About the Project

Metroids. The most dangerous species in the galaxy.
One of the most important moments of the Metroid storyline happened in SR388, after a titanic battle between Samus and the mighty Queen Metroid. Memories of that event start to fade... it was long ago.

Project AM2R aimed to recreate Metroid 2 with updated graphics and gameplay. Taking elements from newer Metroid titles: the fast paced gameplay of Metroid: Zero Mission, the atmosphere and solitude of Super Metroid, and adding new game mechanics, AM2R is one of the most ambitious Metroid fan games.

The game started development in late 2007, and it was released to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Metroid franchise, on August 6, 2016.
Nintendo filed a DMCA claim soon after the release, and we complied with their demands. AM2R is no longer being supported.

  • Metroid Zero Mission style gameplay
  • Map system
  • Updated enemy AI
  • Minibosses
  • New areas
  • Challenging Metroid fights
  • Stackable beam system
  • Completely redrawn enemy and Metroid sprites
  • Log system with non-intrusive narrative
  • High quality soundtrack


Milton "DoctorM64" Guasti - Programming, level design, sound design, music production
Martin Piecyk - Platform engine code

Ramiro Negri - Pixel Art (Metroids)
Steve 'Sabre230' Rothlisberger - Graphic design (Samus, environments, etc.)
Jack Witty - Pixel Art (Bosses, environments, etc.)
Kirill '1Eni1' Fevralev - Pixel Art (Backgrounds)
Jasper - Pixel Art (Ship)
MichaelGabrielR - Pixel Art (Torizo)

Azima 'Zim' Khan - Graphic Design (Promo art, endings, wallpapers)

James 'Ridley' Hobbs - Writing Assistant (Logbook)
Paulo 'Latinlingo' Villalobos - Writing Assistant (Logbook)

Darren Kerwin - Music arrangement (Breeding Grounds)
Torbjørn 'Falcool' Brandrud - Music arrangement (Distribution Center)

Hemse, Dragondarch, Esteban 'DruidVorse' Criado, Verneri 'Naatiska' Viljanen

Jennifer Potter, Mario Crestanello, Live4Truths, Torbjørn 'Falcool' Brandrud, Lise Trehjørningen, Nommiin, Gabriel Kaplan, Nicolas 'Skol' Del Negro, Darren Kerwin, Robert Sephazon

Community Management
Dragonheart91, Ammypendent, Karrde

Special Thanks
Nommiin, Nathan 'wickedclown' Hess, Tyler Rogers, Kousoru, Infinity's End, CapCom, Isabelle Amponin


BSLceresHawkins said…
you should include an explanation of why Samus has less equipment than at the end of MZM
Anonymous said…
Well chronologically it would be why she has less equipment than at the end of metroid prime 3 because zero mission happens just before the prime trilogy with metroid 2 following some time after the trilogy.
Anonymous said…
@BSLceresHawkins: ACtually, Metroid 2 takes place after the Prime Series
Anonymous said…
Keep up the good work guys.
This game looks amazing.
joserro said…
at first: that's a great work, the original game is a hell for me -.-U

secondly, @tekgeekster, oficially prime trilogy is in the original history and is after metroid 2, it's said by nintendo in the bonus disc of metrid prime 1 (or in the 2nd, i'm not shure xD)
Unknown said…
Seems pretty easy to me if you've ever seen the ending of Prime 3. At the end, the Phazon corruption leaves her, and she's seen in her standard power armor, not Varia or Gravity suit, giving the thumbs up to the fleet commander during her flyby.

Her equipment was predominantly tied to the functions of her PED suit, which was rendered non-functional due to the lack of Phazon being produced. All of her key weaponry in that game - the beams and ice missiles, were received through incorporating the other hunter's weapons systems into her own. All of the other hunters were producing Phazon and utilizing PED armor.

Things that can't be directly explained, but could still make sense of her shedding as a result of shedding the PED modifications to her power armor, are the Space Jump and Screw Attack modifications, and her morph ball bombs. Given their appearance in Prime 3, it's probable that the bombs were Phazon in nature.

