Some progress

The last few posts weren´t so exciting regarding progress, because most of it didn´t involve features that were easily shown on images. Since now I´m working on more "graphically showable" stuff, I can share a few WIP pics with you: A maintenance passage. There will be some exciting action going on here. Testing the new color palette for the cave parts of Area 5, and a preliminary fog effect. Part of a flooded cave, outside the main part of Area 5. Most of my work was spent on the new water physics. I tried to fight an Alpha Metroid underwater, and even with HiJump and SpaceJump, it´s really frustrating. Just play Metroid: Confrontation, and try moving around under the lava, then imagine exploring half a sector of the game like that. So, instead of using direct speed multipliers for underwater, I had to make a separate set of speeds for all the states. This way, I could make the physics more like Super Metroid (it takes some time to build some speed, but you keep the mome...