AM2R Demo 1.4 Released!

After a lot of work (more than I anticipated), here's a nice little update.


  • Acess to a new area
  • New mechanic: Shinespark with variable height. Tap/Hold Jump while charged
  • New control option: Analog walking with joypads is now optional
  • New save format, it can be copied to other computers without issues
  • Plenty of bug fixes and other improvements
Compared to Area 3, Area 4 will feel a bit smaller in scale. It does, however, have some cool moments. It was quite a challenge, every mechanic introduced had its fair share of bugs and issues.
But here we are, one big step closer to finish the game.

Also, this weekend will be special. The great people at the Speed Demos Archives will be hosting another Metroid Speedrun Marathon.
The awesome Dragondarch will be doing a Normal 100% run of the 1.4 demo this Saturday at 13:45 EDT.
I'll do my best to attend, at least on the chat room.

EVENT SCHEDULE - Will be broadcast at

Please share your thoughts about the new demo at the FORUM, or leave a comment here. 
Have fun!


Anonymous said…
Dude, man this is like, rad. I'm going to do a series over this, beat all of you to it.
Anonymous said…
Great! Just great! Thanks, Doc!
Unknown said…
Unknown said…
When I first started up the game, there was no music at all, but all of the sound effects were still there. At first I thought you just removed the title screen music for some reason. After i changed my controls, I started up a file. (File 3 if that's important) Samus stod there outside her ship as normal, but there was still no music. Again, all of the sound effects were still there. So I closed the game and tried to launch it again, but now everytime I press "Z" to start up the game when it says "Press Start" it crashes, and I get an error code thingy that says:

action number 1
of Other Event: User Defined 2
for object oGameSelMenu:

File is not opened for reading.
at gml_Script_sv6_load_details
stack frame is
gml_Script_sv6_load_details (line 0)

I'm using Windows XP and I downloaded the game via Mega in case that has something to do with it.
souturus said…
wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu i was waiting for this, thanks man!
Vachon said…
You made those buzzsaw enemies scary. I was nervous to move forward in case they might pop out! Nice touch with the lightning destroying the sand and having the Zetas look at you. I won't spoil any of the rest for the newbies.

I have no idea how I'm going to beat this in hard mode yet. Very nice. It feels good to have something to look forward to.
Pu6 said…
You've made my day Doc. Thank you.
Anonymous said…
Dude there is no download link for 1.4 for the Linux version.
You put the old 1.34 link instead of the new 1.4 for Linux.

Anonymous said…
You can't imagine how much I was happy to try this version ! The new creatures are awesome ! and much more tough than we saw before, how thrilling it was to discover this area ! And the zetas ... Great job, Doc. All my respect !
Anonymous said…
Keep up your great Work!
I'm impressed. The Zetas kicked my ass and I play it on easy. I was able to find all of the new items on my own this time. Looking forward to getting those last 6 Metroids off this planet. :)

Keep up the good work!
Unknown said…
DoctorM64 when do you think the full game will come out?
Ricardo Suarez said…
Ricardo Suarez said…
Dios mio :O , Te luciste con esta nueva area de la torre :D , La musica tecnologica a lo norfair , los Zetas , La mejora de rayo de plasma Que esta Super excelente , Y de todo lo demas , la estacion de energia porque joooder Apenas conseguir las bombas de energia hay que escapar lo mas rapido posible (ya que hacemos explotar la estacion) Y cuando crei que perdi (La barra se lleno al maximo) en las puertas de seguridad ¡Boom! Tremenda sorpresa (sobrevivi y quede con 05 de energia) , Ahora a esperar el siguiente anniversario de este juego (Junio , Julio 2016) De seguro en el proximo año sera completo :D
LordAlu said…
Great work!

The Metroid Marathon schedule is now set in stone - DragonDarch will be streaming the AM2R 1.4 demo at 19:45 CEST (13:45 EDT) on Ludendi's Twitch channel (

Full schedule can be found here:

Loving this demo and looking forward to watching DragonDarch do a full run through of it too! :)
souturus said…
i completely area 4 with 100%!
it was AMAZING
Youre making a great job!
i don't encountered any bug(well i don't know for the others)
the boom of this area its on the end, wow
im glad that those items are back
and expecting the others where then can be found in area 5
its almost everything of this game!
keep the excelent job!
ps: Check All parts of area 4, before you leave :)
Unknown said…
For Albin Dahlheim's problem: do you have older save files in the same folder? I do and hadn't encountered those issues this time, but it crashing right after the title seems like a problem with loading saves.