Therefore, at the beginning of Metroid 2, Samus has her morph ball, and a small compliment of missiles. Things that would have been compatible without the PED suit.
Anonymous said…
hey cody know im late saying but great explanation i have beaten all metroid games but i never thought of it that way, thats a great explanation. But, i think it was varia suit at the end... i dont remember, it been a while since i played prime 3. but it makes perfect sense, now why on super metroid did samus not have all the items, same with prime 2, dark suit and light suit were shedded and all luminoth teck so that would make p 3 correct a m2 and p 1 but not sm or p2. oh well metroid is metroid and ridley is ridley. metroid good no matter what. unless you make another mph. good game , but my least fav.
Unknown said…
¿Ya mero sale la versión final?
Matthew said…
If they were to make another Metroid Prime Hunters I am sure it would be for the 3DS, which would help out quite considerably, due to the fact moving around, aiming, and other things with the XABY (as I call them) buttons, and the R button. L would be able to easily be hit as your left hand should always be on the machine. With 3DS's Gyro, they would use that for the aiming, and you can keep hands on system at all times.

Honestly, figuring out the timeline and why everything is disappearing. It gives the idea why in the Primes, while silly as they may seem taking damage to "lose equipment" when I know Samus endured alot more damage then they gave.

Metroid or Metroid Zero Mission both are supposedly the same story line. Prime you start off with Varia a handful of missiles (no where near as much as you would if it was based of the original Metroid [NES] as you got a boatload of Missiles from just killing Kraid/Ridley)

Then sustianing an Electrical Shock, malfuctions the suit loosing power ups. Leading to Prime 2, having Varia, handful of Missiles loosing them to the Ing (they stole them). To Prime 3, I don't rememer. and as was stated, losing the PED suit likely lost most of your latent abilities.

Going to II: Return of Samus. You have the abilities that would be normal to the suit. Going to Super (III), why you lose all of your stuff, I theorize that as you get back to HQ (yes this was a Galactic Federation Mission), You may have a break and that you remove your suit for updates, to log information gained from SR388, the Metroid Home world, so having to regain the abilities.

Leading into Other M, screw you Adam Malkovich, not allowing us until the split second before we get screwed. and then Fusion, the X parasite, and the Metroid Vaccine.

I didn't count Pinball/Hunters, and I haven't beaten or really played them. Hunters, I can't entirely play due to me being left handed and using the stylus in that hand.

On a side note: Awesome Work Doc, can't wait for the finished product, loved II: Return of Samus, I will love this more.
This Guy said…
If this makes it to the 3ds somehow I will take back every bad thing I've said about Nintendo (and that is a lot).
Nobody knows this said…
in response to mathews post... In hunters it comes after prime 1, and you start out with power/charge beam, missile/super missile, varia,morph ball,boost ball, and just about what you had at the end of prime other than gravity that wass used in hunters, and at the end of hunters if you get the secret ending by deafeting the second form of goria and obtaining the omega cannon,whitch once you get the omega cannon you lose all your other sub-weapons but omega cannon is basicaly hyper beam, you see samus in space, with a bunch of luminoth looking sliens. presumubly they took the omega cannon. and prime pinball is just a oinball version of prime 1. and by the way at the end of prime 2 the luminoth took their tech back.
Anonymous said…
And it was Varia at the end of prime 3.
Unknown said…
do you know when you think you be able to release the game?
deseraimp said…
Just played through your demo. Impressed beyond words. Keep up the good work.
Unknown said…
I think this is coming along great. If you need music, feel free to contact me at soundcloud.com/detramentalofficial and if you want a sample of what I will make check out my electronic remix of the Metroid Theme at https://soundcloud.com/detramentalofficial/metroid-detramental-original , but please keep in mind that this song was made 2 months ago, so my productions have are much better. I hope you enjoy!
Anonymous said…
I just played demo v1.1 last night and I can't even begin to tell you how much I loved it! I had more fun playing this than all of Metroid: the other M. I absolutely can't wait for more. Keep up the amazing work!
Anonymous said…
Could this be cooked into a rom for a GBA or SNES emulator. LOOKS AMAZING!!!! I a Mac and am dying to try it out. My PC is outdated. :( Keep up the good work.
Unknown said…
I just finished playing the latest demo. It is unbelievable! I cannot believe this is a fan-made project! It's so well done and I love all the little details you added into the game like the logs and updating Samus's gear and abilities to the ones on Zero Mission but that weren't there in the original Metroid 2.

