Store Updates

The final testing phase of the new store system is almost over. After yesterday's stress test, the servers seem to be stable enough to handle the load of the release day. Also, there were some changes in how the currency is stored. Now, instead of paying directly for items, you can buy "Galactic Federation Credits" that can be used to redeem the items, be gifted to other players, or bid at the casino area.

Also, the in-game store has been finally added. You won't have to minimize the game and visit the store page each time you run out of missiles. Now the entire AM2R item store is available from the pause menu. Right now all the support crates that contain the items spawn at the landing site, but there are plans to expand the drop locations. 

Bear in mind that the current store screens are in-development, there will be a better looking background and a bigger selection of items.
Speaking of items, Reserve Tanks were added. These add 100 energy each, and are a permanent upgrade, available from the start of the game upon purchase. You can buy up to 10, and they stack with the normal E-Tanks. This ensures that the game will be accessible to people who aren't skilled at Metroid games, and wish to have a better starting loadout. 
Also, my accountant came up with a brilliant idea. To make the optional contents even more optional!So, if you don't enjoy the first two areas, there's no point of making them available for free.
Also, both suit upgrades and the special VIP suit are even more optional than before, being accesible to the people who acquire the "AD Removal Premium Pack". 
This awesome pack also gives you a great 5% discount on all the hints/puzzle solutions. Now all the frustration of not knowing how to get that dodgy Missile Tank is a thing of the past!

Now, the good news. During the first 24 hours after the release of the new demo, the game will be fully playable completely AD free. And as a bonus, Hard Mode will be free during the first day. 
You'll be able to enjoy all of these new features within the next few weeks, when the new demo is released.As always, positive comments, and product suggestions are always welcome.

Edit: Thanks to the massive success of the new features, I'll be considering your awesome suggestions for more cool items. Post what weapon / item or feature you want to see in the game (along with an estimated price, of course).
The top 3 people who suggest the coolest entries will receive a FREE season pass!


Unknown said…
Always love the "April Fool's" posts.

Glad to hear the new demo is onl a few weeks off away. Keep up the good work.
Anonymous said…
Brought to you by Coca-Cola, Monster and Visa!
Unknown said…
Absolutely love the effort you put into this April Fools joke. For about 30 seconds I was totally fooled and was thinking WTF!!!!

Keep up the good work and the good spirit man. Working on a project this long tends to drain the life out of people, but you keep on going full strength. You're an inspiration to us all.

Thanks Doc.
Anonymous said…
sounds like the direction runescape is going! april fools wot!
Shindachande said…
Anonymous said…
You know whats the sad part about this?
people allow this kind of shit in their games

love you man, keeping it real as always

saludos desde chile
Jetuone said…
When i saw the post, the first thing i thought was: "Happy april fools joke" Good one doc... good one.
Anonymous said…
LOL I love your april fools posts. This one is great! Had me laughing man! xD
SirZamus said…
Excelente broma xD Espero ansioso el dia que salga el siguiente Demo y siempre te apoyare desde el inicio hasta el final :D
Crawfish said…
It's 2AM in the morning where I am, and I came here SPECIFICALLY to see your April Fools joke. Was not disappointed. Love ya, Doc!
The7thGuest said…
Is it April again Thank you for the Update :)
Unknown said…
At first I was like WTF!?!?! Then I looked at my clock and saw april 1st :P Nice going Doc. The game looks fantastic, I look forward to the final product :)
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
was wondering what the april fools joke would be this year
good to hear from you doc. impatiently waiting for the new demo
Anonymous said…
Yeah, I came here specifically to see what April Fools joke you had in store for us this year. I can say I'm pretty satisfied. I just hope nobody forgets what day it is while looking at this...

Thanks for all your hard work. I know I'm not the only one who appreciates everything you put into this.
samushunter242 said…
I could actualy see this happening if it were a f2p game

NFITC1 said…
Hey that's fantastic! A DLC store is just what this game needs! I'll just withdraw my life savings. :D
Anonymous said…
thanks for reminding me on why I skipped over the ps4 & the 1/3xbox.
Unknown said…
I didn't even blink when looking at this update.

Good April Fools regardless!
Jake said… actually took me 3 paragraphs...Damnit LOL
Anonymous said…
Finally! Now I can buy a solution for that puzzle!

You should add a way to spend GFC to make enemies deal 25% of usual damage on Hard mode, and to make Samus run twice as fast as normal.

Speed running isn't fair when there are people better than me at the game. I think 50 GFC would be a good prize!
jorge said…
happy april fools day XD
Rodey Hahoo said…
Too obvious.
Anonymous said…
Time passes and every 1st April on AM2R is a lot of fun !

Take care and hope to see more of the True Metroid 2 Remake !
Anonymous said…
Happy april Fools XDDDD
i laughed a lot of this post
Anonymous said…
well what if you put charge combos 5.00 $ or 6.00 $ . Also you could try putting boost ball for 4.00 $ or even you could add extra items like power bombs or grapple beam. And if the player completed the game for 100 % and plus 4 or 5 $. I´m sorry if you don´t accept my suggestion
Anonymous said…
well also to the people that doesn´t has an account would be sad for the extra suits.
Spike said…
You captured every bad thing that is wrong with games nowadays Congrats, well made. Love what you are doing :)
Dave said…
Either April Fools, or Facebook bought you...
Anonymous said…
Congrats, this was the only April fools joke I got fooled by this year. Speaks volume about the game industry when something like this, even in it's absurdity, still doesn't feel that far from the norm.
DrFluke Hawkins said…
April Fool! (Poisson d'avril!)^^
Unknown said…
Que tal la compra de actualizaciones para misiles, cuando no se sabe a donde ir, comprar pista de a donde ir y la compra de habilidades como: morph ball, etc.
Unknown said…
so there isn't gonna be DLC, and all that? that's good. that would ruin the game in my opinion.
Unknown said…
r we supposed to buy the new areas? cuz I'm not doing that until the full game is released.
Anonymous said…
That is exactly what I fear the gaming industry might become...
That is sooooo funny!!
I still remember last year with that Other M game LOL
Anonymous said…
Did you notice missing enemies in this project?
I'm talking about enemies like Blob Thrower, Halsyn, Meboid and Octrol (up to the current version 1.32)

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