New Demo Released - Metroid Speedrun Marathon

Next Saturday, the awesome people at Speed Demos Archives will be hosting a Metroid Speedrun Marathon. The cool thing about this marathon is that AM2R will be featured, along all the official Metroid games. The event will appear at the frontpage of, professional speedrunner Dragondarch will be speedrunning the AM2R Demo v1.3.

Here's the schedule, and the Twitch Feed that will be streaming the event.
I'll do my best to attend, so feel free to drop by the stream chat.

So, you don't want to watch the new demo on a stream because of the spoilers?
We can fix that:

New in this version:
- Acess to a new area
- XInput support for XBox 360 controllers (Includding triggers)
- Improved button hints in-game
- Centralized menu control with dedicated buttons
- Redone lighting engine
- Aim Lock
- Analog walking
- Morph Button
- Many engine improvements and optimizations


Daniel Quan said…
Genial!!! nueva demo!! :D
Wiwiweb said…
Wow can't wait! :D
Spike said…
Congrats on getting your demo featured! And played by a pro as well :) Looking forwrd to it, well done :)
Anonymous said…
Just 3 more days!
Anonymous said…
Kirbymastah here. FYI it's not, it's :)

Thanks a lot for letting people know about the marathon, and I'm very thankful for you and dragondarch to let your awesome demo be ran at our marathon! I'm very hyped for the demo itself too ^_^
Ken said…
Can't wait to play the new demo!
Anonymous said…
Yay, a ton more people get to learn about something so amazing that they've never seen before. That genuinely excites me.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ We Want the new demo now... or RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ ok no
good work doctorm64, i can't wait for play the new demo
Unknown said…
Oh boy! I'm pumped. XD
Unknown said…
The Demo is nigh!!! I can't wait to see what's inside!!!
Anonymous said…
8pm on a Thursday, looking forward to it
DrFluke Hawkins said…
Aaah, chouette! Enfin une nouvelle pièce du puzzle SR388; je bous d'impatience! :D
Unknown said…
My body is ready!
iamli3 said…
lol a link to the countdown clock's site....

will be cool to see this game speed ran too ^^ ....

course not before i play it so i can experience everything for myself the first time :P ....
The7thGuest said…
jorge said…
awesome thanks for news doc
Unknown said…
5 more hours YEAH!!!
Shiro937 said…
I will be streaming this as well in channel tonight at 6pm CST, not speedrunning but I will explore all of it to the best of my ability. Those interested my chnnel is looking forwards to it.
Anonymous said…
Impressive work once again Doc. :) Can't wait to try out the new demo! Thanks again for remaking this.
Anonymous said…
38 Minutes can'y wait!!!
FMP said…
awesome!! I heard some guy would make a stream playin this demo for the first time dudes!! check it out:
deg said…
Woo! So excited! Great update! I've made my video un-privated now! :D (Decayed)
Anonymous said…
Man, this new area is huge!, and hard, i didn't find all items in this area, in the other 2 demos i have so i guess the game is becoming harder too
Starlight said…
Not working for me :(

.exe loads up, but i just get a started screen that won't progress.

Running windows 7 64 bit, .net framework 4.5.1
Unknown said…
Este remake de metroid es super genial, espero mucho más de los metroid zeta, omega y el metroid queen (espero estar super entretenido encontrando la manera de pasar este juego...), ya realize el 100% de todo en menos del dia, espero que todos encuentren la forma de hacerlo al 100 (en algunas partes me costo trabajo hacerlo).

Yo quisiese saber DoctorM64, como me puedo contactar contigo (ademas del blog), para que yo pueda ofrecerte ideas, bugs (encontre 1, pero no lo apunte, "igual se como paso el bug") y felicitarte por este super mega proyectazo!!!!!

Si necesitas comunicarte conmigo algun dia, este es mi correo:

Espero lo mejor en los proximos juegos y que te contraten en alguna empresa para hacer juegos o remakes de los mismos...

Att: Un fan de metroid, zelda y mario...
Anonymous said…
wow, this latest demo looks FANTASTIC. I haven't even played it for 15 minutes and I'm already in absolute bliss.

The music is absolutely amazing. From the title screen to the background music, it really sucked me in and put a huge smile on my face.

xbox360 controller support works great too.

If I might make a suggestion, would it be possible to add support for alternative filters for full screen? I've found myself really liking 2xSaI filter some emulators use and I think filters like that would look nicer than the standard filter being used.
coloradohugge said…
Thanks for the informative and interesting chatting at the stream DocM64. This demo uppdate was SUPER nice. keep it up man, this is great stuff ;)
Unknown said…
why is the game lagging for me? i dont know what is wrong.
Anonymous said…
This game is AMAZING, i find it even better than the other 2D metroids made by nintendo except for fighting mother brain in super metroid, if you find out how to make a better boss battle with the queen somehow with hyper beam or something and then you blow its metroid brains out of its skull, that would be amazing, this is coolest fan made game I have ever seen and i cant wait to see how awesome the final game will be!!
Unknown said…
I loved this so much. I'll even say I liked it way more than the original.