I wish I knew more about developing so I could help you guys in someway to finish this amazing project! I feel the impulse to contribute in someway to help you guys with your awesome work!
Unknown said…
Awesome project! the creator of this rocks!
Anonymous said…
hey so i got the demo version of this and i was able to get past the start screen by pressing enter but at the file select screen i couldn't actually select anything and i have already tried all the keys on the keyboard when highlighting what i wanted to select and the pressing the mouse buttons. It should also be noted that i was able to scroll through the different file slots. I was just wondering if i had to get some sort of plug-in controller or gamepad or if i'm supposed to be doing something that i'm not. really sorry to bother but i'd really appreciate it, thanks
Unknown said…
I know you can't make money selling this game or anything due to legal reasons, but would donations provide a workaround? Because if so, please take all my money. This game is very near and dear to me.
Brendan said…
DUDE! When is this gonna be done!?
Anonymous said…
If you collect 100% of the items, then when you beat the game you should be able to play a special Ceres level with all of your gear.
Anonymous said…
dude this game is the TITS!
Jack said…
Have you consider to ask Nintendo to release this game as an indie developper. I know it might sounds crazy but why not. I would be glad to play this game on a wii u gamepad AND i would definitely be paying for it ! Metroid 2 is the only game that still looks pretty old. Having a remake of this quality getting an official releases (with your credit of course ) would be awesome as we could now play the whole Metroid series without going back to black and white animation that makes your eyes bleed. Seriously, i would really consider doing so.

Thank you for this Really great job !
Actuallee said…
This is the greatest idea. Metroid 2 paved the way for Super Metroid by I trouncing so many elements for Metroid that became regular things. It was/is such a great game that was just hindered by the tech of the time. This may be a stupid comment, but Nintendo is really pushing indie devs for 3ds right now. Have you looked into actually proposing this to them as a sort of dsi ware?
Youri said…
I've played through the demo a couple of times and I love it, everything was a little on the easy side first time around, but with the addition of Gamma's the game is much more of a challenge.

Loving the auto-morph and spider ball custom settings, and that you made the charge beam act as in Prime, drawing in pick-ups.
Unknown said…
Just Had to pot: this is so awesome! i love the remake, even though its only a demo, you guys are genius's, GENIUS I TELL YOU
tupe12 said…
Theres a bug with the seconed mutation of metroids where thier redicilisly hard even on easy, still a great game though.
Anonymous said…
I have to say, I played every single Metroid game BUT Metroid 2: return of samus. I was gonna get a emulator and actually play the original, until... I saw this project about 1 year ago and i got very hyped. so keep this amazing project going. 1 question, not sure if anyone asked but is this compatible to Linux users?
Unknown said…
This game is freaking awesome! keep up the good work!
Thanks to God for this project, God bless you, i am happy and waiting for the final version!!!!
Cliff Campbell said…
An excellent and sorely needed remake of one of the best and nearly forgotten Metroid games. It improves upon every aspect of the original and then some. Keep up the great work!
Unknown said…
The fight with Arachnus was simply amazing, the sprite looked extremely similar to the one from Fusion, the particles and effects were outstanding and the way you had to defeat it was ingenious. I'm looking forward to the full game, as i'm sure the rest of these people are. Anyway, best of luck with the project, and here's hoping Nintendo hire's you for the next 2D Metroid game or Metroid game in general.
Unknown said…
I want to give you my most sincere congratulations! You've managed to recover the essence of this wonderful game, excellent graphics, the flawless gameplay, it made me relive great moments from super metroid, and more amazing is that you've accomplished this with fewer tools than the developers of nintendo. I hope that the big N note your great talent for a next title game.
Anonymous said…
I just ran into this site and I think what you are doing is wonderful. I've always wanted to play the second game, but always hesitated because of the B & W. I will definitely play this once it's finished. The fact that you made it playable with an actual controller is fantastic. I almost feel like starting a petition for Nintendo to acknowledge this somehow, maybe put it on one of their systems. Only if you would approve. keep up the great work. I really appreciate it.
Shiroi-Ren said…
I admit that I am not too familiar with the Metroid series but only am a watcher; however, I see you have the project doing nicely.

