
I started the last stretch of music production. Music is something I usually leave behind priority wise, compared to other duties.
The later parts of the game have the coolest songs in the original, it'll be a nice challenge to remake those songs and keep the tense atmosphere.

Also, I received help from a very talented composer for the original Area 5 song. Composing over Skype was a pretty interesting experience, quite different from other collaborations.

The Omegas are looking pretty good now, even if they are still missing a couple more frames. Making revisions to eliminate cheapness and exploits is very time consuming.
We're getting closer to the end.


MadDarmani97 said…
Keep up the good work. I can't wait until the final release of this masterful remake :)
Unknown said…
EEE~! Exciting stuff! Considering I've not played the original game, it'll all be new to me, so I'm really looking forward to the new music. Keep up the good work as always Doc! ^^
Unknown said…
ha ha! i am so excited waaa when can we play! you know if you can finished this and get it out you'll be a legend forever in time right? pressure...
Unknown said…
Can't wait for the next demo :D. i want to hear the area 5 song
Andrew said…
I can't wait to hear the remade tracks!
Unknown said…
As far as I'm concerned, you're already a legend Doc. The end is near but this is a good end ;). Music is CRUCIAL for Metroid games. They add the ambiance and the tense situations as well as the calm, lonely ones. I hope you've got good composers picked out. As always keep up the excellent work.
AlexR22 said…
Zanak said…
I'm very much looking forward to this. From what I've heard in the original game, the songs in the later parts of the game are really just ambience music. I'm interested to see what you're going to do with it. The music has been awesome so far, a real remaster. Far better than the original.
purplecowadoom said…
Awesome! I always love it when a great game has great music to go with it. Your covers of the soundtrack have been really good.

I will say I've been going back and forth about whether or not I like the fact that you swapped a lot of the tracks that are mostly just blip-bloops for covers of music from other games. On the one hand, most of Metroid 2's soundtrack is terrible and your covers are great. On the other hand, ambient music that still hits all the same blip-bloops might make the tone you've set for the game all the more frightening.
Anonymous said…
You sir, are truly a god.
Anonymous said…
I've been checking the RSS feed several times a day for months now. The wait is killing me!

Unknown said…
You have no idea how excited I am to play the finished game. Keep up the amazing work!
wmafranz said…
OHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEOUUUUUUUU!!!! I'm so hyped! I can't wait to hear the tracks, and can't wait to see whats in store for the Omegas! This is going to be one of the best remakes ever!
Unknown said…
Yes, this is good. Awesome. You can do it, Doc. All the ones that may not talk, we believe in you. Please, believe us, the ones that by chance and perhaps by laziness, or some sense of their own trust, that we may not comment on every update you take the time to bring to us, we solemnly await and understand anything that may happen to this great project. Whether good or bad. We are grateful for your hard work, and all the others that lent their generous help to you. We'll see this through to the end. All the pressures, all the good and the bad. We'll pull through, one way or the other, yeah?

This is it.
AntZilla3000 said…
It is good to see progress being made
Zamuz said…
Excelente noticia, espero que la música sea tan genial como va hasta ahorita, tengo en mi celular la carpeta de música de am2r y la escucho seguido cuando voy manejando imaginándome que voy por las zonas de sr388 xD Hechale ganas y tienes mi apoyo desde Mexicali, Baja California México!!.
Anonymous said…
I can't wait for the release! I believe I can trust you when you say that the tracks are gonna be great I'm so impatient!
Keep up the good work! :)
Anonymous said…
Ahh...cant wait!
Blue Madness said…
"We're getting closer to the end."

This makes me moist.
Unknown said…
keep on the good work. If you could know how many times I talked with my collegues how this game should be Nintendo official on 3ds or wii u and nintendo should pay you a f*ucking lot of money because they don't seem to know how to handle Metroid properly.

