Zeta Metroids

So, NCFC is over. It was even cooler than last year, and AM2R was given again the "Best Metroid Booth" award. I was sure the award was going to be given to the guys of Project Prime (BTW, check it out if you haven´t). Thanks to all the great people at NCFC!

Here´s the trailer I made for the event, and some new pics:

There are mixed oppinions about the Zetas.
First of all, this is a Work In Progress sprite, and I decided to show it just for the NCFC. The animations are unfinished, and there are details to tweak about the overall apprearance.
Second, I took a slightly different approach in the design. The original Zeta seemed to be designed within the limits of the sprite size, and it´s a good middle step between the original Gamma and the original Omega designs displayed in-game.

In my case, Omegas will be fairly smilar to the ones in Fusion, in terms of size and proportions. If I were to use a more "traditional" design, there would be a major evolutionary difference wih the Omegas. So I redid the design by associating the Omegas to a T-Rex (in terms of relative proportions), and the Zetas to Velociraptors.

Desinging Zetas as "Armored velociraptors with a Metroid core in their belly" was my starting point. The whole Metroid changed a lot, and it will continue to change as the animation and gameplay demand it. Don´t worry, a longer tail and thicker legs are on my to-do list.

Also on the video 2 parts of the new area are shown. One big ruin-like corridor and the water area (for Gravity Suit fun). I´m planning these areas right now.

I´ll be tweaking the Zetas these days, it was great to hear all of your concerns about the proportions. I´ll consider some of them, since having other points of view makes a better result.

Thanks for your comments!


Anonymous said…
They need a tail, they really need it to be zetas. Apart from that, teeth moving or breathing would give them a more realistic impression.
Anonymous said…
I think the music in the 4th preview (if you're actually going to have that music in the full game) should have the "tick tock" sound like it does in super metroid and metroid prime.
I really love that sound :P
Anonymous said…
i'm glad to know that you're hearing us DOC. I guess this means that perhaps you will adjust the Zeta's to be more like the original. Hopefully you will take away the neck and give it a tail. I always thought the size and shape was fine.

and now i'm really excited to see the omega's. i'm expecting them to be rather giant. i just hope they are still very much like the one in fusion in terms of appearance.
Ratiqu said…
Everything looks fantastic. Just let me get that across now.

I noticed, just now in the screenshots, the different symbols at the top. Is there going to be selection of things like there was in SM, cycling through different things?

The Zetas. After looking through everything other people have said, I'd say it'd be a dramatic improvement simply by thickening the legs and making the head a bit more circular, as opposed to the oval shape it's in now. It could use a tail, and a shorter neck, but less than the other two. Either way, still looks pretty damn good already.
Anonymous said…
I like the head. Keeps the shape of the original while updating the look very well.
Anonymous said…
Very awesome looking, I am sure you will do a great job with all your decisions.

One thing i have to ask though: Will Suit Addons be able to be turned off?
Because that is what i really missed in zero missions (dont like the Gravity Suit, wanted to play in Varia only)
Anonymous said…
Amazing work! Keep it up!

I love the spiky- textured area. It looks so organic and ominous.

Whatever you do with the zetas will be great. I actually like the new design. The old ones remind me of a fat kid.

A+ Doc. A+.
Anonymous said…
I kind of like the new design as well - it looks more vicious than the old one. It maybe looks a bit too similar to omegas though.
Unknown said…
Wow!! That looked amazing! That looked like a legit Nintedo game with a high budget. You sir are very talented and this game looks fantastic! I love the grim lay out of it all and the music was spectacularly creepy. I think it would be awesome if it was included in the game, adds to the feeling very well. As for the Zetas they look very cool but they do need a tail. Anyways I must commend you, this will truly turn into something great. I so can't wait till its finished. :D
TJF588 said…
While I didn't see any at Spriters Resource, were there any Zeta specimens in Fusion's restricted area? I wanna say all the stages between regular and Omega were represented in that background but... Eh, maybe I'll go watch some speedruns later, now that I'm on that subject.
Anonymous said…
This game looks extremely proffesional so far. My main concern is that this game won't be as dark or atmospheric as the original. I loved the atmosphere of the original, and I think that you should change a few things to replicate that atmosphere. I don't mean by any means to say that this project is bad, it just looks a little too bright in some spots. I suggest that you give some of the side areas music that is creepy and desolate. Some areas could be dark, having few enemies and suspensful music playing in the background. I definitely hope you have some kind of suspense in the game. I feel that suspense is what made M Fusion such a good game. Perhaps on the path to the last area after the Omegas, you could make it dark without any enemies. Also, maybe you could make the final metroid area longer. When the music changes from the-Omega final-area music to the getting-close-to-metroids music, you should have that music start out slower and more abient. When you reach the part when the metroids come out, you could switch to the normal fast-paced version. I think you should make M2's "Tourian" longer than the original. Sorry if I'm droning on and on.
garsh said…
This is looking so good I can't believe it! Your progress is amazing. This is hands-down the single best looking Metroid anything since Super Metroid, and I know from the last demo that you have the control and physics refined to point on par with Nintendo's best, if not more. Personally, I'm blown away with how awesome the zeta looks, but I guess if you plan to do even better, more power to you, dude.
Anonymous said…
Work in progress sounds fine... but I'd still like to know if there's any way we could get an estimate for what percentage of completion the project's at right now?

