New design
These months I rediscovered my old Commodore 64. After some hours trying to load a single game from an old tape, I realized... Nostalgia is powerful. I didn´t care too much about the game itself, but the experiences around it are more prevalent over time.

I then decided to implement some nostalgia factor in AM2R, to make it a better experience.
Now, AM2R features multiple bit ages in one game, sprites of different years and consoles will make you remember the good times of each age.
The ugly, and obtrusive GUI was replaced with a classic 8bit interface. It makes the screen much smaller, but it doesn´t get in the way!
The ugly, and obtrusive GUI was replaced with a classic 8bit interface. It makes the screen much smaller, but it doesn´t get in the way!

But not everything is oldschool. Some innovations can be enjoyed too. Inspired by the control scheme of Metroid: Other M, you have now the choice to enter first person mode at any time!

Simply rotate you joypad or keyboard 90 degrees clockwise (be careful with the keyboard cable) and you´ll enjoy a new, deep RPG style battle. With a deep, complex and intrincate way of combining beams, bombs and missiles, all of them obsolete when you get screwattack.
But what is a Metroid game without glitches? The secret worlds of Metroid 2 are back, and can be used as a shortcut to advanced areas, or even other games, who knows.

Also, for the hardcore gamers, there´s the new mode: I wanna be the Samus, where you have only one life, and die on contact with any of the infititely respawning enemies.
The new release date is April 1, 2011.
It will be released for PC, Mac, Vectrex and Turbografx16.
It will be released for PC, Mac, Vectrex and Turbografx16.
As always, any cool retro ideas are welcome.
1- fools day
2- too much work to do this now
So who belived on this don`t have a brain HAha :-)
no arrruines este proyecto que vengo siguiendo desde hace mucho, por favor!!!!
por favor nooo!!!!
antes, estamos dseando jugar. no hgas canbios que arruinen el proyecto.
But nostalgia should be incorporated somehow into Am2R. When we play 8 bit classics, we aren't doing it for the raphics and sound, we're doing it to remind us of when video games were video games, before they screwed up all the single player modes in favor of online multiplayer. Nostalga is one of those things that has always impressed me about Metroid. That's why the secret worlds would work great with this game and would help remind us that this game is Metroid II.
Please add link to forum on blog in visible place :P
Nice idea :D
Este post es una broma, es que en paises extranjeros el 1 de Abril es como aqui el dia de los inocentes, y se ve que te la ha colado bien xD
The 8bit sprites looked so much better than the GBA graphics.
after the nice joke, It´s awesome to see that you have a nice sense of humor
Too Much Nostalgia.
You've ruined the game...
If people want Nostalgia, why don't they go and Play the original Metroid II: Return of Samus???
Yet another project ending in dissappointment. I hate all of you!
It's an April Fools joke, dumbass. I'm certain that the creator isn't stupid enough to screw up the game like that.
And turn the keyboard 90 degrees... that should have given it away if you didn't get it. =P
Buena entrada esta, tienes talento para la comedia, casi me moría de la riza con lo de girar el teclado 90° y cuando mencionaste las consolas en las que saldría XD.
Pero la razón por la que comento es para reportar un problema que tuve con el juego de Metroid: Confrontation V2.2
Ahora, no se si ya lo reportaron antes o ya lo corrigieron, o posiblemente sea solo en mi maquina (Windows Vista Starter edition); pero cuando corría el programa todo funcionara de las mil maravillas, pero cuando quise cerrar la ventana del juego, no me dejaba, le daba clic en la X, usaba el alt+F4 y demás, la única forma de cerrar el programa/juego, fue tronando el proceso desde el Administrador de procesos.
Bueno, eso era todo, te deseo mucha suerte en el desarrollo de, por lo que veo, sera un gran juego, y espero que la fecha de salida NO sea hasta Abril 1 del 2012.