I love the map, and the destination feature, simply wonderful! Controls felt pretty solid, only had one problem with them. It seemed I was having trouble aiming directly above Samus quickly while crouching. Aside from that one issue, I really, REALLY loved it. The music was amazing, the environments felt unique from one another. It really pulled me in, was sad when the demo ended.
Anonymous said…
I haven't had a chance to play much of the demo yet, but here are my initial thoughts.

I like the menus. I had fun just looking through them for the first few minutes. The controls are solid; I could get spoiled with the auto morphing/climbing feature; possibly to the point where even Zero Mission would feel outdated!

The first Alpha fight is excellent. Not a lot to it, but considering it's only an Alpha (and the first one, at that), I'd say it was more challenging than I thought it would be (which is a good thing). Can't wait to see how they improve!

And the thing that probably impressed me the the small details that don't even really matter. All of the extra animations going on in the background, the water drops splash when they hit Samus, and Samus' idle animations. Everything is so beautiful and obviously a lot of love has gone into the game. I'd say it's the little things that show just how much has gone into the game.

Keep it up! I absolutely love it so far!
Anonymous said…
Absolutely love the demo the atmosphere you have create truly brings to life a classic, I honestly CAN NOT wait until you finish.
Keep up the phenomenal work.
Unknown said…
Well, I've just played the demo and I've got one energy tank, an ice/charge beam, and spider ball and several missile ammo packs. I like how the environments are open - ended outside and varied inside too, the first two Metroid battles scared me as they appeared in a flash and gives you a challenge. I like the flow of the game where you can just keep running and you can quickly latch on to things and climb (reminds me of Call of Duty: Ghosts)and the music suits the game really well having its own character to it. Only one bad point, the loading screen, where it says "Please Wait", it actually says "Plase Wait". You just need to correct that spelling and keep up the great in this project. Well Done! I'm looking forward to playing more later on.
Hika-chan said…
Doctor, revisa la imagen (splash, se llama?) del launcher cuando ejecutas el exe, que pone "PLASE WAIT" en vez de Please Wait xDDD
Hika-chan said…
Un fallo de control que he visto es que si mantienes L (apunte diagonal) mirando hacia debajo y luego das un salto giratorio, cuando vuelves al suelo no sigue apuntando hacia debajo, sino que vuelve a apuntar hacia arriba. Eso es un incordio, sobre todo en habitaciones verticales >:
Hika-chan said…
Otro fallo que creo que he visto, es en la en la habitación del guardián, donde el tile de arriba se queda negro, ¿no debería ser transparente?
Anonymous said…
I just finished to play the new demo.

I greet your talent a second time (I still tried the 1.21 version), there were surprises, an amazing new boss, even better than the 2 first that I enjoyed yet, the atmosphere in the dark was just perfect, and, the gamma metroid are boosted or something ? there are as smart as some speedy alpha ones, that's so pleasing to beat !

Really, thank you for your amazing work !
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
This demo is fantastic!!! So much new content and even the little details are beautifully done. Well done, Doc. If it's this good as a demo, I honestly cannot wait for the full game. Well done Doc, well done.
Unknown said…
Amazing new demo! Loved the new graphical and sound effects. Favourite part just has to be the new miniboss (spoilers!!!)!

I have 91% on my normal mode run of the game, my map seems complete, i'm missing the item in the tunnel to area 3 (the spiky morphball tunnel) and the missile in the second area (the one above the tunnel next to where the water filters/turbines were), and possibly something else.

Keep up the great work, I can't wait for the real thing!
Wooahh! The Demo was purely awesome. Me and my brother just played trough it and we are both amazed!

Good Work. I loved it. Keep up the good work
Hika-chan said…
Hey Doc! Soy yo de nuevo. Esta vez comento algo más grave. Estaba en la zona oscura de plantas matando a un Metroid Gamma cuando de repente, al acabar con él, me dio un error:
Pensaba que seguramente no sería nada y le di a ignorar. Seguí avanzando y maté los que me quedaban en esa zona cuando veo que sólo me quedaba uno y ya había visitado todas las habitaciones. Resulta que no me lo ha marcado como muerto y ahora no me vuelve a spawnear el maldito. Reinicié el juego por si acaso y sigue igual, por lo que mi partida ha quedado corrupta.

