Balance and polish

As always, every time a new boss is added to the game, it ends up being too difficult for the average player after some playtesting. The Queen was no exception, even if she's not completely finished.
So, I'm taking some extra time to balance her, including how the attack types are distributed, and how the player can replenish resources during the fight.

Besides that, there was an overall revision of many details on all the areas. Some of the tilework that hinted at hidden areas without actually having anything there was changed. The last couple of items was added, some of them having dedicated rooms with small puzzles.
Log entries were updated to their latest revision, and the map data is pretty much finished.

We're getting closer to a complete game, and I appreciate that you followed the process all this time.


Blue Madness said…
OMG so excited!

But I have to control myself. If I get too hyped up, I won't be able to wait for the final game!
Anonymous said…
Sounds superb Doc!!! I know we'll have a game we can all be proud of, not to mention fun as heck to play. Keep up the good work Doc as always. A++++!!!!
Ezekiel Rage said…
I've been following you for a while and I LOVE what you are doing. I keep telling my friends that this is the best 2D Metroid yet^^ Keep it up and thank you for your time and effort :)
Unknown said…
¡Gran trabajo! ¡Estamos orgullosos de ti! ¡Sigue asĆ­! :D
Unknown said…
Hey doc.

I've been following this project since the beginning, and boy has it been one heck of a ride. As a coding/computing fanatic myself, I was blown away so many times by your leaps and bounds in progress regarding understanding the coding experience, I've loved seeing you evolve with this project. What you've done for the Metroid community is stunning beyond words, and you've no doubt cemented your masterpiece into the hearts of Metroid fans everywhere for decades to come. As someone who detests Metroid II, I find myself loving this even more than fusion. I just wanted to stop by and make my appreciation known. I'm glad I was born in the age when Metroid existed, and although you are not the most well known influence on the franchise as a whole, you are definitely the best we've seen in a long time.
Unknown said…
I'll estimate that by July or August the game will be finished. That's good because I look forward to it
Anonymous said…
Im so HYPE! Omg! This is the best game of 2016, im guarantee.
Anonymous said…
You shoudn't have teased us last month, I was so excited these days waitin for the release ! Haha, I could have had an heart attack :p

Be blessed for what you're doin with this game !
Unknown said…
Considering the rest of 2016 sans Pokemon looks bleak for gaming, this is definitely where my hype is directed at. We should be thanking you, Doc, for never quitting on the project. You could have just thrown in the towel at times, but you didn't.

And for that, we thank you.
Anonymous said…
Game of the year. I CAN'T WAIT. Thank you for making this game Doc.
Unknown said…
Some time ago i downloaded this game and absolutley loved it and eargly await the finished product. When i playedbefore i used a wired xbox controller with no problems. Now i want to play this again, however, this game and M:C do not recognize the controller i am using, which is a wii u pro controller connected through a mayflash adapter. Has anyone ele pointed this out to you, or have you ever tried this out yourself? I would love any possible feedback.
Goood luck on the imminent finish!
so...nothing until july? ... *sigh*... congrats on making the game im most hyped for. Im pretty sure you will deliver :)
Unknown said…
thank you doc, for all you did to make this game a success. we appreciate you and your talents.
Jokerwolf said…
I am excited, I have been following the project since before the first confrontation demo :D
Unknown said…
The more than 10 year wait for the complete game will be so worth it! Very anxious to play this game once it's complete. I have a question regarding the first release of the complete game. When you add area 5, will the next release include the Accomplishments or will it just be the raw game until further updates? I only ask because I would do all those accomplishments like the ones from Confrontation.
Unknown said…
First off, I can't wait. I've been following you and this game for years!
Secondly, what are your plans for after this is finished?
Anonymous said…
Whooo I've been a follower since the tech demo video (the one that showed off the space jump and how it could keep momentum while shooting) and I'm so happy to see that this game is nearly done!!!!