The project AMR2 looks much better, some areas look harder than in its original counterpart which give it a bit more challenge, the stages look much larger if not exactly sharp to again its counterpart, the soundtrack has some good unique remixes not heard before which is quite a surprise, and the enemies/bosses are stronger than before too.

I hope to see this one succeed as perhaps if by some chance it's finished, it may be the first of Metroid series I might try out for once ever. Oh also have you decided to port a version of this to the original developers as well as a indie game? It has lots of potential.

Furthermore to that, you should also add your side-project "Confrontation" as its training mode or an unlockable in the full version as well just for fun.
Anonymous said…
Wow,i'd like to thanks all the team for this awesome remake of Metroid 2. This is really a great job and i'd love to play. Can't wait for the last 2 areas. Keep working so great!!
Anonymous said…
This is simply AMAZING! I'm impressed by the overall quality and polish of the project. The controls feel so nice (with rumble!!), it really looks like a professional product, even though its not finished yet. This is simply great, I'm sure Nintendo would be impressed. Great work!
Anonymous said…
Metroid 2 is the only game within the series that I haven't played (besides other M). This is amazing, especially the sound track! Will this be a remake or will there be new content, like zero mission did with the first one? You should add the original return of samus as an unlockable just like what zero mission did with the nes version.

I also have an easter egg idea. Make it so there is an optional short cutscene with a metroid absorbing an x parasite, a short homage to fusion. I believe this should work, lore wise, since metroids hunt the x, and they wouldn't be completely gone, otherwise fusion wouldn't happen.
Anonymous said…
Beautiful demo. It is obvious the amount of work and time you put into it. Very polished.

I did notice that when enemies come out of tubes though (the ones that keep coming), they continue to come, regardless of whether they drop an energy unit / missle. Was that intentional?
Unknown said…
When will am2r be available on mac?
Krakarot said…
That was amazing. I ran through this waiting for it to end as it was clearly labeled a demo. I just kept playing and playing and ended up getting three hours of entertainment and frustration out of it. Out of the DEMO.

I can't remember the last time I beat anything this long in one sitting, and for this to only be the demo shows tremendous promise.

Keep it up. This is awesome.
Anonymous said…
I really liked the game, an android version would be highly appreciated! :)
Anonymous said…
Reidlos Toof said…
My problem with ambitious, comprehensive overhauls like this is that they tend not to get finished. Either they end up getting C&Ded or the dev just loses interest after leading people on for years. Don't get me wrong, what you have already done looks amazing, but I have gotten let down by far too many fan remakes to let myself get excited for this. Best of luck to you, and I hope you complete this. I'll definitely be back when you do.
Unknown said…
what game maker did you use?
Anonymous said…
I Hated the Original!
But this remake makes that i can love this game!
The gameplay is very Smooth with lots of Fun!
Great Work!

It would be Nice if the game have Level Editor to make Mods or that the Original Engine goes Public for Making Fangames because not every person had this skills for such a good Metroid Engine like these but have lots of ideas to make a fangame.
Nilspferd said…
Altough I normally really don't like remakes of existing games, this one really is a blast. The game instantaneously sucked me in and just awaked so many old memories :)

I like that you did not just built on the original music, but really enhanced it with some own ideas. Although I must honestly say that the original music is a bit better, but yours is still really great!

