April´s fools, and new water

I´ve seen many different reactions about the little, improvised April´s fool post, reminding me how "global" the fans are.
Here, in Latin America and also in Spain, that celebration is called "The day of the innocents" and it´s celebrated on December 28th.

So, to make it clear to all the concerned people: It was a joke, I tried to make it as obvious (and funny) as possible.

Anyway, I recently tweaked the way the water is drawn. I was making Area 2 when I made the script, and the whole graphic style was much more colorful back then. This new color scheme looks much better IMHO:

The background layers still need some work, the stone texture has still too many colors, and I forgot to mention, the black shadows are in a different, subtractive layer. So it actually looks much better in motion.
On a funny side note: I did stumble with a "secret world" situation once, when I tried to switch the layout of the tile sets from spaced to non-spaced.

Not creepy enough, but glitchy at least.
Well, I´ll get back to work. Feel free to comment and suggest anything, I´ve added a link to the forum on the right pane for your convenience.


Anonymous said…
Excelente trabajo!!!

Solo tengo una duda... cual es tu nombre de verdad?

Espero que me respondas señor D64

Chau chau
DoctorM64 said…
Hola, me llamo Milton.
No es un nombre muy común acá en Argentina, muchos me preguntan si soy Uruguayo o Brasilero.

Interesante que me preguntes mi nombre y no me digas el tuyo, anónimo.
Ben said…
By the way, will there be a "beam combiner" item eventually, as in Super Metroid Redesign, to allow you to use all beams at once (except spazer + plasma, of course)?
Anonymous said…
@DoctorM64 Desde hace tiempo sigo tu proyecto y recién me vengo a enterar que eres argentino jaja! Kudos desde Chile por tu gran trabajo.
purplecowadoom said…
From the looks of it (by the way the HUD looks that is), the beams wont stack.

Beam stacking I could go with or without, but I agree that it would simplify things a great deal. It would also help the game better fall into place as a true sequel to Zero Mission since beams were made stack-able in that game as well.

If beam stacking was implemented, I for one would really get a kick out of having a legitimate murder beam (that doesn't kill the game) implemented as an after game award. That way no one could use such a game-breaking weapon the first time through, but the second time through they could use the new beam all the way through, blowing everything to oblivion.

The elusive and ever-coveted Wood Beam would be funny too.
Anonymous said…
this looks great. i saw some vids and cant wait. I was wondering though, will the secret worlds have maps so that you can see where you are in them, or will it also be scrambled. also even though it was a joke it seemed like a cool idea to maybe create some retro stages separretly. i know you wont but it seemed like a add on you could try after the project is done. Either way i cant wait your doing well, keep up the good hard work
Dragonheart91 said…
Beams do stack and to my knowledge, they don't require an item to do so. However, there are disadvantages to stacking multiple beams. The beam system is rather complex, you should go to the forum if you want a full break-down of how it works. However, you will be able to play the game with all beams turned on if you don't care.
Javilin Aran Yamato said…
I fell hard for that joke i thought you weren,t kidding and nearly ripped mt hair out lol but great job keep it up! ^^
Anonymous said…
To tell the truth, not all of latin america, since in Brazil we celebrate april fools in the first day of april also (called "primeiro de abril" in portuguese)
Anonymous said…
Nice water, the past one was certainly too briight, but i have a question. Why does the water stand in front of the cave tiles? It looks too odd, if you put it behind the tiles it will be more natural
purplecowadoom said…
He's got a point. I think it's probably trickier to work it that way though.
Bridaroga said…
Hola Doc.

Me diste un GRAN susto cuando dijiste que el proyecto iba a terminar el otro año, bueno, espero que no sea asi y está quedando excelente el proyecto, sigue asi.

