Progress for real now

Ok, now that April's fools is over, here's this month's progress:

It was redone from scratch. It's now a big list, instead of being separated by categories. It's still ordered and labeled, and reading logs is a lot more intuitive. Just 1 button to display the (sometimes scrolling) text, that's it.

The log pictures are bigger, and each entry can feature multiple images, as the text updates.
Some of the cooler ones (Metroids and Minibosses) might end up featuring original concept art in these images.
It's a minor detail overall, but it improves the way the story is presented, for those who take the time to read it.

Zetas are being balanced for normal mode now (they were extremely frustrating, but some features will be kept for Hard mode), and some frames of animation are being added to some of their attacks (well, to some of their bodyparts).
They still need more testing, since there are still some very convoluted and risky ways of tanking them.
Omegas will receive the same animation engine overhaul the Zetas did. Luckily they are much heavier, less agile, and easier to animate, compared to Zetas.

Not much progress here. The map, scripted events and Metroid battles are in place, still being tested and polished.

The area is being redone, both to house the new item that will be found there and its corresponding puzzles, and also to allow some area specific mechanics to be implemented.
I don't want to spoil the surprise of the first time playing the areas, but I can say it's going to be as unique as the other areas, gameplay wise.
Right now the layout is planned, and basic rooms are going to be added to connect existing rooms from the old layout and new ones.

When I had my recording studio, some of my customers were media producers. They always complained that the sound design and music production were left for last, to be done at the last moment and in a rush. I kinda feel guilty of doing that myself nowadays.

There's been a little bit of everything going on lately. Sometimes I struggle to find time and energy to work on this, but every little bit of progress counts.
As always, thanks for all your support.


Spike said…
Thank you for doing this. I mean generally. This game is shaping up to be exceptional and I am sure there are many people looking forward to play it :)
Unknown said…
Regarding music, are you aware of this project
get inspired by their awsome work. I do not know anything about their music license but maybe you can use parts of it if you like them, at least you can ask them if you would :)
Happy coding! You are always in my RSS feed for years!
BR Bastl
Unknown said…
May The Force Be With You !
Unknown said…
reguarding Music, have a look at maybe it inspires you, perhaps the creators let you use parts of it - who knows?
Metroid4ever said…
Any progress is better than none, or worse, giving up. You're almost there, Doc!
Matt Wetz said…
Rush or not I still love the music :)
Can't wait to see the other metroids and zones. Keep up the awesome work :)
Ricardo Suarez said…
El logbook como lo dejaste quedo perfecto :D
Anonymous said…
Everything sounds awesome so far. I've been following you since before your first demo I'm so happy with everything you've done.

One thing to suggest to your scrolling text. I'd recommend adding a button in the log book that speeds up the text only while the button is pressed. I'm a very fast reader and in some games I get slightly annoyed when I read to the bottom and have to wait for the new text to creep up.
Anonymous said…
someday when I am old and sitting in my chair, I'm going to play this remake. This alone is a reason for a meaningful life!!! Can't wait for that day :-)
Unknown said…
LOL are you serious?! The soundtrack was the best for a 2d metroid game I've ever heard! The soundtrack is a big deal for atmosphere in the metroid series, and this remake blows every other metroid games away with it's amazing soundtrack. When you start the game, you're immediatly reminded of a once loved, but forgotten soundtrack and you enjoy it 'til the minute you go into area 1. Area 1 isn't my favorite soundtrack so far, but it fits the mood of the area. I really do like area 2's soundtrack. It feels a little alien. My favorite so far is area 3's soundtrack, because it makes me feel like i'm playing metroid prime 2 again! And I LOVED metroid prime 2! of course i loved all the prime series, but I think the soundtrack for prime 2 was the best and a game that reminds me of that will make my day :)
Blue Madness said…
Sometimes, I even want to not read the updates, because I get hyped all over again and can barely contain my excitement. I can't wait for the full game, whenever it does come.
Sounds good. I didn't really mind the old logbook. But the new design and mechanics sound like they are going to be pretty smooth. Some original concept art would be pretty cool and give a little more of that professional feel to the game.
Anonymous said…
Sounds like you're getting there. Area 4 sounds like it's in the last phase while you're putting a lot of work into area 5, then it's only the last omegas and the final metroids/queen. I check every day. I can't wait. :)
zachThePerson said…
Instead of automatically scrolling text, why can't you just use the arrow keys/d-pad/right stick to scroll? It would mean people could scroll at their own speed, and go back if they missed something
Unknown said…
Cant wait to see the finished game!
Its going to be awesome :3
The7thGuest said…
Awsome as Always ! :)
Ricardo Suarez said…
Ya no puedo esperar de tanto hype en mis venas XD Ya quiero usar practicamente todas las mejoras (como bien sabes te preparas completamente en la torre) Ya sea el Screw attack , El super doc rayo de plasma (lo vi en el preview 4 y es Impresionante :D) el traje gravitatorio y bombas de energia (tal vez no se vas a poner el rayo ancho creo)y podrias darle un toque azulezco al T gravitatorio como en Metroid prime 1? (parodia x) ) Que la fuerza metroid te acompañe
Unknown said…
Keep going man! I live and die by your posts of progress! I want to play the content you have been working on so bad. Please from one die hard metroid fan to another keep going! I replay what you have released over and over and check your web page everyday.
Unknown said…
looks great. I also wanted to mention something. In the Pump station area, I noticed something some things could be improved. The water pump could stand to have its effects improved as well as the water effect there. The pipe that you travel through also seems rather poor quality-wise compared to the rest of the ingame textures and environment. Nothing huge, just thought I would point it out. Also the dark jungle area near the Super missile statue could be brightened a tad, the darkness seems to make it a little difficult to navigate it or fight metriods. Maybe add a Night vision ability you can find like Super metriods Xray visor.

