Behind the scenes

The bug-hunt and polish stage is taking a bit too long, I know. Thankfully, I have plenty of work at the studio, so AM2R didn't advance that much this month.

While the new demo is being finished, the awesome HyruleSwordsMan was kind enough to share some of his pixel art magic. These videos show how two frames were drawn (Zeta and Omega Metroid, respectively), be sure to leave him a comment or two, he's a really nice guy.

Now, this year's NCFC. I'm pretty sure you were expecting the demo to be released at the yearly event, like always. This time will have to be the exception. I'm unable to finish the demo in time, there's a lot of small details I want included, and I won't be releasing a cut-down, unbalanced snapshot of the game like last time.
Besides, there's very little "showable" progress, since most changes this year included the migration to GM8.1, the new menus and general balance, besides the level design.

Whenever the demo is released, it'll be awesome, solid and well balanced. I still encourage you guys to check out this year's NCFC, despite AM2R's absence. There's always awesome fangames and cool events. I'll be sure to get into the chatrooms at least a couple of times.

As always, any comments or suggestions are welcome.


Anonymous said…


saludos desde chile
Favio Valencia said…
Que bien! Esperando el nuevo Demo para el NCFC... que bueno que te acuerdas de tus seguidores al actualizar noticias este mes. Animo Salas La Fuente, desde el principio de este proyecto que te vengo siguiendo, y he visto tu progreso estos 4 años, te has convertido en todo un profesional!... Sigue así y espero el día con ansias a que termines este gran proyecto.
Ken said…
Amazing work, HyruleSwordsMan! The results are really impressive. Can't wait to see this in action!
The Metal said…
Hopefully you'll read this comment somehow Dr. M.

I've suggested before in some of your blog posts that you should hire some talent in order to speed up the project. Although it is for certain your decision, your project, I think you may be surprised by the am amount of progress you can make with a little bit of help.

I know, I'm not making an incredibly persuasive argument, but hopefully you'll at least think about a little!
The Metal said…
Dr. M. I've posted before many times on this, but hopefully you'll read it this time, somehow!

I believe getting a little bit of help may be something to consider. You might be surprised how much progress you can make with some help, not to mention being a team lead on any...enterprising projects should you're indie/free tittle kick off. I'm not saying I'm the one to help, or that your project will suck without it. Definitely not. I'm saying, a little bit of help might go a long way.

Hopefully you'll read this somehow, and think about it a little!
The General said…
As always, we are all watching, and waiting. It's mindblowing to see the project having come so far, and all the frankly professional work put into it.

You have something special here, Doc, with the best to help you through with it. We all eagerly await release!
Zoonyboy said…
It's a shame that 2d spurts like that aren't used that much if at all in videogames anymore. Now the only thing 2d is texture art, and that's not that great
EG said…
Can't wait for the finished game. Been following the project for over three years now. I love to see the progress you are making. I'm always so fearful when I don't see an update every month, and think that Nintendo served you with a cease and desist order because you are doing such a killer job. I hope you and all of the persons contributing can create a game after this, perhaps something where you aren't restricted to someone else's source material.
nightmare said…
I still dont ecen know what the nfc or whatever is. I just check online for am2r and a few other metroid projects.
Anonymous said…
I have an idea for the title screen music.
You make it like Zero Mission, going straight into the melody, and leave the weird noises at the start for the save selection screen.
Genesis said…
To be honest, the sprites are so awesome, I never imagined the movements to look that good.
It's nice to hear that you're working really thoroughly instead of rushing too much, I'd prefer to wait until 2016 than getting a half finished game in the end of this year.
But I bet it's going to be released around 2014 if it goes on like this =)
And I'd like Nintendo to announce a new Metroid title, it's been a long time since other m and other m had a nice gameplay as opposed to the Prime titles.
Anyway, keep the good work up ^^
Anonymous said…
Miles07 said…
The team is doing a great job on this. HSM's art is particularly fine, too. Well done, AM2RTeam!
Anonymous said…
Wish Nintendo took you and your team under them and let you actually develop for them instead of having to worry about them coming after you right as it's getting the final touches. This game is the kind of thing that the series really needs. Keep up the amazing work!
Jer said…
It's alright to make an absence for this year's NCFC, but I still have a lot of faith in this project that you and your team have been putting amazing work into the game. I keep coming onto this webpage on a monthly basis to check up any insights on how the game development is coming along, and I have to say that I am rather impress thus far! Wish there would be a way to share some of my inputs into this project, but leaving thoughts and suggestions? I can try.

In Super Metroid and Metroid Fusion they both had very atmospheric elements that creates the game so lively, with sondtracks ranging from ominous to crisis events and level designs having their own environment effects such as fog clouded to brimstone smoke covered areas. And of course structures, monuments, and inhabitants (large hostile non-metroid bosses even) throughout the world that tells tales which are in-depth with the game that doesn't even telling the player directly, much like the guardian bosses statue in Super Metroid and Sector 0 with all of the hidden Metroid breeding researches in Metroid Fusion.

