
A couple weeks ago, the testing phase began for Area 5.
During the process, a lot already changed. Many rooms were improved with extra tile work, access to certain areas and the overall flow of the entire place was revised.
There was a fair amount of new bugs, caused by the new mechanics developed for the area, and they're being fixed as soon as they are discovered.

Every time I introduce a boss to the testing team, it's a process of nerfing it down until it's easy enough to decypher, but tough enough to pose a challenge. The starting version of each boss is usually very hard, being myself the only one that can predict its movemet.
As of today, not even I can beat the area 5 miniboss without taking serious damage. There's still a lot of room for improvement, the fight is still far from feeling fair.

At this pace, development will shift to the final areas pretty soon, bringing us closer to the finished game.

I want to thank all the people who volunteered to translate AM2R in their native language. I'll contact all of you when the game is closer to release, so we can coordinate the localization efforts.


It's truly inspiring the work ethic you have, the time you give, and the passion you have for the medium. I literally can't wait till it's release.
Unknown said…
¡Mucho animo! Ya no queda nada. Que ganas de jugarlo. :P
Anonymous said…
Crijtooooo!!! Ya casi en su final! Mucho animo Doc! :D
creXALBO said…
Glad to hear all is going smoothly! You're almost there, Doc :)
Unknown said…
Great work on the project. I've got all three saves on mine complete at 100% with each save being a different difficulty. Cant wait for the final release. Keep up the good work.
Unknown said…
Nice work on the game Doc. I cant wait for the final release. I have all of my saves at 100% with each save being a different difficulty. I can play this game over and over and not get bored. Keep up the good work. Cant wait :)
Anonymous said…
I'm struggling to wait! The demo felt more like a real Metroid game than anything that's come from Nintendo since Prime 2... Can't wait to stare down with the Queen!
Unknown said…
I want to translate AM2R to my native language, how can I do that?
Unknown said…
Sweet, cant wait. When the next demo comes out will we be able to use our current save files or do we need to reset? There is one missile tank i really dont want to get again ;-;
Unknown said…
esperando ansiosamente!ótimo trabalho!
Unknown said…
From someone who has been playing the game since I could talk: as far as I'm concerned, considering what trash Nintendo is currently releasing, your game deserves a spot with all of the game's actual releases. I have enjoyed this more than some of the games in the actual series. Keep up the fantastic work. :)

A Fan
Johnny Oak said…
Hey guy, I don't know how else to contact you, if you haven't got a portuguese (european) translator, I've been thinking about taking up the challenge. Hit me a line back if you're interested.
Yonathan said…
Genial Doc!! cuanto tiempo ya ha pasado eh?, ya casi cerca de la meta FINAL!!, un largo camino recorrido con mucho esfuerzo y dedicacion, asi como todos aqui esperamos con ansias mas noticias respecto a como sera el producto final!, muy buen trabajos a todos los que estan detras del proyecto, nos vemos luego doc, tal vez no tenga oportunidad luego pero espero pases este Diciembre de lo mejor! y a todos igual!
LogicalPoop said…
Been playing this since v1.1 and I'd have to say, this is one of the best Metroid games I have experienced. I am excited to see its final release, I do 100% speed runs everytime a new update is out and a huge supporter of this game. If any of you guys would like to check out my runs, search my name on youtube :) Tyvm Drm64, keep up the good work
Unknown said…
ive always wanted to face the queen metroid in am2r im pretty sure shes gonna be tough but its ok ive lasted hard mode so facing the queen on hard mode will be a challenge. keep up the good work doc :).
Unknown said…
It's almost that time Doc. Your hard work and motivation are going to pay off really soon :)
MadDarmani97 said…
Hi, do you have a Swedish translation yet?
If not, then i'd be happy to provide you with one.
Is there a textfile with all english dialog/text that you could send me?
Happy if I could be of use //MadDarmani97
netsendjoe said…
I can't wait to face off with the Queen Metroid. I feel like she should do something completely unexpected. Like you almost have her defeated but then she could smash apart the entire chamber and start using a different attack. I remember the original battle was fairly easy if you had collected enough of the energy tanks and missiles. Maybe it could be something exclusive to the hard difficulty mode.
Love hearing about the progress, long time follower (6 years)
Blue Madness said…
"bringing us closer to the finished game."