I understand that you can't necessarily give us a projection for completion, but an idea of what needs to be done would be nice.
gmsephiroth said…
Everything looks very well done so far. The 4th preview looks extremely polished for a WIP. I'm looking forward to what comes next.
Anonymous said…
OMG, this looks epic
Unknown said…
Nice man, the video rocks, the zeta looks pretty badass if u ask me, more DS-ish graphix than Gba, a good path to take :] i do think it needs a tail however, and the color is a little bit too dark, but then again thats fitting the atmosphere since its cave-ish and such. I look forward to seein the awesome omega metroids though, Hope they look better than they ever did in fusion =D
youcan said…
personally, i think you should have taken the first prize, if only for the precision of the physics in your demo! i mean, i guess the demo is old news, but most of these other fan games were hardly playable. if i didn't know this was a fan game i'd think it was professionally done, and also a HUGE step up from previous metroid projects. as always, take your time, and i am far more excited about this game than i am about M:om
Anonymous said…
Doc i have noticed that your spriting skills are not quite as keen on detail as nindento, which is not by any means bad, however this does pose a problem. your sprites seem to show a bit of contrast betweeen the your work and nintendo's material. if you would like, i would like to work on some of your sprites, and refine some of the detials such as shading. I have attached a file showing some of my custom sprite work. even if my work is not to your liking, it will give you a new perspective on how to make the sprites blend with and compliment the graphic style of the rest of the game.

best of wishes,


Hey, for videos, may I recommend using 400% nearest neighbor upscaling before uploading? This would allow taking advantage of YouTube's higher quality video formats, not to mention it won't be all blurry.
Oh, and you should consider adding a link for Project Prime in the links listing on the right side of your blog.
Anonymous said…
I went and took a look at the Metroid Galaxy Guide picture for the evolutionary cycle of the Metroids, and based on just how close your Metroid designs are to the way they're made to appear on the Guide's picture, I think I can safely say I know exactly where you're going with this and am no longer disappointed in any way, shape or form. The only thing I'm worried about now is the part about the Galaxy Guide making the Queen Metroid akin to a giant spiky turtle. Not cool.
Anonymous said…
Thicker legs, slightly smaller head, and longer tail. That is all. I already assumed that the teeth are going to be animated, and that you simply hadn't gotten to it yet.

By the way, are you still tweaking the gamma?
netsendjoe said…
wow... i think too many people got the wrong impression of the zetas.. they remind me of "Alien"... however i know and understand that the sprites are a work in progress much like other aspects of the game that you are working on. i continue to say that you've done an overly excellent job and believe in you as a game developer and artist. trust your instincts like you've been doing.
gaming said…
Nice game and more nice game, welcome my blog
Lazure said…
A short tail and making their belly translucent with the nucleus thingies showing with only the outer rim being opaque green would be a nice touch.

Remember, metroids in the original game, the membrane protecting the nucleus is see-through. The best way to show this is to make only the edges of the membrane opaque green, and fade it to mostly translucent to expose the nucleus. This would be an awesome effect and very possible with 32-bit pngs.
Firespawn7 said…
I like the progress you have made. However, I feel the Zeta looks a little silly imo. It's head is too egg shaped and he has no tail... Here is a good example of Zeta Sprite I found online


I think the figure should be a little angled so you can see him better. Having him flat like the way you have it now looks kinda weird. Other than that, everything looks pretty good.
Anonymous said…
You should sell it :) ^^ i would buy it :)
Anonymous said…

Those of you criticizing the Zeta, look at this. THIS is the idea he's trying to display when he makes the sprites, and I think he's doing it quite well. Yes, the legs can be a bit thicker, and the tail should be added...

