Here's an album I compiled, with music that ended up in AM2R, and some tracks that didn't make it into the game. I remastered every track, and some songs sound a lot better with minor changes.
These tracks were going to be a part of the 1.2 update, but now you can enjoy them.
MP3 - MediaFire - Mega
FLAC - MediaFire - Mega
Also, it includes a bonus track from Falcool, the awesome composer who did the Area 5 songs.
Thank you very much for following this project.
These tracks were going to be a part of the 1.2 update, but now you can enjoy them.
MP3 - MediaFire - Mega
FLAC - MediaFire - Mega
Also, it includes a bonus track from Falcool, the awesome composer who did the Area 5 songs.
Thank you very much for following this project.
If you could Dr.M64
Could you send out the project files for AM2R? I really would like to look at the code for the game and the engine
I was rather against it at first, but after I read up, I urge anyone to do so in order to appreciate the original Metroid II in a whole new light, and please tell us your thoughts about it.
-Thanks a lot for all your hard and amazing work.
I saw that review, and I'm sorry, but I do not know what is wrong with that guy. Says M2 had so much stuff, yet mostly talks about the end game, complains about some minor things that I believe make no sense to complain about other than he is simply talking out of his nostalgia, even though he probably claims it isn't.
I can't remember what part of AM2R is the one he speaks of that "keeps you trapped with no save spots against a boss" part, Mainly since i really didn't have any troubles like that person did.
As for the escape part, wow what a load of bullcrap, yes, you are placed with 5HP, but if you were a bit smart, you would know that you can literally either spiderball, or just space jump along the wall you come out of to head into the safe area towards a Save Station.
I'm sorry, but this review is horrible, and it obviously shows the person is just being as bad as Pokemon 1st gen person. The way i see this game, is literally like a better successor to how Metroid 1 was remade. Having additional upgrades, additional bosses, an entire additional area running as zero suit samus. AM2R did the same in its own style, giving us better control (i do not know why the reviewer said it was almost as zero suit and fusion, when the controls are way better), additional bosses, additional areas, and some edited parts to make the areas unique.
I don't know, I don't think I'd trust the words of this person that misinforms a lot of things, and specially starts you off with "The original version was my favorite game of all time", then mention a lot of debunk-able things (what i mentioned being a few) that make the person seem a bit biased.
PS. This is from a person that has played Metroid 2 so many times, and already know all of the things the person mentioned as "omg it's telling so much without any text this game is best".
there are soooo many things i could say against it, but I'm just lazy and bad with words. But yeah, the escape part was great, and the placing wasn't bad at all, it appears the person forgot that there is literally a small escape sequence in fusion (when SA-X is destroying the metroid cloning area), and let's be fair, there WAS a point in that escape, it was a thermal plant of sorts, and you used a power bomb. The person seems to just be hating on indie devs to be honest, seeing as it's ok for Nintendo to do these constant cliche things for a game, but call it "shoehorning" when an indie does it.
Speaking of 1.2, would you at least be willing to share what you had planned for the update that we'll never receive, thanks to NintenDON'T? I still use version 1.0 because of the Gravity Suit jumping glitch that causes Samus' legs to continue to move in mid-air.
I honestly HATE that we're stuck with 1.1 & we won't get any more updates for it, at least in the forseeable future.
I, unlike many, have not been around since the beginning. I found out about you and your project shortly after the "1.41" release because I wanted to get my 5 year old son into Metroid.
I've been checking back frequently, joining along the millions of others who were eagerly awaiting the release of the final version. When it came out, my son and I sat down and played it all the way through! We thoroughly LOVED it! We have played it about 20 times all the way through so far.
We have gone through and played all of them in order from Zero Mission through Metroid Prime (MP2 and 3 were lost in a fire), and I thought that you'd like to know that his favorite one of them all is by far yours. My favorite has always been Super Metroid 3, which has been the bar by which all other Metroid games have been set against. Now, after having played your remake, this has set the Metroid standard even higher.
Anyway, as a creative type myself, I was and am truly saddened, shocked, hurt and disappointed at the way everything went down; not just because there won't be any more updates to the game (I loved what you did there with the 1.1 update, BTW), but because I know how deeply that hurts to put so much of yourself into a creative project, such as this, only to have the rug pulled out from under you. I feel for you, and I am truly sorry.
Thank you again, though for all your hard work and perseverance. It has not gone unnoticed or unappreciated.