Dude. You just made my week, just by writing that.
Mark P said…
I've been following you the entire duration of this project, and I don't really have any words to give. You are your own motivation, and the last beta I had a chance to play was unbelievable. I wish I knew what you knew about game development!
Samuspro64 said…
Keep up the amazing work Doc, have a good week
Unknown said…
Doc, while you're reading this to approve my commentary, i want to ask you something do you already have a portuguese (brazilian) translator? If not, you can talk with me. My email is jvpicanco12@gmail.com. Thanks for reading this.
Unknown said…
I'll do my best for a french translation if you want.
deZpe said…
And i will do the German one if you want to have it. Your work is stunning. I would love to be a very small part of it.
Unknown said…
Super excited for the next release!!! Can't wait!
Unknown said…
I'd like to translate the Spanish version if you want! I love your game so far
Unknown said…
Hey Doc, It would be great honour and pleasure for me to translate your game into Czech language
Unknown said…
Glad to see the game being almost finished
Anonymous said…
you're doing what Nintendon't with this project. I've been playing Ori and the Blind Forest and it is beginning to enrage me that Nintendo hasn't made new Metroid content in almost a decade. I'm glad I have AM2R to look forward to. Thank you for working so hard on this project, what I have played so far is so professional it is impossible to tell that it is not an official Nintendo title.
LC said…
I'm still thankful for your effort in making this glorious game. Thank you. Truly.
Unknown said…
I just stumbled across the "To be continued" screen in version 1.34. I don't know what more 1.41 has yet, so I'll wait till the next release. I so cannot wait for the final version!
Thirteen1355 said…
Wonderful, just wonderful!
sharpman5000 said…
Thank you for all the hard work you and whoever else might be helping you for this project!

You're literally doing God's work ~

If the going get's rough, keep your head held high and remember how far you've come with everything, including this!

Ahndray said…
I can't wait to simply explore the new areas in the next update. More importantly, keep up the great job!
x said…
Which languages are already translated?
Unknown said…
Been following this game for only 2 months, but I'm hooked! Thank you (Doc and all others) for all of your efforts you're putting into this project. Looking forward to the final release!
Anonymous said…
Why don't machines freeze with the ice beam? That kinda eliminates the whole point of the ice beam?
Anonymous said…
Can't wait, can't wait, can't wait
Dan G said…

I really appreciate your hard work! This project is absolutely fantastic! Can't wait to play the next demo.
As a hardcore metroid fan, I would like to contribute something to this project. If you need any help with a German translation, I am a teacher from Germany who would gladly assist in translating the whole thing!
AntZilla3000 said…
Same issue but i didnt worry about freezing them, i charge shot the machines when i had the plasma-spazer-wave combo active. The ice beam was only useful form me for hitting the organic foes. Like those spinning saw wall creatures. By the way doc love the game.
Unknown said…
Awesome work man...Nintendo as a company can't get their heads out of their asses to do something like this.
Ricardo Suarez said…
¡Recta final Doc! Sigue asi.
Anonymous said…
Heya Doc, Amazing work! Something to think about would be an easter egg where you leave a mode where you can fight those bosses in their original difficulties. It sounds like that would be a ton of fun to run against them.
SMGA4 said…
NICE WORK! Use supermariogaming4@yahoo.com to let me know when it is finished. I've been waiting for this!
MaskedManClaus said…
Wow, I can't say I have been more excited for any other fan-made game (except maybe Mother 3, but that was just a translation.

I still hope that there will be save-states :).
Thirteen1355 said…
MOther 3, the best game ever.
Metroid isn't Mega Man hard, so you really don't need savestates :)
MaskedManClaus said…
No, but sometimes they are still nice to have. If you really don't like them, just don't use them, it's really that simple. ;)
Unknown said…
Hello Doc! I just wanted to say that you're doing a great job with this project; I really love the game. It is perfect in almost every sense I can imagine! I have always wanted to play Metroid 2, but I never could because I never had a Gameboy and I haven't been able to find an emulator to play the original (I don't even know if it exists). I love the atmosphere and the music. The logbook system was a great addition. The area where you find a small GF settlement was insanely cool! The metroid fights!! Holy Mother of God they are awesome! They are full of suspense and I think that they really capture the feeling of Samus being in an extremely dangerous mission. It would be nice, though, if you added a few more enemies from Fuision (since those are supposedly inhabitants of SR388), including the bosses. I think my only significant issue with the game is the fact that when you combine the different beams, the time between each shot increases way too much. Samus starts shooting too slowly when you combine all the beams. Don't get me wrong, the idea of decreasing the shooting speed is great, since the beams are now stronger and there's no need to shoot that fast. But I do think that they become way too slow compared to how they are in Super Metroid. Anyway, other than that, it is an excellent game and I really can't wait till it comes out.

