AM2R runs on Linux!

Since the last demo update, I started the transition to Game Maker Studio. There are plenty of changes in the way variables are initialized, the order of code execution, etc.
Many features need to be redone from scratch, and many unexpected issues are still appearing. This was also a good opportunity to rewrite ancient code, remove workarounds and do things the proper way.
As of now, the contents of the demo are accessible without crashes.
Also, I was able to compile the project using a virtual machine running Ubuntu:

It's running at a steady 60 FPS in a VM, so performance using real hardware should be even better.
I had to remove all the extensions and DLLs that were used, and replace their functionality with native GM code. The music engine is in the works now, along with some other features.

So, what does this change of compiler mean for you?
- The performance is a lot better, there's no random slowdown.
- It loads really fast
- Possibility of ports to other platforms
- Faster development time

What's next?
Once I complete all the missing features, I'll release a demo update.
It'll have the same contents, but using the new engine. It's also very likely that an official  Linux build of the demo will be released too. A Mac build won't be available yet, since the export process isn't as straightforward as the Linux one is (it requires and actual, physical Mac).

About the rest of the game, even if this change took most of my time, I was able to advance a little bit with the overall level layout of Area 4. Some rooms were redone to showcase the abilities acquired in the area, and sand was added to the side tunnels.
Don't worry, it's not as annoying as the original was.

As always, comments and suggestions are welcome.


12kez90 said…
Awesome! Can't wait to play the updated version! Also quick question, will you consider adding some of the Fusion bosses like Serris?
Anonymous said…
Wow!, really great. Looking fordward to it so I can finally have a reason to install Ubuntu again :P.
Keep up the good work!.
djnforce9 said…
Shame you have to redo a lot but if it means that we will all enjoy a far better version of the final game, then I am all for it.

Good stuff and thanks for your efforts on this. Looking forward to playing it in all its glory.
Anonymous said…
AWESOME! It will support gamepads too, right? Because that's the only way to play a 2D Metroid game.

Debian user here, huge Metroid fan, and really looking forward to it. :)
Anonymous said…
woot woot progress!!!!!
zachThePerson said…
It's always nice to have a fresh start with something. You can take what you learned the first time and make it better
Guarrow said…
It's so great ! I'm so happy to see your project is progressing well ! Don't give up ! It's a great project ! I'm so excited to see the final release !
the7thguest said…
Interesting !
Allucardster said…
Hey thanks so much. As a linux user I'm glad for this new version and can't wait for the release.
Anonymous said…
Keep on trucking man! I can't wait for the next demo release with new content.
Anonymous said…
That's great! I was just wondering if you could like use the design of the Screw Attack from Super Metroid, but like alter it a little so it would look good with this game's style? I really like how it looked in that game, and really prefer it. Keep it up!
Unknown said…
You can actually run Mac OS in a VM, you just need to look at the "right place" ;) Contact me if you need help.
Nitroswii said…
can't vm the mac?
FW said…
Sounds like a productive month; nice work, Doc!
tramirez said…
Try Hackintosh, VM's can't use hardware acceleration.
Anonymous said…
Awesome! Maybe now, my potato pc will be able to run this!
Anonymous said…
Man I love this. I love seeing dedicated fans resurrect their favorite games and share them with the world. You're keeping the history alive and I can't wait to see the finished product.
jorge said…
very good work doc
Mooman said…
Nice work!
Anonymous said…
At some point you've gotta just dredge forward and finish the project, then fix all the bad stuff in post. You've been in an eternal chapter 1 for the past four years.
Anonymous said…
Will it possibly be available on Android? Could I play it on an Ouya?
Anonymous said…
WoW amazing. Great work.
Thank you
Chireidonuts said…
As a Mac user, I am thrilled. I've been running it with Wine, but the sound doesn't work properly and it was a bummer.
fosamax said…
I would really like to see a gcw zero export available in game maker studio so that we can play it on that little handheld (native res of 320x240)
Unknown said…
Noice :D I can wait till the release of this game :D. keep it up :D
Anonymous said…
Awesome man!!! is it a good idea adding defense turrets or some defense system near the entrance of the Robot Factory? I know it´s stupid asking this but what if the Chozo statues could heal or showing hidden technology like Zero Mission.
Anonymous said…
I can't wait for this to be finished. Once you release the modding tools, I'm going to try my hand at porting Fusion over to this engine. Thanks again for all the hard work. Here's hoping and praying that you don't get C&D'd.
Rusty said…
Jeez man, you work so hard on this game. Thanks for your time and effort to remake a great game into a masterpiece that I think will feel on-par to Super Metroid.
Unknown said…
If I were nintendo, I'd option this. It's one of the most faithful GB->16-bit remakes I've ever seen.
Anonymous said…
wow, Ubuntu port! You are awesome!
Unknown said…
yeeeeeeeeeees a linux version :3
Unknown said…
Holy shit!!!! I can't believe this is really going to come to linux. :D Thank you so much! And thanks to that kind person who helped you get the linux build option. Hooray!
JohnnyP said…
Downloaded this earlier today, and I couldn't put it down until I got the 88% complete at 2 hours and 35 min into this! Simply fantastic, best remake for sure! I'll be waiting for more =D
Ricardo Suarez said…
any new update doc? sorry but Im really freaking impatient ;D (im not sure i think i heard that the creature serris was found in SR388 as a infant
Nicolas Massicotte said…
hey doc im trying to use a tomee snes usb controller to play the demo but it doesnt seem to be able to detect it.
Anonymous said…
THANK YOU. I 'wined' your demo's far back, and always wished for a native linux client. I run Ubuntu as my main OS, and you have just made me happy. Where can I download the Linux Demo? And as an anonymous posted previously.. Will it work with a GamePad?
Anonymous said…
What VM are you using?
Anonymous said…
As a Mac user, I'd be willing to either export under Mac under NDA, or at least help get you set up with a virtual Mac environment. InsanelyMac carries a patch for registered (free) users, that can patch VMWare Workstation and Player for Windows to support running Mac VMs, and thus can run OS X like it would on a real Mac, without any Hackintosh drivers or boot loaders.

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