I'm looking forward to playing the finished product
Unknown said…
Man, I'm getting really excited for the next update.
Ricardo Suarez said…
Progreso del juego [///////// ] 90%? -> Balanceo de la reina metroid?
Anonymous said…
I think we should all appreciate just how much work you've put into this project over the years. Thank you so much Doc!!
Anonymous said…
Unknown said…
Oh wow!!! I just started following this game and I am extremely looking forward to this game! The lack of proper Metroid games will surely make his remake shine. Maybe in the future you will make an original IP, if that day comes, feel free to contact me, I have various plots for video games, but I just lack the proper skill to make them come to life. I can also adapt to any plots you might come up with. Good luck with the final stages of the game!
Unknown said…
I'm so hyped for this. We all know there will be nothing exciting about Metroid at E3 this year and you are making E3 2016 a lot more fun. I really feels like a new Metroid game is coming, in all its glory and it looks so good. I really love the menus, the log entries, the pacing, the gameplay, etc. it feels like a new and GOOD metroid game. I know it will be excellent. version 1.41 was amazing and it is my favorite 2d Metroid. I've played all of them and this is is BY FAR the best. I consider it an Official Metroid game because of the quality and amount of work put into it.

congrats, doc. remember I'm still available to help with the french translation.
eth said…
Awesome can't wait for full release!
Unknown said…
Could you implement an option to have Samus seamless transition from rolling in morph-ball form to running? From both a gameplay and scientific/in-world perspective it doesn't make sense for Samus to come to a complete halt when morphing. Otherwise, I have no complaints gameplay-wise.
Unknown said…
Sorry if my comments show up more than once, I didn't see them show up, so I tried a few times. Had no intention of spamming.
Anonymous said…
i've gotta be honest,i've never so hyped for a game before,Metroid is one of my favorite franchises of Nintendo,and seeing a remake of Metroid 2,made me so excited,i knew about this project thanks to DYKG,and from the pasts demos since 1.3 i've finishing the game in 1 and half hour or less in normal mode qith 100% items,i hope some extra items could be more hidden,to be a challenge for me,not for all the people but for those who wanted to finish a game with a 100%
Unknown said…
omg the hype is real
Jack said…
Excellent ! I'v tried one of the first version and i wait since then to play the whole game ! Thank you for this great remake :)
Zak said…
Hey, I have been monitoring your progress on this remake, and have watched the building up of it and even the porting to another engine. You have done an excellent job and I really hope the best for your project. It has amazing potential.
Unknown said…
Everybody just wanna know, when's gonna be a release ? JUST NEARLY !
Anonymous said…
I hate being that guy, but it's just the way it works unfortunately. I literally just discovered this project 5 days ago and I am super excited. I cannot wait for it to be done. I can only imagine what it was like for everyone either involved with or following the project for what, eight years I think I read?
Unknown said…
Wow I can't believe this project is almost done, I've been following since 2008 W.I.P screenshot watermarks :P it all started when I was about 11 and I was looking for some free metroid games I could download, I saw prime 2d, fsmr, and many more... All dead except this one and it's incredible it's still going... wow. Great job doc!
gjtfgkfgk said…
So good news the game is almos finished

