More platforms, and wallpapers

I'm happy to announce that, thanks to a promotion in the YoYoGames store, I could afford a Game Maker Master Collection license for a decent price. This will allow me to experiment with several compile targets. AM2R could then, in theory, be ported to mobile.
I'll post here if I can manage to do anything cool.

One of the main mechanics to be used in Area 5 is working so far. This means I can now finish adjusting the layout of the overall area, so this new mechanic is used properly.
I recently shifted my attention to the Omega Metroid sprite. The animations of the Zeta ended up looking pretty nice, and now the Omega will be receiving a similar treatment.
New frames were drawn for some of the body parts, and the color pallette is being tweaked constantly, to match the environment of the Omega Nest.

And last but not least, the first official Wallpaper Pack is now available at the DOWNLOADS page, thanks to the awesome ZimK.

There's more coming soon, so stay tuned.


Anonymous said…
Great job, thanks for the updates as only Doc, amazing game.
Anonymous said…
This is completely awesome!
Bob said…
I would love to see this as an Android app! I could test on my Amazon Fire TV and see how it works with a bluetooth controller on a big screen.
Anonymous said…
Different compile targets?!

Exactly how many targets are we talking about? :p
Unknown said…
testyourmine said…
Am2r on mobile!? Seems legit...
Anonymous said…
man, something tells me that at a time when you game is done or something it will get more attention and nintendo will step in and tell you to stop making it :/
what are you going to do then?
LC said…
"May be ported to mobile."

It would be pretty nice if one of those mobile platform would be the PSP, but if that's way too much work, then I guess it's not worth it.

Also I'm beginning to understand a bit how you feel, I just started making a game myself and getting things right is so hard. Don't give up!
testyourmine said…
Well, seeing how this game is getting close to completion, somebody else is probably going to continue on where he left off
Metroid4ever said…
Oh god, YES. Omegas are next, baby. The Zetas only made me "Nope!" about a thousand times while running far away from them. I am so ready to simply die of heart failure at the first encounter with the Omega Metroid.

Keep up the awesome work, Doc. Make the first Omega encounter as scary as hell. -loves getting scared- :D
Zash'Tekrel said…
Glad to know you're doing alright. As always, we're supporting you!
drakk2 said…
Keep up the awesome work. As always excited for any updates you have!
Anonymous said…
I'd love to see a copy of AM2R included with RetroPie (Emulation Station) for Raspberry Pi.
Anonymous said…
Those zetas were quite the challenge to beat. I actually had to back out of the first fight just because I had no idea what I was getting intoand that... that right there, is perfect! It actually made me look around and find a few more missle and energy tanks before going back in. Try to introduce the omega, if you can, in a dark area. It having a different silhouette than zetas and making a very different sound would be enough to trigger some emergency pants-changing. Since players won't get a good look at it untill the second fight or maybe later, it would also reserve a bit of the shock element for a battle in a fully lit room.
Gabriel Balbueno said…
Awesome ! Hope you guys port it to mobile (iOS and Android, please :D) And keep up the great work ! ^^
Gabriel Balbueno said…
Awesome ! I hope you guys port it to mobile (iOS and Android, please), and keep up the great work ^^
Anonymous said…
Today is my birthday! Keep up the awesome work on Area 5! :P
Unknown said…
Hello your games metroid confrontation and am2r are best game ever im everyday checking your page about updates you can do it YOU CAN DO IT.If you release a final update (maybe) and i complete it i will rate your game.
Unknown said…
Why not a PS4 port?, it would be great
Anonymous said…
Just like to say well done on getting this far and keep up the good work man, you can see the finish line now. I can only imagine the amount of effort that has and is going into this given it's all come out of your free time. The game looks like it's going to be a Metroid classic, held up next to Super and Prime, a well deserved boost for the series after what we got at E3.
Unknown said…
In all seriousness though, that would be frickin' amazing. I could hook up a little bluetooth controller, and play the best Metroid game ever on the go!
testyourmine said…
PS4? I don't think that will happen. Neither will any console version. He would have to take it down cause Nintendo
Windy said…
Unknown said…
Keep up the good work Doc. The game already is epic, can´t wait to confront those Omega Metroids...
Anonymous said…
I love you!!!!!
I want this on android to play with my iPega Controller :D
Anonymous said…
I really love how you display danger in the game. Two walls closing in or a rising temperature bar create a sense of urgency, a sense of needing to move/fire weapons quickly. A ticking timer usually doesn't do those things.
Jeff Peterson said…
Great news on the progress and the Game Maker license. Any plans on getting a Mac port up and running in addition to the Linux port? I don't mind running my Mac in Windows Boot Camp, but getting a native Mac version would be pretty nice... :)

Keep up the great work!
VeganMike said…
Silly question that I'm not sure I've seen asked before: Any chance of a Windows installer version of AM2R? File Permissions in Windows 8.1 has been a bit of a pain when I'm using programs that were installed manually. I'm not sure if Game Maker games can have installers, but if so there's at least one person out there who's insterested!
Ezekiel Rage said…
With HTML5 support this could even be ported over to Wii U should you ever plan on trying to sell this game to Nintendo. And if they are smart, they'll buy it!
Mary said…
Hola doc! no cree usted que quizás sería bueno hacer que esto pueda correr en nintendo wii o ps2 por último? Eso sería buenísimo. La experiencia de jugar algo en la consola a jugarlo en un computador es muy distinta.
Esto que digo es algo imposible de realizar?
Ojalá responda...
Anonymous said…
I just ran into this project a few days ago. God DAMN my friend, you have an excellent project going, the quality is superb. Keep it up, can't wait for more. I would pay for this game remade in this fashion.
Anonymous said…
thanks for all your efforts! I totally adore this game... it would be a total pleasure if you could get it to work with an emulator for game boy advance for example. this would allow us to play your game on the go on a psp or a nvidia shield :) would appreciate that very much...
Unknown said…
Hey DoctorM64,