La verdad es que me mata de rabia, porque llevo años esperando poder jugar a este proyecto y estaba esperando al soporte Xinput para poder jugar en condiciones...
El juego, una pasada. Mejora a los anteriores 2D por creatividad y técnicamente, gran mapeado, etc. ¡10/10, mi más sincera enhorabuena! (Ahora me deja muchas más ganas de seguir jugando, cagüen...)
Unknown said…
I finished the demo earlier today on normal, a little over 2 hours with 95% of the items. This demo was fantastic, absolutely fantastic. The ending portion with the mining facility, the GF research team and the mining vehicles you operate were great! At that point though, I was scared that the demo would end at any second, lol. The Space Jump works wonderfully. It's probably the best iteration of the Space Jump to exist honestly. Hopefully someone at Nintendo is taking notes... Only problem I can think of is that the beam fires really fast until you get the Wave and Spazer beam, then it fires at about half the speed. That can get annoying. Also, because the Spazer is so big, it sometimes misses enemies, even though it passes right through them. I'm not sure if this is something you can fix, but I thought I'd point that out, especially for when you get to stacking the Plasma Beam. A nit pick of mine is that there isn't that much of an effect for the Speed Boost like in Zero Mission or Other M. It's just Samus making after-images. There's some kind of effect for when Samus Shinesparks, so I'm guessing there's no effect for running other than the after-images because you're still working on it. The fact that you put in Cordite crystals from the Prime Trilogy was an excellent touch, although I have a feeling that that is something that Nintendo might not ever do. This felt like an honest to God Metroid game, and with the drought of Metroid anything, this demo is a God send. Right now I feel the same way about this as I do Smash 4. I know you need plenty of time to complete the game, but it's so good that I just want the damn game already! lol. Outstanding work thus far. However long it will take to complete the game will definitely be worth the wait if this demo is any indication.
Anonymous said…
Es el mejor demo que he visto de metroid 2 jamas creado Me dejaste todo el dia con la boca abierta XDDDD Me encanto y creo CREO que solo falta 2 largas actualizaciones
de area 6 7 8 y el otro area 9 10
area 7 y 8 es casi lo mismo que el area 4 y 5 excepto por esa maquina de minar y en el area 4 me asusto un cadaver de uno de los soldados O.o
bueno sigo xd El area 9 es como la jungla del area 3 pero esta vez con Metroids omegas y el area 10 (ya completada) es la guarida de la reina y un super desafio en el area 8 derrotar un metroid alpha y uno omega a la vez en el mismo cuarto Esto se merece Cordita y Puro diamante a este juego Super mega PROYECTAZOOO xd
Anonymous said…
@matthew roberts

You're not the only one. The game lags badly for me too, even though 1.2 ran perfectly fine. I guess our computers just suck and the additions in the third demo just pushed them over their limit. :/

Can't really rule it out as an issue in the program unless a lot of people suffer it.
Pennywise said…
Yippieeee bajando y probando.

Tirapalanganas said…
Buen trabajo, doc. Bah, en serio. GRAN TRABAJOOO
(a menos que no sea tan acertada la palabra trabajo)
Bueno, quería decir que acabo de probar el botón Morph, y me ha fascinado *-*
No faltando las ocasiones en la saga Metroid en que hay que hacerse Morphball apenas habiendo saltado, tampoco faltan a quienes les dificulta hacer tal hazaña. Y ahora este botón hace justicia por ellos ;_;
Y ps quería ponerlo en inglés (aunque no sea el mejor), para que más gente se entere y se identifique.
Morph button is an awesome feature!
In/at this way, people can get over all those frustrating hours of jumping~morphing.
Unknown said…
Recored the new Demo v 1.3 and I gotta say its amazing the new area is sweet and so is the near gear and animations keep up the good work
Anonymous said…
well, dude, you've out done yourself this time. half way mark with this demo. good luck!
Anonymous said…
The demo is AWESOME! Looking for news on your project everyday since quite some time. The factory area is even better then the ones before, i was pleasantly surprised. Only the super missile strength could be toned down a bit. 2 shooting a beta is a bit to much :)
Anonymous said…
Your work is awesome, thanks a lot for having done that, Metroid 2 deserved a remake, and yours may be better than what Nintendo may have done on a 3DS !
M.I.Johnston said…
This game kicks my ass so f&*@ing hard. Pardon my language. If you are able to keep up the momentum of the demo than this will be the best Metroid game of all time. My only real complaint is that in Fusion to activate the missiles you held down R button, can you implement a control option that is similar to that like hold RB to shoot missiles?
Unknown said…
Just got hit by a terrible bug. That metroid where you bomb the thing in the center of the room and then you fall into his nest cuz the floor was attached to the bomb thing? Yeah, there was a bug and for unknown reasons the metroid counter didn't go down. Now I'm a bit stuck.
Also, that space jump boss kicked my ass. I didn't come back till I had super missiles.
Samest said…
The game lag for me too. It goes well for about 3-4 minutes then the music start to slow down and the game badly lags. Tried both with and without V-Sync. I have Intel Core I7 2.4 ghz // 4bg ram // 1gb video card.
The demo looks amazing though, continue your wonderful work!
Anonymous said…
el demo fue excelente en extremo pero hubieron algunas cosas que no me parecieron muy adecuadas como los sprites de los misiles, super misiles y las energias un tanto cliché, todavia no me agrada la pantalla del menu donde te muestra los objetos de samus, para mi opinión en el final se deberían poder adquirir y usar la power bomb para vencer a la reina metroid y el mapa aunque esta genial me resulta muy corto desearía que se expanda un poco mas, la movilidad de samus al hacerse morfo-espera al correr es muy lenta, el salto con las super botas no se lo puede controlar muy bien la altura, me agrado la opción de mantener apuntado y retroceder entre otras cosas que se agrego al juego muy creativo jamas me lo espere, igual es un excelente demo lo mejor que e jugado de metroid
TendaShy said…
His game options already include a way to hold down a button to shoot missiles instead of toggling. Lots of cool options, actually, just look through them.
Anonymous said…
Actually I believe you can configure it like that. There's a bunch of control options and I seem to recall there being one that made it switchable between default switch mode and button hold.
M.I.Johnston said…
Didn't know that. Super Derp! No complaints then.
Ricardo Suarez said…
si no me equivoco la musica del area 3 es una combinacion de la musica tierras del templo de Metroid prime 2 echoes verdad? por cierto Espectacular demo no bugs detectados y lo gane al 100 % y ya solo te falta una actualizacion mas el area 6 7 y 8 porque el area 9 y 10 estan totalmente completadas (puedes verlo en el post Xinput and progress)
Spike said…
Okay while the game is brilliant and so far pretty much the best 2D Metroid since Super Metroid I want to comment on the music which is PHENOMENAL! Seriously you should consider releasing the music as a Soundtrack Album - it is THAT good! Love this :)
TendaShy said…
I'm stuck at 98% on my completion, would it be by chance because of the bug with one of the gamma metroids? It never turned red like the others on my map
Do metroids count for completion or just item pickups? I could make a new file and test, I guess. I've been all over looking for that last thing that will give me 100, that's why I'm asking, hahah.
DreadnoughtDT said…
Absolutely amazing demo. I played through 1.21 before and I was having a lot of fun seeing all the little differences between 1.21 and 1.3, like the new item sprites, the way that robotic enemies explode into bits...

