El último Metroid está en cautiverio...

Multilanguage support is almost here.
I was able to find good, complete pixel fonts. I replaced them, and had to adjust almost every place in the game with on-screen text, since the y coordinate was off.
Now all the text is read from an .ini file, selectable in the options screen. I still have to convert some small snippets of text that are drawn as bitmaps (like "press start to skip", etc.) into actual text. Once the system is fully working, I´ll paste it into Confrontation, and make the .ini file available at the forum, in case you want to translate the demo into your language.

After that, mod support comes next. Instead of making all the resource files available in folders like last time, I´m planning a mod section in the options menu, to select the available mods without having to mess with overwriting files.

Anyway. The remade first area of the AM2R is starting to look great. There´s a couple of details I need to fix with some tilesets, and I still need to make a new background. Expect to see some screenies on the next update.

Sorry if I was a little absent these days (on the emails and the forum). I took a small vacation to Uruguay with my girlfriend, I´ll reply as soon as I can.
Have a good week.


mirahsan2 said…
Thanks as always, hope you vacation was great! :)
Martín said…
Desde hace bastante tiempo que sigo tu página y recién ahora al leer que te fuiste de vacaciones a Uruguay decidí ver de qué país sos.
Me sorprendí al enterarme de que vivís en Buenos Aires al igual que yo :D

Yo pensé que eras de Estados Unidos :P
metfan said…
Feeling like we're getting close!
Ulcers are forming in my stomach!
Can't wait to play it!
Killer idea about the fonts.

Nice idea for the mods too.
I can't wait to try it complete.
Gonna play for days!
Gonna find every item too, promise.
Even if it takes me a year!
Really getting excited to play.
Super awesome job so far!
Hemse said…
that mod expansion sounds interesting. and I'm looking forward to the see pics of the new tiling work you have done. :)

I think I'm gonna make a danish and faroese translation when the time comes. :)

keep up the good work!
Anonymous said…
Hope ur vacation was great. Don't feel bad, we can't expect you to sacrifice your personal life. Keep up the good work!
Kekun said…
If you need someone to translate Confrontation or AM2R to french, contact me ! =D

kekun -dot- plazas -at- laposte -dot- net

I would be pleased to help. =)
Lippi said…
Hey Doc, will you include a german translation? Would be nice to see^^
samushunter242 said…
doc make it so that you can only skip cutsenes after you beat the game like in other m
MIGUEL said…
good to hear from you i see things are looking up..........

am2r update sounds great cant wait to see some sample pics.........

keep up the great work ..........

a friend a fan of a classic game being make better..........
MichaelGabrielR said…
Hi Doc,
I can translate the game to Polish, if you want to. As for the mod section, I ask you to make the game discriminate between "standing-shooting" and "standing-idle", because I'm considering the idea of remaking the Super Metroid suit from the first demo. Variable arm cannon height would be welcome addition as well, but not mandatory.
i just REALLY hope you can program music loop points or something for custom music.
Yonathan said…
Que bien ya era hora XD, saludos! espero nuevos updates!
Hey gracias por el español :D
Anonymous said…
Woo!! Another post! I visit this page twice a day xD I'm really looking forward to this game, its the best fan game I've seen so far. Also, I think you shouldn't show the queen metroid/baby metroid in this blog when the time comes, I'm shure many others would disagree, but I HATE seeing the final boss before playing the game, even if I know what's going to happen.
Thunderchin said…
I disagree with Anonymous above. I would like to see the dying sequence of the Queen Metroid when it's done, as well as it's intro sequence. Don't show the battle, though.
Anonymous said…
I agree with ThunderChin and Anonymous' posts.
Anonymous said…
Loving the idea to have the mods available in-game, rather than having to mess with files. Love it! I've been following your project for nearly two years now, and I'm still amped to see this released. Please take all the time you need to make sure that it is just as amazing as the confrontation demos have been.
Nintendoer said…
Keep up the good work, doc! It's always nice to hear updates about the project.

On a side note, I'm now a confrontation master. =)
Jonathan Shine said…
Oh baby. Vacation with the gf.......lets hope this gives him some new motivation for the project :)
Klint said…
Vaya, una gran noticia, sin duda. Se agradece que hayas podido meter una fuente adecuada para el castellano.

Todo mi apoyo y la suerte con este proyecto que ya va por la recta final de mi parte.
General Milky said…
Glad to hear you are alive and well, Doc.

We're all eagerly awaiting the project's completion. For a while, I thought I was the only one who checked in daily, but it seems there's more than just me.

Can't wait for the next update!
Hemse said…
@General Milky: yeah the forum has been really quiet lately, I wonder where people went all of a sudden. :O really weird.
Juan said…
Que bueno q siga avanzando todo =D , yo no baje el ultimo confrontation, espero el am2r directamente jo.

samushunter242 said…
hehe im following your blog but it dosn't show it (im sneeky)
Lippi said…
Hey Doc, I could do the german translation, if you just need it as .txt-file, because I've no idea how to use Game Maker... so if you're interested, send me a .txt-file with all messages in English at:

PS: It would take some time since the semester exams are pending.
Gonzalo said…
Where did you get the matroid sprites? They´re very good, indeed
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
perdon quisiera saber si hay una fecha de lanzamiento y si la hay lo escribieras en un post por favor
Gonzalo said…
Visit my page proyecto metroid 10
Unknown said…
Hola! Sigo tu proyecto desde hace mucho tiempo! Es genial!

Por cierto, esa introducción que has puesto en español tiene algunas pequeños errores de ortografía, no podemos permitir que algo tan guay como lo que estás haciendo tenga alguno, revisa de vez en cuando ok?

Oye, has pensado en hacer una versión española (latinoamérica) y otra de España? Si piensas que es buena idea, yo podría editar los textos, ya que vivo en España.

Saludos DoctorM64
Bruno 1986 said…
Bueno saber que el constructor es argentino. Bién, soy brasileño, hablo portugués, pero es bueno saber que alguién de América de Sur está planeando el juego y entusiasmando a tantos.

Buén trabajo, hombre! Abrazos de Brazil.

Shiranui said…
I agree with Caza. The Spanish translation pic you showed has some othographical and grammatical errors. I can help you to correct them if you want.
Bigal said…
Orale qe chido te quedo men apenas me voy enterando de tu fabuloso proyecto esta de lujo muchas gracias no sabia que había un metroid para GB

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