But otherwise, I'd say he captures the original idea pretty dead on.
Anonymous said…
Your work looks absolutely amazing. It's quite clear that you've got a lot of passion and skill for what you're doing, and I think that no matter how you end up choosing to put everything together, it's going to be a great experience.
Anonymous said…
Does anyone know if those designs from the Metroid Galaxy Guide are fan made or official?
If they're fan made, i hope doc is not using them as a reference. I wonder why everyone doesn't mind that the zeta's have a long neck now.
DarkFalzX said…
The game is looking good man! One thing that still bothers me really, really bad about it is - WHY do you have the standing sprite of Samus from original NES Metroid as the Screw-Attack sprite? It just looks hideous!:)
Firespawn7 said…
I agree with the space jump sprite comment DarkFalzX made. It looks absolutely terrible. Also, Zeta's don't have a neck like that (I forgot to point that out in my last post).

Also I forgot to mention that maybe you should consider making a PSP home-brew for this game once you finish. AM2R on the go would be cool!
Turtle said…
Even for WIP, those Zetas are impressive!

Looking at this and other trailers you've released so far, though, I worry that I won't be able to 100% this game as easily as I have Fusion and Zero Mission. :X
Anonymous said…
Hiya ! Great progress ! Congrats !

I noticed on the 5th pic that thoses tiles are from the Turrican series.
Anonymous said…
I replayed the Confrontation demo. Because of the fact that I had to hold down a button to fire missles, I found parts of the game to be difficult. Holding down a button to fire missles on a gameboy works well, but that doesn't seem to work as well on the keyboard. Could you add a feature to allow the player to change to a Super Metroid weapons selection style.
AmyYatesRIP said…
This keeps getting better and better. Keep up the good work!
Anonymous said…
Awsome! Omega metroid but it just doesn't look like it from fusion. By the way what does the queen metroid look like? Is the queen-metroid gonna be in preview 5?
Anonymous said…
It's a Zeta moron, and he said he's saving the queen for the actual game.
Get with the program.
Unknown said…
Great Work Dr. As always, I am unconcerned with how it looks now, because I know that later on, it will be perfected.

My only concern right now is Samus's ship. Do you still plan to use the sprite from Super Metroid?
I never really liked the way that one looked over the original in M2.

just saying.

and continue the amazing work.
Sir_Poeta said…
el movimiento del metroid que sale del capullo es muy tieso y pareciese que fuera un robot >.<
tratar de darle más realismo es lo que recomiendo yo. Otro detalle que no discrepo es la falta de iluminación al metroid, está muy sombrío y casi no se nota :S!

Anonymous said…
I want to congratulate you on an amazing effort.
I check this page almost every day.
I love metroid more than any other video game, and the even though I played all the 3d versions, I still prefer the 2d style metroid games.

YOUR GAME LOOKS AMAZING!!! In terms of graphics and functionality.
Your remake is better than any of the "official" metroid games made to date.

I hope you find the time to complete this tremendous piece of art. Believe me, that people will appreciate your efforts, and your work will take major notice, which may help your career in unforseen ways.

So on behalf of all metroid fans out there, thank you, and we patiently await the finished product.

Huge fan,

Anonymous said…
Woah. I hadn't even thought to tell him that but that's an awesome piece of good ol' motivation right there. Good work Jim!
Zoonyboy said…
Hey. I just whanted to say that the map system is great and I might use it in my "the conduit 2d" I might use a diffirnent system if it is any better (if that's possible) of course I will have to change some of the icons somehow. Like the wok and I hope the game is ready soon. You can use the zetta's ai's as a template for the omegas.
Ceff E. Roth said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ceff E. Roth said…
My critique of the Zetas and responses to all here:

The Zetas in the original (and all the metroids, for that matter) were not vary long-limbed -- they all kind of kept their structure close about the metroid core. This may be due to the sprite limits of the original, but I personally found it made them seem more like metroids. If you stray too far they lose the sense of having molted from the original metroid. So they should not have much of a neck, their tail should just be a tentacular growth of little physical purpose, and their legs probably should not be developed enough to be their sole locomotive source -- I'd save that for the Omegas.