Congratulations on reaching this far
MegaSeveN said…
Hard to believe it's nearly here. I've loved every demo version and can't wait to sink my teeth into the final product.
Unknown said…
I've been watching this blog since 2008 when I was 9 years old xD, and ever since it's been on my most visited pages list. Interesting to think I grew up watching the development of this game.
Unknown said…
Way to see this through to the end. It's always sad to see such promising projects like this left dead, and seeing AM2R making its way to final development makes me happy. I love the game, and I wish Nintendo could still make Metroid the way you're making it now!
Anonymous said…
Speaking of the big N, could we have an updated demo released with the current finishable game? I always worry that you're gonna get smacked with a C&D from their legal department.
Anonymous said…
Wanna know what I did up to this point?
Since the 1.41 release I payed through the game on all three modes and spiderballed across every surface in the game and spacejumped EVERYWHERE.
And it was a fun way to waste my time, but you know what?
I'm gonn do it again with the next update. But this time, I'm not going to do it to waste time.
If Nintendo mess their release up, I'll spacejump and spiderball your game and absorb the atmosphereand the design and declare for myself that AM2R is the final Metroid to be released.
So please take your time.
I'll need a proper Metroid if Federation Force fails.
All the best
Unknown said…
please please please please add android support. do it like how Undertale (written with Game Maker) is somewhat portable to android. I've tried doing it myself, but it always gets screwed up. my dream is to be able to play this game with a MOGA controller on the go. I loved the gameboy metroids mainly because they were so accessible. If you could get a port that works with a controller, nothing more, I'd be more than satisfied.
jorge said…
Wo a new Boss? Sounds interesting keep moving doc good luck wiht the final release!!!
netsendjoe said…
I know I'm not the only one who notices the timeframe of when you post your updates, and when to expect them. I just checked each day for the past few days, knowing that it was time. Thank you for always providing updates and your consistent work and dedication to your project.
Yonathan said…
OMG!!!! YA CASI ESTAMOS CERCA SOLO UN POCO MAAS!! vamos doc! tomate tu tiempo! estuvimos todos esperando muchos aƱos por esto a pesar de las caƭdas, siempre seguiste con el proyecto cuando muchos otro abandonaron!, muchas gracias tambiƩn a todos los que estƔn detrƔs del proyecto!, un largo camino eh doc?, te tendre tremendo testamento cuando llegue la hora tenlo por seguro mientras animo y haz lo que haga falta que hacer! prometo hacer un lets play o un speed run!
Anonymous said…
Excellent work there Mr. AM2R guy.
I am very much looking forward to playing this.

I've been watching this project for so long that I can hardly believe the end is in sight. I've seen lots of fan projects die for one reason or another well before this point. Congratulations on a job well (almost) done. Just from the demos and screenshots I've seen I can tell this is gonna be great!
Unknown said…
Like many on this blog I've been following your work since the early days Doc! BRAVO with the latest demo!! It got my heart pumping in the Tower more than most triple A titles in the last several years!!! Please, please, please, please, please, please have a contingency plan ready in case the big N decides to devour your work of passion! I don't trust them to do anything but devour good things like this and subject us to "Product Other Zero" - your work cannot go from zero to nothing!!!! I'm GASPING to see the end of this!

In terms of feedback, I only have two things: 1) I use an XBox 360 controller and I find the Shinespark frustrating to initiate, 2) Any way you can put an audio limiter on the "beam deflect" sound that happens when you shoot an armoured enemy with the Wave/Spazer/Plasma beam combo? It's ear-piercing!

Tons of Love,
Unknown said…
You should just make the difficulty you got now as a part of your hard mode.
Unknown said…
Literally I'm more hyped for this game than any next gen game. I've been following your work since the first demo and I have to say that is absolutelly impressive, I really want to play it now.
Samuel Goulart said…
Great work guy, we're all waiting the end, i tell all my friends about this remake of yours, and we're much excited with the final game. thanks!!
Unknown said…
Hey doc, you have put a lot of time and work into this game... and it shows! I've been following this project for three years, and i have been so excited for it! Keep up the work, doc! I cant wait for the game to be finished, this is the metroid game nintendo refuses to make but we all want!

sincerely, ReaperAF95
Bigby said…
I've been following the project for some time and I'm extremely happy that it is nearing completion. There are so many fan projects that fall by the wayside, but AM2R has soldiered on! Thank you for all the work you have done over the past years Doc.

Way to do what the big "N" wouldn't do!
Unknown said…
Thank you for all your hard work!
I hope that when Nintendo realizes the popularity of this they will actually make a proper new 2d Metroid themselves, too. But honestly, it would be difficult to make something beter than what you are doing. Incredible work. I am eagerly looking forward to play the final release. I loye your patience with this project, nothing in the game seems rushed. Good luck with finishing the game : )
Unknown said…
See a new update soon?
Guardian said…
Hey I have a question, are wireless SNES controllers compatible with AM2R?
Drew P said…
Excitement is near its peak!! This is awesome.
Marcos said…
Metroid 2 el retorno de samus,es el segundo juego lanzado de la saga Metroid, pero cronologicamente esta situado despuƩs de los acontecimientos de metroid prime 3 corruption dando a conocer el planeta de origen de los metroides y sus diversas evoluciones, sin duda un ambiente peligro y ostil en un planeta que una vez fue una colonia de los chozos el juego es una pieza clave en la saga, y aunque muchos no lo saben es uno de los juegos mƔs importantes de la saga meteoid siendo SR388 el planeta natal de los metroides y mƔs tarde nos revelarian la existencia del letal parasito x este juego es una pieza clave que deberƭa ser tomada en cuenta para los amantes de la saga ya que:

Metroid el retorno de samus no es el segundo juego de la cronologia, es el quinto juego, estando por delante de Ć©l la misiĆ³n zero y toda la saga prime...