Also the Spider ball could use a bit better of an effect I think, help give it a bit more flash.

can't wait to play the next build of AM2R, keep up the good work!
Anonymous said…
I know a comment from a random person on the internet can only mean so much, but I sincerely appreciate your work.

Ever since I first tried Metroid I was instantly hooked on the series, and consumed every bit of Metroid content I could possibly get my hands on. With Nintendo not having made a true Metroid title for over 7 years now, I have been hurting for a new Metroid game to play, and your game delivers in spades. I think it's better than Zero Mission, in fact. Thank you so much for making this, I hope to be able to play the complete game someday. It must be a lot of work but know that people out there are enjoying your game every bit as much as an official Nintendo Metroid game.
Unknown said…
Indeed every step of progress does count and I'm glad to see that you've put even more work into the Logbook for players who likes to delve deeper, it's the little things like these are appreciated overall!
souturus said…
Hey mister, thank you for this project! i really enjoy the 1.34 demo, im waiting to end this beauty!
I'm waiting so much the next 2 areas of the game!
Unknown said…
I've been following this project for almost two years now, and every update gets me more excited for the release! I have been going through the demo, and I can think of two features/additions that I would hope to see before the full game comes out (if it's possible)

1. The ability to remove the powersuit and play as ZSS

2. Instead of aim-lock, enemy-lock, where Samus will always face the enemy that she is locked onto.
jorge said…
well done whit update i waiting for the release :)
fysh said…
PLEASE try not releasing too big, meaning too popular, in the recent months remakes have been shut down by Nintendo. be careful because I have been waiting for so long for this release:) been following for years now. thank you so much for all your hard work.
Jigglysaint said…
I just found this project about a week ago, and I am very impressed at the quality. Though I am not as familiar with Metroid 2 as I am the other 2d ones, I can say that this is the remake that we should have gotten 10 or so years ago. The only problem I have is that I want to share it with people, but game companies have been coming down hard on fan made projects. I would hate to see this one get axed, but I think it's worth sharing nonetheless. Here is hoping the project will be finished one of these days.
Unknown said…
Ahh man this is getting awesome.
Anonymous said…
Can't wait to see the final result. Actually really excited!
Anonymous said…
I love your work, Doc ! You can't imagine how happy I am to play a true metroid game after years of waiting for a nintendo release.
I explored again the 1.34 version and I realized something: The mining facility looks kind of empty compare to the other places. I like this place, the atmosphere inspire loneliness, but it's like there's no enemy there, and no danger either. Wouldn't be cool to put this whole region in the dark like you did in the second part of the 3rd area, with a bit more monsters ? (That's just a suggestion of mine, but still, the game is already awesome now)
Anonymous said…
Thank you for this project, game is just awesome!
Ricardo Suarez said…
Ya quiero jugar el build final de este juego :D osea el proximo que viene de seguro, porque ya la ultima area esta hecha y lo que te falta es la area 5.5 , 6-torre , y las pequeñas areas 7 y 8 (casi igualitas que las areas 4-laboratorio de la federacion y 5-mina de cordita (los cristales verdes)
Pennywise said…
Dude we can thank you enough.

Gracias por tu esfuezo amigo.
The7thGuest said…
Guys ever Heard of Axiom Verge soon for PC Get it it´s what we love:)
Cam said…
I just played the demo for the first time.... Holy crap.
Nintendo needs to hire you. This is amazing. It is better than any metroidvania I have played and the production value is insane, despite the fact that there IS no production value!
Just keep up the amazing work. I would literally pay full price for the final product.
Unknown said…
just got done with the demo been plying nonstop since i could find a computer that could run it and i love this cant wait for the full game only were were zeta and omegas at i didnt find them
Unknown said…
this is awesome i just got done playing cant wait for the full game my only question is were the zetas and omegas were i never found them or were they not in the demo yet
Ricardo Suarez said…
Una idea para otro idle animation , hacer una animacion de cansancio si tiene la energia en menos de 50 ;) buena suerte doc
Anonymous said…
I get the feeling that you'll never be satisfied enough to consider finalizing the game, and that you're destined to do this forever. Still, I'm waiting for the day this game is complete!
Unknown said…
You're doing gods work son
Unknown said…
This is amazing! I can't believe I just found it. One of the best fan games Iv'e ever played. You are an awesome person.
Unknown said…
Started playing this as I wanted to play the Metroid games in the series that I haven't played yet (Metroid II and currently playing through Super Metroid on the Wii U) and safe to say this is amazing. Looking forward to future updates!
Loko said…
Please keep up the good work and don't let this project die like so many others, the quality of the demo was amazing! stay strong :D
Ricardo Suarez said…
Update del progreso de abril? por favor?
Anonymous said…
For video games sound and music is extremely important, it's way often the music that will help a game being remembered for decades (if not centuries to come).
Unknown said…
This latest demo is nothing short of amazing. I have to give you a heartfelt thank you for allowing me to enjoy such a masterful recreation of a game from my childhood. Keep up the good work. And also: Nintendo, you REALLY need to hire this team!

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