And you do. so. really great man. I seriously had the best time, videogameing wise, in YEARS. your work is really incredible. Best metroid, imo.
Samuraikill said…
Awesome man :) I've been following since the beginning, so I'm very excited to see you complete this game.
The7thGuest said…
So cool, cant wait :)
Anonymous said…
so there WILL be an original soundtrack?
Unknown said…
Doc..... you are amazing I have not been here as long as most people but I always come back everyday to see the work you have made and all I can say is that you are a legend and it would be nice if you could tell us what you are going to do after the project is finished. I would guess a very long break but maybe you could add a secret area after your break if you felt like it but anyways love your work its awesome have a nice day.
Unknown said…
Keeps getting on greater DoctoerM64 best creator ever
Ricardo Suarez said…
Sugiero que el proximo update del juego sea ya el juego completo comprendes? ya que solo falta esta area..y bueno ya porque el nido de la reina ya esta completa segun el post "Xinput and progress" :D
Anonymous said…
"We're getting closer to the end." After 7 years of following your project you can´t believe the joy this produces to me
Unknown said…
For the annual April Fools joke, Doc should post the one thing we all fear: that Nintendo sent a C&D, and he has to stop making this great game. Then, the next day, after everyone panics, release either a new demo or the full release. But, as for a full release, I have a sneaking suspicion he's saving that for the NFGC (Nintendo Fan Game Convention) later this year, which, if he does, will steal the show. Keep it up, looking forward to playing the entire game!
Anonymous said…
I can't wait! So excited for this game.
Anonymous said…
how can there be a nintendo fan game convention if nintendo doesn't approve of people making games of their property?
Anonymous said…
anyway we could get a sample of the new area music or do we have to wait :3?
Unknown said…
When this game is done Doc, you'll be a living legend as the man who outdid Nintendo by himself for free. We'll make sure of it
Unknown said…
Doc, seriously, I have a very high end 8 core/3GHz Mac Pro with 32GB RAM, and a secondary Pro with another 32GB RAM and 8 core 2.33GHz- I will gladly build and test a Mac version of this for you so you can support all three platforms- please contact me at I also have 2x iMac 21’3” dual core 2.66GHz and 1x iMac 17” dual core 1.66GHz, and 1x Mac Mini dual core 1.66GHz, a broad range of machines with varying RAM/GPU for testing.
Unknown said…
Hey doc, I know it would be kind of out of place and wouldn't really do justice to the atmosphere, but how sick would it be to put Metroid Metal's M2Q in the Metroid Queen fight? xD
Unknown said…
Hey doc, I've been following this project pretty closely for a long while now. I appreciate everything you're doing with this, and I can't wait to see the next release! To this end, should you ever need help with the musical side of the project, I am a published composer and would love to help out in any way you need!
~Luke Aran
jorge said…
good idea keep it up doc!! i wait for the final release good luck
Craig said…
I will gladly port this game to my Hewlett Packard 486 SX/25. My friend's brother has a DX/66 which is sooo much faster, so I'm sure he could let me test it on that too. All we need to do is compress the game so it doesn't need too many floppy disks. Than again, I have a lot of AOL disks, so I can probably use those. Contact me!!!
Unknown said…
Can you elaborate on your composing over Skype with someone, please.
zachThePerson said…
I would have a doctor check that out
Unknown said…
So excited about this... been watching the progress for some time. Good luck and look forward to the finish!
Unknown said…
You should keep posting to keep us up to date.
Doing Great. I don't know if you've started working on the music for the area right before the queen metroid, but if you haven't, I would do something like one of the eerie atmospheric tracks from other m. (I know this is a bad metroid game, but what it lacks in iconic tracks, it somewhat makes up for with really good atmospheric music.)
Unknown said…
"We're getting closer to the end"
I wait a lot of years to hear that, its so exciting
tim said…
Holy crap. You are da man. everyone who helped thank you. all involved "gangsta"
Loving the progress. I hope you understand how epic this is. the world over shall sing praises of your great deeds. I myself will write a mini metroid ep hip hop disc in honor of this game. So happy you are you. so happy the world is turning. We love you. you is da man.
Aaron Diehl said…

You've done an amazing job with the music so far! The way you've managed to remix the main tunnel theme to give it a more serious feel without removing the catchiness is mind blowing. Its always a treat hearing a song from another game in the series remixed to fit into Metroid 2 (my personal favorite is the Tower)!

I wish you all the luck in the world in finishing the project! You are giving classic Metroid fans hope for the future!
Unknown said…
This game is coming along so nicely, I just wonder what his plans are after this. Maybe a Super-Metroid remake. Now that, with AM2R, would be a dream come true.
Unknown said…
Does that mean that the next update is coming out soon? (Please say yes! Please please say yes!)
Anonymous said…
I just discovered this project and i have to say that is quite interesting, i hope it gets finished soon.
Unknown said…
I am of course very late with this. But I'd like to help you out with the music. I'm mostly interested in producing so I could help you out with complete production or creating midi-instruments if you're working on that basis.
Unknown said…
I have been checking on this project since 2009, I remember the first version I played, and I remember wanting more after I finished it. I decided to check up on it last year around the end of March and was excited to play more of the game. You've done a really awesome job, and the project has come along way. I can't wait to play the full game.
Unknown said…
I found this project in 2009, and I remember thinking it was awesome. Then last year I checked on it again, and really enjoyed playing through it. I was bummed that I couldn't finish the game yet, and eventually I forgot about it. Well here I am again, and I am excited to see that you are getting closer to completion. You've done awesome work at reviving a game that I enjoyed as a kid, and I eagerly await the finished project. Great job!
Unknown said…
You're a fucking pro. Props for seeing this through to the end, and doing an awesome job while doing such. At this point, just "another" M2 remake doesn't do this project justice.
Ahndray said…
Hopefully, a new updated will be released very soon. My patience grows thin and my excitement goes all overboard :D
Unknown said…
I'm so hyped for this to be finished. Very good job with this game!
Unknown said…
It would be cool if you can make an alternate ending if you defeat the queen without super missles and making that a huge challenge.

