About to begin Area 3...

The second area is done, at least the map and tiles. There are some scripting events to be done and tweaked. Right now I'm preparing the tilesets for the third area. Just as many of you suggested, the ruins will be some kind of industrial/mining facilities.

Here is a snapshot of the caves before the third area, this shows the new tile color palette. The background will be properly replaced soon.

Alpha Metroids are being tweaked and improved all the time. Currently they have the normal introductions done (normal and coming out of the cocoon), I'll be adding more these days.

Sound production is becoming really funny. In order to do some cool screeching sounds for the different Metroid evolutions, me and a friend are recording some really weird screams here at the studio, and then applying a lot of effects. I'm ripping sounds from plenty of games too, sound test in emulators are really useful. These will be used to create new sounds for the game.

Music production has also begun, there's still a long way to complete the soundtrack.

Thanks everybody for your comments and suggestions, I really appreciate them.


Anonymous said…
Just keep pushing on. Things are looking good.
Anonymous said…
Amazing progress. We can't wait!!
Anonymous said…
Not first coment... Nice Pics, I like it when you compair the original to your game.
Anonymous said…
screaming....sounds like fun
Anonymous said…
The game looks fantastic. Metriod 2was the first metroid game i played and to have it redone and revamped is great.
Anonymous said…
I cant wait to play and its nice to see a screen shot. :D
Anonymous said…
Wow, you're making progress so fast, you'll be at alpha in no time. And then when you're just about done with alpha and ready to release a public Beta (You will do this for us right?)Nintendo will issue a C&D :P.
Anonymous said…
Wait... studio?
Anonymous said…
You are doing an amazing job man. Im sure nintendo will ring you up and ask you to join their team to make a metroid 2 remake, probably using most of what you've done!

I would love to help you anyway I can, granted you may have to spend some time teaching me your method and style of sprites or mapping/etc. Please let me know, Dominator1000@aol.com
Anonymous said…
If Nintendo does send a S&D you should at least finish the game for yourself. And maby leak it like 2 months after its done.
Anonymous said…
Oh yah the hornoads in the demo are the x infected ones, the none infected ones are green not red. You can see them in the backround in some parts of the SRX sector. But if you dont use them or cant, it will still be cool.
Anonymous said…
Haha. I can imagone how awkward it would be making those screams if you have neighbors. Has anyone burst into your studio and aked if their's an emergancy?
Anonymous said…
Maybe you should use the sound heard when damaging a Core-X and make it a scream-like form.
Anonymous said…
Keep up the great work. There are a lot of Metroid fans who can't wait to see where this project will make it to.
I Were Drunk said…
i remember playing the original as a kid, in some parts of the game the music gave such an eerie and frightful atmosphere, hope that comes through in the re-make, best of luck, your doing a fantastic job!
Anonymous said…
I've played the original Metroid II, and one time in the game, before I went into the hive, I went back to the ship and space jumped upward, and I saw that there was lava ABOVE the ship (how is that even possible!?). That made no sense, so in the remake, could you, instead of using lava to blockade the hive exit, use something like the blocks that can be removed by the infant metroid?
Anonymous said…
This is looking really good. Keep it up!
Anonymous said…
i really think you should go for the mining and processing, but i stand by what i said earlier, it should be a dead plantation.
To everyone thinking Nintendo will seen a C*D, Nintendo will not order a C&D! There hasn't been a flock for this game since 1996, in fact you should ask Nintendo to publish it that way if Nintendo doesn't like it then you just post it online, and if Nintendo likes it then they will buy the game from you for about 2 million $ and distribute it, and you should ask for you name to be in the credits, NINTENDO WILL NOT ORDER A C&D!!! Why do you think they made Metroid Zero Mission? Oh and one suggestion, add a secret ending thing were Samus has something go wrong and she has to land on another planet, like the one where the space pirates are on...
Samuraikill said…
Keep up the good work! I can't wait to play this :)
Anonymous said…
hmmm i wonder if Dr.M is going to have a Samus taking off her suit thing. (Not trying to sound crude or anything) but i mean its always at the end and hes not exactly an artist (no offense).

i wonder are you going to have one drawn for you or have submissions?

