El último Metroid está en cautiverio....

AM2R is currently split into multiple projects. Besides the main game, there are features that are being developed in reduced versions of the engine, for faster compiling.
One of those had a lot of steady progress lately, and it's very close to be fully implemented in the game: Localization support.

Translating Confrontation to multiple languages was quite a challenge, and the results were mostly good. But one of the things I considered this time was Unicode support.
Now, if I manage to implement a good enough pixel font, there will be support for extended characters, and even more languages can be supported by the game.

The font I'm using now is slightly bigger than the old one, this also makes reading the logs a bit easier on the eyes.

The text in the game is still changing every once in a while, so translation efforts will be considered after the game is done. The game will be available in both English and Spanish upon launch.

As for the main project, I couldn't find that much free time this month. Area 5 is almost good enough for the testing phase to begin, but there's plenty of little details left to fix.
With some luck, the next update will have more cool stuff to show about the later areas.
Thank you all again for following the project, and remember to post any questions or suggestions either here or at the Forums.


Janus said…
Thanks for the update mate. Keep up the good work.
Could you please send me your paypal email or a bitcoin address? I would at least buy you a bear.
Klint said…
Aunque ya lo anunciaste hace tiempo, siempre es bueno ver capturas localizadas.
Lo cual me recuerda a que en el Fusion no se dignaron a traducir los gráficos del menú de equipamiento al Español. Ningún gráfico estaba en un idioma que no fuese inglés, de hecho :/
KAEL said…
I dreamed about this game last night and today there are news :D

Is there a Release date for the next update?

Keep up the fantastic work!!
Anonymous said…
i saw a new picture and i think: yeah new Content aaaaand no :(
Unknown said…
I would suggest that you make it somewhat modular (or... something?), I think it should be simple for the user to get the game to choose one and that be handled by language files or something like that, rather than have to download an entirely different build.
I understand how troublesome setting that up would be, though. But it'll be better that way if you plan on keeping the game updated.
Unknown said…
I don't know if I should be proud or ashamed that I could translate this news post's subject line without knowing much Spanish.
Ezekiel Rage said…
Hey there doc
if you need a german version, let's talk! I am a german native speaker and also a writer and I already did translations so I am very suited for that job :)
TheNeo0z said…
Hi, I'm a student and I would like to contribute to this project by offering my skills as a translator, and maybe help you with the translations and texts while you work in other areas of the game. Of course I would totally do this for free. You can contact me from my email (theneo0z@gmail.com) or from my twitter: @TheNeo0z.

I hope you take it into consideration.

Sincerely: TheNeo0z.
The7thGuest said…
cool, pretty cool !
Pyr0mrcow/rytokos said…
The Queen Metroid has been completed, get hype.

Unknown said…
De.m64 can put am2r in steam for linux and windows please, and if possible, free to play
Unknown said…
¡Mucho ánimo! ¡Estas haciendo un trabajo excelente! :D
Matt said…
I doubt there's any way this would be allowed to last on Steam. And it will always be free.
Unknown said…
Cant wait to see what you come up with :)
Unknown said…
Hey, Dr. I can help translating to Spanish. I'm a native spanish speaker and I always like to contribute with English-Spanish translations for something I love!
Hope you consider contacting me (ddnava@icloud.com)

Hey, Dr. Yo puedo ayudar con la traducción al español. Mi idioma nativo es español y siempre me gusta contribuir con traducciones del inglés al español para algo que amo!
Espero que considere contactarme (ddnava@icloud.com)
Anonymous said…
will the next update be available by the end of this year, or soon?
Unknown said…
I live and die by your update posts man. I can't wait for the next patch update!!!
Blue Madness said…
Hey Dr., if you ever want to translate the game to Brazilian Portuguese, know that I'm available. Also, if you do, make sure to have Portuguese from Portugal (pt-pt) and Portuguese from Brazil (pt-br) as separate languages. There's just enough difference that the two can't be grouped together.
Aiden said…
Hello Dr. I 'd like a lot to help translating the game since i'm a french native. I can translate from English to French.
I am waiting for your answer, if you feel like you are going to send me a message, here is my mail so we can discuss about it: passarbye@yahoo.fr (not from the AM2R forums, that is a coincidence)

PS: That is a very interesting update, I hope the game launches very soon!
Anonymous said…
Good job for that translation option,
also that you are interested in Unicode settings,
that´s cool...

Also happy Haloween and I hope you enjoy this days :D

Att: Link
jorge said…
good idea doc thanks for news and...be careful with nintendo
Unknown said…
I like that idea andre. Plus id like to test this game out
Unknown said…
Dr.m64 I would like to test this game out i am skilled not very skilled but skilled because ive been playing the updated version 1.41 lately and id like dedicate my skills into helping test this game out please consider me into helping you with this project.

Sincerely jonathan wright
Unknown said…
You are my hero dude. I would never be able to work on such a massive project by myself without quitting long before this point.
Ricardo Suarez said…
Si estaras pensando en poner una zona secreta con jefe secreto o serris? Gracias por el update , ya espero con ansias la siguiente actualizacion que creo que ya seria la actualizacion final :D
Unknown said…
If you need translation help from English to Swedish I would love to help. Contact me on oscar@raccoon.se if interested.

Keep up the good work
Cidwel said…
ya no me acuerdo desde cuando llevo siguiendo tu proyecto. Apuesto que más de 6 años. Espero que JAMÁS dejes de trabajar en él. Cuando comencé a seguirte apenas estuve aprendiendo a programar.

En cuanto salga pagaría DE CABEZA por tener una versión física que se asemeje a una caja de Gameboy aunque luego integre un CD con el juego.

