Soundtrack 1.41 Update!

Finally, the soundtrack received its official update. Now you can listen to the new, improved songs in either lossless or high bitrate mp3s.
Also, the soundtrack now features an awesome album cover, made by the talented Zim K. She'll be contributing with custom made promo art for the project.


testyourmine said…
Too bad I can't play the game:( but at least I can listen to it:)
CMoses said…
I love this plane-t-roid !! :D Great job :D
Ricardo Suarez said…
Wow! Se puede tener ese fondo en el juego? Es hermoso :D
Unknown said…
Loving the work so far, Doc! can't wait until the finished product.

One thing I noticed about the new music: The new track, Escape, where the melody changes to more of a "major" chord feeling (If you listen to the mp3, it's at about 0:19) feels a little weird for the mood that you're trying to convey in that part of the game. Just hearing that major chord makes it sound almost happy.

Idk, just my two cents
Awww, the new OST still has worse dynamic range than the in-game music...

I just don't understand why music producers feel like they have to control my volume knob for me - I mean, Replay Gain exists for a reason...
jorge said…
que cover exelente gracia doc!!!!
arceusplayer11 said…
Aww, I finished uploading the entire soundtrack to BrawlCustomMusic 2 days ago ;(

Well, you guys can still enjoy my 7 hours of hard work here:


(Also, what are the benefits to the official soundtrack?)
Unknown said…
Why don't use some of the Relics of Chozo Stuff that is already finished? It's epic.
listen to this
More info about the Project:
Unknown said…
Its a great sound track, you did an excellent job. I had a suggestion though if I may. I was thinking for the dark jungle area near the factory with the bunch of gamma metroids that maybe a darker version of the Overgrown with vegetation theme from super metroid. I have a link to it right here, always really liked the sound. or maybe the spore battle theme I felt they would really fit the area if adjusted a bit. Just a idea I had and hope that it might be considered.
Unknown said…
esta haciendo un excelente trabajo amigo
Samus44 said…
Deseando reventarme a la reina metroide como se merece :)
La ost está brutá hubiera gustado escuchar menos remixes y mas temas originales pero igualmente es excelente,llevo siguiendo el juego desde metroid confontacción,todos los meses me meto por si hay alguna actualizacción,no se por que no e comentado nada asta ahora,gran trabajo,y nintendo sin hacer metroid 5...
Anonymous said…
The music is fantastic. Especially love the title and breeding grounds. Is breeding grounds going to be the final area? OR is it when you discover a hatched shell?
Anonymous said…
Bande d'enculés de merde, votre jeu est nul à chier : ost nulle à chier, le gameplay est ultra rigide comme votre mère et en plus de ça vous me foutez un putain de boss qui a 400 milliards de HP, cordiallement un enculé.
Anonymous said…
Thanks a lot! You do a better job than nintendo lately, with federation force. I just point out that there is a great review of your game on youtube:

I don't have money yet to help, but man you deserve money. I didn't read all your blog, but have you tried kickstarter? You can obtain a lot of money to finish your game.
Anonymous said…
Your remake is excellent! Thanks a lot, I can't wait for the final version of the game. :)
Ricardo Suarez said…
Un update de tu blog por favor?....gracias
Zash'Tekrel said…
You alright, Doc? What's goin' on?
AntZilla3000 said…
I'm sorry nintendo is being such an asshat to you. Willwe ever get to see the updated soundtracks? As cool as listening tothe ogg files in the folder is, i'd like a stereo projection of these amazing tracks.
Anonymous said…
The downloads page is not working so here is the link :)
Unknown said…
Please! Upload thE final Version Soundtrack!.

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