Apparently some people were having trouble with the Torizo, but I had no trouble with him at all. I found him fast, frantic and wonderful to fight. I'm hoping you don't include any items that require absolutely crazy Shinesparks to get though, seeing as I never was good at that... The few Shinespark-necessary items you have so far are at the right level of difficulty. That one Super Missile in the area 3 breeding ground was difficult for me to figure out.

All in all I finished the demo with a time of 1:45 and with 100% items on my first run on normal. It was a blast to play and I honestly can't wait for the next one. You did an amazing job.
Anonymous said…
Doc, it was... just AWESOME!
Normally done 100%/hard demo 1.21 in less than 0:35(game time). Average result for average metroid player imo... But... With that new area I was feeling completely noob! It kicked my ass! That boss... OMG! It's BRUTAL! But in the same time game is extremely beautiful! All that machinery in the new area.. Interactive environmental things. Every small detail worked so perfectly! Has anyone noticed that when some robot explodes into lil' pieces near the water and when such piece falls into the water, it makes a splash? All animations are extremely physical and realistic while it's still a 2D sidescroller! And those dark areas with fireflies following your charge beam.. Somehow that demo gave me more patience to wait for a final release. Doc (and all am2r team) you're cool! Keep working!
If there is analog walking, then is it possible to implement a control option with a separate dash button (like in super metroid)? So those who do not use a stick for walking would have a possibility to comtrol movement more smoothly. Just an option of course...

Doc, putting that super missile in the dark area was really nasty XD
Anonymous said…
Firstly, I absolutely love your work with the game. The audio is excellent at provoking emotion, as is the general flow of colors and overall atmosphere. I can't praise you enough capturing that same sense of trepidation and wonder I felt with the original Metroid 2 of exploring an increasingly sinister alien world.

Praise aside, would it be possible to move the Super Missiles to something you acquire at the mining station/camp? It just doesn't feel like there's enough time to let the 'danger' of Gamma Metroids sink in before you're able to 2-shot them with super missiles. By getting that ability at the mining station, it would give the area more thematic/storytelling importance and equip players with a powerful new weapon against old threats before being introduced to the new challenge that is Zeta Metroids in the next area.
Anonymous said…
When I went down to the second area, I manage to kill "all" of the metroids without the Varia suit and then I notice that there was no earthquake. I went in to the next room and BAM GAMMA METROID!
Rodney Hahoo said…
Samus' sprite could use a little kickback animation when she fires.
Mak said…
Amazing job as always Doc! Keep it up man.
Daniel said…
Found this after seeing a random youtube video of a speedrun. This is the Metroid game I've been waiting for. Absolutely loved it. Can't wait to play more areas.
purplecowadoom said…
Awesome demo! Nearly everything is perfect. There were a few small things though. You have probably already spotted these things, but I'll mention them anyway:

-Regular stepping sound plays when walking in water.