An odd behavior I've encountered so far(*) is that the page for metroid mutations keeps getting a (!) as if it were updated (usually among other updates), but I don't think I see any new information in it.

Minor item collection did not properly display the info at first and instead hid the hud.
This may have been caused by getting hit while getting the first upgrade and bringing up the map, but item collection has been even after that.
Major upgrades work completely fine though.

Breakable blocks (all of them) not fully reforming near Samus may need some precise adjustments? They do that even when they're just next to her or under her feet (she standing on solid next to it for instance).

(* I have not played throroughly yet, just a little. Haven't even reached the new area.)
Anonymous said…
Music is not playing! What could I do? D:
Unknown said…
The game does not work ...
action number 1
of Other Event: User Defined 2
for object oGameSelMenu:

File is not opened for reading.
at gml_Script_sv6_load_details
stack frame is
gml_Script_sv6_load_details (line 0)

I'm using Windows 7 and I downloaded the game via MediaFire.
DoctorM64 said…
That error is being worked on right now, there's no need to report it again.
Your Windows account name has special characters in it (á, ü, etc.), if you have another account on your PC, you can use that to play without issues.

If you experience no music, make sure the path and installation folder don't contain spaces.
This is also being worked on.

Sorry for the inconveniences.
SmashTom said…
Having played all the older versions of this game (demo) I had high hopes for the new area.

In one word: WOW

I thought the eerie, green, dark area in the last demo was already impressive, but the newest area just blew me away.

I've also noticed a few small changes, including the log book and (I think) the super missile icon for the collectible?

About the revamped log book: I like it. I had no problems with the older version but this works a lot smoother. Couldn't find any spelling errors either. Kudos!

I'm not sure if you are aware (and I don't think it should be fixed), but it is entirely possible to go to the breeding grounds in the .. is it the third area? The area with all the pipes, water and that boss that gives you the Morph Ball Jump.
Anyway, it is entirely possible to go to said breeding grounds without getting the high jump boots first. This poses a challenge as all the platforms in that area are placed assuming you have this power-up.
I was able to clear it using classic bomb jumps and the spiderball, but it sure wasn't easy.
That should be an achievement ;)

Once again, you have done an amazing job. Once the finished game is here you can expect to get a lot of feedback from me.

with regards,

Kenneth Dunlop said…
Keep up the good work! Loving the demo so far.
Ricardo Suarez said…
Quisiera unas cositas para mejorar ;) , La cadencia de disparo del plasma se siente un poco lenta (La rapidez entre los rayos ) Puedes ponerla un poquito mas rapido? , Si asi de dificil eran los zetas como seran los omegas e incluso la reina :O , Recomiendo poner los tanques de reserva para salvarte de situaciones peliagudas XD , De todos modos Muchisimas gracias por este maravilloso juego Doc
Ricardo Suarez said…
Lo siento por otro comentario repentino hehe , Acabo de experimentar un bug con la musica del area principal (comienzo del juego) Cuando terminas una partida y creas otra , la musica no se escucha
Unknown said…
DUDE. THIS. WAS. AWESOME. I've beat it on easy with 100% and went back to the ship to see if there was any changes. I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE, DOC. That's awesome. I was wondering why the change on the main tunnel music, that slower pace and all. I know what I'm saying, guys. Just go back to the ship and see the magic. It's wonderful. Congratulations.
Anonymous said…
I've just finished playing the demo and DAYUM! The tower blew me away (in more than one way...)
You really should consider setting up a Patreon account. From what I've seen you've poured your heart and soul into this project and if that isn't worth getting some form of compensation for then I don't know what is.

As long as supporting you via patreon is not REQUIRED for you to release demos, there's no way for nintendo to come up with any excuse to take down your work since fans would support you because they want to and not because you're selling the game to them.
Anonymous said…
Hey doc, I found a funny glitch! When climbing on a corner in the Golden temple right when a fireball was shot, Samus doesn't receive any damage. There's a short timelapse when this happens, because I tried to do it several times and I succeed only 2 of 10.