Daisuke Master said…
Está muy bueno el demo, espero ver este proyecto terminado :D
Zoonyboy said…
turning out great doc. The only reason i wasn't fooled was because Metroid Database had already fooled me with halo database. i thought that you made it quite obvious that this was an April fools thing, but there were some people that were really fooled. even if i wasn't tricked earlier the big clue was "why would he go through all that work just to give it up now,"
Anonymous said…
The colors of the water definetly blend much better with the background now. However, the pattern in the water looks very block-like. The water looks like it forms in many uneven layers, which makes it look unnatural and a bit ugly. I think the water will look better if you keep the pattern flowing better, more like the original. If you can get rid of the straight lines that give it the layered look and alternate the pattern just a little more, the water will look much better.
Dark Master said…
Hola soy Dark Master... alomejor no se acuerde de mi o alomejor si. esta quedando muy bueno el proyecto, cada vez con mas ideas que nos dejan la duda de lo interesante que sera este juego. ojalas podamos disfrutarlo pronto. les dejo los saludos.
Dark Master said…
ahhhh por cierto... como van los metroids omegas y la reina? ya tiene terminado las fases en que los encuentra y todas las programaciones? podria hablarnos algo acerca de eso...
Daisuke Master said…
hay enlaces muertos en la barra de navegación (a la derecha ->)
Anonymous said…
Jaja, Hola Milton yo me llamo Nicolas y soy de Uruguay. Yo soy practicamente nuevo aca en este pryecto, ya que lo conoci recien en noviembre del 2009, lo vengo siguiendo desde ahi. abriendo tu blog todos los dias desde entonces literalmente a ver si posteaste algo nuevo.

sos un kapo, (en argentina se usa eso)

Bueno, saludos!!!
Anonymous said…

Bueno, cuando lei el otro dia que la fecha de lanzamiento seria el 01/04/11 me queria morir!!! Faltaba un año entero!!! No podia esperar!!

Bueno espero que sea muuuuuuuuuuuuucho antes el lanzamiento.

Por favor, elimina ese foro de discusones que es horrible, solo los que hablan en ingles lo pueden usar.

SaLUDOS!! DOCTORM64 Milton O_o
Ben said…
I still think the water should be clear...
purplecowadoom said…
If the water is COMPLETELY clear, then how do we SEE it? You mean an extremely light blue-ish white color right? Didn't we JUST ask Doc to redo the water in a darker color? It might look like that if there was a substantial increase in the amount of light present, but I don't think you can get that effect in this environment. Not without a bunch of bio-luminescent creatures around (which would be really cool and totally acceptable). One thing to note though: SR388 is NOT Earth. It doesn't need to conform to each and every little thing that applies to Earth ecosystems. For all you know the "water" on SR388 is actually sparkling cider and the "lava" is actually fatally spicy chili.
Tobi said…
lol how can we see trough when we play lol i got an idea when we enter the water it should be clear and when were out of the water it should be like the one you made
Ben said…
Right, of course not completely clear... but I don't mean a lighter shade of blue, either. Did you ever play Super Metroid Redesign? The somehow-different water effect in Red Brinstar codifies what I'm trying to get at.
Anonymous said…
doctor ya le escribi un mensaje sobre mi opinion de la fecha y el nuevo estilo grafico. Me gustaria que me respondieras a 2 preguntas
1- ¿Al final que estilo grafico tendra?
2- ¿Sera un remake al completo, o sera mas largo, dificl y con mas armas?
Ben said…
Oh, and why does Samus not have the Gravity Suit in the picture? I thought Area 5 was after all of that...
Anonymous said…
hey doc im writyng in inglish (suck my write XD) little question you use game maker right? because that is tru. you usin PRO??

this is my last time to write

see ya

JusticeforAngels said…
Great work, pal. Keep it up!
Unknown said…
@Ben The water looks fine now. It looked akward before because it was a light blue. It is technically the correct color now. Its clear, but looks darker because it is an underground area. Good job on fixing the water Doc, its perfect now.
master said…
que hacaso te pagan? ¬¬...
terrible pollo xD---- en todo el blog se viene hablando que el remake sera muy parecido al juego y mejor ya que tendra muchos mas secretos cambios de mapas y agregados. el grafico de juego sera 2d muy parecido al metroid zero mission. antes de hacer esas preguntas tan obias primero lee el blog.
Anonymous said…


Sebastian1314 said…
Heh.... Good Joke! Although your idea of secret worlds is AWESOME. It would be really cool if you included it.

Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
The following is copied from the Spanish information section, I translated it to English. Doc never posted this info here:

(Updated 28 Mar 2009)

I was with a lot of work lately. Life is taking me a long time, but every so often I can find time to work on the project. I even get to draw tiles while filming for a documentary broadcasters.

Reapply tiles to the bottom of the area 3, I had to add variety to the graphics were quite repetitive. I replaced some bricks that had been recycled from a previous area with new ones, drawn for the occasion.

The Gamma Metroid were changed back. As some fights take place in very narrow places, some Gammas were too fast.

The Zeta Metroid going pretty well. Both HyruleSwordsMan and I are working on the animation of sketches of lines for each of the actions before HSM starts to draw details. This gives us an idea of how many frames of animation of each movement, and how to draw each part of cuerpo.Tratamos to make the movements look as smooth as possible. For example, the current sketch animation cuadros.Este Zeta has 21 foot set of sprites will take a lot more work than the previous Metroids, but it will be worthwhile.

Many people were asking me pictures and videos of the Gamma. The theme is: The way you draw on the screen, rotation effects are used in the body (which appears to be levitating, not a rigid body), and to encourage real-time tips.
In one image at least part of the Gamma is going to be distorted by the effect. So I prefer video display instead of imágenes.Dentro of my tasks is planned to redo some of the animations. Some mechanical movements are very still, when you get to remake them more naturally, I will show the Gamma Metroid in action on video.
Only if they want to ruin the surprise of being in the game for the first time.

They say, want to see the Gamma Metroid?
Anonymous said…
¿ Porque hay tan pocos comentarios ?

Antes de que crearas el foro ese, en el ultimo post llegaste a 250 comentarios casi, pero ahora bajaron

purplecowadoom said…
Traducir esto con Google si no se puede leer:

There are less comments because less people care about a single body of water inside the game. The name of the game on the other hand could become a symbol of everything the game stands for, so everyone started freaking about what the game should be called. Based on the names everyone came up with, one could almost say someone was trying to sabotage the whole thing, but I digress.

I check this blog every day. Every few hours on a day when a new thread gets posted. That would make me a fanatic. But do you SERIOUSLY have nothing better to do?
Anonymous said…

i suggest that you make the white part of the water consist of a gradient of light blue,light yellow, and light red such as how the light brakes down into the three wavelengths when it scatters in the water. this seems to be a more realistic interpretation of the water graphics. just a suggestion.
Anonymous said…
As i was saying before with the water gradient...

Anonymous said…
I am 110% behind this remake! i am so ready to play this game now! not to pressure you or anything, i want this game as good as you can make it, but im still anxious to play it! just take your time and keep up the good work! Geminis rule btw
BlizzardFenrir said…
Now that the beta for GameMaker for Mac is out, and they'll release the full version some time in May, will you port, or have someone port (I'd gladly do it :P), to the Mac platform after you've finished it, so other people like me can enjoy it too without rebooting into Windows every time?
Unknown said…
anonymous1: Something like that would be hard to incorporate into a game that only has 32 bit graphics. You're asking for too much. Anyway, it's and underground cave, there won't be any light reflecting off of the water. Thats why it appears darker. Doc made the water perfect as it is currently.

Now will all of you stop asking for any changes to the water!
Anonymous said…
Personally, I think the light and color effects on the water are fine. As I mentioned earlier on an older comment, I just don't think the pattern of the water looks right. If Doc can make that pattern flow better, then the water will be perfect.
Tobi said…
ive played the return of samus and beated in 3 days soo is there gonna be new maps or anything or is it just gonna be the same
Anonymous said…
keep it up sir, cant wait to play this game!!

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