-Patterns is misspelled as patters in the Research Team log

-I also had one instance in the lower portion of the 3rd area where a Gamma cornered me and repeatedly spammed its "electrohug" attack on me. I almost didn't get out of it, and yes, when I did, it had tried that attack again.

Which brings me to my own minor nitpick:
-I think there should be a small period of invulnerability after getting hit on Easy and Normal difficulty.

Otherwise great, and on my second play through I largely bypassed those issues simply by knowing what to do. The flying Torizo was a nice touch!
Anonymous said…
This game beats out all the other metroid games hand down, with the epic music, sweet and challenging boss and metroid battles, and cool level design, the only thing i think that ties this maybe is the whole build up of traveling to mother brain and fighting her in super metroid
Unknown said…
Heyo! I'm really a big fan of AM2R so far, but I have one issue with it... something about the game makes my computer lag a lot! Maybe you could add some more video options to fix that? I know you're trying to make the game as beautiful as possible, but my computer cannot handle such awesome...ness. So while not having the truly awesome graphics that you're trying to use, I think being able to run the game on my computer would be a reasonable tradeoff. If you don't add graphics options... maybe I'll just have to get a new computer. My computer seems to have no trouble running Skyrim though, but this? This is just too much.
Anonymous said…
Well I just finished the demo. I feel amazed.

There is just one little thing O would have different. In the original game, for me one of the biggest oh crap moments was when you see a alpha metroid become an gamma. If you could include that instead of all the gammas being gammas when you find them then this demo would be damn near perfect.
Ricardo Suarez said…
Me encantaria ver el Rayo de plasma y se consigue version doc En el area 6 verdad? y en la version nintendo se consigue en el area 3 El mejor demo del mundo :3
Anonymous said…
Music is great, but the "item found" theme needs a revisit.
Anonymous said…
Just finished the demo. I'm...stunned.

Area 3 was just amazing. From the Torizo fight to the amazing Metroid nest, it makes the previous areas seem dull by comparison!

And then there were the upgraded Gamma fights. LOVED the new attack where they could grab you. I think that variety could stand to have more health, though. Two super missiles just doesn't make the intense fight long enough, if you ask me.

Overall, I'm VERY pleased with it. I would like to make a few suggestions. Very, VERY minor things, though.

First, I dunno if this was on purpose or not, but in Super Metroid, Fusion, and Zero Mission, if you use a morph ball bomb while in a 1-space tall passage, and get hit by it, it wouldn't have any effect. Whereas in AM2R, it would still make you bounce slightly. I dunno how hard this would be to implement, though, but don't bother if it would take any effort at all, since it doesn't really matter in the slightest.

Speaking of not mattering at all, another small detail in 2D Metroid games. When you fall a certain distance while morphed, you would bounce slightly. I may have just missed it, but I didn't see this in AM2R. Again, if it's gonna be too much work, don't bother. Working on the meat of the game should come first, in my opinion. ;)

Also, the Spider Ball works a LOT better than in the previous demos. For some strange reason, there was still one part that I got stuck on; the right-most wall in the main, outside area of area 2, near the ground. I tried it a few times afterwards, and I was able to climb up the wall just fine, so I dunno what the problem was the first time. Still might be worth checking out, though.

LOVE the amount of work you put into this , doc! I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say that you're doing an AMAZING job!
Unknown said…
Just finished my first run of the 3.1 demo with a 93%.

I loved the experience I had with this demo. It really surprised me how many cool bosses and areas have been added to the game. The Chozo Statue boss caught me off guard and it was very challenging. And all the amazing puzzles that have been added into the game, utilizing the environment in a way never done before in a Metroid game. It was almost like playing a 2D Prime game. Being a Metroid fan since about 2001, and also being a huge fan of Metroid 2, this demo really blew me away.

The only thing bothering me is how often are these demos going to be released? Are you going to keep just updating the demos until you are at a final version, kinda like releasing the game in episodes? Or are you going to stop doing demos at some point before the release of the Final version?

zachThePerson said…
I am having a problem where my aim is getting stuck. I think this happens if i hit to many buttons too fast, which mainly happens in the metroid battles. I will be jumping around when all of a sudden i realize i can't aim up because i am stuck aiming down or vice versa
DrFluke Hawkins said…
Hello Doctor M64,
I've played your last demo, anv I've written an analysis of its I would like to share with you: (safe link).
Anonymous said…
Exceptional job! I can't wait till this is finished so I can do my own full, 100% completion playthroughs! (I'm talkin Zero Mission, AMR2, SMet, Fusion, the Primes, and Other M when I finally get my hands on it :) )
Unknown said…
I've tried the demo a while back and the gameplay was excellent; the inclusion of the torizo was pretty good and the first encounter with a gamma metroid actually spooked me.