Check it out!
This is a site that I have checked daily for maybe 3 years. I have to say, every demo you release I think to myself, this couldn't get any better, and every time you amaze me! This demo put a huge smile on my face for several hours and I thank you! Keep up the great work!!!
Kenneth Dunlop said…
My only issue is the way the joystick is calibrated. I've found that it's too easy to run left and right while aiming upwards; moving the joystick only a little to the side makes Samus run.
Kenneth Dunlop said…
Similarly, moving the joystick only a little bit up makes Samus stand up when she's in ball mode. This makes it hard to stay in ball mode while you're using a gamepad.
Anonymous said…
God i almost shit my pants when the reactor exploded! Good work as always Doc!
Anonymous said…
You, sir, are doing the lord's work. Good job! This demo is fantastic!
Anonymous said…
Hi doctor M64, your new release was asewome,
sure short, but with a lot of work and a lot of
labyrinth in there, the most hard part for me
is that I lost the game practice I had because
I was studying and I failed in some things that
before I was a pro....

Please continue and finish with super high scores
this asewome game and if I knew that game in the
first release I could be a super fan....

Keep working hard...

Att: Alexander
Anonymous said…
Having some screen tearing problems. Not sure if the previous comment went through or not. Vysnc helps only when I turn it off and on, but going to the next screen resets it.
jorge said…
hey doc si que te pasaste muy buen trabajo el metroid zeta si que es un desafio muy extremo mucha suerte para el final de este juego mu gusto mucho que continuaras el legado de metroid desde ya muchas gracias
Anonymous said…
Another great update. I love that you ramped up the difficulty for this section, the enemies here are among some of the hardest I've faced in any Metroid game.
Anonymous said…
Oh, one more thing. Is there a way for you to make it easier to exit the game? It's annoying to have to go to the menu, exit to the main menu, and then exit the game to get out of the program.
Camelslayer said…
I gotta be honest here- I really don't know why you're focusing so much time on the demo, which we've already seen (and probably played) multiple times before.

The problem is, the last demo felt like a significant chunk of the game- it involved killing quite a few Gamma's, if not all of them. I honestly feel like you're showing too much of the game in the demos, to the point you might as well just release the game if you're going to show that much. The last one showed at least 2 hours worth of content in these- the last demo took me probably 2 - 2 1/2 hours. You're closer to just teasing us with an incomplete game than showing us a taste of what AM2R is like.

I respect the work you're doing, I truly do. But we've already seen the demo, I think you should simply focus on the game itself and not worry about releasing a new version of the demo which, in comparison to the scale of the demo in the first place, really doesn't add much. At the same time, I feel criticism is worth listening to.

Just something to think about.
Anonymous said…
This game is amazing, I can´t wait for the other update
and then new metroids in the new area (and also the gravity suit and
the screw attack).

Please make that game better and continue fixing some audio, video
and other bugs to make this game the best metroid fan made ever....

Att: Alexander
Anonymous said…
@ Camelskayer, totally disagree. This demo was amazing, and now I'm even more hyped for the actual release. And no, so much of what was in this demo, was never seen before.

I really love the Zeta fights, and can't wait to see how the Omegas fair, and even the Queen. And I really love what I'm seeing with the non-Metroid boss fights. Even when I don't think I can be more impressed, my expectations shatter. I also really love the escape sequence. The backgrounds are also, as always, gorgeous.

Only thing I would really like to see (and I mentioned this before) are the ability to have save states :D.

Other than that, keep up the good work!
-Yggr said…
Dear DoctorM64,
I LOVE the new areas and it's music, that eerie take on Norfair's music, and then that remix, it's awesome! This maybe kind of spoilerish, but whatever, but I am seeing excellent leveldesign and implementation of the speedbooster to backtrack. Also Power Bombs. Dear jesus that animation is awesome. I skipped and then backtracked to the mini bosses and it was worth it.

One thing I am particularly curious about is sequence breaks, I see alot of protects have been added to prevent taking a dive and skipping a level, so I am really curious how unlinear you are going to make this game, and I want you to know that I am truely grateful that you're making this, because already, this game hits harder than Zero Mission or Fusion. Thank you so much.
RacerX said…
It's not picking up my save game from the 1.34 demo. Anything I can do to fix this?
Mayan Mystery said…
When do you plan to release the soundtrack for this version of the demo?
Camelslayer said…
It's fine that you disagree. It's going to be different for everyone, I get that, but to me it's kinda frustrating to play a significant portion of the game (which even the AM2R 1.3 demo was a pretty hefty chunk of the game) only to basically be denied the rest of the game because... well, it's not done. Most demos are a very small segment of a game with not a lot to show, to keep you interested, of course. And based on what you said, this allows you to now fight Zetas. THAT far in a demo? The Zetas were over halfway through the game in the original Metroid 2. It seems a bit too much for a "demo" to me.