Metroid el retorno de samus es la antesala de supermetroid, es el juego que da apertura a los acontecimientos en la legendaria Super Metroid...

Metroid el retorno de samus guarda una estrecha relaciĆ³n con los juegos metroid other M y Metroid Fusion, siendo este Ćŗltimo el juego qun nos trae el parasito X y su argumento esta totalmente enlasado a metroid 2 el retorno de samus...

En conclusiĆ³n Este juego es una pieza clave y pasarlo por alto es dejer uno de los sucesos mĆ”s relevantes de la saga metroid, de hecho todo se trata de los metroides en un universo lleno de intrigas siendo los meteoides usados al antojo tanto de los piratas como la federaciĆ³n.
wewe said…
I too am very much excited.
lurker said…
Don't you mean when it fail.
For me it already failed.
It is a complete (beyond imagining) Fck up.Samus isn't in it so IT IS NOT A METROID GAME.
Anonymous said…
@Hero of Hyrule
Any xinput and directx USB controller will work. If your wireless controller already works on your PC, it'll work. Personally I use a Mayflash Super Joy Box 5 Pro (directx PS1/2 to USB adapter), so I can use up-to four Playstation Dualshock1/2 controllers on my PC and it works perfectly with AM2R. As does my xbox360 controller, which is xinput.
Thirteen1355 said…
So, when's the release? :)
lurker said…
Another 8 years

Just joshin you.It will mostly likely be August but I'm hoping for July (my bday) 19th.
Anonymous said…
damn, it has been SO long since i checked back on this and then it looks like you are almost done! how long has it been, 4 years?
Unknown said…
It's been quite a long journey, hasn't it? I've been following this project for a few years and I'm glad to see that it's getting ever so close to being complete!

Still.. this is a pet peeve of mine, but I would like to see another entry for at least one more big hostile alien boss that isn't a machine nor a metroid, much like Arachnus whom you fought in Area 2. I like a bit of a balance variety of battles ya know?

I did mention about a boss concept designs a while back in a previous comment that could fit right in, and I actually made a sketch of it.

This is a gecko-centipede type beast with a thick layer of solid magma skin. I have not given it a name nor an attack pattern description, or even a color palette, that's for you to decide! I would be more than happy to allow you and the other members to use this concept design for this game, I don't desire to have my name in the credits anyways. Or perhaps you might consider making an original hostile alien boss yourselves! All I want is to see this fan game become the best that it can possibly be!

From Jer~
Unknown said…
Pretty much I'm donating my hostile alien boss concept design to you guys! You can do anything you want with it! :D
friends I am hyped and excited because the fact that the game's development is near to it's completion,i can not wait to be able to get the game, play continiusly and them upload the package to my OwnCloud if Nintendo does something to the project because of the fact that the Metroid licence is owned by Nintendo, waiting for the final release :)
Thirteen1355 said…
I've been following this blog not for long, but I knew this existed for about seven years. Just wasn't that interested, as the game clearly wasn't finished yet at that time. Lots of work was to be done.
Anonymous said…
It's time to show my appreciation again.

I've played through all of your demos.
And I think you excelled yourself with each one!
The game manages to maintain the aspects of a proper metroid without missing chances for improvment.

I allready lost my interesset in (modern) games.
Usually I return to my all time favorites here and there.
Judging by the demos AM2R might be in-plane with all time classics like super metroid.

You have a lot of support on this.
Don't be fooled by the number of comments.
There are a lot more people waiting eagerly for your final release.