Pd: If you need support with Spanish translations, feel free to contact me! I'd be pleased to help with the project any way I can; I only wish I had known about it sooner haha. Keep up the good work!

Saludos desde Ecuador!
Thirteen1355 said…
I certainly do like savestates, but Metroid doesn't need it.
I think it is not fun for exploration based games.
Vachon said…
@Stefano Ponce : If you're using a PC, there's a Game Boy emulator called "BGB Gameboy Emulator". I use it on my computer and it plays just like the original unit.
MaskedManClaus said…
Not as fun for you maybe, but for some others (like myself), it's just a nice thing to have. Everyone has different tastes, no need to try and force your taste on others. ;)

If you don't like them, again, just don't use them. ;)
Great game!! Even as a demo this game just blows my mind. Controls work well, battles are terrific and the atmosphere is just right. Of course there can be found some room for improvement: some enemies (especially flying ones) seem a little stiff and would look more living if their animations and movement had a little adjustment. Also, in my opinion charged beams should do more damage to bosses like in SM or Fusion or ZM; Was it even that they did no damage to some bosses? In this game I found it very difficult to fight bosses having ran out of missiles.

And sorry if I already have posted a similar comment some time a go, I'm not sure if I did...
MathXcore said…
Hey there, I have been following this project for a long time and I am pretty stoked for the finished game. If you need help translating it into German just let me know I'll help you out!
About localisation: Have you considered using Crowdin to manage translating? And I can translate the game in Finnish if needed.
Unknown said…
Keep in mind, missiles were the only way to damage metroids in Metroid 2. He probably just wants to keep that stipulation. I personally find the challenge exhilarating.
Unknown said…
That is actually a really good idea. Maybe an unlockable "insane" difficulty or something. That'd be awesome
Oh, yes... I think it was the latest mini-boss in which I had problems with missiles running out and charged beam not making damage. And since you can run from (most?) metroid battles you have a chance to retreat and refill ammunition.
Nintendoer said…
I don't know how many times I've played through the latest demo since it came out. It's so good. On par with, if not better than, most Metroid games, for sure. I really don't need to point out the highlights, since that's been done many, many times here before. You've truly done an outstanding job with this game, to say the least.

I do, however, have a few suggestions. The first is concerning the items you can find. I feel like, in general, they're too easy to find. There are a couple somewhat tricky ones, but none that are very hidden. I want to work for my 100% completion! Thinking back to Fusion and Zero Mission, there were several pickups that were not only in sneaky locations, but involved tricky and clever Speed Booster and Space Jump sections, as well. Not every hidden collectible has to involve a section like this, but it would be nice to have the satisfaction of finding that last item after a good search.

On the subject of items, every area you go to, you can collect every pickup there on your initial (and only) visit. It's true, Metroid II is a more linear game than most Metroids with an almost level-based feel to it, but I feel like having items in early areas requiring powerups from later areas would make it feel a lot less linear, at least as far as 100% completion goes. Take the landing site, for example. It would be cool if there was a reason to go back there with the Space Jump other than filling out the map or beholding the awesome sunset background that it changes to after a certain point in the game. But considering you have two major areas left, and there are at present only 52 pickups to find, I kinda have a feeling you already plan on doing this. At least with Power Bomb expansions, anyway.

Finally, the escape in the fourth area. It. Is. Incredible. Even if the timer is mostly scripted (is it possible to fail at that section?), and I understand why it is done that way, it still manages to get my blood pumping trying to get the heck out of there. That said, with the timer being so lenient and scripted as it is, I feel like the boss in that section almost loses its purpose; as a way to slow you down. If it can't fulfill that purpose, can I suggest giving it a new one? Make the bot more dangerous than it currently is. Even if it's simply making his attacks deal more damage, or giving the wheels more health/making it so you CAN'T destroy his movement capabilities (which would be enough to give the fight a renewed sense of urgency), it would make it far more exciting than it already is.