I probably didn't make the best comparison in regards to what it does add, so I won't really bother clarifying it. Might make more sense in my head than translating to someone else.

Still, I still stand by my view that he's showing far too much of the game in what's just a demo. I'd rather play the full game than play half of it only to be told I can't play the other half for what will probably be another couple years. I'm still hyped for it- just se little to no reason to bother with 1.4.
Gabriel.rasilva said…
wonderful demo, I was only disappointed that is not yet complete, DOC'm looking forward to seeing the completed work, I wonder how much the game will have, why although probably have given you a lot of work, I like to spend hours and hours exploring, or maybe you can even do a remake of the SM, only based on that you already did, I would love to play, after Super Metroid was my first Metroid game and I love this franchise that seems to have been forgotten. thank you doc. excuse the translation google translator XD
Anonymous said…
Thank you for AM2R.

Unknown said…
@Camelslayer Think of it less of a "demo" and more of as indeed "unfinished versions" of the game up to the point to which is sufficiently completed to be publicly shown. Most people I know are also waiting for the full version, and that's probably the best for most players, but these beta releases allow a very extensive playtesting and to enjoy the game through its progressive states, which I believe to be a much better way of releasing for the context it is in than the inactivity behind a demo of an opaque development.

Personally, I calculate the game to be technically finished in the first half of 2016 at this rate. But this is just my own, relatively blind prediction.


There's a glitch involving shooting a large number of times in a single (even small) room. I can only replicate it with wave/space/plasma, then adding ice, laying bombs and a super bomb, and firing missiles offscreen. The game will start to slow down considerably, to well below a fourth of its speed.

It seems Space Jump is no longer meant to be skippable, although you can still brute force your way tanking. I haven't had time to properly run through the game yet, so I'm not sure how this affects a low % run (or if it's actually skippable)

The buzzsaw enemies have odd hitboxes: they can be shot sometimes right in front of them, and they may sometimes block shots incoming from the sides.

There's a very minor graphical problem with blue doors appearing in front of foreground graphics like rocks. This happens on the first save points.

The new area is amazing, but once I was done with getting plasma the first half felt that it lacked much exploration. Although that's a side effect of how the original game was, and it does enough to make the central tower interesting.
With a side area like the Power Bombs existing, maybe you should make some other detour places? One at the surface would work and probably open up to have a greater sense of exploration, since it'd link the later underground with earlier areas.

The Zetas seem easy to me. I had trouble with the first one I fought, which was in the spikes room, but the other ones seemed rather easy despite being so tanky. (I won't be saying this after I fight them with low upgrades...)
Anonymous said…
Man, I've only played about halfway through the demo and I just gotta say, I freaking love it. Every thing looks great, and the mechanics are so fluid and flow very well. Keep up the good work!
Unknown said…
So, I sat down and finally finished off the new area, and I found it entirely challenging, with the two new bosses and the Zeta Metroids giving me a much harder fight than before. Awesome work, can't wait to sock it to the Omegas.

Also, evil trick with the Testing Machine. I nearly thought you had to pummel it with beams to win, I misread the entry.
Unknown said…
Have you considered making a puzzle where you have to fall in Spiderball form from a great height to smash something?
ghost said…
I'm going to try making a Mac port of this with Wineskin.
ghost said…
Ok, yep, I can confirm that if you port this using Winetricks Winery it should work fine on a Mac!
Unknown said…
Freakin lovin this demo!!! Cant wait for the next update!!!
Anonymous said…
DOC, you are the man, this game is turning out to be absolutely phenominal. The huge tower to scale was amazing, the eerie music until i turned the power back on, then it was full blasting time with the sweet remix metroid music. The zetas were tough, and very satisfying when you killed them. I thought that was it for the demo, but then i found the passage below. Man, coolest part of the game yet. I just kept wondering where im going while being very intrigued by the awesome music again. Then i found the central core. BOOOOOM. Holy crap, I got get out of here. That was freakin awesome. THIS IS THE BEST METROID GAME YET. You are so talented this was absolutely awesome. I AM SO HYPED FOR WHEN YOU FINISH THE GAME. I wish there was some way I could help other than just words of encouragement. DOC, you are my idol
Ridley12 said…
YESSSS! Thank you for another demo!
Unknown said…
You´re awesome!!!, congratulations for the great work man!!!!
Anonymous said…
I have always been a fan of Metroid II and I am so glad to see it getting a reboot! I'll admit to having some trouble playing due to my lack of a controller (but that's my fault, not yours). Kudos to you for doing this, it must have taken a lot of time and effort, and I love it! This is what Metroid II really deserves.
Yonathan said…
Unknown said…
the new area is honestly great, I really enjoy playing it and listening. will a new version of the sound track be coming soon? Also, if your taking suggestions for a bonus/extra area(expanding upon the game further upon what it was originally is always a good thing if done right) I have one. I think it would be interesting to show a appearance of the X from metroid Fusion(or atleast maybe an special area that foreshadows them, would be great for story). And maybe after AM2R is finished in the future, maybe you could Update Fusion or Super Metriod in the same manner as M2RoS(although is that a possibility with the engine your using?(I would try myself if so)).
V dot said…
doc I started this demo on hard ( and I am still playing it with that setting ) and this is AMAZING

