AM2R Demo Update 1.32

Besides some minor bugs here and there, I was able to add some improvements.

AM2R Demo v1.32

The biggest change was to replace all the in-game transitions and cutscenes that used background resources created in real-time. As I was able to test with several users having slowdown and crashes mid-game, this change solved that issue.
So, if you were experiencing slowdowns or crashed, please give this version a try.

It was a pretty extensive change, but it's one less feature to rewrite from scratch whenever I get to port the game to GM Studio.
Speaking of which, I was able to conduct a small test, to see the impact of the port. To get the game running, I had to remove TONS of features and mechanics. This will take some time, but having the option to make builds for Linux and Mac will be worth the effort.

Besides all the work put into the update, the contents of the rest of the game is being worked on. While I continue to make things work in the next area, some of the collaborating artists are giving Area 4 a new refreshed look, and some awesome unique assets.

Alright, as always, please share your thoughts about the demo here or at the Forums.
Have a good weekend!


Church said…
Keep up the great work man. You're keeping my childhood alive more than Nintendo is. Every build so far has been of extreme quality. Love your work!
zachThePerson said…
Great work doc, been following your project since I was in 6th grade (senior in high school now), your the reason I found out about game maker, and although I don't mess with it that much any more, it got me into programming and gave me a goal to work towards.

Been following this for so long, hard to believe we are finally looking at the end. Lol remember when you said it would only be like 3 years :)
Anonymous said…
I found that if you pause the game right when the metroid fight starts the fight music doesn't play.

I found this out when trying to get a better look at the beautiful new metroids.
Shacklehawk said…
Great job Dr.M. Now enjoy your Father's day! NO WORK!
Ricardo Suarez said…
hey doc how is the progress ? the last area you need to work is tower the two last areas are already complete also some of the comunity says you are gonna to put a New area its true that? O.o im sorry if im annoying you
Anonymous said…
Always great to hear from you Doc! Keep us posted! :)
Knuxfan24 said…
I know the issue with GMStudio's removed features. Which is why I've being avoiding it.
Tony said…
You suck at making terrible games! get it? You are the man! Metroid 2 is the first game I ever played at the age of 5 and this is awesome! Didn't actually beat the game till age 12 because of how scary it seemed and you improved upon that aspect of the game.
Anonymous said…
Love the addition of the sunset to the first area and ship entrance, and the new music. Ever so slowly, more of the completed game creeps in.

Keep it up.
Unknown said…
I haven't tested yet the 1.32 demo but there's two points that can easily ruin the fun :

1) Alpha & Beta Metroid moves too fast and are annoying as hell depending on witch place you fight them. Sometimes, their AI make them extremly easy to shoot, and other time, you'll end up using all your missiles and health to hit them.

2) Samus moves way too fast when falling and jumping. Maybe a nice balance between Super Metroid and Fusion / Zero Mission would be the best.

But even with thoses annoyances, still I love AM2R and that's just my opinion. Take care and keep up the good work !
Anonymous said…
Hey I downloaded the Winzip for Mac that was listed in the side for the most recent demo, but when i go to extract the demo it wont let me. If someone could help me that would be great.
Unknown said…
Doc, I wanna congratulate you so much for the awesome work on this... thanks a lot!!!!

By the way, one thought: you know what would be incredibly cool? If at the very end of the full game, once credits are done rolling.. a voice says: "The last Metroid is in captivity. The Galaxy is at peace...". ;-)
Anonymous said…
Just finished this new demo on hard mode, even though it didnt have a new area or anything, it felt like a completely new game from the other demos. The different look for the alpha metroids was cool, and it built up suspense until you see one transform into a gamma, which was cool. The new music made that part of the game seem entirely new, especially the main tunnel new music, makes it seem like these metroids are a huge problem and need to be exterminated, or else something really bad might happen, but later the demo ends. So sad :( Also, the third mini boss, Torizo, is freakin tough and on hard mode I had to skip him until i got super missile, and even then i only had one energy tank left when i finally beat him. Overall, you are awesome Doc, and the final game will be the best metroid ever. By the way, had anyone found these "speedrun shortcuts" in the demos description. I only found that little tunnel right at the beginning of the game??
Anonymous said…
I like how the more dangerous Alpha Metroids are now a bit more developed. The ones that do both the dodge and ramming thing even look like little Gammas. They almost make me less annoyed when they end up harder to kill than the easier placed Gammas since it's no longer "just an annoying Alpha".

The transformation from Alpha to Gamma (and the buildup to it, with the previous one looking like it does) was just great.
Unknown said…
Bug: You can accidentally get stuck inside reappearing speed-boost blocks.