Or maybe you will do one yourself??
Or that hyrule swordsman guy
Anonymous said…
A contest sounds awesome!
There are other parts needing artwork like that such as the title screem, menu screen, and we could be creative about other parts as well. Like in Prime whenever you move into a new area, they have the whole overview thing. We could do the same thing by using a picture in which the camera moves along slowly over it (kinda like end pictures in fusion and zero mission where the picture starts at samus' feet then moves to her head)
Anonymous said…
That sounds pretty cool!
Anonymous said…
I think an interesting 100% ending pic would have ZSS (Zero Suit Samus) hanging out with the baby Metriod.

Possibly a 70%-99%
Samus with helmet off holding the (Baby Metroid) in the container with one arm and giving a thumbs up with her free arm

Or another were she is handing it off to the researchers at the beginning of Super Metroid. (Shes fully suited there...)
Lazure said…
Well, in Metroid II, it wasn't based on %, it was based on time. It was the same with Super Metroid.

0~2 hours = no suit samus
2~4 hours = samus with no helmet

The interesting thing about Zero Suit Samus...

Metroid(NES) = She was wearing a one-piece swimsuit.

Metroid II = I forget...

Super Metroid = A bikini. You saw this when she died, as well.

Metroid Fusion = A halter or tube top with hotpants. Almost bikini-ish, but not as much as Super Metroid. You also saw this when she died.

Then suddenly...

Metroid Zero Mission/Primes = A full body suit covering every inch of her up to her neck. When we go back in time to her older days, she's suddenly a modest lady.

In the remake, which direction should Samus take? The previous look with bikinis and swimsuits... or the newer, modest look that's used in Zero Mission/Primes/SSBB? Maybe you can have both, depending on a combination of item collection % and time?
Anonymous said…
I think the modest look soots Samus better,the modest look is more appealing and attractive for Heroines,including Samus.
Anonymous said…
There should probably be a secret ending that can be seen by getting 100 percent of the items, like in the Metroid Prime sub-series, to go along with the endings of Samus without the Power/Varia suit on.
Anonymous said…
I have an idea for a secret, 100 percent ending. After showing the best ending, instead of saying "See you next mission!" at the bottom, it could switch to a cutscene with the metroid queen slowly opening its eyes, recovering, and getting up, showing that Samus did not kill it successfully. Suddenly, a group of X parasites could appear and cause the largest earthquake in the game, but instead of diminishing the magma level, it would cause a gargantuan explosion (extremely powerful, but not powerful enough to tear the planet apart) that would launch the barely living metroid queen off of planet SR388 and onto another planet... planet Zebes. Inside a deserted room, the metroid queen could see the remains of a powerful being, with some energy remaining. Desperate, the metroid queen could try to leech the energy... only for the carcass to leech the metroid queen's energy! Then, the silhouette of a claw could pierce through the fatally wounded metroid queen, and the rest of the body could emerge, revealing it to be mother brain (while the metroid queen gets split in half by the claw and disintigrates).
Anonymous said…
I suggest having 4 possible endings

1. 0-2 hours completion: Samus in a bikini faithful to the original Metroid II (or Super Metroid I forget) with the infant metroid floating around her

2. 2-4 hours completion: Samus in her suit without the helmet, holding the metroid container from Super Metroid like dudeman said

3. 100% item colection ending: the last comment before this one

4. Basic ending for everything else: Samus in her full suit delivers the infant Metroid to the Ceris Colony to start the beginning of Super Metroid
Anonymous said…
i think the ending with the Metroid queen being eaten by mother brain would be a little too much... just keep it simple.
Anonymous said…
For those who can't wait to get their hands on this game, they could download the metroid 2 color patch from zophar.net at http://www.zophar.net/hacks/gb.html, and give the fully "game boy color style" colorized version a try.
Anonymous said…
Wow, alot of metroid 2 remakes have been strange but this is so far looking very good.

Keep it up! I look froward to a metroid 2 remake!
Anonymous said…
Could you do another tech Demo featuring some Metroid bosses??

like a normal one and an alpha?

If you do, I will love you in the most non-gay way possible :D
Anonymous said…
An idea to help:
Introduce the X in this game.
If one cath you, you will see a cinematic of Samus dying.
Or, if don't like the idea, make a cameo.I think this will make the Metroid Fusion gamers melancholy.
Thank you for make this fangame.
Advice:Don't post the game until you are satisfied!Don't have hurry.
Anonymous said…
An idea to help:
Introduce the X in this game.
If one cath you, you will see a cinematic of Samus dying.
Or, if don't like the idea, make a cameo.I think this will make the Metroid Fusion gamers melancholy.
Thank you for make this fangame.
Advice:Don't post the game until you are satisfied!Don't have hurry.
Anonymous said…
About the previous idea... The X parasites aren't even known about until the events of Metroid Fusion, which, chronologically, in both release order and the game timeline, takes place after the original Metroid II. It's best that you don't use the X in the remake.
Anonymous said…
Yes Samus dosent encounter them, but. They can still be in the game. Like during a cut scene where samus isnt present, or in the opeaning. It can show the reason of why the chozo created the metroids (witch was to kill the X.) Also samus might not of encountered them because they could of been driven to the brink of extinction. This would be a reasonable explanation, seeing that about 4-5 hatchling metroids could hold off the Sa-x in fusion long enough for samus to escape
Anonymous said…
you could have the x taking over after she leaves...