So be confident doc !!!
Your allmost there.
Unknown said…
lord can you guys imagine the explosion the release of AM2R will cause on the internet? Jesus it could be bigger than Undertale ._.
Guardian said…
@Anonymous (replied) Alright, thank you for informing me of this. I wasn't sure if other controllers besides Xbox and PS were compatible with AM2R since it only showed a Xbox controller and I wanted to play it retro.
Freggis said…
Hey, the game crashes if you shoot the space jump torzio with a beam during the fight

lurker said…
Run it as admin.
Unknown said…
One been visiting this web page quite frequently for a looong time. The hype is real, and my body is ready.
Anonymous said…
Hang in there! So hyped for the full thing
Anonymous said…
Hey Doc, by the last 2 items, I assume you mean the screw attack and the gravity suit. I can't wait to see what puzzles you have in store for obtaining these items. Very, very cool stuff here!! Can't wait for the final release!! You deserve a well earned vacation after completing this masterpiece for all us die hard metroid fans.
Unknown said…
Fabulous, keep up the great work!
Jeweled Iris said…
wow! I have been following this project since 2012. I love how you have incorparated Metroid sounding music and themes throughout this project. I'm also eagerly awaiting the final release. I and about 9 other people are waiting to stream it
Anonymous said…
My previous theory about this and Nintendo's involvement will be correct, I'm 100% sure of it. No, it's not me trying to convince myself that you're immune to cease and dissist orders, but I guarantee you, and everyone else who reads this, that Nintendo are definitely aware that this exists, they've played it themselves, and are aware of the feedback you're getting from people, otherwise a cease and dissist order would've made it's way into your hands long ago, along with the other Metroid 2 remakes.

From a business stand-point, I can more than imagine that Nintendo are sitting on this, waiting for it to be finished, so that they can buy it off you Doc, because realistically, what they'll pay you for it is nothing in comparison to how much they would spend making it themselves. Not only that, but they have a brand spankin', shiny new Metroid game to release under their name, and market to the people who don't know about this yet.

Doc, I'm telling you now, you'll be a rich man once this is done, (you don't know me from a bar of soap, but,) trust me.

God-speed my friend. You're almost home.
FireHawkX said…
I really cant wait to play this full version with my wife when it come out!! :) Thanks for the absolutely amazing awesome work there!! :)
Supercyzer said…
I am more hyped about this fan project then any other tripple A title that has been announced this year. I think Nintendo owes you a job as chief game designer.
Unknown said…
Can't wait till it's done.
Been following this for a long time now and seen many fan games and remakes start up ambitious and willing but die off sooner or later.
This project, and your dedication, is really admirable and quite honestly it's inspiring.
Keep up the amazing work!
maharito said…
As a long-time fan of Megaman (a game with no shortage of fanworks), I'm proud to say that this is the retro game project I've been looking forward to the most. Metroid II is a bit too inaccessible to the newer generation, so many of them are missing out on a critical part of Samus' lore. But...this is a form that could be shared with the world and enjoyed.
Anonymous said…