As for the head: it should be roughly the shape it's in now. If you look at the ORIGINAL SPRITE you will see that the Zetas' and Omegas' heads are not circular, but elongated and rounded.

About the sketches of the evolutionary stages on Metroid Galaxy Guide: seeing as they have apparently originated at that site, which claims no affiliation with Nintendo, and even have the site's logo on them, I deem it safe to conclude that they are FAN depictions, and therefore not canon designs. (Besides, they look like dinosaurs, not metroids. Ick.)

You can see the Alpha, Gamma, and Zeta stages from Metroid Fusion in this video:
They are in stasis tanks in the background of the room with the stairs that lead to the second floor of the baby metroid tanks.

As these sprites demonstrate (in keeping with Metroid 2), the exoskeletal bodies of the first three evolved metroids are closely strung about the core, which is still the largest and most defining part of the metroids. (And the Zeta's head IS elongated.)
xCYBERKIDx said…
You're doing an outstanding job!!! I have one request, on the preview 4 video a just predicted what you would do with the omega and that was the shock wave, I think that would be very awesome because it would make the battle a little more challenging. Can't wait for the final version!
Ceff E. Roth said…
One last thing about the evolutionary design: I can understand you wanting to make the later cores less prominent in order to make them harder to kill, and I think that makes sense; I would just try to make it apparent that the core makes up a lot of the metroid on the inside. For example, you could have a bit of it showing, as though the armor is growing around it but hasn't entirely closed it off yet.

Your current design isn't too far off, and I know it will get better. I just don't want you going down the path of MGalaxy's dinosaurs with membrane undersides.
Ceff E. Roth said…
Okay, one last, final thing! This one is an idea for your consideration, DoctorM64.

I did notice that the Omega in Metroid Fusion is significantly more developed than the Zeta -- quite a big jump compared to Metroid 2's evolution. It's both twice as large AND has three times the features.

Perhaps there could be different sizes of Zetas and/or Omegas, with the idea that their phases in evolution are signified by what they have/how they look, but they can grow and mature a bit within these individual phases? I don't mean adding another phase or blurring the Zetas and Omegas together. But you could, say, have a Zeta with stubby legs and one with slightly thicker/longer legs; and the claws of a freshly evolved Omega, already menacing, would become larger and more deadly over time.

What do you think? I know this would complicate the making of the game, but it might help the Zeta issue.
Anonymous said…
Do you plan to use the Omega Metroid sprites from Metroid Fusion or will you make your own? Either way would be great. Keep up the great work
Unknown said…
OMG! I had no idea the game was going to be that cool! I was excited before but oh man!!! Oh I always hated space jump but not in your game I can't wait to play around with it! Does anyone know what the deal is with Metroid: Sr388? Is there a new site or has he ust quite working on it i was so excited for that one as well...I ope my xbox controller will work with the game I didn't work very well with the demo. After all is said and done I hope someone out there if you don't have the time can figure out how to run it on the psp... Frigin' awsome work man I'm so freakin excited!
DarkPhazon said…
omega metroid hmm hear this. omega should make a little earthquake in every stomp (more likley a super missle shot on the wall) and... well maybe thatle be great yea just put some little earthquake on everystomp of the omega makes it more intense
Anonymous said…
The Zeta Metroid sort of reminds me of Ridley from the original Metroid.
Anonymous said…
I wrote the comment about the Zeta and it reminding me of Ridley and if this offended you in any way I'm sorry.
Anonymous said…
vamos amigo te animamos para continues con este proyecto,metroid 2 si sigo atentamente tu trabajo...
att. nucleo
Unknown said…
i can't wait for this to come out! i'm so impatient when it comes to these things! ha ha. about the zeta design, i actually think they look pretty cool, maybe the arms and legs should be a little more muscular but other than that i like the design. the only real complaint i have is that i'd like to see the sprite with more of a 3/4 side view similar to how you see the omega in fusion. it'll show more of how the zetas actually look and imo it will just look better. i know nothing at this point is final though so keep up the good work! enviornments look awesome! and i really liked the music in preview 4.
Nick said…
this is amazing! can't wait to see the finished product. Good luck!
Anonymous said…
Seeing as how the Zetas are in the earlier stages of production, I came up with an idea that would make them considerably more formidable in combat, but might be difficult to create with your design. The idea is simple enough though. Have your Zetas jump up onto the walls in the background and then lunge at Samus, claws extended for a devastating swipe. You could also re-instate the classic fireball attack from the Zeta's new found position.
Unknown said…
Is it bad that I'm way more stoked about this than I am about Other M? This is absolutely pro, Doc. This is gonna outshine Fusion and Zero Mission, I can guarantee it. Keep it up, dude. Don't go Metroid Prime 2D on us.
Anonymous said…
I am also more excited for this than i am for Other M, maybe it's because we haven't got to seen a lot of footage from Other m...
Noxn said…
*Cries in happines*

That video just... blew my mind...