i mean thats what happens story wise right?

it could be that 100% ending thing you all have been talking about
Unknown said…
...No sabia que alguien estaba "remakeando" Metroid 2... wow, las cosas que se ven hoy en dia...

Ok, tiempo de comentar...

Veamos...che una critica persona: Me gusta, ahora una critica constructiva: Tengo serias dudas de si con el motor que estas usando vas a lograr recrearlo fielmente, o a su semejanza, Zero mission, veo que te estas basando en un hibrido entre Zero mission y Super Metroid, no esta mal, debo admitir que me gusta, sobre todo el sprite del Power suit que mostraste... by the way, si necesitas de algun tipo de ayuda, no dudes en pedirla che, soy Diseñador grafico amateur, con titulo de 1 año, y estoy a punto de empezar diseño grafico en facultad... asi que ya sabes, aqui tienes una persona para ayudar.

...mmm leeria todas las entradas, pero quizas son las 4 de la mañana y tengo un poco de sueño... ahora, que lenguaje estas usando?..

Bueno, saludos desde Uruguay!
Anonymous said…
Meh... i cant understand you. This sucks.
Unknown said…
Nah, dont worry ant, "the doc" will understand me (If his profile is right after all he know spanish), I was only talking about how wonderful is a remake like this...
Unknown said…
Thank you for consistently updating this title. Its refreshing to see such an ambitious project still being updated. You got a Paypal account?
I'm sure sum people (including me) would throw a couple bucks ur way.
Anonymous said…
I suggest having 9 possible endings
this would require having at least 3 difficulty settings

1. 0-2 hours hard completion: Samus in her bikini with the metroid floating around her.

2. 2-4 hours hard completion: Samus without her helmet playing with the infant metroid in her ship

3. 4+ hours hard completion: Samus and the Metroid posing for a shot

4. 0-2 hours normal completion: Ridley preparing to attack Ceres Station.

5. 2-4 hours normal completion: Samus without her helmet looking back on SR388 with the infant metroid

6. 4+ hours normal completion: Samus holding the baby metroid in a container

7. Easy Completion: Samus in full suit holding the baby metroid in its container

8. 100% completion: Video of X parasites emerging and infecting organisms on SR388.

9. 100% completion in less than 2 hours: Slideshow of these pictures:

1. X infecting SR388
2. Samus and the Metroid on the ship
3. Samus handing over the metroid like in Super Metroid
4. Ridley preparing attack
5. Samus in Bikini on her ship
Anonymous said…
So many people were talking about ending pics that I tried doodling one. I'm horribly at drawing, but thought I'd give it a shot:


<3 Danie
Anonymous said…
hmm i wonder... what style will Dr. M will go for...

Will he merely take any pic that he likes.

He might just ask for sprited pics
or will he want all drawn... who knows??

I'm stating this because (Correct me if i am wrong) the ending pics of the metroid series are usually very sophisticated sprites and not drawn. But who knows. This is Dr. M's game and he might just have a different idea...
Lazure said…
depends on which game. metroid I, II, super metroid all used sprites to show her in her skimpy duds.

however, fusion and zero mission on the GBA used full screen, colored artwork of her depending on how well (or badly) you played.
Anonymous said…
You should add the Boost Ball and Grapple Beam! It would be cool using the Grapple Beam to grab on to ledges, and then pull yourself up! The Boost Ball could be used to propel yourself between walls with the Spider Ball.
Anonymous said…
Never give up! Never surrender! We're all hoping for you to pull through with this one!
Lazure said…
Lol @ Galaxy Quest reference. I loved that movie!
Anonymous said…
my favorite part is were they meet the evil "cute" things


they cut it off before they say a good line...