One problem I ran into is that I get a "No sound device detected" error. I do get music, but sound effects are not playing at all. The sound device I'm talking about is the Asus Xonar Essence STX audio card.
Anonymous said…
I never got around to say how great of a game this is-- I've been playing it since the first demo and loved absolutely everything of it. Definitely not only very faithful to the rest of the series and a great rebirth for the most under-appreciated game in it, but it manages to surpass the sources themselves!
As someone who has tried a similar project (a failed Kirby's Dream Land 2 remake, due to my engine being a mess), all I can say is that what you've done is nothing short of incredible. Fantastic job.
Unknown said…
I've found a potentially game-breaking glitch:

The second Metroid Gamma in the dark plants area (narrow horizontal room with a bomb passage below), once it explodes may throw up an error.

The first time I was able to simply ignore it and move on with no further problems, but in Hard Mode it gave me the following in an endless loop:

This only happenned to me on that particular Metroid.

I can't figure out what might have triggered it, since on my Normal mode run it didn't happen at all.
Anonymous said…
Ah.. second run. 100%/1:34/hard. That was cool. However something's strange with Torizo. On my first run killed it with first attempt. Now died about 3-4 times. It's really evil xD.
For those who writes that 2 super missiles killing gamma is too easy.. Just play on hard mode, where every SM tank gives you only 1(one!) extra SM, and where metroids do not leave any refills after explosion. Also those luminescent plants leave nothing after you shoot them. And most time fighting gammas you have only 2 SMs. And you always have a chance to miss, so "two SMs -> gamma dead" will fail. Also after first gamma in metroid lair you have 0 SMs and either have to go find some flying creatures for refills (which takes time, and also they may drop energy or missiles or just nothing instead os SMs) or continue with missiles. IMO everything is OK like it is now.

>ビームアイス said...
>The first time I was able to simply ignore it and move on with no further problems, but in Hard Mode it gave me the following in an endless loop...

Had something similar when tried to open a map somewhere near described place. Map could not render and gave me that message continously. Worked around by pressing "Ignore" button and closing map at the same time. Then had to go to save point and restart the game 'cause every time I've opened the map, this error appeared. After restarting all went normal.
Vachon said…
Excellent demo. I look forward to 1.4 to see how this plays out.

As for any advice to give, I'd recommend watching speed runs to see how people exploit enemy behavior and terrain and make adjustments accordingly (assuming you're not already doing that).

I love the electro-shock grab the Gammas do.
xenoblader said…
Just wondering, but are there any plans for the full game to be on ouya in the future?
NFITC1 said…
Demo was awesome. The Gammas seemed a bit too aggressive in the confined spaces they were fought in, but I managed. :)
I knew this was going to be worth the wait. This demo proves it again!
Blue Madness said…

That was AMAZING!!! I'm so fucking pumped for the full release!! Doc, you are a GENIUS!
brandino said…
The game is awesome! But i keep having choppy sound. I have windows 8 so i figure thats probably contributing.

Other Than That great work!
Anonymous said…
I speed run all the 3 slots un each difficulty un easy i got 100% un 65 mins un normal also i get 100% un 78 mins And in hard mode i get too 100% in 88 mina best gane of all the time :D
Anonymous said…
I am running windows 7 and i get an error after playing for 10 minutes. the game just crashes on me. :( I tried running it under administrator also. would you like a screenshot?
Unknown said…
LOVE this demo. And dat Torizo fight and music. Since I never played Metroid II, this is reminiscent of my first time playing SM as a kid, discovering a huge wonderful world. Can't wait for the final version.
Anonymous said…
Just wanted to let you guys know the AM2R 1.3 speed run by Dragondarch has been put up on Twitch by kirbymastah here :
Anonymous said…
Hey there, very nice remake, just wondered how do you achieve, in terms of programming, the blurry effect when Samus gets ready to jump. Send me the answer on or . Keep up the good work !
Unknown said…
I have noticed two errors in The Chozo logs from the previous and current demo of this game.
In 'The Chozo', inhabitated should be spelled inhabited.
In 'Hydro Station', there is an unnecessary 'the' added in the last sentence. My own grammar is not all that great, so I can not say for sure though.
Also, it would be nice if Samus could jump out of spider ball with the toggle mode turned on for it. Having to switch spider ball off first throws off the flow of the game for me in many situations.
Beyond all that the game has been a great pleasure to go through on all the difficulty levels. Thank you very much for using your time to make such an amazing game.
This is probably the second best metroid game next to SM. I discoverd your work about 4 months ago and check for updates almost daily. Don't feel pressure to rush yourself. Take your time and perfect this game. This is so good!
Anonymous said…
Waw, I finished the demo once and I tried in hard mode, that's much more interesting ! Many enemies have become more offensive, this is so exciting !

