Area 4, finally - French info
Thanks to Mr. Clément Puppo, French speaking people can read the info/FAQ post in their native language. If you wish to translate the FAQ to your own language, and maybe later the game text, let me know.
Informations sur le jeu en français
I finally started to make all the planned rooms for area4, and this one will be very different from the original. I´m not adding too many new places, but it will be something much more interesting than the original corridors.
I`ve read all the comments of the last post, seems like the last video generated many questions and concerns. Here are some facts that you should know:
- This is a Work In Progress video preview, you saw how things have changed from the first trailer, things are gonna change even more (for the better I hope).
- Gammas are not complete yet. There are minor things to tweak, and I still have to animate them more naturally.
- The Alpha intro will be redone eventually, the current version isn´t dramatic enough (you´re right).
- Arachnus will look different. Right now all I´ve done with him is the intro with the Fusion sprite.
- I recorded the footage with a script that took a screenshot on every frame, and since I recorded the game running quite slow, the resulting animation looks like a Tool Assisted Speedrun. There´s no rapid fire, it´s just me firing unusually fast. If you look at the battle with the Shirk, I try to control the firing speed with the beam.
- Tiles and backgrounds will be worked on, it´s not prioritary right now.
It´s good to see people with solid opinions on how to make the game better, I appreciate your suggestions.
Thank you very much for the feedback!
Informations sur le jeu en français
I finally started to make all the planned rooms for area4, and this one will be very different from the original. I´m not adding too many new places, but it will be something much more interesting than the original corridors.
I`ve read all the comments of the last post, seems like the last video generated many questions and concerns. Here are some facts that you should know:
- This is a Work In Progress video preview, you saw how things have changed from the first trailer, things are gonna change even more (for the better I hope).
- Gammas are not complete yet. There are minor things to tweak, and I still have to animate them more naturally.
- The Alpha intro will be redone eventually, the current version isn´t dramatic enough (you´re right).
- Arachnus will look different. Right now all I´ve done with him is the intro with the Fusion sprite.
- I recorded the footage with a script that took a screenshot on every frame, and since I recorded the game running quite slow, the resulting animation looks like a Tool Assisted Speedrun. There´s no rapid fire, it´s just me firing unusually fast. If you look at the battle with the Shirk, I try to control the firing speed with the beam.
- Tiles and backgrounds will be worked on, it´s not prioritary right now.
It´s good to see people with solid opinions on how to make the game better, I appreciate your suggestions.
Thank you very much for the feedback!
Now i'm really curious as to what you're adding in area 4, i'm excited!
This project more and more I am amazed!. I have great expectations of the game ended. also good to know that area 4 is much better than the last. Lately I've been playing again the "Metroid 2 return of the samus" and makes me short. I hope that this project is unparalleled in the past. thanks again!
Traduccion en español:
Este proyecto cada vez mas me asombra!. tengo una gran expectativa del juego finalizado. ademas que bueno saber que area 4 sera mucho mejor que el anterior. ultimamente he estado jugando denuevo el "metroid 2 return of the samus" y se me hace corto. espero que este proyecto sea inigualable con los anteriores. gracias denuevo!
Dark Master
Or maybe you have something else thought up...
I loved the video and what consideration you have taken from the comments. Keep up the good work!
Interesting idea coming up....
You know those tunnels that you have to shoot a lot to get through? You know I think there is a Metroid fight in one of them. Well anyways, how about a support system?
So if you destroy enough of those blocks then the top collapses partially?
That would make my day to learn that you could do that.
Sorry if this is not clear, my English is not very good.
If you need me to clarify just write me at the M:FM.
t.koessler [t] would be my mail addy...
Do I risk to see huge spoilers if I translate the game as well? I never played it.
I wish I could help with this, but unfortunately, I do not yet know enough to help.
Ah, If anyone's interested in a portuguese version, you can certainly get my help. :D
(i am german and can speak and write it quiet fluently ^^ )
email: oikonny[.at.]gmx[.dot.]de
Thank you for developing this remake.
Ever since Metroid Zero Mission was released,i have been waiting for someone to do the same for the second Metroid game.
Thank you,from the bottom of my mousy heart i thank you.
I can hardly wait for it's completion.