Its just awesome. In every way posible.
Anonymous said…
I just wanted to point out, you probably didn't win best game of the year this year because you got it last year, and the judges need to share a bit of the love.

Best of luck
Anonymous said…
It seems like you really put a lot of effort in it, and that's appreciated, but what I don't get is why you used the damn Zero Mission engine.

It looks so ugly and unatmospheric. Almost as bad as Fusion.

Would have preferred the original GB graphics, in all honesty.
Q_Bert_Ds said…
I've been watching the progress of this since nearly the beginning and I have to say you're doing a great job. One thing I noticed with the Zetas is that they are much slower and ground based then the originals. I know you're trying to make them closer to Omegas but you could try to keep some of the physics the same to make it a better fight. The main thing I noticed is that they don't fly, that's a rather sizable difference don't you think? It really slows them down.
Zoonyboy said…
Hey this is your game. As you might notice in the other metroid games all the beams are difforent. For exaple the ice beam looks difforent in supper metroid then it does in mzm and so on. You have to costonate all of the beams so they are all you. I think that the zetta's are perfect (in terms of not changin the things that are already there) but it would be nice to have the mouth moved as if it were breathing. The omegas have to be WAY difforent than the zettas and you have to add at least ONE custom abillity. Love the work and make the fans happy.
Maggu said…
can't wait!!!!!!

animations looks sooo cool...keep up!!!!!!
please finish the game :)
MetroidMaker said…
This may be a stupid question, but will there be any regular Metroids?
I think there should be at least one, because in the game you can see the shell of one. Just a suggestion.
Take it for what you will.
Anonymous said…
the "regular metroids" are called "Larva Metroid" and they were in the original... so there is going to be Larva metroids in this version too
Unknown said…
The game will in Spanish?
Anonymous said…
si ramos, el doc es argentino, supongo que si que hara traduccion en español
MetroidMan347 said…
Where did you get those Varia Suit sprites? Are they kenji imatake's "Prime Varia Suit MZM Style" (or something similar)? They're really cool looking, though if their the sheet I mentioned I'm gonna have to get some sprites for MP2DII.
Anonymous said…
@ MetroidMan347
No they're from zero mission
MetroidMaker said…
I was referring to Metroids like in MZM.
MetroidMan347 said…
No, in MZM it doesn't have shoulder armor like in SM and Prime. Only the Gravity Suit has the shoulder armor unless you count the few seconds that it shows her standing before the message that says "You got your fully powered suit".
Anonymous said…
I think the Crocomire Hunter should be in the game.
Anonymous said…
@ MetroidMaker

Those ARE larva metroids
Anonymous said…
Metroid game if u had played to m2 u would know that there are 8 larva metroids at the end of the game ;)
SpiderTECH said…
OK to end this little debate,
"Larva Metroids" are the beginning stages of this planets Metroid Evolutions. So in theory, one could say that a "Larva Metroid" must have just been hatched from an egg not too long ago. which would mean that the queen is somewhere near by. However the queen has already moved on by this time in the beginning. the time it takes Samus to get to the last big area the Metroids have already Evolved. Which BTW Samus does not have the Ice beam by the time she sees the 1st Metroid (alpha) so if she had seen a "Larva Metroid" she would not be able to kill it. So that is why there are "Larva Metroids" in the Queens Area because they've have recently hatched. And yes they were in the Original as well they should be in this one.
Game tester said…
You work really fast, And you work well too. I have to say...Bravo! this is so amazing, all your work is good. Your version of the Zeta need work of course everyone say it but, it is already more cooler than that faty flying thing in the originale. It look like a fat rat (in the originale). Once again, good work.
Anonymous said…
@ MetroidMan347
You have to type in a codebreaker code into the emulator when you're playing zero mission, after that you can switch the suits on and off like super metroid and thus having the shoulder armor, remember right when you get the gravity suit samus has her varia with the sholder pads? and then after you get the gravity it makes all the suits and even the power suit have that "sholder armor". try it.
Zurginator said…
Hey there! Thanks for your comment on Project Prime, but I knew I wasn't gonna win. Looks like you are gonna get it next year as well; I won't be back.
SpiderTECH said…
@ Tim
Wait what do you mean you wont be back. Project Prime is an awesome Piece of work. Please tell me you're still working on it. The Metroid Fan Community is full of let downs please dont add your game to the list. Just because you didnt get it this year doesnt mean anything.
Anonymous said…
hey doc when you publish your finalized game, can you make a tutorial on how to make a basic metroid engine? i would really appreciate that.
Anonymous said…
Please doc, keep up the nice work!

