NCFC Screenshots - Some Mods
So, the Nintendo Community Fangame Convention is now over, and Project AM2R won the "Best of Show" award. Thanks to all the nice people at NCFC, it was an awesome event, and I'm looking forward to the next one.
These screens were NCFC exclusive. Since the event is over, you can now take a look.

These screens were NCFC exclusive. Since the event is over, you can now take a look.

So, in other news... I was waiting for the pizza delivery today and started playing around with some tiles. It ended up being a nice 8 bit tile mod for M:C. I also renamed some of AM2R's sprites to make a Varia and Gravity suit mod.
I hope this encourages creative people to "pimp" the demo up a little more.
Download links for the three mods are on the right pane of the blog. ->
Though I have one question.
I don't like playing in full screen mode so I was wondering if there's any way to make Windowed mode any bigger.
Chozo much?
This also works for those of us with widescreen monitors, since the game tries to stretch to fit the 16:10 aspect ratio if we put it in fullscreen. Yes, DrM64, that's a request for widescreen support (even if it's just a fixed aspect ratio that puts black bars on either side) ;)
i'm not asking for a demo into the game cus that would slow you down on the main game...
i just think it would be cool to see a video of it :D
In order to mod the suit, I just have to recolor the sprites, right?
Also, does the game run full-screen the first time you run it?
I made for the real experienced.
good pics
The music of tech demo 1 was best than the tech demo 2
The sound to take a item (example, a missil) was very nice
Now,the sound is like Metroid Mission Zero :(
I have a suggestion, though. Could you put a option on the next version of the demo or in the complete game for controls like in Super Metroid? It's kinda hard to shoot missiles diagonally while moving with a keyboard, and sometimes the keyboard doesn't register 4 keys at the same time (aiming diagonally, missiles, fire and move). So instead of having to keep a button pressed to "activate" missiles, you just have to press it once to activate them and press it again to deactivate them, like in SM. All other options can remain the same, including the selection of super missiles. Hope it's not hard to do.
Keep up the good work!
Yes. I'm still compiling material from different areas to show more of the game. But if you are so desperate, I can make a small trailer showing just the metroid battles.
>Please tell me that in the second picture there is a 4 level parallax effect =)
Nope. But if we can't make that BG a nice looking tech-tower of sorts, a 4 level parallax will work.
>Yes, DrM64, that's a request for widescreen support (even if it's just a fixed aspect ratio that puts black bars on either side)
The game already keeps the aspect ratio fixed. It will be stretched if you change the resolution. You can try editing config.ini, and adding a widescreen size.
>In order to mod the suit, I just have to recolor the sprites, right?
You can do whatever you want, as long as you respect the sprite sizes.
>Also Dr.M64, you should like have some sort of modding compo.
I'll think about it.
>¿isn't the background of Outer wall of Castlevania Symphony of the night? LMAO
Yes, I had no time to edit it before NCFC.
>Could you put a option on the next version of the demo or in the complete game for controls like in Super Metroid?
Yes, it won't be difficult. I'll add an option to make missiles switchable SM style.
Do any of you want an extra aim button too? or is 1 enough?
>You know how there are those missle regenerators and energy regenerators in Metroid 2 return of Samus well, are they there in Another Metroid 2 Remake?
Yes. But instead of being two separate rechargers, there's going to be just one kind that refills ammo and health. I'm still not sure of how will it look like. I guess some kind of Chozo totem or something (it has to fit into small places).
>Is there a way to change the beam sprites?
No. But if more people are willing to mod the game, I can release an update that allows more customization (beams, normal enemies, etc.).
What do you think?
i am working on a recolor of samus, it's not the best, but it's my first mod so...
well, yeah, i think it's a good idea!
this modding stuff is really fun, so I decided to put a sheet of Gandrayda and maybe the other hunters in this game:
thanks i'm really looking forward to this.
the game rocks!