You did a great job!!! Thanks
Unknown said…
Such a great job Doc ;). Can't wait for the final release
Ray said…
Played through already and I think you've done an extremely superb job! I'm just dreading the possibility of C& friend said that they usually send those out once fan projects are officially finished projects, so I might advise not making a huge deal when it's completed, because I'd hate to see the game shut down after it's done! :/
Bluestorm83 said…
Nah, a C&D happens before it's finished. Remember, this is the Internet. NOTHING on the internet ever truly goes away, so if a finished product is put out there, it'll never go away.
Ridley12 said…
That's great to hear! Can't believe it's almost finished after all this time!
Jack said…
I'm getting real pissed. I downloaded the latest version of the demo, and i try to make a save file on hard difficulty. It works for about 2 seconds. If i try to save at the first available room, it crashes. Sometimes it does work, but any time after that (at any other save station)results in crashing, and the whole file is wiped. I've tried saving and then quitting, and the file is still wiped. I've already completed the entire demo, but that file also has a random ass glitch. Again, I start a Hard file, try to save, and crash. After booting up the save file, morph ball is disabled and power grip disappears. It hasn't crashed while saving after the power grip glitch. It still has crashed, though. During the space jump torzio fight, when I had run out of missiles, i tried using a regular shot. It gave an error message and instantly crashed, and said something about hitbox 351 being undefined or invalid. Seriously, this would be a 10/10 game if i could get past a single save station on hard WITH the power grip.
Unknown said…
been following this for only a fraction of the years you've been working on it, but I am so glad I found it! The Hype train is extremely real! I don't understand why Nintendo didn't make this themselves and take advantage of a remake that would make them so much cash! If only the father of Metroid had realized the cash cow that could've been Metroid 2: Return of Samus HD Remake. (or no HD, idc either way) I just love your work man, it's great! I've only played a little bit of the GBA M2 anyways.
Unknown said…
OMG just started playing tonight, had to play off the Wine program on my Mac, but yea this game is such a masterpiece in the making. you're doing samus aran proud! Wish i had the means or the experience to contribute somehow, but you have all my support. Keep up the extraordinary work!
Unknown said…
netsendjoe said…
Hey Doc. I got to thinking. What is to say that the Queen couldn't have electrical and acid attacks and well as the ability of flight. It seems strange that the metroid evolution removes previous traits. I would be all for an all out brawl after we think we've defeated the queen, she brings down the house and uses the rest of her abilities as a last resort option (ala Super Metroid, escape sequence optional). The original queen fight was somewhat of a disappointment to me in the original Metroid 2 because once you knew the secret, it was way too easy because at that point you had found enough power-ups, luckily some are more discrete in yours.
Unknown said…
I've been following the progress of this project for so long, and it's such a strange feeling to know that it's almost here. It's surreal. I'm excited for the finished game, but it's been such a joy following and anticipating your updates, and I'll miss that feeling. I'll also miss your annual April Fools Day jokes. I always enjoyed those. Thanks for the journey, Doc.
Anonymous said…
Dig it. Can't wait to see this finished. I played the last installment right through. It was awesome.

~Anonymous Viewer~
Anonymous said…
im waiting so much this game . U real coom man !
Anonymous said…
This is great! Been following this on and off for years, Doc, you're awesome man!
Bukara said…
Is there any way for me to bring my save over from an older beta I played through to the current beta available so I can just start where I left off?
Anonymous said…
read this post a while back, but i always come back to read new comments and thought i might say a few words
ive said many times ive been following this for about 8-9 years and know its nearly over i dont know what im going to do with myself each start of the month. i always wanted a remake of metroid 2 as nintendo should of made it after zero mission, but to be fair, doc you have surpassed what nintendo could have done...its going to be sad to not check the updates any more. hopefully you will still work on confrontation.
i cant wait for the the game to be finished as i will be posting speed runs but another thing i am looking forward to is the queen and the medals
thank you so much for this great game to complete the saga
all the best.
Unknown said…
no se si hablas espaƱol...pero admiro tu gran trabajo y quiero darte las gracias en traernos este hermoso juego:) amo metroid y se que pones todo tu amor en este juego.
Antonio said…
I discovered your project some years ago, and I always thought is was promicing, but I am not the kind who likes to see thinks little by little, but once in a while I went to the site to see the updates. And now the you are finially getting to the end, I am really looking forward to play it complete. And I believe, for what I saw, that you did an awsome job in this game. This is how you show Nintendo how to make a remake in a game that really deserves.
Unknown said…
Hey, DoctorM64. I would love it if you made a Facebook page so I and others can keep up with your game and updates. It's a bit difficult to remember checking back on your page to see if you have posted an update because mainly I forget about the game... What reminded me to check on your page are the files of the game that I have. So if you make a Facebook page we'll be notified when you have posted an update and keeping us excited to see more. Please consider making a Facebook page, and thank you in advance.
Unknown said…
I hope Nintendo never finds out about this.
FierceDeityIsOP said…
This game is going to be fantastic!
Unknown said…
I have been following this project from the beginning and been checking all the updates you have made in here!
I hope that this project will be completed this year!!
Anonymous said…
I can't wait to see power bombs going off within the Queens stomach, and samus being hurled up. Hopefully we'll get the finished game in July. Keep up the good work doc!!
PorkHat said…
It's been a long patient wait, but so glad to see you've come through the other side!