Quizas con suerte en cuanto sea papá podré gozar de este juegazo.

Una duda que siempre me ha chocado es ver como Nintendo nunca ha levantado la voz por este proyecto, sabiendo cómo se ponen estas empresas en cuanto a fangames. Este proyecto bate todas las espectativas de los que esperábamos una reedición de este metroid 2 en GBA

Sigue así, esperaremos con ganas cada update como siempre hacemos!
Unknown said…
Hola quetal . me gustaria sugerir que le quitaras la animación que tiene samus cuando esta sin moverse ya que la animacion que tiene puesta no le queda muy bien.

PD: sigue asi . tu trabajo es excelente . te sigo desde que empezaste con el proyecto!
Anonymous said…
metroids are cute but I hate the raptor and t Rex related metroids!
Unknown said…
OMG that guy Janus at the top of the comments wants to buy you a BEAR!!! A MODAF$#^%&ING BEAR!!

Thats awesome!

anyways, if theres anyway to donate or buy a pint, id like to do so. keep up the good work!
Anonymous said…
Hola amigo. Me encanta el tema de la localización. Por supuesto que sabes que incluso entre los latinos tenemos muchos regionalismos, palabras y estructura de frases que se usan en México y no en Argentina y vice versa. Una vez liberes tu juego, (y yo lo termine de jugar) me gustaría hacer una revisión al texto para localizarlo a español Mexico. O por lo menos, asegurarnos que tienes un español neutral.
Ricardo Suarez said…
Si no es tanta molestia podrias ir preparando el update mensual? (Diablos este mes paso extremadamente rapido xD) Gracias doc por seguir trabajando en este maravilloso remake (Idea: Deberias poner un "Objeto unico" en la area 5 que podamos usar)
Unknown said…
It's good to see a progress like this!
Also, I'm avaliable to translate for Brazilian Portuguese as well.

Feel free to contact me: lontrafag [at] gmail [dot] com
Anonymous said…
Since this is a fan game that would actually be a terrible idea because valve would investigate the game for copyright infringement. Not to mention that Nintendo will also notice that there's a fan game getting too vast. They'll shut this project down. Porting it or even having a drm makes keeping this game so much more difficult.
Ricardo Suarez said…
The last anonymous from November 21 at 9:48 PM , You're so freaking negative , Damn ¬_¬ , There´s no need to this fangame to be cancelled and valve is occupied with other things
B said…
Keep up the great work. We all love you.
Anonymous said…
Just come back after a year--so much improvement! I can't wait for the release. It's definitely getting along... maybe in the next 2-3 years? :)

Actually, I was thinking: as a bonus, would you consider (or are you planning) on including the original music? Maybe as a reward for beating the game, enabling the original gameboy music would be a lot of fun and nostalgic.
Unknown said…
Recuerdo cuando jugué este remake en el 2012!
Comparado con el actual eso no es nada! están haciendo un trabajo increíble con este proyecto y espero que nunca lo abandones!!
Me encanta la idea de la traducción ya que hay algunas personas que no saben inglés y seguro esto les vendrá de maravilla!!
Sigan así! y Saludos desde México!

I remenber when y play this rameke in 2012!!
Compared with the actually that's nothing!you're making an awesome job with this proyect and I hope you never leave it!
I love the idea to translate because there's some people that don't know english and sure it would be wonderfull to they!
Keep it up!! and greetings form México!
jeffblade said…
when u up next up-date or advang or something
souturus said…
Where are you doc?
Unknown said…
Hello, I've started playing version 1.34 again (didn't get around to completing it last time due to a surge of other games taking over)and I'm aware of version 1.41 which has recently been released. But I won't play that and instead will wait for the next update.

Anyway, I wanted to suggest an improvement which you could make with Samus' morph ball animation. It's something I noticed in Super Metroid and found it quite neat. In am2r project, when you are in morph ball mode, no matter which direction you roll/face, the morph ball is always spinning clockwise. It would be nice if you could tweak it so that the morph ball spins anti-clockwise after rolling left (or facing left to start with).

To conclude, I'm loving this demo as always and it's quite a fun challenge on hard mode. Keep it up!
Anonymous said…
@Rockman Trigger a C&D (or worse) is a real posibility
especially with the poor reception the official games are gathering, and other fan projects getting cancelled, the situation is now probably more delicate than ever
you may be excited, and granted, this one is several orders of magnitude safer than many other things... but crossing certain lines will spell doom for the game
Unknown said…
Not sure if it is a bug. but when I had the Metroid count to Global; apparently the game still counted 6 "awake" Metroids and wouldn't reduce the lava, I was running around like a mad man trying to find the last 6. After a while I switched it to Local metroids to see if I was missing any. And all a sudded the Lava started to go down. I was playing the current 1.41 demo. And was in the last section. Just found it weird that it was still saying there were 6 Metroids alive, which would cause the lava not to sink. Might want to look at that.
Nick said…
Any hopes for italian translation?
Unknown said…
make sure you animate the heck out of mother metroid eating you and vomiting you up! maybe with her sliding across the floor in goo with a clear impression on her body movements "did that really just happen" lol can't wait to see it!
Unknown said…
last post i promise im just excited about this but i was dreaming about this game and had a funny idea for an after game fun kinda thing .. anyway what does everyone think about after you beat mother and get the baby metroid following you a sneaky hidden way back into the planet with the baby in tow and he'll eat the little creatures! sucking the life out of them and turning them to dust! then back to following you similarto those fire flys, you could make it like a permanent freeze but instead of blue, gray just to be simple about it. just something to keep the game fresh for longer ;)

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