Was the original game also that fast? Took me quite some time until I got used to, but it's good like that. I only found the controls sometimes a bit sluggish. Is there any way to destroy metroids without getting hurt?

Also the bombs explode too early, which will often frustratingly drop you off the wall while you are climbing with the spider wall and dropping a bomb.

But thats just minor issues. All in all this is a great work!
Anonymous said…
I don't know if it's been asked before, but why "'Another' Metroid II Remake"?
Or is it more like "Another Metroid II: Remake"?
Anonymous said…
I don't know where else to post bugs, so sorry if this is in the incorrect area. But I was randomly pressing buttons as I exited out of the Chorizo fight in version 1.34 and got the following error code to pop up in a new window that killed the game.

action number 1
of Draw Event
for object oJTrail:

Push :: Execution Error - Variable Get -1.surf(100000, -2147483648)
at gml_Script_draw_character_from_surface
stack frame is
gml_Script_draw_character_from_surface (line 0)
cedupont said…
I soon got a copy Metroid 2 : The return of Samus for Game Boy (man, this is old!) I actually play it with the first version of Game Boy advance. I really appreciate that game and was wandering why nintendo didn't release a remake...

Then I discovered project am2r and was really fascinated with the whole game. And something that is really appreciated ; A MAP!!! AT LEAST!!!
Anonymous said…
Dude the whole 3d thing being mandatory is stupid. You should make it optional! If you don't, you've pretty much ruined the game. This is why the video game industry is going downhill! People try to control how you play the game! This is the same shit! Keep to 2d Metroid's originality and I promise you a lot more people will play your game. If you go through with this AT LEAST MAKE 3D AN OPTION! Otherwise, I won't be able to support this game anymore.
cedupont said…
Sorry about the previous comment, I wrote "wandering" instead of "wondering" (Just a little word can change the sense of a whole sentence!) XD
Unknown said…
when will this game be finished?
Darth Kavier said…
This looks so awesome, excellent work, thank you very much for making this remake, I hope to see the final version soon, but don't rush, just do it well, good luck.
Unknown said…
beat most resent demo in 4 hours with 100% you should have a thing where you combine the beams with missles and other things not telling you what to do just suggesting it
Anonymous said…
I know this might be a little too late however, could you maybe replace the current Samus with the SA-X as I m sure many wanted to play as SA-X back in Metroid Fusion.

This remake could actually add a Uniqueness if you would switch the Samus with SA-X and we could actually play as it :D

Just an advise, would be realy cool and unique. I don't mean "as SA-X" but you get what I mean, I'm talking about the model and it's walking/running and all those actions. I guess I'm not the only one who would like to play with the SA-X model on one of the Metroid games and since this is a remake, it would make this game more special than others :D But nice job!
Unknown said…
Like I said, I'm just talking about a Model replacement of the current Zero Mission Samus and the SA-X :D everything else is awesome and shouldn't be touched!
Anonymous said…
What a great project. That's on the same lvl as original Nintendo games. Please keep up the great work.
Johannes said…
Metroid II was my favorite GameBoy Game when I was a kid. I played through it many times, and occasionally I still do so today. As far as this project is concerned, I am highly impressed and can't wait until it is finished. Played the demo: WOW!
Anonymous said…
Maybe you should take an old gameboy cartridge and place AM2R on a gameboy cartridge. Just for fun.
102 Eta Cristo said…
I believe that it would in the best interest of the entire gaming community if Doc added at least one new obtainable ability in order to utilize AM2R's freshness while simultaneously adding a new experience for all players that could cause experimentation and developments on future game mechanics.
Anonymous said…
Just finished playing the latest demo where I believe 70% of the game is completed.

I enjoy the new graphics, mini bosses, upgrades, and challenges added to it.

