New design

These months I rediscovered my old Commodore 64. After some hours trying to load a single game from an old tape, I realized... Nostalgia is powerful. I didn´t care too much about the game itself, but the experiences around it are more prevalent over time.

I then decided to implement some nostalgia factor in AM2R, to make it a better experience.
Now, AM2R features multiple bit ages in one game, sprites of different years and consoles will make you remember the good times of each age.
The ugly, and obtrusive GUI was replaced with a classic 8bit interface. It makes the screen much smaller, but it doesn´t get in the way!
But not everything is oldschool. Some innovations can be enjoyed too. Inspired by the control scheme of Metroid: Other M, you have now the choice to enter first person mode at any time!

Simply rotate you joypad or keyboard 90 degrees clockwise (be careful with the keyboard cable) and you´ll enjoy a new, deep RPG style battle. With a deep, complex and intrincate way of combining beams, bombs and missiles, all of them obsolete when you get screwattack.
But what is a Metroid game without glitches? The secret worlds of Metroid 2 are back, and can be used as a shortcut to advanced areas, or even other games, who knows.

As for the gameplay, I remembered one element from the golden age of gaming that I completely forgot to add until now: Frustration. There are limited lives now, with an instant game over if you lose all of them. There is a 64 digit password system, and no save stations.
Also, for the hardcore gamers, there´s the new mode: I wanna be the Samus, where you have only one life, and die on contact with any of the infititely respawning enemies.
The new release date is April 1, 2011.
It will be released for PC, Mac, Vectrex and Turbografx16.
As always, any cool retro ideas are welcome.


Anonymous said…
I'm 12 and what is th... oh, it's an april fools joke, pretty funny.
Alberto said…
I´m sorry, It won´t work xD, I´ve been fooled too many times today to buy this
Ken said…
I think you should probably just give players the screw attack right at the beginning. That way you don't have to go through the annoying hassle of finding items and powerups and such.
Victor Campello said…
april firts, haha

1- fools day
2- too much work to do this now

So who belived on this don`t have a brain HAha :-)
Anonymous said…
Lol, april fool!
Chuckpebble said…
This is great, until the part where you said it was coming to Mac. Then I made the sad face, because its all a joke. Very good mockups though.
zoonyboy said…
haha. mdb alredy fooled me with "Halo data base" ive done my share today by throwing this nerdy halo lover named Adam resic out the classroom window!!!!!!!!!!! he got mad then this big guy punched him a couple of times!!!!!!! love the work....... and don't ever actualy do that with you game EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unknown said…
ROFL! Great April Fools joke. Its nice to even see blogs about a fan made game do something like this. Thanks for contributing to all of the other jokes that have made my day! :)
Anonymous said…
Remember to start the player off at 30 health.
Anonymous said…
Oh yeah way to go this is a great idea... nice April Fools joke.
Frigidevil said…
Rotate the keyboard 90 degrees to enter first person mode hahaha genius
Firespawn7 said…
Rotate your keyboard and RPG style fighting! Lol, awesome joke! But in all seriousness, the game isn't actually expected to be out on April 1, 2011 (april fools day again...)? I hope that is a joke as well...
AntiAvenger said…
not bad for an april fool's joke. Nice use of the Phantasy Star style on that "first-person" mode. For a bonus though you should seriously include a room that switches to 8-bit graphics (just as an easter egg, of course).
mechon12 said…
Anonymous said…
No hagas canbios feos! hace con la misma calidad de imagen que estabas haciendo y no esas fotos feas.

no arrruines este proyecto que vengo siguiendo desde hace mucho, por favor!!!!

Anonymous said…
no arruines este trabajo
Anonymous said…
En Abril del 2011!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

por favor nooo!!!!
antes, estamos dseando jugar. no hgas canbios que arruinen el proyecto.

