Progress, and a Metroid Marathon

Before I start with the progess of these weeks, I want to tell you about a special event. The guys at Metroid Headquarters are celebrating their 7th anniversary, and they´ll be doing a 101 hour Metroid Marathon, streaming live playthroughs of all the Metroid games on their hardest difficulty, with 100% items and scans.
These awesome guys will be collaborating with Child´s Play, the famous and respectable charity.
The marathon will start on Monday, July 11th at 8pm CST.
For those who will watch it, I´ll be ocassionally on the chat room (I´ll try to tune in the entire Metroid 2 part).

Regarding AM2R, there was some progress. Mostly playtesting and balancing issues with many enemies. Some Alpha Metroid fights were tweaked, mostly the first ones. Fighting Alphas with a limited supply of missiles and only 1 energy tank can get pretty hectic. A new save station was added near the bottom part of the first area, for those who want to retreat from any of the Alphas there and restock.

Well, this post was pretty early. Be sure to stop by the chat room if you watch the marathon.
Have a good week!


Asian Metalhead said…
Hemse said…
nice! I will definately check that out. :)
Yonathan said…
Que bien un maraton no me lo perdere lo anotare en mi agenda :)
Kojiro_S said…
Habrá que colaborar con tan magna causa jugando Metroid Super Zeromission :D
Anonymous said…
D: quierooo un demooooooo
Nintendoer said…
Nice! It's sounding great. I haven't thought about the limited missiles during the first few alpha battles. Sounds tough, and I like a challenge. =)

And I might have to check out that metroid marathon, sounds cool.
Passarbye said…
nice update doc! i hadn't expected one so soon. good thing i checked the new posts in the forums! :D hope everything goes well, have fun!
Anonymous said…
Keep up the good work!
Falcool said…
Thanks for the advertising our marathon, I'll see you there doc!
Anonymous said…
July the 11th is my birthday, that's a cool gift xD
Kyran said…
Hey Doc, are you all but finished with the layout/areas and creature sprites and placement/movement then? It sounds like you have started testing and script revising, which means you are indeed REALLY close to release. If that's the case, that is some FANTASTIC work you have done.

I am super pumped to play this! I feel like Eric Cartman from South Park. I know it's almost out and I only have to wait a little longer, but I will still be looking for a time machine to go to the future to get my hands on a copy and be thrown into the middle of a war between technologically advanced beavers, and people who praise science.

Remember? "Praise be to science!"
Anonymous said…
I'm sure I've heard it will start the 8th.. not the 11th. Even the website said it will be the 8th of July
Ken said…
It's awesome that you're playtesting the game and fine tuning the difficulty. So many indie game projects have no concept of a ramping difficulty level, and are just tought as nails from start to finish. It really sounds like this is going to be professional quality stuff. Keep it up!
Anonymous said…
AM2R will be so awesome!!!!!!! If you're still looking for a name, why not just call it AM2R meaning Another Metroid 2 Remake. Everyones known it as this for quite a while. Why confuse people with a different name for a game that has been public with this name since 2008? Even something like Advanced Metroid 2 Remake could cause confusion. And to be honest, I personally like the name Another Metroid 2 Remake. I'm just stating my opinion but I hope you will consider it.
Anonymous said…
Is there a "Metroid: Extermination" yet? I know it sounds corny, but that's practically the whole of the game: extermination of a species.
Can't wait! If AM2R comes out around September, then that month is one of the best months of the year for me! Lots of exiting things are happening. :D Anyways, we've had a f***load of demos already and I can't have consecutive orgasms, so I really don't think you should keep on doing more demos xD
Miles07 said…
Yeah, the marathon's gonna be great! And so will be AM2R, once it's ready. It's good to see that nothing's stopped this project yet, and the good Doctor is just working his tail off providing entertainment for us starved fans. Y'ALL SAY THANK YOU!
Nos agradecemos mucho, Doctor!
Anonymous said…
Child's play?
Images of Chucky are now flashing in my head.
Anonymous said…
^ My terrifying thoughts exactly(That doll STILL freaks me out)
Asian Metalhead said…
I really need to rewatch that movie.
Sawada_diego said…
Man i don' know you are but, Good Job, i have no Words to describe this sensation to play the game, really good...

Falcool said…
Whoever talked about the marathon starting on the 8th, that's another one. MHQ clearly has a countdown for the 11th.
Anonymous said…
From the looks of your progress, I'd say it's not much longer until release. I'm sure you have plans regarding when you're gonna release it, but if I had to take a guess, I'd say the release will be either during the holidays or during the first half of next year. Keep up the good work, doc.
Discomasta said…
That was fun, Doc. I just wish I could've been there for more of the marathon :(
I really only started that morning, I had checked it out quite early (Echoes) but I didn't stay for long. I will regret that until my life is over. Anyways, glad to hear about progress. :)
Anonymous said…
You should add little bits and pieces to the defeated enemies, instead of just having them turn into a little fire ball. Nothing too gory or excessive, just a few particles.Remember crashing through enemies with the speed booster on super metroid? That's sort of what I'm thinking.
Simmons2714 said…
wasn't that a crazy marathon
wmafranz said…
I have a metroid blog to:)the URL
Now that I think of it, the destruction of enemies was a bit weird in the demos. I don't mind it though.
Anonymous said…
hey doc, it's just about that time for another update to the blog! :D
passarbye said…
hey doc, could you include a screenshot of all the completed areas of the game? i'm wondering just exactly how much you have done. that way i can decide on how hyped up i can get when you decide to update the blog. :D
passarbye said…
i meant like a map of all the completed areas, sorry not multiple screenshots. just a map that shows a completion percentage.
Anonymous said…

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