AM2R Demo Released! (April´s fools)

After several days of work, a couple dozen jars of coffee, and lots of tweaking an polishing, I present you: THE AM2R DEMO DOWNLOAD EasyShare - MFFileHost - FileFactory Thanks to the great people that provided feedback with Confrontation, the engine is very stable and now I can gather feedback from actual segments of the game. This demo covers the landing site (with the new tileset), the very first tunnels and a battle with the first Alpha Metroid. Keep in mind: - Alpha Metroid AI is limited, since it´s the first fight. - Music has been compressed and downsampled for filesize reasons. - No major upgrades are being shown right now (It´s the beginning). - Some enemies AI isn´t perfect. - All external files are now embedded in the exe. - Joypad support is disabled in this build. Please be discrete with the videos and images you might post on the net. Things are always changing in the game, and some material on this demo might be outdated soon. I´ll be uploading...