Anonymous said…
Damn I sure fell for this one... I had thought that you had totally screwed up Am2R. I can only seriously hope that you are not going to need another year to finish this...
But nostalgia should be incorporated somehow into Am2R. When we play 8 bit classics, we aren't doing it for the raphics and sound, we're doing it to remind us of when video games were video games, before they screwed up all the single player modes in favor of online multiplayer. Nostalga is one of those things that has always impressed me about Metroid. That's why the secret worlds would work great with this game and would help remind us that this game is Metroid II.
Unknown said…
That was funny knowing what today was you still had me going until the first person mode. some of those where actually really cool ideas though. I was like REALLY AWSOME! then when I realized I was ahh too bad. I liked the mixing old school graphics in with the new stuff.
Unknown said…
Would have made for a better April Fool's joke if you hadn't made it so obvious. Then we could have had some quality nerd rage. Well played, Doc.
Anonymous said…
I almost choked on my juice while laughing at the spinning the keyboard joke!
Anonymous said…
Hey Doc!

Please add link to forum on blog in visible place :P
Anonymous said…
April fool :D
Anonymous said…
But what if I'm playing on my laptop? Will I have to turn the entire thing around to go into FPS mode?
GringoHisopo1993 said…
Hey que original esta, otro buen proyecto por esperar. Muchas gracias.
Ben said…
What about the VirtualBoy version? You promised!
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
You forgot to say that there will be no map, and that the rooms are literally clones of one another, so the player gets lost by the 30 seconds of gameplay, helping to achieve the high frustation levels the good old games need to have
Anonymous said…
Mmmm... getting lost and punching the computer in the face...
Anonymous said…
hola, soy español, y gran fan de metroid, ayer descubri esre proyecto y tambien tu nuevo estilo grafico. Como fan y jugador de todos los metroid, deja el estilo grafico de antes. No solo por su mejor aspecto, tambien por la atraccion que puede generar y quien sabe si alomejor nintendo podria echarle un vistazo, es un poco un sueño pero esque hasta ahora parecia un juego original.
BlizzardFenrir said…
Even though you meant it as a joke: Yoyogames has continued their work on a Mac version of Game Maker. When that comes out, please port it or have someone port if for you. Cross-platform is always nice.
Lippi91 said…
Don't forget to build in random chrashes... it's absolutely necessary for players with the desire for frustration^^

Nice idea :D
Unknown said…
i missed a few heartbeats in the fisrt (and part of the second) paragraph before realising its a joke. Absolutely brilliant :)
Anonymous said…
This is very funny, especially the part about frustration. However, I think you should make a new post pretty soon, possibly saying that this was a joke. All though pretty much everyone knows this is a joke, there is always that one person that doesn't. You wouldn't want to have a newcomer who just found the blog see that and think, "What the heck is this project?"
Anonymous said…
Para aquellos de ustedes que hablan español, esta entrada es en realidad una broma. El día esta entrada se hizo fue el primero de Abril, y ese día es famoso por las bromas. Él realmente no va a hacer cualquiera de estos cambios. :-)
Dan Blanco said…
Hahaha!! You just basically compiled every bad fangame idea into a single post. xD
Alberto said…
"hola, soy español, y gran fan de metroid, ayer descubri esre proyecto y tambien tu nuevo estilo grafico. Como fan y jugador de todos los metroid, deja el estilo grafico de antes. No solo por su mejor aspecto, tambien por la atraccion que puede generar y quien sabe si alomejor nintendo podria echarle un vistazo, es un poco un sueño pero esque hasta ahora parecia un juego original."

Este post es una broma, es que en paises extranjeros el 1 de Abril es como aqui el dia de los inocentes, y se ve que te la ha colado bien xD
Anonymous said…
Is something wrong with me if I was actually excited reading this?