Me and others who are a fan of Metroid deeply support this!
And we hope you don't quit making this!
Unlike how Metroid Prime 2D stopped in production:/
storum - brazil
I'm definitely looking forward to more opportunities to comment/scrutinize, like one thing I noticed in the trailer with regards to the wave/spazer beam combination:
The increased arc path for the wave beam is nice, and the beam itself looks wonderful when all three parts are there, but due to the linear nature of the sprite, the "nice" look collapses when there's only one stray waving component. I'm not sure whether it'd be more easily fixed by rotating the sprite of the bullet itself along the path, or by making the bullet round and allowing for a trail effect behind it, but... otherwise everything looked really nice.
Hopefully you will manage to keep a good schedule and lifestyle ;-), because what i've seen in the new trailer was quite a leap from the last one, you must be hard at work, and I as the rest of us appreciate it!
I'm learning Game Maker myself. I wanted to know if there was a possibility of getting the .gmk of the game (or the demo) for reference?
Great work btw! Great job on the animations and the framerate and all the effects, they really add a lot.
It'd be even better if you could incorperate an option for hq2x/hq3x/hq4x, but that may be pushing it.
Ich habe endlich mit all den geplanten Räumen für Areal 4 angefangen und kann jetzt schon sagen, sie werden sich sehr vom Original unterscheiden.
Ich werde nicht zu viele neue Orte einfügen, aber es wird etwas viel interessanteres als die original Korridore.
Ich habe alle Kommentare vom letzten Post gelesen. Es sieht so aus als hätte das letzte Video viele Fragen und Probleme aufgeworfen. Hier sind ein paar Fakten die ihr wissen solltet:
- Das ist ein WORK IN PROGRESS Video preview. Ihr habt gesehen wie sehr sich die Dinge vom ersten Trailer verändert haben und die Dinge werden sich auch weiterhin verändern (zum besseren hoffe ich)
- Gammas sind noch nicht fertig. Es gibt noch Kleinigkeiten zu verbessern und ich muss sie noch natürlicher animieren.
- Das Alpha Intro wird noch überarbeitet, es ist nicht dramatisch genug (Da habt ihr recht).
- Arachnus wird anders aussehen. Ich habe bisher noch nichts gemacht außer das Intro mit dem Fusion Sprite.
- Ich habe das Video mit einem Script aufgenommen, das einen Screenshot pro frame macht. Und da das Spiel gerade sehr langsam lief, sieht die Animation aus wie ein Speedrun mit Hilfsmittel.
Es wird aber kein Rapid Fire geben, das bin nur ich der so schnell feuert. Wenn ihr euch den kampf mit dem Shirk anseht merkt ihr, dass ich dort versuche meine Feuergeschwindigkeit anzupassen.
- Tiles und Hintergründe werden noch überarbeitet, hat momentan keine Priorität.
Es ist schön, so viele begeisterte Menschen mit guten Ideen zu sehen, ich freue mich über Vorschläge.
Vielen Dank für das Feedback!
Spike -
Your English isn't very good? You speak (or technically type) it pretty well on the GMC. If you don't know who I am, I'm MegaManFan1 of the GMC, SmbzFan2nd of newgrounds and chatango, and MetroidMan347 pretty much everywhere else.
The thing is, they both stated that Nintendo will shut down the project eventually. They know because its happened before with games like chrono trigger resuerection and some other game.
So again, i just wish you'd atleast put some copyright information for nintendo in the front of the blog just in case
In the original, I thought it was a fun challenge to run though the lava to get to battle the alpha and gamma metroid that were tucked away in a little corner just so I could kill them and not have to backtrack later when the path was clear.
I don't think being able to skip areas entirely should be done, but I do think taking a lava swim or other difficult maneuvers like it should allow you access to areas earlier then you should in order to be rewarded with powerful items earlier in the game or a faster overall speed run to avoid backtracking later when the path is legitimately open.
there cool
I just think it is absolutely amazing how much effort you are putting into this, it looks absolutely astonishing. I am also very impressed you are actively reading and responding to critique, to make sure it is as good as possible.
You have my support all the way down in New Zealand. Keep up the good work :)
Really looking forward to playing this game =)
I can translate it into German. I'll PM it to you on the GMC.