AM2R Demo Released! (April´s fools)

After several days of work, a couple dozen jars of coffee, and lots of tweaking an polishing, I present you:


Thanks to the great people that provided feedback with Confrontation, the engine is very stable and now I can gather feedback from actual segments of the game.

This demo covers the landing site (with the new tileset), the very first tunnels and a battle with the first Alpha Metroid.

Keep in mind:
- Alpha Metroid AI is limited, since it´s the first fight.
- Music has been compressed and downsampled for filesize reasons.
- No major upgrades are being shown right now (It´s the beginning).
- Some enemies AI isn´t perfect.
- All external files are now embedded in the exe.
- Joypad support is disabled in this build.

Please be discrete with the videos and images you might post on the net. Things are always changing in the game, and some material on this demo might be outdated soon.

I´ll be uploading Confrontation 2.5 to other sites in these days, seems like some links are dead.

As always, suggestions and comments are welcome.
Have fun!


Passarbye said…
1st comment! thanks for the demo doc, i'll be sure to check it out!
Robert said…
Mario won't get fooled again.
DarkFalzX said…
Hahahha - neat April's Fool man. I hope the main project is coming along nicely though: )
Anonymous said…
had me pissed off, thought i was getting the wrong file, but nicely done...though i still want to fight some metroids
Don said…
You really need to make the alpha metroid less difficult.... I couldn't beat it.
LMFAO IM SO HAPPY!!! honestly i would fully support scrapping everything you've done and going in this direction LMFAO
Anonymous said…
im actually quite pissed about this
The doctor [no, not THAT doctor] said…
awesome april fools man! kinda cute, actually.
Dark Master said…
que buena broma. yo me emocione al pensar que ya podria tener una muestra del AM2R. Esperando tanto para este tiempo y me encuentro con Another Mario!!!! jajajaja muy bueno... pero no gaste el tiempo en hacer cosas extras, mientras mas concentra su tiempo en el proyecto, mas rapido terminara el juego. Como siempre impresionando con algo nuevo en cada actualizacion. Felicidades!!
Uno de sus mas antiguos seguidores -Dark Master-
Dark Master said…
that a good joke. I'm excited to think that we could have a sample of AM2R. Waiting so long for this time and I find Another Mario!! jajajaja very good ... but do not spend time doing extra things, the more concentrated their time on the project, finish the game faster. As always impress with something new in every update. Congratulations!
One of his oldest fan-Dark-Master
Sorry for the bad translation, I use google translator
phenomenos said…
Best april fool's joke I've seen so far this year!
Yonathan said…
Yonathan said…
XD como pude caer :P
mirahsan2 said…
That was great, haha. I loved it! :)
Anonymous said…
hey doc, any chance u wouldn't mind releasing a mod for confrontation adding some wicked metroids, alphas and gammas so i can practice before the final release
Ken said…
I was so freakin' excited when I saw this post. That was just sadistic! I say that with a big ol' grin on my face, of course. Thanks ;)
Anonymous said…
jajajaj buena broma me brillaban los ojos cuando lo vi jaja xD que buen proyecto tienes amigo :D realmente mis respetos por tan el proyecto si tus demos son genial ya me imagino el juego juego se me hace agua la boca :F

sos groso sabelo

saludos desde guatemala
Anonymous said…
jajajaja hijo de puta!!!!! lo descargue todo emocionado el archivo jjajajaaj

(muy buena broma)

eespeo que el juego lo termines pronto, saludos Nicolas
Anonymous said…
Of all time.
Anonymous said…
Another Mario 2 Remake ^_^
It's very fun. I like the nostaglic quote ("the metroid is in another planet")

After playing, I realized the meaning of the strange notice in the post ("Please be discrete with the videos and images you might post on the net. Things are always changing in the game, and some material on this demo might be outdated soon.")