The 8bit sprites looked so much better than the GBA graphics.
Anonymous said…
Metroid: April-Bit
Soma Hiru said…
I loved the joke XD, the first person view is just awesome, AND OMG IWANNA BE THE SAMUS, anyways,

after the nice joke, It´s awesome to see that you have a nice sense of humor
Crawfish said…
If This Is Real Then Just Don't Add
Too Much Nostalgia.
Anonymous said…
I laughed. one of the better April Fools on the net.
Anonymous said…
Phew... First I thought: WTF!?!? Then I checked out the Date of your Post.... Ha.... ha.... xxxxing ha....
purplecowadoom said…
This post gave me an idea. In the original version there was a secret world that you could access by falling down one of the two shafts in the first set of ruins (you know, with the bombs in one and the ice beam in the other) while morphed, and performing the select trick, which would open up a hole. I think it might be cool to intentionally duplicate this, and inside the "secret world" would be a little area not shown on the map with a special glitched boss that would be an amalgamation of all sorts of metroidy stuff (items,terrain, body parts stripped off of bosses...whatever). This boss would start out really big, and using sprites from later games in the series, but after taking damage, would begin to lose it's more hi-def pieces in favor of smaller, more durable (and more glitchy) 8-bit parts. The player wouldn't get anything for beating the boss (it IS a secret world parody after all), it would just be a funny little side show.
Tobi said…
is this april fools!!! lol cause if you do that then people doesnt want to play anymore
Unknown said…

You've ruined the game...

If people want Nostalgia, why don't they go and Play the original Metroid II: Return of Samus???

Yet another project ending in dissappointment. I hate all of you!
Anonymous said…
It's an April Fools joke, dumbass. I'm certain that the creator isn't stupid enough to screw up the game like that.
And turn the keyboard 90 degrees... that should have given it away if you didn't get it. =P
Anonymous said…
Par todos los lectores españoles: En algunos paises,el primer dia de abril se reconoce como el dia de las bromas.Este "post" es una broma. To all American readers who still don`t know what`s going on:IT IS AN APRIL FOOL`S JOKE.
Anonymous said…
Except for the limited lives,no save stations,keyboard rotation,"I Wanna Be The Samus" mode,and secret worlds,I would've actually liked this idea. Too bad it's fake.
Anonymous said…
My penis broke when the flood feel apart.
Anonymous said…
Funny stuff man, funny stuff. Keep workin hard to bring this beautiful masterpeice into fruition. You've got alot of people behind you and we don't want you to give up :D
I have some ideas for frusteration. The Plasma Beam can over-heat, and the Ice Beam and Power Beam are the only Beams that do not need ammo. Also, the Screw Attack should require ammo, and the Space Jump should require fuel. Also, instead of the Charge Beam, it will be Rapid Fire. Oh, yeah, no Wall-Jumping, you will fall faster, and if try jumping without a running start, good luck getting to your destination.
Carlos Hugo said…
JA JA JA, a más de un año de esta entrada tan cómica, siento que la gente que antes se quejaba en espera de que la fecha de liberación del juego completo NO fuera hasta el 1 de abril de este año, ahora se están dando golpes en la cabeza al ver que la realidad resulto ser más cruel que la broma y que el juego no esta terminado para estas fechas.

Buena entrada esta, tienes talento para la comedia, casi me moría de la riza con lo de girar el teclado 90° y cuando mencionaste las consolas en las que saldría XD.

Pero la razón por la que comento es para reportar un problema que tuve con el juego de Metroid: Confrontation V2.2

Ahora, no se si ya lo reportaron antes o ya lo corrigieron, o posiblemente sea solo en mi maquina (Windows Vista Starter edition); pero cuando corría el programa todo funcionara de las mil maravillas, pero cuando quise cerrar la ventana del juego, no me dejaba, le daba clic en la X, usaba el alt+F4 y demás, la única forma de cerrar el programa/juego, fue tronando el proceso desde el Administrador de procesos.

Bueno, eso era todo, te deseo mucha suerte en el desarrollo de, por lo que veo, sera un gran juego, y espero que la fecha de salida NO sea hasta Abril 1 del 2012.

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