"lets get out of here before one of them kills guy"

(Sorry for being off topic)
Anonymous said…
Well to get back in topic,I am fully agents the Bikini look for Samus, i can not bear the thought of people making samus look all slutty in this time where she is in much more modest clothing.And second of all we could always make her were something new,like normal clothing perhaps.
Lazure said…
Heh, Samus wasn't as modest as you think to begin with. Before Primes, Zero Mission, and Brawl... she wore bikinis and a one-piece swimsuit if you completed the game in fast enough time. (In the very original Metroid, you could actually play the whole game as a suitless, swimsuit edition Samus as a bonus!)

So yeah, it's not like having her in a bikini now would really change anything.
Anonymous said…
Doctor, your work is like 10x better the all the other metroid 2 remakes.Keep up the good work. Can't WAIT!!
Anonymous said…
dude this thing looks even better than zero mission and even though i started with super metroid and tried the original and this one to see what it would be like to fight the other stages of the metroid cycle other than the regular and omega stage from metroid fusion would be awesome. keep it up it looks like one of the best 2d games i've seen
Anonymous said…
This game dosent look like Zero Mission or Fusion, lenghwise I mean. Those games where great but very short compard to Super Metroid. This game looks like it will be in between SM and the GBA ones. Also, you should make it sort of non leaner, as in you would still halve to kill the metroids but you could finish the game with a very small amout of items, like in Zero Mission. Imagin, fighting the queen metroid with only 5-15 missles. It would be the ultimate challange!
Anonymous said…
You know, the last level when you fight the original metroids looks a bit like Torian. That area could be the main breading lab where the Metroids were created.

Oh, one question. Will there be multiple endings that depend on the time you finish? If so, that would be cool.
Anonymous said…
Actuaily I think that the metroid were made on Zebes. When the Old Bird showed the other chozo a metroid and then told them what it was created for. Although it could of been created on SR388 and was just moved to Zebes.
Anonymous said…
I've discovered a very minor bug. It doesn't affect gameplay at all, so it doesn't necessarily need to be fixed, but I thought I'd tell you anyway.

If you press down and immediately after (almost simultaneously) press the arrow key opposite the direction you were facing, Samus will crouch and turn, but her upper torso disappears.

Again, this is so minor that I wouldn't care if it isn't fixed, but I thought I'd tell you anyway.

Excellent work thus far. I'm excited to play the final product.
DoctorM64 said…
Hmm... I thought I've fixed all of those bugs last year. Anyway, I'll definetly look into it.

I'm writing a new post, I'll explain about the endings too in a couple minutes.
Anonymous said…
if the idea hasn't already been taken
sense metroid fusion contained enemies from sr388, i think it would be a good idea to make a boss like the one you encounter in your first visit to sector 4 also if the 2 bosses from sector 2 where also possible to have in a more tropic part of the plant. finally if serris where to be added to have him swim in the background every now and then to make him seem more realistic then to have him a in a tiny room the whole time and in the boss room the area would be large enough for its dashing ability to actually make it a wild fight and for him to swim out of a hole in the ceiling to make it feel like it was stalking you sense you entered the area
Anonymous said…
Some thoughts on the metroids:

* The idea of the nucleus being the only vulnerable part is cool, but the "getting stronger for later levels" thing seems strange to me. If they get older and tougher, wouldn't they just advance to the next part of their life cycle? Rather, I think that Alpha Metroids attacking in groups would be better. Two or three metroids running interference for each other makes all of them harder to kill.

* About Ice Beam vulnerability: In order to keep the fights harder, you might make it so that the Ice Beam freezes Metroids but doesn't damage them. Also, the Zeta and Omega Metroids seem too big for the Ice Beam to freeze.

* The Omega Metroid in particular should probably have armor plating over its nucleus (as in Metroid Fusion), so the only way to take them out is brute force and shooting them in the head. They've survived to the fifth part of their life cycle (which probably takes a decade or two), so they deserve some extra toughness.

BTW, in case anyone is wondering: according to Metroid canon, the Metroids were created ON Zebes (where the Chozo made them) FOR Planet SR388, mostly to kill the X Parasites.
Namagem said…
@Anon: The metroids on SR388 have evolved an immunity to the cold, with the exception of the "classic" metroid you see in the final area.
Anonymous said…
hey will there be x parasites because this is SR388 and thats where they were born and they should be there ya know like make them have an appearance every once in awhile
Anonymous said…
Screaming in the studio! See: that's what I'm talking about! I wish I could get up the time to put together something like this. I envy you, my man!

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