I have been trying to message you for a while, I understand your busy with AM2R and I understand you can't reply to all messages with your workload, but I had a question. I have played AM2R many times and I must say its probably the best Metroid game in years(which is sad in and of itself that multimillion dollar games are beaten by an oldschool style fan creation). I was personally wondering that, assuming I got the YoYo gamestudio, if I could use the AM2R as a framework for a Super Metroid remake. AM2R inspired me really to be honest to consider this undertaking, and I'm also attempting to line up usage rights for nintendo for the Super Metroid Symphony sound track by Blake Robinson synthetic Orchestra to be used for the game(intended to be a center point for the game, If I can't get the rights for its use, I'm not certain if I will be able to really create the Super metroid Remake I Envision).

Anyway, Great Job DoctorM64, keep it up. I can't wait for the next demo to continue the game and enjoy the soundtrack(personally my enjoy it in game and listening to it while I do other things during my day).
Juan Pablo said…
Is there any way that we can see a windows phone version of the game? thank you doc!
jorge said…
hey be careful wiht nintendo hes shut down super mario bros 64 hd remake i dont want that happend to your project too and good lock wiht the final vercion Doc
thanks for good news and the wallpapers
Xuncu said…
So, you're making enhancements to the game like Zero Mission was to the original game, yes?

Will there be like a "classic mode"/ "1:1 port" mode? And if so, I think you should then name the main/enhanced mode "Zero Two", after the Kirby boss. :D
Unknown said…
I've been a long time fan of the Metroid title. I remember Metroid 2 being the most difficult back when I was a kid. Because of that, I have never really played it again. Now that I have kids old enough to play, I've helped them get into it too. Earlier this week, I did a search to see if Nintendo had any plans to remake it like they did with Zero Mission. I was disappointed that they hadn't, but was intrigued with the idea that someone has such a passion for the Metroid title that they would attempt a fan remake. I didn't expect much, full color was a must and hopefully a map... but then I downloaded it and double clicked that metroid icon...
I was blown away! I felt like I was playing Metroid 3 (my all-time favorite) with different maps! I was pleasantly surprised with the game-play and the tastefully added sections were brilliantly crafted and executed! I must admit that my only disappointment came when I got to the end of the game (1.41), but it also gives me something to look forward too. Thank you for allowing this game to live on for the following generations of gamers. Well done! I can't wait to see more!
Mak said…
It's always nice to hear news from you man. Keep it up!
Unknown said…
AM2R is amazing and I hope the project will one day be finished, everything so far is awesome.

Just one request which I know has been asked before - I would love there to be d-pad support, 2D platforming with an analogue stick just doesn't feel right (I use a Gamecube pad for PC games). But whatever, I'd rather see the final product than messing around with control schemes.

Would be awesome if Nintendo picked this up and had it placed on the 3DS or Wii U, just like SEGA did with the Sonic CD fan remake.
Anonymous said…
hey simon you can use a d pad for am2r , thats what i use to play, i use a ps2 pad with a usb adaptor, feels like im playin on a snes, works great
Corey said…
So glad to see this is being made on Game Maker. I am a game dev who is starting out and the fact that something so amazing is being made using the same engine we are using is really great. Keep up the good work, can't wait to see the finished version!
Unknown said…
Hey Doc how´s the project working out? When are you planning to release the next challenge? I check for it every single day to be honest. Please let us know, I know there are many impatient fans like myself out there. Keep up the good work man.
Best regards
Unknown said…
i will be honored to work with this project with you doc and your team but i need the stuff to work with it so um i keep looking for updates but i am really good at these metroid games so once the game is released i will not stop playing this game at all. keep up the good work doc :)
Ricardo Suarez said…
Me encantaria que esta obra maestra fuera publicada por alguien en el futuro y distribuida por todo el mundo
Anonymous said…
Can't wait.
Morris said…
I don't know if you read these but when the beams stack the rate of fire drastically shrinks I can only get off like three shots before nothing comes out for an extra second and I understand if you have like the perfect button timing you can get a kind of rapid fire but its not the same I do hope you read this and fix in the next update but other than that it a great game so far cant wait till area 5 (ps. been with this project since area 1)
Unknown said…
Hi doc. It's been over a month with no update. And the Nintendo Fan Game Convention is now 5 days away. Does your silence mean you've got something in store to blue us all away? I love this game and can't wait to play it through completely.
Anonymous said…
Exelente Juego esperare a que salga la version completa

Anonymous said…
You are doing an amazing job, it's a toatlly awesome game and I'm impressed with the amount of work, I'm sure, you put in it, not everyone is capable of that. Get a job on Nintendo ASAP, it's obvious they are in need of people like you.
Unknown said…
OMG, just went on a 3 hour binge of the newest demo and so much has changed since i last played it was so much fun, the overheating core escape thing was totally epic, not sure if its able to be escaped but i did survive :D thank you so much i cant wait to see the finished product

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