We are all toghether with you :)
Ryan Hasse said…
This is looking great. :3

I certainly don't think zetas should be velociraptor sized though... velociraptors were only about a foot and a half tall. Otherwise I like the design of them overall, fits in with a lot of the canon concept art for them.
Anonymous said…
Enter Deinonychus. Problem solved. The "velociraptors" from the Jurassic Park movies are based of him. Or you could take the REAL dilophosaur (10'x 40') and get rid of the frills. Then you have your fireball-spitting effect built in. Either way it works
Desertskunk said…
Hmmm, I've noticed something as I watch each of these previews that a lot of people tend to overlook. The project as it continues is using placemarker sprites and replacing them bit by bit with custom sprites. So, assuming I am correct, by the end of the game, all of the sprites are going to be custom. I have no comments to make on the zeta or omega metroids, I like where the who concept has gone and I can't wait to see the finished project. I find, as always, your works continue to amaze and thrill me as you prove yourself to this little community day after day.
Don't stop, don't take criticism if you feel you've got it better, this is YOUR game, and YOUR accomplishment, be proud!
Anonymous said…
That's what she said!
Anonymous said…
Ni Hao,

My name is Phyuk Yiu,
I just want to let you know what a great job you have done on the game!

Greetings form CHINA!!!
Doctor Eq said…
Hi, long time no see. Remember me? I sent a track influenced by metroid to you. How is the game evolving. IT looks very good in the video. If I were Nintendo I would buy this right off your hands and release it for Nds or Wiishop. See you sometime

Dr Eq
Anonymous said…
Metroid is THEIR original work. If Nintendo wanted to take am2r, they could just do it.
Pez said…
That looks awesome! Keep up the good work. And anyone, if you have time, come check out my new blog for my Metroid game..

Unknown said…
It isn't their "original work" they just bought the rights to it. So, yes they have say and it sux. Because it looks like Metroid Other M is going to suck even though there are some interesting ideas. Metroid Prime was awsome for what it was and is one of my fav games to play but the other 2 prime games sucked. Prime 3 was really bad minus the wii mote stuff I liked that even though it could have been far more accurate. Anyway my point is I wish Nintendo didn't have say. Fusion was far too easy for a Metroid game. And why do these games tell me where to go that was the whole thing about Metroid the exploring. So good or decent Metroid games: Metroid(original), Super Metroid, Metroid Prime(first), Metroid: Zero Mission(could have been a bit harder but was still good), and finally AM2R. Metroid games that just don't cut it: Metroid 2, Metroid Fusion, Metroid Prime 2 and 3, Metroid Pinball, and Metroid Hunters.
Anonymous said…

Metroid is an original Nintendo work. It was created by their Research and Development team RD1, which was headed by the mastermind behind the gameboy, Gumpei Yokoi (I may have spelled that wrong).

It is very bad taste to disrespect a game that hasn't even come out yet (in regards to MoM). And since AM2R is a remake of the second metroid, dissing the second metroid is in essence dissing AM2R since the Doc is going through great lengths to keep the "air" of the original.