(What happened there was that I turned back quickly after failing to hold the shinespark)

Speed blocks are tricky. For 2-wide groups I guess making them break again if Samus is in them would fix them, but that would still get you potentially stuck in wider walls and probably break many things of the engine...
Anonymous said…
HI doctor, your game it´s asewome, the fixes are great and the alpha metroid are more difficults in easy level, thanks, anyway, I found a little bug, when a metroid appears and the metroid appear song is playing, I put the enter button to do some things and the background music is gone, only if I defeat the metroid it sounds again, please fix this little bug...

Kind regards: Kaito Kid
Anonymous said…
OH, my brother has a good idea, when the alpha metroid with his legs aren´t hit in 25 seconds, could it evolve faster???

I know it´s crazy, but it could be a real challenge for all players..

Anonymous said…
Maybe it is me, but Ice+Spazer feels somewhat slower than Wave+Spazer, which I feel isn't quite balanced considering the reduced range. (ie: I'd think there could be some upside to Ice+Spazer, Wave+Spazer definitely is more useful than Ice+Wave+Spazer in swarms of enemies)

Also if it is impossible to equip all four beams at once (which would probably need some major downside if it were), I at least would like to see a bit more customization allowing for Spazer+Plasma at the expense of Ice or Wave. Although this does make for three extra weapons that would have to be re-imagined (Fusion's Wide Plasma would cut it, though) and further tested... But I was always bothered Wave+Plasma rendered Spazer obsolete in Super Metroid.
Unknown said…
I am sorry to say but in the MyFlare download version for whatever reason it does not have a save feature....i don't mean that i can't save but the problem is that when i close the game,all of the progress i made is lost....this is not a problem WITHIN the game but looking at the file it has no save file....i know you use(d) these because i have played this game since DookieShed talked about it which was almost a year ago so i WILL try the other download versions to see if the one i downloaded was the faulty one
Unknown said…
This is incredible, exceptionally well done! I'm a firm believer that the two GBA Metroids are among the best games ever made and I've sorely anticipated a new 2D side-scrolling Metroid. Honestly, this looks like it will be right up there with them. Looking forward to the new areas and just a quick question. After your hard work is finished, is there any way you could put the game on a GBA cart for me? I'd gladly pay you.
Unknown said…
Great. But noticed 2 problems.
1st. In the end, before the battle with 2 metroids in one place, if you fall in lava (where the demo ends), you'll die. Mean you can't get out of there.
2nd. With speed boosters, it took something about 5 minutes to stop properly to fly-break the wall. Diagonal-down aim broke it all the time.
Unknown said…
Hey Doc, I just thought of a REALLY good idea you're going to want to hear! I love those idle animations where Samus configures her gun, they're really cool, but I noticed if you crouch and stay still nothing happens. You should add crouching idle animations as well, just two or three, where she can check her gun, scan the area, and fiddle with her visor settings.
Anonymous said…
I love this project. Finished 1.31 and had no issues at all.
Anonymous said…
Is there an ETA of when the game might be finished?
Vetusomaru said…
I thought the project was dead because of development problems (economical ones if I remember right). It's a good thing that you're still working on it.
Relabim said…
I've been following the project for a while, but this demo is the first time I've tried it out, and it's awesome! It'd be hard to tell it's not an official Nintendo product.
It runs pretty smoothly, and I've only been confronted with a small glitch that involves the spider ball getting "pushed back" when going up the rightmost wall of the third zone's cavern.

I was wondering, are the save files transferrable to other builds and/or the final version?
Mitch said…
It would a good step to make the game application at Google play. I would buy it if you make it. You know i have Xperia play and i have controller on my phone. Do it bro
Anonymous said…
Really great! I love the distinct look/stages of the Alpha Metroids in which I've dubbed Type 1-3. I also love the Gamma transformation sequence, real suspenseful. Keep up the good work, for I'm sure the finish product is near.
Anonymous said…
Graphical lag is gone from the previous releases, however, the sound is choppy now.
Anonymous said…
Can someone make a video showing the changes in the music?
Anonymous said…
whaaaat !
Incredible game !
no joke, i'am a fan of metroid saga and really, you're doing it as a nintendo's developpers !
pleazz continue this wonderfuulll project ! hum .. yes good job and good luck
Vachon said…
I got a little nostalgic so I played the Game Boy version again. It made me notice a number of missing enemies in AM2R like the spore spawning giant plants, those shielded creatures you could only attack from above or below, and those insects with buzzsaw-like claws. Will they eventually appear in the final game?

