Ok, now for real

Before I move on with the real news, I have to thank Sabre230 for the help in this year's April's fools post. He made the awesome 8 bit Adam portrait.

Ok... now into the progress this month.
I revamped some of the rooms of Area 3, now they have a more interesting enemy placement, and some of them have the Speed Booster contemplated for either secrets or shortcuts. Some small bugs were taken care of, along with some beam rebalancing (yet again).

A couple of personal issues left me with no free time. I did manage to advance a bit on some fronts, but I was unable to dedicate AM2R the time it deserves. Hopefully, all will be sorted out in a couple of weeks.

Thank you very much for following the project. As soon as I make significant progress, I'll be happy to post it. Have a good week!


nucho said…
nice try on the Aprils fools,,, i think it would be better if it was that the game is finished, Thank you DocorM64
Anonymous said…
Awesome! Don't give up please! lml
Paradox said…
Good april fools joke Doc, I hope am2r will be finished in 2013 or 2014
Anonymous said…
Aun esperando dia a dia el juego completo :) suerte! no te rindas
Colin said…
Keep up the good work man, played the new Demo for AM2R, looks very good, animations are smoothe, and the alpha AI was alot smarter too! your doin a great job, but i do have a question, do you intend to keep the major delay for the wave beam? its not a problem, just curious is all.
The7thGuest said…
Being a father changes decisions,
often you have to do things just because you have to.

But thats a different Story, well
to the Point, im happy you are still dedicated in and to the Project.

Keep up the Good work, and YEAH im unter the first 10 Post´s :P
Miles07 said…
I think that one thing that had really bothered me a lot about the 2D Metroid games were the insane Shinespark-required Tanks hidden in the corners of each area. You can add plenty of Shinespark puzzles if you want, but I'd suggest not making them required (for a 100% completion).
mirahsan2 said…
it's cool Doc. Take your time. :)
Anonymous said…
The Speed Booster is my favorite Metroid item. I was dissapointed it wasn't in Area 2 but I'm glad I finally know it's somewhere in Area 3. Do you plan on having the Plasma and Spazer beams in the same area or are you going to replace the Plasma with Super Missiles or something?
Anonymous said…
take your time doc..am2r can wait. we have waited this long...your loyal fans and supporters would never expect you to put am2r before your personal life..hope everything works out ok
loyal fan since the beginning

Anonymous said…
Take as long as you need, I'll play it when it's done :) ♥
Anonymous said…
I almost fell at the april's fools joke, the best one i've ever seen so far

Looking good doc, AM2R looks close to be completed, but i know the're a lot to do yet, take the necessary time (:
ronny14 said…
Good luck!
On another note, can you put it back so that there is more than 1 post per page again?
Anonymous said…
Actually, I really like the shinespark maneuvers. They make you really put your skills to the test by using arguably the hardest-to-use ability in the series in challenging ways. It just feels good when you manage to complete one of them, especially the secret (and extremely sadistic) shinespark maneuver in Metroid Fusion.
Tsukiyomaru0 said…
Looked at the April's Fools post... Now I'm sad because I secretely wanted an Other M demake... ... Could you consider doing so in the future?
Jea Mike said…
personally I say you're doing a spectacular job. :D
saiferoth said…
Ive been following this project since its inception, and I just recently finished the recent demo and the game is really good (even though I have gripes with some core Metroid 2 design choices).

Miyamoto said: "A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad."

Take your time Doc and keep at it.
brandino said…
Thanks Doc. I hope this game gets finished this year. :-)
Killian Rechs said…
Just wanted to take a minute to congratulate you on this wonderful remake. I downloaded the AM2R demo last year some time and played it for about two minutes. I was so impressed with the fluidity and atmosphere of the game that I had to stop playing it (just follow me here). I never had a gameboy as a kid, so I never got around to playing Return of Samus. Realizing this, I tracked down the means to play it and began. I wanted to experience the original before I played your remake any further. After finishing it and playing your demo for a couple of minutes, I think I found myself inspired. I've now been working off and on for a few months on the sprites for Return of Samus and am almost finished with a "Justin Bailey" version of the game. That's a really roundabout way of saying thanks for taking the time to work on AM2R and inspiring me to work on a small project of my own. Now that I'm almost finished, I'll be tracking down your latest version and getting started. I'm about as excited to play AM2R as I was with the release of Zero Mission, and that's saying quite a bit. So thanks, and keep it up.