I honestly cannot wait until this is 100% finished so I can see how your revamped Queen Metroid looks.
Anonymous said…
I got to 87% before it ended. I think this is definitely a great game. It was an enjoyable experience. One, I'd gladly pay for. There's a few slowdowns on Linux. The major thing is when the same screen is loaded for a long time (boss fight), it tends to experience slowdown until you leave that screen, continuous or static. The example I had was The Tester. I basically took about 3-5 seconds to do each jump. The slowdown was funny because it actually helped me do insane ninjaesque moves I couldn't have done at full speed. Either way, I would DEFINITELY buy an independent game from this team. -Tidy
Anonymous said…
Just played the demo and holy shit man the end of that was satisfying enough of a game cant wait to see what the Finished product will be like. and any idea when it would be done just curious
Drake said…
Finished playing version 1.41 right now, congratulations with your work, you make the metroid fans proud, i wish i could help or support your cause, i'm waiting for the final version of the game !
Jimbob64 said…
Just downloaded it andinstalled a new controller on my tablet PC. 1000% worth it- 3 minutes into the game, and I think I'm in love!

The controls are smooth, and I just keep seeing more and more little details that make it look great without being distracting or causing lag (of any kind- and I'm playing on something with Netbook specs, so that's awesome! Just THINKING about this tablet too hard makes it slow down, normally.)

Posted my last comment as anonymous, after getting the game on Virtusl Console.
Unknown said…
That was an April Fools joke...
Unknown said…
I played the 1.41 demo a while ago and i really love this demo. it came to my attention sooo late it really frustrates me. i like to see good games growing. @Dev if you are still in need of it, i would gladly translate this to german.
I'm really looking forward to the full release of this game and hope everything goes well.
Anonymous said…
Will you ever add Removing the power suit to reveal samus without her suit but within the zero suit because why not?
Peter Morris said…
I finally got Metroid 2 on my 3DS a week or so ago, and played it through for the first time. I had an original Gameboy back in the day, and I played the original Metroid all the time as a kid. And I've played every other Metroid game since then with the exception of Hunters. Love 'em all. So I was pretty surprised I had never heard of this. I decided to give it a try after finishing the original version because I really loved what they did with Zero Mission.

You guys didn't knock this out of the park, but off the planet. I cannot WAIT for the full version. The new ideas you implemented are perfect. The animations bring the whole world to life in a way that surpasses Super Metroid, IMO. The controls are crisp and smooth, and make me hate the wired 360 controller I have plugged into my PC. I've got to find a way to get my Wii U Pro controller plugged in. Or my DS4. The gamepad on the 360 is just garbage, and this game needs a crisp d-pad. The sound. Oh man the sound! So great. From the drips hitting the floor to Samus's footsteps - everything I could want is there!

Nintendo should be ashamed at how a bunch of fans have one upped them at their own game. I can't say enough good about this game. It's just crazy good!
Aero said…
You should really include extra bits like suits from other games! It would be really cool to see the Light Suit and the Fusion Suit in this remake somewhere.

Also keep going. This project is freaking amazing so far.
AscendedDevilVZ said…
Hey just an idea but why not replace samus`s standing animation (Zero mission aim stance) by SA-X`s Aiming stance? It seems like a good idea to me but hey this is your project so do what you want.
Overall I gotta admit this is very well made.
Keep Up The Good Work! :D
Anonymous said…
are you worried about your project being shutdown after nintendo took down a LoZ fangame " https://www.zelda30tribute.com " and if you do get into any issues are you gonna permanently take it down or do you have a backup plan for a situation like this so that your fans get to play it?
Sherlock Holmes said…
Please change the controls for pulling Samus up and down a block. It's just not acceptable that I have to pull the joystick down to get Samus up and the other way round. It would be more logic and intuitive if you had to pull up to get Samus up and down for down
Unknown said…
Any idea when the full game will be done I love this demo the full game is bound to be amazing
Anonymous said…
I want to know if you have used a tool(s) or a programming language. Which are?
Unknown said…
HOW DID I NOT KNOW ABOUT THIS??? SIMPLY MIND-BLOWING. CANNOT WAIT. So excited for that pivotal moment at the end with the baby to be reimagined.
Unknown said…
How has this not been shut down yet? Also...is there a way I can donate?
Tony said…
Thanks to all the people involved in this project. You have made a grown man's inner child happy again. Can't wait to see the final release. Please advise if there is any way we can donate.
Unknown said…
Where do I subscribe?
Anonymous said…
uh for some reason i cant get this to run on my computer
Unknown said…
Tiene errores fatales al entrar a una compuerta sale el siguiente mensaje,
FATAL ERROR in action number 1 of other event: Rom Star for object oitem:

Malformed variable
at gml_oitem_other_4
Unknown said…
I hate the bosses about this game I hit them with my missles and bombs and it never hits them on the first try! It takes me at least 5 times before the boss takes damage by then im already dead! I especially hate that armadillo boss the after the point where I shoot missiles I have to use bombs but it never takes damage please do something about the armadillo and more space for the alpha metroid boss in the full game! I know its short notice but still...
Unknown said…
I'm here on 2016 still waiting for this master piece to be complete. Just finished the demo and it was amazing! You guys are amazing for taking matter into your own hand and making this available for the public. The world needs more skillful fans like you guys. Thank you.
FaceNommer said…
My gravity suit is broken.

It renders me invisible. Fantastic.
Anonymous said…
Happy 30th Samus!
To the dedicated fans whose dedication made this possible: thank you.
Anonymous said…
Just started playing the v1 finished game and it's awesome, love the log system and getting information about different enemies and locations.
Would love to be able to get a download of the soundtrack too because it's a brilliant soundtrack.
Anonymous said…
If you need music, find us at www.beardedrizzrecords.net justin.leister@gmail.com
Unknown said…
Do you receive donations of some sort?
Since you've been the only ones able to quench my Metroid thirst for some years up to now, i'd like to thank you in that way!

The game is perfect. Thanks for making it!!
Unknown said…
Do you receive donations of some sort?
Since you've been the only ones able to quench my Metroid thirst for some years up to now, i'd like to thank you in that way!

The game is perfect. Thanks for making it!!
Anonymous said…
Hi, thought I would add an anonymous constructive comment. The side scrolling seems to follow the jerkiness of the leg movement when Samus runs. It was something I noticed throughout the demos, not sure if it was intentional to give a more realistic feel to Samus' movement but it would be less taxing on the eyes to smooth that out. This is an awesome creation, thanks!
Bluestorm83 said…
And now the wait is over. Version 1.0 is released, the game is complete, and we all have what we wanted. Why am I here instead of playing it, dammit!?
Unknown said…
Awesome, it really looks great! Have you thought about doing the original NES Metroid or could it be done?
Unknown said…
Played it. Extremely impressed. The augmented gameplay is excellent. I mapped this game out so many years ago on a 4x5 (or so) array of loose-leaf. Since metroid zero, I hoped and hoped such a game would materialize... it has, and it's truly great!

To make a quick comparison, I picked up my gba, popped in the original m2, played about 15 minutes. This new m2 isn't as spooky as the original, and interesting, sand blocks are no longer an entity. Definitely feels great; well built with careful attention to all details and then some. The story puts dialog to what my imagination derived long ago.

