scrub for emulators and play a farrrr outdated game. Needless to say, that didn't stop me from doing the same for every other Metroid game, Other M excluded, but that leads to my second reason.

I live for Metroid, and I long for the day Nintendo gets off its Zelda highhorse, realize that those games are just circling the drain, and move on with Metroid already! Even if it is another 2D side-scroller, even if it's a 2.5D side-scroller like Mark of The Ninja, or Shadow Complex. I'd be happy with that, because we all know that there's no way they're topping Metroid Prime.

Lastly, please keep up the good work, please let me know if I can donate somehow, and please LOWER THE SOUND WHEN YOU SHOOT SHIELDED ENEMIES!!! haha that high pitch ring is atrocious and splits my ears in half, goes straight to my brain! The shielded enemies I'm refering to are the ones in the last area that you require the Plasma Beam on. I'm not sure how it sounds on your end, but the sound effect for hitting the shields is significantly higher than the rest. Only other suggestion I have is a quicker ready when you turn around. It's rather difficult to turn around and have to wait a moment (while very brief it is) before you can fire.

Keep up the great work! Hope your holidays went well and you actually read these!
Unknown said…
I gotta agree. The only thing I have against this game would be the shield deflection sound. Nothing I liked least than shooting off screen and hearing that ring 3 or 4 times at once. But, really, that's the ONLY complaint I have.
Lucas said…
I can't wait for this game to finish! It looks amazing!
Anonymous said…
the best game I've played in this year xdd I can't wait the full game
Anonymous said…
can you purposefully add the secret worlds glitch i've never tried it before but it looks really fun i've never played the origional metroid 2 also please post more often im dying to know how progress is going
Unknown said…
can you please send this to nintendo as a wii u eshop title so you can get payed for you're hard work and hopefully avoid copy right claim's? metroid 2 was my favorite game on gameboy so i would love to see this on nintendo's wii u and have my kids play it
Anonymous said…
he cant do that. they would most definitely shut down the game if he asks him about that. this is a f2p non profit game. thats why its still up
Anonymous said…
even if its non-profit, they can still shut it down (like they did super mario 64 HD). It doesn't matter anymore if its non-profit fan game, it can still get shut down.
Unknown said…
Yes, it can get shut down since Nintendo hasn't officially allowed the use of its characters. I highly doubt that they'll shut it down, though. Too many people know about this project and fans will get really pissed off if that happens. As long as the Doc doesn't get any type of financial benefit from it, I think it is safe to asume that the game will continue to be online.
Anonymous said…
Nintendo doesn't care about the fans of fan games. If it gets too much attention and is more popular than nintendo's versions of metroid, then they'll shut it down. They'll feel threatened by it's popularity.
WiLL said…
Actually, if Federation Force is still a thing and will come this year, then AM2R is in more trouble than ever. Nintendo might shut it down if it gets more popularity or better google/youtube results than FF.
Guardian said…
I'm playing through the game and I believe I'm in area 4 (not saying the name for people who don't know it) and I've pretty much filled up the map and the thing that stood out the most is the amount of space left that is inaccessible or undiscovered due to it being a demo and I understand that the west side is most lik
Guardian said…
Dangit accidentally posted. But anyway the west side is probably the final area and the southeastern side will be the 5th but some of the map near other areas has some large noticeable blank areas that just look like there could be something in there. Its your decision but it would be nice to have some new areas for exploration even more Metroids. Speaking of, im excited for how the Omega Metroid will look like now since a new design (Metroid Fusion) is present.
Ricardo Suarez said…
Alguna nueva actualizacion sobre el progreso de este maravilloso juego? Por favor?
Anonymous said…
So what's the status?
Unknown said…
drmario where you at lmao its been 2 months
Unknown said…
Dr. Mario it's been two months where are you lmao
Anonymous said…
Probably C&D letter.
Anonymous said…
whats happening doc?
we are getting worried
hope everything is ok

Anonymous said…
Same here.
I am getting worried too.
January is already gone and we are entering mid-Februry.

Doc, are you okay?! D:
Anonymous said…
Let's just hope nothing bad happened.
Unknown said…
Don't think Doc's got a C&D. Nintendo seems to love to encourage people to do this stuff. There's the Nintendo Fan Game Convention every year, which Nintendo has to know about, and doesn't shut down. Maybe Doc is waiting on an update because (fingers crossed) he's actually finishing the game and the next update will be what we have all been waiting for all these years: the full, complete game, ready to beat. Go Doc!
Anonymous said…
Please not! :O
Unknown said…
Everything going ok man? hope nothing happened.

in response to everyone worrying about Ninty possibly shutting this down i recommend we kiss ass and say that Fed Force or whatever its called is the best thing we have ever seen and publicly ignore AM2R until we feel the threat has passed.

and of course lets hope that Doc hasnt already been shut down.
Anonymous said…
Doc? Are you taking time off to think of a really good April Fools prank? If not, please stay okay. :)
testyourmine said…
Guys, calm down. It takes time ya know. Hopefully it shouldn't take longer.
Anonymous said…
If DrM64 is dead, is the rest of the team still going to try and make the game? or is the whole thing going to be scrapped?
Anonymous said…
I have a horrible thought. What if Nintendo sent someone to kill the Doctor. It sounds crazy, but AM2R makes Nintendo look really bad, so why not just kill the creator before it's done?
Anonymous said…
Yeah, i really want to see how omegas turn out, like stunning them from the front then hurting them in the back, or be only killable with supers.
Colin said…
There are some seriously strange comments at the end here. I wouldn't assume that something horrible happened just because someone hadn't posted in a couple months. That's just life.
Unknown said…
The ATMA is Asewome but Is a bit Hard

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