--Jon Kaixer
Matt Wetz said…
I can't wait to see area 3.

Every time I play the 2nd demo I get sad and depressed when it ends.
Anonymous said…
Your efforts are appreciated.
Anonymous said…
I will wait for you AM2R

If it takes forever I will wait for you
For a thousand summers I will wait for you
Till you're back beside me, till I'm downloading you
Till I hear you music here in my computer

The clock will tick away the hours one by one
And then the time will come when all the waiting's done
The time when you return and find me here and speed-run
Straight to my waiting hands

If it takes forever I will wait for you
For a thousand summers I will wait for you
Till you're here beside me, till I'm playing you
And forevermore sharing our metroids
Anonymous said…
Ultra cool, love samus,I made a drawing, Greetings

Anonymous said…
It's great that you are still working on this project! I'm hoping that you will eventually include a back-story. Cut-scenes with original art (even if the art isn't 'spectacular') would be great, but a bit of text is fine too. One thing that is sort of tedious, to exit the game, the player has to press enter to pull up the main menu (again) after going back to the first screen, then exit from there (it's like, entering the game again, to exit it) otherwise, this remake is awesome! Thank you for putting so much of your time into this!
Anonymous said…
I love you <3
Unknown said…
Cool! I'm wait to fight metroid omega
Taylor said…
Hey I just wanted to say that this project is fantastic and I only wish that Nintendo would support you and put it on the Wii U. I know its a far dream but still. And also the fact that you made so many new animations and enemy models is really impressive. They are at the same level as Nintendo's own honestly. So yeah, I hope the project continues and thank you for making this much needed remake of a great classic.
SAC/Black_Yoshi said…
Take your time, man. We the audience will still be here, even if we have to wait past Star Citizen's release, or something.
Starhunter said…
I just wanted to let you know that this looks great and that I can't wait! I was also wondering if you could tell me how easily the engine you are using can be modified. I have an idea for a 2d platformer and I think this engine would be perfect! But I would like to change the Samus model to be someone completely different with different abilities. Would this engine allow me to do that?
Unknown said…
I read your post about how it was an April Fools joke before I read the actual article... and by the end I started believing it regardless o.O
Unknown said…
Hey, i just played the demo and i'm seriously impressed. I hope you can manage to finish the game one day, that would be really awesome :D
Mike said…
Played every metroid except 2 and Other M. Then I saw this, got the scoop on Metroid 2 with its crazy awesome battling the metroids, so while I'm waiting for this, I'll just keep on playing Metroid 2 :D Great Work! AND PLEASE FINISH THIS, WE ARE COUNTING ON YOU!!!!
Anonymous said…
Awesome project! Been following for about a year or so now. Can't wait 'til we can play the full game :)

Any chance there's a way to convert the file so that it's playable via emulator? Would love to take it "on the go".

Take as long as you need. I've seen other projects such as this that tend to phase out and get discarded - fantastic to see your continued dedication and support. In fact, it's inspired me to start working on a Super Metroid remake using the same format - mostly as "practice" for a potential fan game. A "mock" Metroid 5, until Nintendo gives us a real one.

Still only an idea, a wish, so we'll see. Wanted to make sure I commended you though, for such outstanding work.
Ckozmac said…

Anonymous said…
Hi, bro. Forgive me if I'm asking this.

But will you release ROM for GBA also?

Thank you for answering
Anonymous said…
Hope you give us an update on how things are going soon. Month hiatus without even a hi is depressing :(
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the awesome game!
Anonymous said…
I tried the 1.21 version and damn, I bless you and your work, that's great !!
I just can't describe what feeling I had when I was playing, discovering the places, the musics, the creatures... It was just like when I discovered the fusion or zero mission: new, attractive, with this so particular atmosphere due to the musics, the places and the variety of the creatures. It is maybe even better , if I can say that !

I'm looking forward to the next demo and I'm ready to wait for it all the time it needs !

Thank you Doc to provide us that amazing work !

a fan
jorge said…
continuous project and do what you can
Micah Kekich said…
Just finished the demo yesterday, and I was honestly blown away. I hope you can find the time to eventually finish this. Thanks for all taking the time to make something so cool. Good luck!

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