When it comes to making a fangame it shouldn't be just about remaking a game... but recreating new experiences of what you've envisioned that would not only be new but also be a familiar classic. Like Metroid: Zero Mission with redesign levels/sprite graphics, new foes, and twists of it's own. Hope those thoughts will help assist you guys' in this project! From a follower, Jer~
Gridlock said…
Yes, the slower and more polished, the better. I know some people are getting impatient, but I've been following this project so long that I almost don't want the hype to end. If you lose that momentum by releasing an unpolished version early, AM2R might not get the attention it deserves. I'm also very happy work is going great for you.
somebody said…
The anonomos guys right. With the wierd but awsome noise inthe title screen music you can have an epic remix of it for the title screen with the cool music that starts up later and when you go to file select it is only the weird noise and the standard elevator theme of mp. ITs actually a really great idea.
Magick said…
Nice to see you still alive and kicking, so many fan projects die a slow painful death. Good luck!
Yonathan said…
Todo el tiempo que sea necesario hermano! lastima lo del NCFC pero vere que fue lo mejor!! ya que no tuve tiempo pero vere que tal fue!! esperando con muchas ansias el demo!!
Matthew Gator said…
I look forward to the day this game is completed! Looks fun!
Anonymous said…
Hey the NFC has been passed, and where is the new demo???, but you doing a very good work, so please contenium this
have you ever thought of making a secret area with 2 bosses in it 1 is the boss area 2 is a hidden boss as a reference or a symbol of your hard work.
it doesn't have to be like that. just something similar.
Anonymous said…
6 out of 5 metroids demand this be released now, or else the Samus gets it!
Anonymous said…
You've done good work. I don't follow many fan pages, but yours I will.
Robert R said…
Doc, I have been following this game since I found out about it, and I just want to suggest something that will make everyone happy. Release the game in an episodic way, where, each month, you release areas of the game that are polished, done, and worthy of playing. Then, while people spend their time speedrunning and finding every possible item each month, you have more time to polish the later areas of the game. Then, at the end, you release the entire game as one finished product. People would love this, and, for the record, I just recently played and beat the final episode of The Walking Dead from Telltale games, and each month I couldn't wait for the next episode, I was so engrossed into it, and I feel that AM2R can be that exciting too.
BSLceresHawkins said…
Eres increíble, no hay ningún proyecto como el tuyo, a decir verdad todos los proyectos de metroid existentes salvo el tuyo y metroid remix han muerto o llevan años sin decir nada (lo que viene a ser lo mismo) y me han decepcionado porque esperaba grandes cosas de super metroid remake o proyect m5f, pero tú eres el único en quién confío de verdad, eres el mejor, aunque metroid remix es bueno, tú eres el amo
BSLceresHawkins said…
si quieres sugerencias te recomiendo que hagas como en metroid prime o metroid fusion y hagas una explicación de por qué si samus termina zero mission con full equipo en el juego 2 empieza con tan poco
BSLceresHawkins said…
otro consejo: he visto que has sacado los sprites de los metroid de la metroid database y que están inspirados en los de metroid fusion pero en el alfa cambian una parte, tal vez deberías cambiarlo para que sea igual y que así esté más sincronizado con la saga. Si no recuerdas que era es que la coraza es transparente
BSLceresHawkins said…
tengo una sugerencia:

Si hay algo que no se ve en metroid son las superficies de los planetas, se centran siempre en las cuevas. Creo que podrías ampliar la zona en la que empiezas, incluso hacer que en algún momento un tunel te lleve a la superficie y pases un tiempo y al final te enfrentes a un jefe, un metroid rezagado, consigas un item que te inventes... Quién sabe, se me ocurre que podrías ver a un omega al que le pasa "algo" con tecnología chozo y lo convierte en el omega raro el fusion (lo cual de paso explicaría de dónde salió un omega al que solo le afecta el rayo hielo). Se que es un reto, pero sería brutal y una obra maestra.

Anonymous said…
"Zeta and Omega, respectively"

You mean Omega and Zeta. =P
Anonymous said…
Please release the demo for the December update!
Unknown said…
I just played the demo and the confrontation episode... they are wonderful! Awesome! the controls are smooth and the pixel art I saw here is absolutely accurate. I hope that you'll complete this masterpiece (it would be a shame to leave it unfinished).
I also have a question: in the final version there will be a level editor or similar? I always dreamed of an editable metroid fan-made game since I played Super Mario Bros. X (and I asked myself: what if also metroid had an editor?).
the5000run said…
I so appreciate what you're doing, man. Metroid means so much to me. Your project represents an attempt to beautify one of the most worthy Metroid games in history. Thank you so much!

That said, when do you think you will be finished?

~ Chris T.
E7YC3 said…
Update please? c:
Anonymous said…
no new news?
Anonymous said…
Hey Dr. M!

I apologize for my English...

I check the blog every day, to see if there is a update. You do not need to update always! I do not want to make you feel that you must. You can wait until you have something excellent to show. But I will be here when you post it! :)

Anonymous said…
getting anxious now doc...wheres the new update?...even if theres no progress...please.. we need confirmation of your presence
Unknown said…
Great stuff....very creative!! thanks for posting!!

anti climb fence

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