Although not everyone agrees with Nintendo's choices with the Metroid series, they aren't just throwing these games together willy-nilly. You should see some of the developers' commentary about the games. They put in a lot of effort and thought into them.
Lee said…
You seem to have the feeling of the game nailed down. Kudos! I expect great things from your efforts.
Unknown said…
Oh, I thought the original creator died or something and I thought I heard somewhere Nintendo bought the franchise sry if I was wrong then. In regards to MoM it is only natural to judge whether you wish to or not yes when the game comes out it may be the best Metroid game ever but from what little they have shown so far I was appalled. I like the idea of Samus being all combat fighting and getting hands on with the enemies and some of the cg cut scenes looked sweet. But the art style in game looks really badly and so to does the new suite design it looks like a big rubber suite or something. If anyone had played Shadow Complex it is a 2.5D game that is Metroid in a lot of ways and it played very well but from what I saw in the little clip of MoM it didn't look like it would feel like a Metroid game at all. We'll see like i said it may turn out to be really good. As far as Metroid II I think it could have been good for me had it been made on the Nes at the time rather than the original GB. I liked hunting the Metroid and the final boss but every where i went it looked almost the same and I thought it felt like crap. That is why i am excited for Doc's remake it will be II but actually good. In my opinion anyway. Sry if that offends we all have our own. As for the developers I know they put alot of effort and thought into the games I would like to see some of their commentary though. Where can i see that? I sent Retro an e-mail not long after the second Prime was released sharring my thoughts about the game and how they could make a few things feel a bit more closer to the original. They sent me an e-mail back to my surprise saying they thanked me for my thoughts and they liked some of them and that they would be sent to someone "higher up". I thought that was cool of them. They actually listened to there fan base. when Prime 3 came out I was surprised to see one of those ideas in the game though I can't know if it was by coincidence or not but when you lock on to your opponent and are generally aiming in that direction then have to fine tune the aim with the wii mote that was one of my ideas. I thought it makes sense to always know where your enemy and be able to point in that general direction but I should still need to aim a little. I told them there should be a little area around the enemy where I am always pointing then you have to aim free hand to hit them for sure and in a curtian spot. Not sure if they thought of that same thing too or if that email actually made it to someones ears but that was really cool anyways. there where alot of other things I didn't like about Prime 3 though. I like the solo and alone Samus in the middle of nowhere. I don't like all these other hunters having similar powers. The power suite to me is unique and is Samus' main advantage. I don't like all these other Samus' either Dark and what not. There should be just one and only one with her style. Yeah they are all a little different but far too similar. Though prime 1 lacked screw attack it was by far a solid Metroid game I felt like I was playing a Metroid game from the opening scene to the last. Prime 2 and 3 didn't pull that off for me. I wish they would quite coming up with new suite types and different wep types. The basics are fine with me something a little different here or there is fine but they are starting to do what the did to Mega Man to Samus and for me that sucks. peace.
Anonymous said…
Hi doc, I would like to ask you to show us the overall progress of the game in your next post, just to calm down the people(including me) and to guess how long it will take to conclude.

Thank you in advance :D.
Anonymous said…
the creator of Metroid DID die, and it has always been owned by nintendo.
Anonymous said…
doc, each trailer and screen you release manages to blow me away. This is going to be awesome!
Anonymous said…
Yes, Yokoi did indeed die. In one of the worst ways humanly possible too. Nothing says ouch better than instant smashification between two cars. He deserved a better death in the very least. One thing to note though: Gumpei Yokoi may be the great founder of all that is Metroid, but he's also the reason behind Nintendo's entire philosophy for lowering quality in exchange for cheaply producing quantity, and that is something I cannot forgive.
Anonymous said…
wow!,cool i want play this "zeta metroid"veramente bello il trailer,comunque vorrei sapere se si deve pagare per averlo
Anonymous said…
Everything is looking amazing, i might have watched the fourth preview only 10-12 times. Im curious though if you will include a transformation kinda scene for the metroids when they go from alpha to gamma or zeta to omega?
Ceff E. Roth said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
Once again I find myself looking at this site to see updates and I find pure awesomeness. I watched the video and it was so awesome that I forgot about the zeta tail. They need a tail but I think the rest of it is great! My friend wouldn't play the original because it just wasn't fun for him. He saw this and when I explained what was going on, he said he is going to play this one.
Joe said…
I am completely floored and in awe by the potential for this. If Nintendo doesn't get angry and lawsuity, aka if they have some good business sense, they make an offer on this for WiiWare or DSWare. Seriously.
deiviTson said…
I there, maybe my comment is a little late, but I think the Zeta metroid in the preview looks like an Omega metroid (given its size, but maybe you already changed it by now), in my opinion, the Zeta should be fast and medium sized (like the Raptors from Jurassic Park, with tail included!!) and the Omega should be maybe like T rex sized (like the Omega in Metroid Fusion, only harder and each one must be a boss battle and not just any other enemy). BTW, I loved the idea of removing the hovering thing for Zetas and Omegas. I'm really waiting for the game to come out!! Thanks to you and everyone else involded in the project for all the effort!!

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