Thank you also for being a fantastic role model! You have handled this situation better than most would have. If your fine work didn't speak of your character, the way you held yourself during the thick of it does. And while you may not be allowed to distribute the game anymore, I am very glad to see that you have been able to share the soundtrack! We love the BGM on the Metroid games, and even have several of the tracks for other games. It's nice to be able to add these wonderful tracks to add these to our game music library.
It's been a fantastic journey! Thank you again!!!
Words cannot describe the amount of appreciation I have for you and AM2R, as well as the joy of playing a game I have always wanted. Even if nothing else was done since the DMCA, I would be satisfied. Sincerely, thank you.
SON los verdaderos héroes sin capa, nintendo tubo la gran oportunidad de traer a metroid de vuelta a la gloria en su aniversario 30, y no trajo nada bueno
Increíble juego, a pesar de que esperaba la siguiente actualización con ansias, el estado en el que quedo es perfecto.
¡Muchísimas felicitaciones de mi parte Milton!
- Isaac Caudillo.
Just a suggestion.
Great work by the way. I enjoyed playing your game immensely.
We have seen that with Turrican remakes. Only the name differs in the remakes. So Factor 5 thx for your understanding and support of the fans.
And why does Nintendo have to be so unwilling ?
Anyways, thanks again Doc for all the hard work and the finished game. Hope to see work from you in the future.
I'm obsessing over the Hydro Station. Brings back memories of Super Metroid.
Thank you!
I have very little to laugh in life and this brightened up my day. A great ride and im shure i will play it for years.
Thank you very much.
I found it to be good. I did find some elements to be easier then the demos, but hard mode takes care of that.
What really is unfortunate, is that the bugs in the game won't be fixed.most are minor, but one bug did force me to restart from a save.
Hopefully, the next official side scrolling metroid title is atleast on this level. Leaving out some of the features that this title has introduced (aim lock, auto morph, logs, etc) would seem like a step back.
This isn't merely a mediocre game or a good game. It's excellent. It's better than Metroid Fusion. People don't have a concept of how hard it is to produce a game of this quality. Your work is mind-blowing.
Thank you for this game.
Undoubtedly one of the best games i've ever played
It's a shame you won't be able to improve it even more but honestly, the game is excelent in it's current state
My favorite in the series till now was fusion, but your remake managed to beat it
The music, the art, the atmosphere, everything is just perfect!
I can't thank you and you team enough for this work of art!
I will be following your next project
See you next mission!
While not a big problem, I noticed that only "32 omega metroid fight" is 16 bit sample rate.
(Other music is 24 bit)
Given that the author is named 'Leila Hann', the author is probably a 'she'. I don't agree with her opinion, but we Metroid fans in particular should be sure to address people by their gender correctly. ;)
This isn't just some general hype, with the content this game provided I actually am freaking willing to play Metroid Zero Mission and Metroid Fusion HECK EVEN SUPER METROID BECAUSE OF HOW THIS GAME ENDS! You literally want to play it according the timeline because Another Metroid 2 Remake exactly manages to fit in between Zero Mission and Super Metroid, perfect! Magnifique design and Story content mate, nice job!
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While Nintendo itself might have scoffed at it, slapping a DMCA on it, we the fans know better. Capcom took Megaman Vs Streetfighter from a fangame to a main game based on the amount of fan support for it. Sadly, Nintendo didn't get the memo. But again, us fans know better. And its almost a 100% given that we'll be playing it for years to come (especially since I'm fairly certain someone's working on a hack for it so it can be played on a 3DS).
Finally, while I know you're primarily in the music industry, I'm fairly certain there's at the very least a half dozen gaming companies that would hire you in an instant right about now after releasing both AM2R and its accompanying soundtrack.
I'll certainly be listening to it at Anime Expo, Sakuracon, and Pax Prime.
Out of curiosity, would you have made a Super Metroid remake if Nintendo actually let AM2R thrive? The work you and your team did with Metroid 2 is astounding, and seeing the same thing come to Super Metroid would be amazing.
You can certainly do so! All you really have to do is find a way to convert each .mp3 file to a .ogg file. You can use audacity or just search online for a mp3 to ogg converter!
I have never tried using these specific songs but i have put custom music in AM2R in the past (specifically a different serris theme) so it should work.
PS. Make ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that your converter uses vorbis as the compression codec.
as this is what most games that use .ogg files are programmed to read. Otherwise you will get silence instead of your music. PPS. the music you want to place in the game has to be renamed to the same name as the song you are trying to replace or else it wont work.