[spoiler]and the zeta metroids feel almost impossible now. Got the first boss though and that was tough enough. I love that, I really feel like I earned the powerup after the first boss and the reward after defeating the remaining 3 zetas (for now) will be amazing[/spoiler]

great job doc
Unknown said…
Pit blocks can be activated from the side through some odd interaction with Morphball+Springball.
In particular, this allows you to get your first Super Missiles later in the Area 3 Breeding Grounds.

Another possibly related thing is that on an specific position, Samus can get the shinespark stopped by hitting the corner of a group of Speed Boost blocks, only breaking the block in the corner. I can't replicate this though.
Anonymous said…
Is anyone else experience massive screen tearing issues? Basically, I set it up for vsync, then it fixes it, but if I go to the map or to a new screen it resets and I have massive screen tearing. I'm just wondering because I went back to past demos and I don't have this problem on them. I played the whole demo regardless even though it was frustrating.

The new area is great and this game has already surpassed Fusion for me. Fusion's biggest fault was the music sucked, this game's music stomps on Fusion, Prime 3 and of course Other M, but Other M doesn't have music, only crap.
souturus said…
You can skip the space jump in this demo, hahahahahahahaha try the morph ball jump xD
Unknown said…
damned i loved the marathon last year looks like i missed this one.
great to see the progress on thes keep up the good work doc
Unknown said…
I beat it on Normal with 98%, the only upsetting thing is wanting more.
Probably a human said…
[possible spoilers]
At first the tower seemed really mundane and boring. Just a dead place with no enemies and mundane music. Everything changed when I reached the power supply. Those green lights started flashing and the highly fitting music kicked on and I instantly became speechless. Totally worth it.

Later I encountered my first Zeta. I died the first time because I was too busy watching its animation in awe. I consider it easier than the original Zetas, but the original ones were more of a pissing-you-off kind of hard than a challenging kind of hard, so the aM2R zetas are better in that regard.
DreadnoughtDT said…
Got 98% on normal. I'm a little worried though, are there items in the Lower Tower that are missable? Because there's a small section in the elevator shaft that I can't seem to reach now that (spoilers) the reactor blew.
Anonymous said…
Awesome job with AM2R. None the less, I have to say this. In all versions, there is a bug that apparently no one has mentioned yet. If you pause the game during room transitions (when the entire background is completely black) and restart from your last checkpoint, the game crashes. Hope you find this information useful and good luck with finishing the project.
Anonymous said…
Glad to see you're still working on this. The demo is great so far.
I'm sure this has been brought up a number of times but would it be possible to add an option for d-pad control? Exclusively using the joystick didn't bother me back when I used a 360 controller on the previous versions but now that I've shifted over to the Wii U Pro it would be much more comfortable to play with the option.
Anonymous said…
Yet another excellent demo! I've been following this project since 2011 when you released the first demo after Metroid Confrontation. It's become a monthly ritual to check your blog for updates.

As many others have said, the extras you put into this game add a lot of excitement--especially after having played the original Metroid 2. Just when I think that the demo is about over, the adventure takes a twist into uncharted territory. At the same time, it's great to see how you've transformed the original elements of the game into the Metroid Fusion/Zero mission styles. You've also captured a lot of the "creepy"/eerie essence that keeps metroid fans at the edge of their seat. I never know if a door's going to lock, rock is going to explode, statue is going to come alive, etc

Keep up the excellent work! Looking forward to an entire playable game :)
Anonymous said…
dude, i am just blown away by this game! im glad i found out about this project six months ago, because this awesome! thanks for keeping up the work!
informático said…
Thanks, thanks, thanks
Hellgate79 said…
Great job with the Zeta's animations can't wait to see the Omegas and the Metroid Queen.
Mike said…
As of now, this remake is just about everything I could have EVER asked for. The only thing I could possibly request at this point is for the Zetas and Omegas to have a more intense remix of the metroid battle theme similar to the one in your older trailer -

If you're already doing something like that, completely disregard the 2nd half of this post.