Cannot wait to play through the entire game. Congrats and thanks.
ppowersteef said…
You havn't let me down on this project, This is surely a Metroid-Masterpiece.

Thank you for developing this amazing game. I'm really gonna enjoy the final results, for sure!
Ricardo Suarez said…
Encontre un pequeƱo problema con los controles y es que en la configuracion de joypad no hay forma de poner los movimientos con el digital pad de X Control y solo estan los del joystick..Podrias arreglar eso por favor?
Anonymous said…
Now I check everyday for an update on the release. Followed your progress for years. Many thanks, you are the best :D
I promise i will Dedicate an article for you at when you finish it.
Anonymous said…
Hey if you get too excited, just take a dose of downer by watching Metroid Prime: Federation Force videos on YouTube! :D
Maugili said…
A really pro job I can't wait for the release day :D!!! Congratulations!!!!
Unknown said…
Yeah baby!!!! I'm so damn hype!!!!
Unknown said…
Long time follower, first time commenter... this looks amazing and I can't wait for the final product!!!
Unknown said…
pleeeeasseee release it ... today :)
Unknown said…
very very excited and thankful for all your hard work and passion! It really shows
Anonymous said…
I've always liked metroid 2, every time you beat the fixed number of metroids in an area the planet shakes. This is awesome, especially with a 360 controller, the vibration. On a scale of 1-to 10, this is a 20 all the way doc!!!! Maybe, you could consider a castlevania 3 nes remake after you're done with this masterpiece. A+++++++!!
Kyle said…
Something that is very confusing about the Metroid Series Nintendo never straightened out.

I love this song here and tried to search for remakes of it bit when I search for remakes people keep changing the name and really mean this song here I don't want that song but it keeps cropping up.

They keep changing the names of the Tallon overworld to the point I'm beyond confused.
Anonymous said…
Doc m64, you've done an excellent job with this remake. A person from an earlier post said Nintendo could consider buying this from you when you're finished, and that wouldn't surprise me if they did. Even when samus is standing still, you have the two animations happening, similar to snk's metal slug series. Nintendo doesn't even have still animations for fusion or metroid zero mission. Can't wait for this masterpiece to be finished, you've surpassed Nintendo in every way Doc. Much praise!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
i have been following this project for about 4 years now... I WANNA PLAAAAY!!!!! hahaha
Unknown said…
i am not one for fan made games and what not. they tend to be just rom hacks with little effort put in.

by mere chance i stumbled onto this site and this demo (1.41)

I am a Hardcore Classic gamer and the thought of a M2 remake has been in the back of
my head since the canceled Metroid 2 DX for the GBC.

I am also a complitionist and avid game researcher. after a raw normal mode play through of your game, i went around and got the Older Demo Patches and played them as well.

as i dove into each play and studied everything that you added/changed. i saw something you don't see in fan games. an Original feel. Sure this remake is not made
by nintendo, sure its a fan game. but it was the small things that really got me.

This Demo, this game, if finished will stand out as one of the best made games out there. some names that come to mind after saying that are: Cave Story and Undertale.

even if this wasnt a remake, your skill in creating this game, shows that you are
passionate and able.

this game needs to be finished. it needs to be playable from start to end.