Doc, you did a true masterpiece , even when one knows the world you've created or the metroid II, there are still such surprises !
Spike said…
So I have a short report:
During the area 2 battle i suddenly was invicible after dying three times or so. Bug or feature?

Also I think the Area 3 Torizo is too hard. Can't beat it :(
Notjustinbailey said…
Damn, my controller just broke a few days before reading this. Well I'll be sure to try it once I get some replacement parts! Thanks for the demo!
Saviour-V said…
Saviour-V teleports in...

The Speed Booster. Ah, how I've missed you. Played the demo early this morning. Good times.

Also on the list of "WTF?!" moments:

1. OK, that Chorizo boss is speeding up a bit too much. Gotta stay calm and blast it.

Easy, easy, THERE! You're DEA....WTF?! WINGS?

2. Sure is dark in here.

Ow, damned spiked plants. WTF?! A Gamma Metroid?

DIEDIEDIEDIE....crud, out of missiles. Exit stage right, posthaste!

Well, at least I can stock up on firepower a little bit. What's on the next screen, I wonder?



Oh, and getting electro-hugged by the Gamma Metroids was amusing, the first time I experienced it. Not so fun was falling to the ground from the shock, AND immediately taking contact damage when the Gamma followed through.

Still a fun demo, but plase, I mean, PLEASE fix the loading message. ^_^;

Saviour-V grins, and teleports out...
Unknown said…
Se nota en absolutamente todos los ámbitos de la demo el cariño y la dedicación con la que está realizada. Es el remake de Metroid II que Nintendo siempre hubo de hacer. Felicidades por el resultado! Esperamos el juego completo con muchas ganas!
JMac said…
Doc, just finished the demo.... Wow. I loved the dark portion. I found myself gripping my USB SNES controller and sitting on the edge of my seat not knowing what would come up next, glued to the screen, just like a kid again. 98% on the first run. I will be taking another run in a few days. All I can say is you are making the metroid community proud. I dont feel at all like I am playing a fan remake, this feels like a true Metroid game. Very well done Doc, I can't give you enough praise.
Unknown said…
Fantastic work, can't wait to play the final product.
Marcelo Padua said…
hey man, i am brazilian, your demo is fantastic, congratulations for your remake metroid, sorry my english, i am learning
Anonymous said…
He estado al tanto de su avance desde que iba en el cole. Me gratifica que sigas en este proyecto tan genial! Tomando en cuenta que esta vida está llena de responsabilidades y una que otra sorpresa es realmente notable el esfuerzo que has estado poniendo todo este tiempo.
Espero sigan en progreso :) y felicidades por lo que se ha logrado hasta ahora.
Anonymous said…
Just finished playing the new demo. Overall, it's pretty good.

There are some issues, in my opinion. Most of the music doesn't seem to fit in with the atmosphere of the game / scenario, namely the metroid battle themes and first section theme. I do think the breeding grounds and hydro station music was done very well, though.

Additionally, every minute or so I get a 4-5 second long, intense lag spike. I have a good computer, so I'm not sure what's up with this.

Anyways, keep up the good work.
Dan said…
Totally awesome. Love the simplicity of the controls of the Xbox 360 Controller. The Metroids look awesome. This is truly a work of art. Great job so far DoctorM64. I will be anticipating the next demo so I can play more of the game. I can't wait to see what the Zeta and Omega Metroids are gonna look like
Gabriel said…
He jugado algo más que una hora. La demo es absolutamente fantástica. Muchísimas gracias de trabajar tan duro en este proyecto. Amo Metroid y por lo que parece Nintendo no le interesa seguir con esta serie. Cuando lo acabes lo comprare el primer dia! Salu2 desde Suiza!
Anonymous said…
I noticed something interesting as I played this game many times (loving it by the way). When you beat the first Alpha Metroid you encounter in the third breeding grounds area of the Industrial Complex fast enough (on normal mode with two Super Missiles), the Metroid battle music plays until you encounter the next Metroid or when you leave the Breeding Grounds. Is that intentional? Also, is there going to be a sound test when you beat the game, like when you listen to the music tracks in a separate menu or has that feature been omitted intentionally?
Unknown said…
Xbox 360 controller support thanks and count me in =P Look forward to the demo looks fun & metroid II in color ^^
Unknown said…
I have a problem with this, when I kill the metroid that comes right before I fight the gamma metroid I have 1 metroid left to kill which is the gamma metroid but then when I go into the room to fight the gamma metroid the counter goes up by another metroid so theres a last metroid that doesn't exist that I cant kill. how do i fix this? is this a bug or is it that I missed a metroid? I havent played the other demo in a while so if this is a mistake on my part then plz tell me.
Metroid88 said…
How do I report a bug? I'm stuck in the Demo, in the map appears a beta metroid (appears in yellow) that I already killed, so I can't go further...!
Yonathan said…
HERMANASOOO!! espero estés bien!!, parece que me perdí mucho mientras estuve de viaje!!, grande otra demo mas!! y ya un paso mas para estar cerca del final!! no puedo describir mi emoción al leer esto veré si cuando pueda me ponga a hacer un vídeo como hice hace años un "speed run" o un "no damage" algo asi!

