Early Testing

There's been some solid progress this month. The first phase of early playtesting began with a couple of selected players, and I'm already making changes to some of the Gamma fights. This section has been a little harder to develop and test than other areas. I usually do a lot of playtesting myself, and write down any details I find to check them later.
The thing is, since the atmosphere is so dark and claustrophobic, I can't help but feel uncomfortable and constantly tense. Yes, I did the level design myself and I still feel uncertain about what the darkness hides, and that made testing a lot more stressing.

The third miniboss is also being heavily tweaked, it showed to be as frustrating and unnecesarily hard as the first versions of Arachnus. This one will be a little bit easier, since the fight is mandatory to proceed to the rest of the area.

We're in July, and that means it's time for the annual Metroid Marathon, a celebration that the awesome guys at Metroid Hearquarters organize every year. They contribute to Child's Play this year too, so make sure you attend to the event, there's some impressive skills on display, and many surprises. You can follow the event at their Facebook page, and at their official site.

And last but not least, AM2R was reviewed by an awesome youtube producer called DookieShed. Here's the video, but you should really check out the rest of his channel. His Megaman videos made me want to play X again.

As always, thanks for your support.


Chapolin Colorado said…
"The thing is, since the atmosphere is so dark and claustrophobic, I can't help but feel uncomfortable and constantly tense. Yes, I did the level design myself and I still feel uncertain about what the darkness hides (...)"

P E R F E C T *_*
Daniel Quan said…
Genial!!!! me parece increible todo lo que has logrado, sigue así!
Matt Wetz said…
i love it. wish I could play test :)
Adam dollar said…
i would love to play test the new realease but i probably wont get that chance :C
Dan Blanco said…
So delightful! The lighting definitely adds a wonderful touch to the game.
SirZamus said…
La neta te esta quedando bien fregon el juego sigue asi y hechale ganas, por mi parte te apoyo y seguire esperando tus exquisitos demos :)
Gridlock said…
It's great to hear that you're focusing on the atmosphere. If it's unnerving even you, it must be very effective. I just hope you can keep a balanced progression so that the farther into the game you go the more tense it gets (If you're doing this much this early in the game, I imagine it might be hard to top it in later areas). I can only imagine how awesome the Queen's Lair could be if you can make it even scarier than the rest of the game.

I'm willing to wait as long as it takes for you to get everything perfect. I've been working on my own project for over three years, so I understand the need to get everything right. Best of luck to you.
Anonymous said…

I have been watching your project for some time now. I applaude your talent, and I can't wait to play this beautiful pearl you have been polishing for a long time.
Blue Madness said…
Oh yeah, I had seen that video before! ...It made me even more excited for this game to be finished, and I'm already pretty f'in pumped up. o_o
Leras said…
Awsome Progress doc. Can't wait till next demo!!!!
The7thGuest said…
Hey Doc new Updates ? :) Great News ! We LOVE YOU !!! :)
Wiwiweb said…
Awesome! You're doing an insanely impressive job. Can't wait for the next demo :D
jorge said…
i like the dark Areas Good work wiht the project :3
SirZamus said…
De hecho quedaria muy bien si metieras mas al fondo del juego como cavernas que tengas minerales que emitan luz, asi se miraria mas realistico el ambiente y no batallarias con la oscuridad en otras zonas, siempre y cuando esas zonas no esten recluidas de esas partes con minerales, asi tambien se miraria un ambiente profundo de alguna caverna :)
Unknown said…
Este juego es una bomba, Genial con la reseña que te dieron, haría algo mejor que la reseña, si Nintendo te ofrece poner tu juego en la eShop para 3DS, sería algo megafantasticamente chido jugarlo, me explotarían los huevos por jugarlo cuando lo estrenes.
Me gustaría seguir tus pasos para ser un creador de juegos como tu.

Miguel Rodrigo Contreras López
Velico&Bocon said…
esta genial!!!
piensan portarlo algún otro sistema??
ChrisBro said…
Dude I seriously cannot wait for this to come out. It is freaking impressing. The dark feel you're adding to it? YES. I always thought that Metroid is a perfect game to have a creepy dark atmosphere to it. It's shown in a lot of the Metroid's. Dude, keep this up. This will be amazing when it's finished. You can expect a download from me.
Jer said…
I do have a question by the way.. Once Another Metroid 2 Remake gets close to completion do you consider in using a more inspired title for your game? It is understandable that a similar fangame called Metroid Sr388 came around before, but perhaps you and your team could come up with your own ideal finish title!