Do not give up, do not give in. YOU CAN DO IT!!
Anonymous said…
toham said…
Waited for this for ages!
Can't believe you're almost done!
Thank you so so so much!!!
Anonymous said…
Just wondered for an added touch,when you drop down into the queens lair, will she break out of a huge, standard metroid cocoon? That would be awesome! Either way this fight will be epic all the way.A+++++++++++++++!!!!
Anonymous said…
I'm so excited for this game to come out. Metroid Confrontation was awesome and I can't wait to play this one. Great job man!
bEavEr said…
Really great to see that this is comming to an end. When its good like the demos - this would be epic! On one older demo there was a 3D Option I remember - for smoother sprites and a little work for the gfx-chips. Hope this is in the final produkt too (on modern systems with big screens are pixels uncommon ;)
Bye the way BIG THX for the great work!
scenicazeroth said…
Utterly thrilled you're on the home stretch with this project. Each demo became better and better, and you're so close now. You're doing Metroid fans a great service and wonderful homage to such an overlooked entry in the game series. Thank you and keep on coding!
Unknown said…
He estado esperando este juego desde hace bastante tiempo. Las demos estan increibles, ya no puedo esperar para ver el final... casi cada semana checo el blog para ver si han habido avances. Sigue haciendo un gran trabajo, se que hay mucha gente que lo agradece. Felicidades!
Thirteen1355 said…
The Queen has been a Queen for a long time (otherwise she wouldn't be able to 'create' the other Metroids), so she can't be in a cocoon when you arrive at her lair.
Anonymous said…
Hopefully this game will be complete in this next update,if not keep up the good work,really like the game a lot since i grew up with metroids since Super Metroid,again thank you for the extra effort in making this flawless as possible,thanks.
Anonymous said…
Kinda figured about her not busting out of a cocoon, it would be cool if when you dropped down, she'd bust through a wall and start attacking though
Anonymous said…
monthly update soon?
Thirteen1355 said…
That's an idea (the bursting through wall thing).
JimmyTheCricket said…
Why balance the queen for the average player? Your audience of players are going to be experienced with Metroid, smart because they're in the computer culture, and skilled gamers because they're looking for new challenges. I want the queen to be a tough fight
Unknown said…
can't wait any longer... :) pleeassssee release it :)
let this month be the top month of 2016!!
Ricardo Suarez said…
Update del mes? : Mas balanceo y pulir mas cosas supongo?
Anonymous said…
I wonder if we'll have one more sub boss fight before we take on the last 6 metroids! Can't wait until the release, hopefully this month will be it!! You're the number one coder in the business doc, excellent work!
Anonymous said…
I recently heard about this project and immediately played the demo. It was SO GOOD, felt so natural and professional and were a lot of fun.

The soundtrack, the graphics, the gameplay and the unexpecting thing which were not in the original.... PERFECT! Maaan u got this; those boss fight were so fun, challenging and satisfying!

I heard a lot of complains for Zeta Metroids tho on hard mode. They seem to be OP. But I only played on normal mode so far.

Now I have been wondering... the demo ends after the escape from "magmoor cave".
Is there a new demo out there? Cause so many people are talking about the Queen in the comments...
toham said…
Checking everyday for the monthly update can't wait *_*
Anonymous said…
Only demo 1.41 is out so far, basically you can go past to the end of the demo, or choose to get the power bombs via the escape sequence. It's up to you.Also tester boss is optional to get through the demo, but is advised to defeat for the plasma rounds.
Thirteen1355 said…

You've got Hard mode for that.
Anonymous said…
I've been following this project for a while, and I must say it feels so smooth and fluent. You know a cool touch would be if you power bombed the Queen in the stomach so many times and she appeared to be dead, then her head detached from her body and started attacking you, doing the zeta style green vomiting! But I know we'll all be proud with what you come up with doc!! Thanks for this grand masterpiece!!!
Thadeus said…
Por ser grafista pejigas, las animaciones del personaje son muy bruscas, no le estais metiendo el mismo tiempo que en el de gba y da una sensaciĆ³n de movimiento poco natural, vosotros vereis, de todas formas... ¡un proyecto genial y estoy esperando con ganas a la version final!
Unknown said…
I´m just arriving from Cuba and the first site I´ve visited was this one , I see , the Project is almost finished and I can´t describe how happy I´m right now
Anonymous said…
Guys,guys as I said in another post, the site "up to down" has a nes Ghostbusters remake and a nes castlevania 2 remake out. How come Nintendo has not c&d'd those projects? Let's stop stressing over this pllleeaaassee!! It'll make it out!! Have faith!!!
Anonymous said…
Lol i stumbled on this by pure luck on gamefaqs,theirs people excited for the game talking about it over there. Im glad i found out when its close to release,didnt have to deal with months of suspense. Excited as hell
Unknown said…
Dawn of the Final Day

24 Hours remaining
Thirteen1355 said…
Majora's Mask hype!

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