Anyway, it's a great April Fool joke C:
Janus said…
Damn you got me :(
Unknown said…
Arrrh, darn it :D And I was so excited about this :))
Nice one man!
7th Guest said…
Thanks !
JusticeforAngels said…
Haha, very funny. It would actually be nice to have a demo of, say, the first area though.
Anonymous said…
oH shit in my face how couldnt i see it cominfg D:
Anonymous said…
Love the new game. I wanted more though! lol. Mario fighting metroids sounds like fun haha
Septimus X said…
Very funny Doc.....veeeeery funny. I died a little inside today.
Anonymous said…
¿por qué doctor? ¿Por qué?
Lippi said…
and the new game concept is much better :D
Unknown said…
this is really neat exept marios left sprite goes in to walls though but not all the way

check out the metroid database something about metroid 64 and click on a link and you will laugh
youcancontactme said…
oh man.... depressing.... not funny.... but..... kinda funny
Anonymous said…
Gosh... I hate this day, really...
Zacca said…
April Fools! Good one Doc. I actually figured you were going to do another April Fools joke. Again, good one.
NFITC1 said…
Wow! The tileset is so accurate! :D I love it!! (After last year I was expecting something like this)
Anonymous said…
Is that what it sounds like when people laugh in spanish?
Anonymous said…
te matare! >:(
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
you rock! you got me, i completely forgot it was April fools today. Anyways thanks for all the hard work....iLLFaction peace bro
Zoonyboy said…
I was predicting that this was going to be an april fools but the only thing that threw me off was when the date on the post said march 31st!!!! Not that it really matters but maybe next time you could axtually do it on April 1st.
Prinny said…
You might be the most terrible person ever for this lol.
Hemse said…
I saw this coming a mile away :P hehe.
awsome April's fool! :D
Russ said…
Touche', Doc. Touche'.
asian metalhead said…
What the........ did I just get mario-rolled? XD
Andres said…
I was so excited for a moment
and then...
Anonymous said…
naa mas que decir me agrado lo que acabas de hacer llego un momento que me meto a la pagina y veo lo del demo y digo vamos mierda tendre momentos de entretencion y cuando lo descarge y vi a mario dije esta wea es lo mas xistoso ke e visto en mi vida buena adaptacion me rei bastante cuando el metroid alpha se transforma en toad XD que imaginacion slds y espero ver pronto un demo de am2r slds
Omar cinco said…
MIGUEL said…
jesus i almost got a heart attack man
doc your the greatest nice to see there's a fun side of you......

good one i cant stop laughing about how many got pranked......

keep up the great work .......

a friend a fan of a classic game being made better....
Anonymous said…
How the hell do you beat the god damn alpha metroid? I keep loosing to it for some reason! This game is way too hard! And also, will we be able to play as Mario in the final version? Coz I think that would be neat!!!
Anonymous said…
nice one.......dammit i was excited too hahaha
Mochtroid Prime said…
Dammit, why didn't I think this was a joke?

You didn't even upload it on April 1st! For me it was still March 31st!
netsendjoe said…
Best April's joke ever!
Not only was it funny, but it was also entertaining and creative.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
how about a mario mod for Confrontation or AM2R?
Unknown said…
Yes! Yes! Yes! That was awesome!
Anonymous said…
DoctorM64 I remade your Super Mod for the older version of Metroid Confrontation that it works for the newest version (2.5).
I just replaced Samus' Suit.

Here is the link to my blog:

All credits goes to DoctorM64!!!
Anonymous said…
I am Japanese.
I thought it was very good because I touched this work.
Knuxfan24 said…
I fell for this hook line & sinker.
Lulzor said…
LOL Good One :P
Anonymous said…
I was waiting so bad for this demo! Thanks a lot! I'm gonna play right now!
Anonymous said…
The second Boss is Really Tough, The Game is really unbalanced, please make it a lot easier for actual release!
Anonymous said…
Okay, now you totally have to have a cheat code in the final game to turn samus into Mario. YOU GOTTA DO IT!
Anonymous said…
You... you mother.... !

Got me. :(
Anonymous said…
awsome!!! i hope the project is going well
Unknown said…
Hello, this is MAXXEXTERMINATION, a fan of metroid, gradius, Zelda and some more series...
anyway, i am a mexican and also i love video games :P

you did a nice job in this DoctorM64
keep up the good work :D

Hola, soy MAXXEXTERMINATION,un Fande metroid, gradius, Zelda y algunas otras series...
Enfin, soy un mexicano y adoro los videos tambien :P
Hicistes un buen trabajo DoctorM64
sigue asi :D
Unknown said…
I freaking hate you so much right now...
*goes back to the tech demo*
MXSP! said…
Doctor wuajaja que manera de reirme. Estaba preparando mi control usb para jugar yá el demo xDDDD

Eric said…

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