Again, I can't stress enough what a terrific job you're doing with this game. Keep it up! Thank you very much for all the time and effort you've put into it thus far (over the course of...10 years, now? Wow, THAT'S dedication! I applaud you, sir), and I'm absolutely excited to see the finished product.

And thank you for taking the time to read this extremely long-winded comment. I probably could have said this using half of the space I did. =P
Unknown said…
Do you need help for french translation?
souturus said…
Waiting your great work doc!
Unknown said…
From what I know, From what I've seen and from what make a game great for me, this is better than what Nintendo would ever do with a remake. Don't make me wrong, I love nintendo. I'm a fan boy you wuill never stop buying nintendo hardware. But this is INCREDIBLE. Srpite quality, sound (with headphones : best metroid sound experience ever). The gameplay is on point and the things you add to the game is brilliant. This is art, man. Nintendo should just hire you, give you a ton of cash and publish this. wow.
Dragomiloff said…
Acabo de terminar la demo... IMPRESIONANTE. Como fan absoluto de Metroid, este es un remake a la altura de Zero Mission (y considero a este uno de los mejores remakes que ha tenido un videojuego). Es increíble lo bien que está todo hecho: la jugabilidad, igual que la de los Metroid clásicos, pero con pequeñas mejoras que juntas dan al juego una identidad propioa; el genial diseño de cada pantalla que está estudiado al milimetro para poderse pasar de una forma concreta, pero que permite que el jugador experimente y pueda usar otro camino; los detalles gráficos que van más allá de lo visto en GBA y los jefes que en mi opinión son super originales... brillante.

Muchos ánimos y ojalá lo termines pronto y podamos disfrutar del primer Metroid 2D desde hace casi 12 años. Tiene pinta de estar a la altura de las entregas de GBA o incluso del mismisimo Super Metroid.

Un saludo.
Grey Fox said…
This is a great project bringing out more in a game that was limited in space due to being on the gameboy and having new life breathed into it. I can't wait to see the Omega Metroids and the Queen herself along with any other goodies you have in store. Hopefully Nintendo will keep being cool about this unlike Square Enix newfangled the fan sequel and 3D edition to Chrono Trigger
Ricardo Suarez said…
¡¡¡Feliz navidad y Feliz 2016 doc!!! ^_^
Unknown said…
Greetings AM2R team!

I humbly would like to volunteer myself to translate from English to Spanish this beautiful game. Let me tell you about me. I am a 30 year-old teacher of English and I am from Chile (the country, not the spice, lol). Well, I am a huge fan of the Metroid series and one of my dreams is to coolaborate in game translations. I don't have any experience but I am positive that I will be an asset to your translators' team, and maybe this will be the first step for my dream to come true.
Looking forward to hear from you.

Luis Villagran.
Anonymous said…
Can we get an update? I'm ready to try a new demo release!
Anonymous said…
Is there a way that you could make a rom for this anything but gba rom will do.
Guardian said…
No, I'd rather have no save states if you mean saving where there's not a save point. It takes out the fun and difficulty.
Guardian said…
Because their machines. They dont have any moisture in them. The ice beam is a "beam" not a snow ball forward. It's pretty much a sub-zero weapon that dramatically decreases the temperature of the object and greatly increases the speed of the chemical change which in turn, instantly freezes the object. A machine isn't an organism unless it's a android or something.
Guardian said…
I can't remember if there were actually any bosses in M II but it seems like you've decided to put them in which, is slightly appreciated since I didn't really mind the Metroids serving as bosses but I guess now they can serve as a Gauntlet of Mini-Bosses per area. I haven't played it actually yet but I've played the original game and have beaten it. Going onto the actual topic I personally don't want it to be easy it doesn't fit with the series of hard boss fights and memories of dying repeatedly. I also kinda want to see The Game Grumps play this and rage at it. They're pretty funny and have quite a history with the series. Either way im glad that someone is still staying true to the series and not giving up. Keep up the good work!
Anonymous said…
will you please send me the source code so that I can port it to 3ds homebrew. you will receive all credit that you deserve. (THIS IS AN AMAZING GAME!!!!!!!!!!)
please send it to pigeonboy52766@gmail.com
Unknown said…
Idea for the name
Metroid: Extinction (A Metroid II Remake)
Anyone else?

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