Simply fantastic. Thank you guys, quality of this caliber is ultra rare. You've granted a long standing wish.
Unknown said…
Thank you so much. I've been a Metroid fan for years, and own the whole damn franchise (excepting the pin ball). This is a beautiful remake of a classic game. It's hard to go back and play the older games after you get used to the new mechanics, and this solves that problem wonderfully.
Unknown said…
Hi, I never had the chance of playing a lots of games when I was a kid (parents didn't buy me consoles) so I've never played games like, crash bandicoot or rachet and clank, or, Metroid, Starfox... anything from psx, ps2, N64 or Game Cube ( I was born in 1996 so I couln't play nes, but I had a SNES from my aunt). A few months ago I decided to start the metroid series, cronologically, I mean, I'm playing them by the storyline and not the release order, I finished Zero mission (I love retro games like NES titles, I love 8 bit graphics, megaman style, but in this case, I think playing Zero mission is way better than playing the original metroid) and Metroid Prime, I'm playing metroid prime 2 now and then I'll go with prime 3, after all this shit I've told you, I want to ask this: As you should know by this moment, I've never played metroid 2, and I want to know the story, Is this project telling the story as it is in the original game? (I don't mind if you put some extras), I won't play it until I finish prime 3, but I ask now because nintendo may shut down this, so I've already downloaded it.
Anonymous said…
I only played for about an hour so far but I love it! 10/10 I was playing the original but now i'm going to play this instead and the best part is this lets me play on the big screen! I hope Nintendo lets this slide.
Anonymous said…
I, for one, loved the original GB version of MetII. It gave me the experience of exploration, not to mention the introduction of the spiderball, as well as some more "hidden worlds" to explore, while riding in the back of the folk's car. It was, and is, a fantastic experience, even in its black & white (or black and green rather, ahuehuehue) original gameboy iteration.
I would urge any fans following this project, hunt down a copy at your local used game store, or find it at a garage sale. I'm unaware if it is available for virtual console, but I suppose that could work if all else fails... thoughhhhhh I gotta say there ARE some nice pallet hacks for it (cough cough).
It hope to see this labour of love come to fruition, and may artistic freed prevail.
I know many others echo my sentiments.
PS, (recommendation incoming, take it with a grain of salt...) it would be interesting to see a sort of alternative story line, perhaps a hidden one, integrated into the game; think good ending/neutral ending/bad ending, in the style of Castlevania, or countless other games.
PPS Keep up the good work! ^_^
Anonymous said…
Best Metroid Game ever
Unknown said…
It's quite possible Samus usually equips herself suitably for the mission at hand. from Samus' point of view her standard suit and a couple of missiles were more than enough to deal with a few metroids, but she didn't take into account she would be facing ones that had existed long enough to reach different stages of evolution.

Similar to the events that started out in Super, Samus's mission was to respond to an attack on a space station, her mission was simply to recon and report back so she equipped herself for that said task...she didn't expect Ridely to be there since as far as she knew she defeated him years ago.

Fusion was different, she had most of her gear lost when her suit was dismantled and was forced to recover it all from the X parasites.
Smokingspoon said…
Hello, I have noticed several similarities with my work and the federation ship in Am2r. And considering my history on the MDB forum and that I posted my work there, I wanted to know if you were inspired.
Anonymous said…

Thank you for your amazing work !
Inukaze said…
Hi there, thank you for the AM2R v1.0
Someone send me a "Linux Native" version, and i start to translate to Spanish

Here some Screenshots :

(Some texts not transtaled. like the Suit Parts. the descriptions of parts, yes can be translated, but not the rest)

This version of Game of "Metroid Confrontation" had port to GNU/Linux ???
Eh said…
could you port this for mac?
Anonymous said…
This doesn't feel like Metroid 2 anymore. Next time, make a remake that actually works.
Anonymous said…
Is it true that nintendo shut this project down?
Anonymous said…
Will you make an android version of the game?
Unknown said…
Congratz, you did a masterpiece with the AM2R and now I downloaded metroid confrontation, I'm sure I'll enjoy it!
Nice work!
P.D: If Nintendo doesn't want you to post any metroid games, they should hire you XD
Web-Leo said…
Hello. Iam from the south of argentina . i want to say thank you so much for the game. today i finished it and its amazing!!! thank you for the great job and make this free. Hope you can read this. Bye!!!
Web-Leo said…
thank you for this amazing game!!!! i finished today!!! thank you from argentina!!!!
Jhonex James said…
Hi... I'm Jhon... I have no much time knowing the Metroid games... It's possible to find a guide for the secrets and items of this amazing game???... I'm new in the Metroid universe and this is the most beautifull acvident for me, i love your job in this remake.
Anonymous said…
This was absolutly awesome!!
Thank you so much <3

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