Other than that, epic job. Can't wait for the finished thing.
Unknown said…
Everything is good so far. Cant wait to see more of the updates :)
Probably a human said…
Here I am again after running this a 2nd time on hard. (and getting 100% for the first time!)

I've noticed something subtly cool about the music. When you leave one region and enter another, then later return to the region you were in before, the music picks up where it left off rather than starting the song over from the beginning. I just thought that was a really cool/interesting commonly unnoticed feature.
Anonymous said…
Maybe a spoiler:

I noticed something aabout area 4. Player can defeat all the Metroids and then exit area 4 after the lava goes down without even getting the Power Bombs. I sugest you make something that will prevent the player from exiting the zone wihout Power Bombs(Maybe something involving giant boulders or rockslides that have to be destroyed with power bombs :D).
Anonymous said…
The Power Bomb is supposed to be an optional item if I'm correct, as to reflect the idea of not being one of the arsenals in the original game. Keeping some items as optional are actually great for raising the replayability for speedrunners.
Anonymous said…
Just wanted to say thanks for this amazing remake :D Glad to know people still put effort in keeping metroid alive :) It seems the series is getting a little forgotten and I hope nintendo still plans on making something new in the future! Greetingz
Anonymous said…
Using a Windows XP — the demo just doesn't work. Launch the .exe — nothing happens :(
Anonymous said…
In the final area, it is FAR TOO EASY to gain access to the metroids. I beat them all before I even got the power bomb. At least one should be inaccessible until after the power bomb. This might mean fixing when the lava sinks allowing access to the reactor area of the tower (where the power bomb is) and when the lava sinks for the next area (which is where this current demo ends)...meaning that the two lava pools would sink at two different times.

It is great so far. I have a few little critiques.

1: When defeating Metroids, they NEVER drop super missiles. This should be changed as Super Missiles are more often than not used/spent on them least I use them.

2: After getting the power bombs (and spending them very quickly) NOT ONE ENEMY dropped one for me...I was defeating a lot of enemies and getting missiles, super missiles, and energy before I realized I could head to the save station and replenish them all. Maybe I had very bad luck, IDK, but if there is a preset "randomizer" in the game's code that decides what item is dropped when, I think it should be made more "even"...but it could have been just me.
Anonymous said…
I think this should be the final demo...You have revealed too much already and I think now is the time to really get into releasing the game for real. True, criticism and users reporting bugs is nice, but now that job belongs to your play testers now...and ONLY them.

Great so far...ready for the final product.
cedupont said…
Another area complete! Step by step the game come a little near to be complete. Don't give up!
Unknown said…
After playing the latest build, I was completely blown away by how well your work has been on the game. However, I did have a music error at times. Sometimes during a room transition, the background music would stop, which would only correct if I restarted the game. Otherwise, I think you're still doing an exceptional job setting an example for Nintendo.

Many thanks DoctorM64, looking forward to the final product.
Drakk2 said…
Really enjoying the demo so far. Noticed- there's no alert sound when you're almost out of health. Is there a reason for that, or something still being worked on? Can't wait for the final product!
Jwhitehurst said…
Great demo DoctorM64. I do have two things to note though that you may need to fix.
1. You can only get power bomb refills by going to a save point. Can it also drop from defeated enemies? I tried to farm for one on a "100% no save" run and had to save because I couldn't get the last item without one.
2. The pipes near some metroid fights like the one where you first fight a Gamma Metroid. Are those pipes going to spawn enemies in the final build? It would help not having to backtrack...especially on hard mode.

Anyways...keep up the good work and looking forward to the next build.
Can you add graphic filters like bilinear or 2xsai? or you at least considering adding this features in future updates? thanks
Anonymous said…
the joke of the thermal station scared me, that door, that f*****, I thought I was going to die,but anyway, just amazing

muchas gracias por mantener mi amor por este juego
Unknown said…
i have a problem...

action number 1
of Other Event: Room Start
for object oItem:

Malformed variable
at gml_Object_oItem_Other_4
I had already tried before the game and is good anyway

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