For aesthetic purposes, I feel like the mining machine should make a noise when it strikes the cordite crystal. Maybe it struggles to break it before making an emergency shutdown noise? And instead of just parking slightly offscreen, I feel it should strike a second cordite crystal but this time, there is no secret tunnel to destroy it.

I'll take it the Gamma Metroids will get some makeovers too (like the Alphas) showing their ascent to Zetas?

Thank you for all the hard work you and your assistants have put into this game.
Unknown said…
Well.. you're actually my hero!
Keep that work :O
Anonymous said…
HI dear doc, this game it´s asewome, only a funny bug, when I used the spped booster in the machine level, in one of the booster blocks, I was stuck in Morphball mode, could you please this bug in any booster blocks and don´t get samus stuck in any of that (even if she does´nt have booster mode)

Att: Kaito Kid
Unknown said…
You´re turning Metroid II into my favorite installment in the series! :-)

It´s nothing short of brilliant, and watching this come to life little by little with so much effort and love for the game is really inspiring! Thank you so much, Doc!

By the way: any chance of ending the credits of the final version of the game with the sentence "The last Metroid is in captivity. The Galaxy is at peace..."? :-)
Anonymous said…
Hey Doc, the game looks fantastic. I really like how it's turning out. I'm really looking forward to seeing how area 4 is.
Anonymous said…
When the full version will be released?
Pixelated Pope said…
Okay... I'm not familiar with "Blogger", but I think this will work...

I started using Game Maker 7 back when I read about your project on Destructoid like... 5 years ago. Been a huge game maker ever since.

I'm very familiar with GML both pre Studio and Post.

If you need some help porting some stuff over, let me know. I'd be happy to help.

Anonymous said…
I've played the demo last week and it's awesome and so far the best fan made remake!!!

As ビームアイス already said: I was stuck inside reappearing speed-boost blocks, too.

Keep up this great work and I really really hope you don't cancel this project!!!

Mulle from Retroguru (Giana's Return)
Unknown said…
keep up the good work Doc ! The flow of the game is amazing !!
Anonymous said…
Can we have our files from previous version put into this one?
Unknown said…
Just heard about this last week after watching a speed run. I must say i played this and i remember playing it as a kid and Keep on keeping on this game is amazing thus far and i'm said what i did play was over. So far a great game nice job!!!
Unknown said…
I'm truly impressed by your game so far. It's a treat to visit your site from time to time to see the great strides you've made. Take your time, and make the game rival
the original.
Anonymous said…
Most outstanding fangame ever, just to say that this is the only Metroid game that does not have elevators or where the save devices are automatic, chronologically this game is after the Metroid prime Trilogy events.
Demétrius said…
Wow man, you should go to Nintendo and teach them some lessons! This is on my favorites-for-life list! Huge thanks for such an awesome game!
Unknown said…
Can anyone tell me if this will be in actual snes cart form? Will it play on my snes? Can i buy it for my snes?
Anonymous said…
Great work here, Doc. I've been lurking and tracking this for some time; played the latest demo version, got 86% items in about 2 hrs and 53 minutes. This is so incredible; gives Metroid 2 the remake it so richly deserved. Right on! I'll keep watch for future patches!
Mearror said…
AMAZING, INCREDIBLE, FANTASTIC!!! i played and beat the original M2 and it will always have a special place in my heart. but this update is just awesome! all the new features work so damn good! i have a good memory so even back in the day i would mentally map out this game in my head. your map system makes this game easier tho!! and the new areas put in the game are very nice. that boss battle with mecha flying chozo was sweet!! to be honest i could be typing here all day if i wanted to but i think i'm beginning to ramble. anyways i have been a fan of your work since the beginning and i have to say this.... i'm so glad Nintendo didn't remake this game... because i know your giving us a better remake.
Anonymous said…
The last time I played through the metroid series I came across this version but as it was incomplete I decided to give it some time. I just downloaded demo v1.32 and... hell YES!! Can't believe I didn't try this out earlier. This is an epic remake and the makers should be proud. Thanks, and keep up the great work.
k said…
Eh, está buenisimo el remake que están haciendo!
Quería jugar los metroid cronológicamente,así que empecé por zero mission, despues seguía return of samus pero la verdad es que los graficos de GB me la bajaron, así que fue una suerte encontrar este fangame que además tiene la jugabilidad mejorada. El problema es que... ya terminé la demo y ansío demasiado enfrentar a la reina metroid! Más vale que el guardado que tengo me sirva para las próximas ediciones! Buenisimo trabajo, mis felicitaciones!

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