The game is amazing
Anthony Sansone said…
I've been following you since the beginning. It's no small feat what you're about to finally finish, and all of your fellow metroid fans are proud of the work you've done. I think when you're fan project has fans more excited about the next official release (fed. force ¬_¬), it's a sign that you've done something amazing. I've played several of your demos over the years...and this is going to be quite the treat. Thank you so much for your commitment and passion.
Ben Stagl said…
Can't wait to see the Omega's and Mother
Unknown said…
Seguro que el soundtrack será grandioso. ¡Animo! :D
Sir_Poeta said…
Es algo magnifico que tenga ayuda para componer la música de los sectores, como bien yo escribí en el pasado yo soy creyente de que debería cambiarse los últimos dos temas, los que fueron directamente copiados de la música de Super Metroid (Norfain Lower), ese tema fue compuesto por Nintendo con fin de dar aspecto terrorífico a la zona, y él no sirve para poderse remasterizar a nivel tecno-dance o mucho más. La verdad yo me impresioné demasiado al escuchar la música de los anteriores sectores que los demos ofrecían, pero al encontrarme con los dos últimos quedé profundamente decepcionado, la verdad yo quizás esperaba un poco más de originalidad, algo basada en el juego original conjunto a la improvisación excelente que ha tenido por su experiencia en los metroid prime's, que aunque no tienen gran relevancia en la historia verdadera ellos tienen gran música OST, de la que se puede rescatar para futuros temas que pueden acompañar a los sectores del proyecto.
Yo soy conocedor de que este concejo no será tomado en cuenta, pero yo no perdía nada con decirlo. Yo sigo este proyecto desde sus inicios, y quiero lo mismo que todos, que quede lo más genial posible.
Saludos y muchas gracias por las buenas nuevas.
Ricardo Suarez said…
Sir poeta pues Si bien no te gusta el soundtrack que compone el doc pues..Sientete libre de modificar los archivos de musica para poner un soundtrack que se ajuste a tus gustos ^-^
Bisca said…
It's the 30th Metroid anniversary gift that everyone deserves.

Welcome to the hype train!
Unknown said…
this game should be renamed to THE metroid 2 remake
Unknown said…
I follow you since the beggining. And that final sentence gave me chills, i mean..It's been..Yeah, 2 years i think, that i'm following your project, waiting to see every month the next update of the game and..It's almost the end. The final game is near. I can't wait. Thank you for your hard work. You're the savior of the Metroid franchise. You should really work at Nintendo. You're the best, keep up the good work.
(Also, sorry for my english, i'm french.)
Unknown said…
I don't know how much you get this, but this has to be said. This project is one of, if not the greatest remake of a classic game ever. You know exactly what to keep from the old game, what to change for the better, and how to make this live up to the other games in the franchise. You deserve to work at Nintendo and take over production of all Metroid games in the future. I'm dead serious. You took a mediocre gameboy game (in my opinion), saw the potential and made one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had. In fact, this is my second favorite Metroid game only behind Prime (sorry but that game is literally too good). If you do end up reading this, first of all sorry for wasting your time. And secondly, thank you for this experience.
Guru said…
The magic of my childhood... almost completely remastered... <3

I can't wait to especially hear the redone version of the song right before the queen. Ooooh. :D
Anton said…
I have followed your project for a couple of years, returning every few months or so. I only tested one of the earlier alphas, but realized that this will be something really special if you kept working on it. So I did not try any more alphas or betas. I don´t want to spoil the experience of playing the real deal.
I love Metroid Zero Mission and Metroid Fusion, and never played Metroid II. So this is something I have been looking forward to for some years.
I am deeply impressed of what you have accomplished. Keep up the good work!
I, as a big fan of the Metroid franchise, am deeply grateful that you have put your soul into this project to bring us a modern version of Metroid II.
Thank you.
Unknown said…
Question are you going to remake the music when you kill a metroid?
Unknown said…
Can't wait for balls are salivating:)
Anonymous said…
why is it when i play the demo ever 5 minutes it crashes my whole laptop and i have to turn it back on?

if anyone has that trouble i suggest ya patch that

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