Sigamos así bro que ya falta poco!!, grandes saludos!!
Dragon said…
Doc, the forums seem to be down.
Unknown said…
Maybe I'm just missing something, but in the Hydro Station, when you first fight a Gamma after killing all of the Alphas in the Breeding Grounds, I had to run from that battle and come back. The Metroid counter was at one Metroid left when I was fighting it, but it changed back to 2 left when i ran to the next screen. So now it seems I'm stuck. Seems like there may be a bug concerning running from a Metroid fight.
PoMaru said…
JESUS that was intense! Great work, Doc!
Jer said…
I do have to admit in this latest am2r_demo13 surely did surprised me in many ways compared to the previous version am2r_demo11a which I loved the changes that were made over all! However.. I did unfortunately come across frame rate drops through out the entire course of am2r_demo13.

Even if the slow down time did help me with the mid-boss of area 3 it does take away the actual gameplay experience, plus with the audio cutting out with "krzzt" from the frame rate drop made me cringed.

I'm not really sure what the issue happen to be caused from.. but the graphic processor I use is a "AMD Turion(tm) X2 Dual-Core Mobile RM-72" with a 64-bit Operating System on my Laptop. I do hope the frame rate issue would be resolved later down the road for anyone who also came across it.

So far your guys' project is looking very interesting and great, looking forward to seeing more progress from it!

P.S. The puzzle before obtaining the Super Missile was vastly entertaining! Also curious if there would be more to explore/discover within the Mining Facility~
Anonymous said…
Okay seriously dude. seriously? area three is god damned ridiculous. you get swarmed too easily, all of the enemies are ridiculously difficult to kill. i sure hope it isn't like this in the final game. i suggest you tone down the amount of hovering spikey heat seeking robots that take yey fifty damn hits to kill. they're worse than the metroids.
Unknown said…
The demo was really good,,, nice work doc 64, i´ve a question, and is if the added area in this demo (Factory, dark area and crystal mines) is all area 3?
Unknown said…
Ya terminé de jugar la demo y fue IMPRESIONANTE, me atrevo a decir que es la mejor entrega de Metroid que he jugado.

¡Sigue así!

Vachon said…
In defense of your tougher enemies. I'm glad to have regular enemies that are capable of seriously depleting my health if I'm not careful and strategic when going about their destruction. The game would be boring without such challenges and nothing more than a series of pointless enemies I get to harass/bully in-between metroid and mini-boss fights. Looking forward to taking on zetas and omegas. I know you're modeling this on the original Game Boy game, but I hope those last few areas aren't a series of basically empty caverns like in the original. I look forward to what you have in store for us.
Unknown said…
Haha, nevermind. I just missed the Alpha in the room under the water in the Hydro Station. Didn't realize I could bomb that machine blocking the doorway. Maybe my mind was just playing tricks on me with the counter (unless when you encounter that first Gamma, it adds one to your counter...)

Great work, Doc! You are a god among men. Can't wait for the final release!
Unknown said…
One small nitpick, though. I think the bridge and temple tiles in the exterior section of the Golden Temple needs a new palette. The yellow is too bright and the browns and blacks are too dark for each other, and it is a noticeably different quality than the surrounding tiles and those of other sections of the game. And I don't know how well the actual arch bridge itself fits into the Chozo's established architectural style. At some point, maybe after everything else is done, I think those tiles should be revamped.
Anonymous said…
I feel like the free health and missiles is a bit much for every save room. Makes things just too easy.

Had a blast with the demo, otherwise.(´・ω ・` )
Anonymous said…
I really wish I was able to play this game at full speed.. There isn't anything wrong with the audio its just the game runs slow and it really bothers me cause in the 1.2 version I had no problems and I was playing it on a notebook I have a better laptop how's that's better than the notebook and I don't really understand why this version is playing like this... Please please please fix this issue when you can cause it bums me out that I can't enjoy playing this game at full speed :(
netsendjoe said…
Very great demo. Love the boss fights, especially the one after you get the spin attack and when you battle the alpha in the dark!
Only problem I have is an error message that pops up when I close the program during deinitialization. It doesn't seem to cause any problems though.
The third area, after the industrial factory where you find some more metroids just before the end of the demo, doesn't seem to be complex enough as its easy to navigate, find and defeat the metroids in that area even with 67% items collected.
Still can't wait for another demo and to explore the next area of the game. Keep up the great work. You should really work for Nintendo
Elias said…
I love this Game and i love u work.

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