I'll be very eager to see it all come together in due time~ Steady as she goes! :D
Unknown said…
Oh god. This only makes me wanna play MORE! I loved the demo as of yet.

And, one last thing, can you give me the Within the Water Works theme? It's so catchy, and I just want to listen to it at night...

(That music! All of it's just amazing! :D )
brandino said…
I am super excited for the completion of this game. Cant wait Doc.
zacH said…
I really like the idea of the dark, creepy area you're working on, but one thing has stood out in the concept shots... Samus' sprite is still quite bright, to the point where it looks a bit out of place in the moody area. Super Metroid did a really good job (perhaps even without any color tweaking between areas?) helping her sprite blend in to all the different game areas. Is this the sort of palette/shading tweak that can be made in AM2R, to help root Samus into the world she is exploring?

Hopefully without making her hard to keep track of on-screen, of course.

And keep up the great work! Always glad to see new updates. :)
ch0zen said…
Keep up the good work, this will be the best remake ever.

Is it perhaps possible that you add recoil to samus when she shoots? Like in Metroid Fusion. Whenever she shoots there is a little recoil. I think that it would look better, than Samus shooting a missile and remaining in a solid state.

Thats just a little suggestion from me.

Anyways, the game will be great!
Richter said…
Hay tantas cosas que sin duda no me esperaba ver en los avances que se han hecho (estuve unos meses desconectado del internet y por eso no pude seguir el proyecto de cerca). Magnífico, sin duda magnífico, el destello que dejan los misiles al lanzarse ahora está genial, pero recuerdo haberlo dicho en otra ocasión... cuando sacaron el primer demo del AM2R el sonido cuando se tomaba un misil no eral de misión zero sino el de Metroid 2, una creación magnífica que habías creado y le daba el toque de semejanza al proyecto, pero luego de que salieron los otros demos avanzados se fue perdiendo eso, y el sonido ahora es el mismo que tiene misión zero al tomar misiles. Cómo recomendación creo que el sonido iniciar estaba excelente y propio de un Metroid 2 y deberías retornarlo, detalles como esos hacen que el jugador se familiarice con este nuevo proyecto.
Ojala se tome en cuenta mi opinión (al menos con una respuesta).
Saludos desde Chile Doc
D-Xmangekyou said…
hey there... I would love to help with the play testing as I had experience with game testing in the past and I am REEEAAAAALLYYY looking forwards this game being completed, I havent been this excited about a game coming soon since Metroid Prime Trilogy, I love how the game looks and handles from the demo version, also take your time with the testing, thanks again for making this remake that this game deserves.
carlitos said…
el creador del vidiojuego abla español me pregunto????
D-Xmangekyou said…
so... in the demo... can find the Hi Jump Boots? or do I have to do the Ice Beam trick?
Unknown said…
I guess I haven't played a demo since Confrontation v2.5 because that was the latest build I had. I just played the latest demo build and was surprised at how much has drastically changed.
Gi-On said…
Hola doctor, escribi sobre su juego en mi blog espero no le moleste
Unknown said…
The game was progress it? When upload the next demo? you participate in NCFC this year?
SAC/Black_Yoshi said…
I usually thought the scariest part of the original Met2 was the last Chambers (the part with the Omegas a ways off before you attack the Queen), when it felt more like survival horror than your typical Metroid game.

Still, nice to hear good progress. Keep up the good work.
KilllerX said…

Metroid II: The Rereturn of Samus

Something like that?

Oh well, I wish we got updates a little more often. I want to know % completion. but not necessary, Can't wait (but alas I must) for the finished product.
Artezz said…
Hey Doc!

I know technically you are not allowed to make any profit of this, but is there any way to donate? I would really love to Show my and our appreciation of your work!
Anonymous said…
me hago pis si cuando esté listo
Vachon said…
The Gamma Metroids are creepy looking. It makes me wonder what you have in store for the Zetas and Omegas, not to mention the Queen. You're doing fantastic work.
Unknown said…
you should make a rom final version,that will be great for play on gba emulator,awesome remake

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