
There are times when being forced to change something leads to even more unexpected changes. I had to reinstall windows on my laptop (the main dev space since the studio HDD death). I was enjoying the clean, smooth and lightning fast OS that windows is, right before installing a lot of crap and making it slow again.

Once I installed Game Maker 7, I couldn't authenticate it. Looks like Yoyogames is using a different license provider, but for some reason the registration system showed an "License already in use" error.
This looks like a good excuse to do an upgrade...

So, for the last week the game has finally been migrated to Game Maker 8.1. The code editor is much better, the collision masks are much more flexible, and it runs quite faster. Unfortunately, that came with a cost. For some reason, BGM (the bass.dll wrapper that I use for music) doesn't seem to work well.
Most of the music engine was redone, it now features abstracted scripts that can support any extension or dll, so whenever I finish testing possible replacements for a music playback system, all I have to do is edit a couple scripts.

One very strong candidate I'm testing right now is the Caster sound engine. It's multiplatform, so it might come in handy if I get to do a Mac port of the game.

Thank you all very much for following the project. I read every comment, and I'm happy to see there's a lot of people eager to see this finished. I'll do my best to not dissapoint you.


Anonymous said…
I knew you wouldn't disappoint! This is some pretty great news, sounds like once you find the right system, things'll go a lot faster. Thanks for working so hard Doc!
Anonymous said…
There's no way any of us could be disappointed with the project Doc! Thank you so much for dedicating the time to the game.
Will said…
Yes! New info! I hope the new programs work out great Doc. Keep at it. Looking forward to the next tidbit of news :P
Glitch Daracova said…
I was wondering what had happened, you kind of fell off the face of the earth for a while. Glad to see that you and the project are alive and well. Keep up the good work.
Anonymous said…
I was getting kinda scared when more than the month had passed and you hadn't posted anything.

So relieved now... this always happens to me ever since i started following your blog
LucidusAtra said…
I am extremely excited for this game! And I haven't commented about it before. So here's yet another person who'se been following the project.
Anonymous said…
I heard about the project like 2 years ago and I regularly check your website to watch updates since then.
You will never disappoint me.
You are the best.
I can't wait :D
Anonymous said…
Scared me with not posting for a month... I'm a recent follower so I don't know if that's common or not. What I do know is that this project is epic and I can't wait to finally get the full game. Thanks for the constant work and dedication Doc!!
Anonymous said…
I was sacred that you stoped after not posting in so long T.T good to see you back
passarbye said…
Sweet! good thing you upgraded, now you can do a lot more. :)

here's hoping for much more progress!
Anonymous said…
Whether the project is completed or not, we'll all be thankful for the work you put into it, but we know you can do it, and we know it'll be wonderful. It's unfortunate that you've had to deal with this extra problem, but it's great to know you're hard at work. Thank you.
Zach said…
I think this is probably the most followed metroid fangame, out there.
Anonymous said…
this made my day exciting
Anonymous said…
Go Doc, Go!
Anonymous said…
Keep up the good work with the project Doc!! I can't wait to play v 1.0 of am2r!
Anonymous said…
YAY! I've been following this project since a long time ago and it's nice to see it's still going strong! i can't wait 'till you release the full game!
Ken said…
Awesome! There's nothing like a fresh new system and an upgraded environment to get you excited and motivated again :)
Anonymous said…
Yeah, I'm so glad that you continue your project = )
I visit your site nearly every day just to see if there are some news of AM2R.
It became part of my day x )
(First comment so far)
Anonymous said…
it basically should be "TM2R"
"THE metrpoid 2 remake".
and Doc, you are THE man.
your commitment and staina is trully honorable!
I respect you!
Unknown said…
I've been checking this site for the better half of 2+ years. I check this every week like a webcomic. This is easily the game I've been looking forward for a long time.

Keep it up. Your unwavering determination is an inspiration to me and everyone.
Anonymous said…
sigue asi estas cumpliendo el sueño de muchos con este remake yo nunca pude jugar metroid 2 y es el ultimo que me falta terminar no te desanimes y continua con esto lograras el exito amigo mio
Ryan said…
Glad to hear an update -- keep up the good work, Doc!
Daniel Quan said…
Sabemos que no nos decepcionarás, es más, entre más tiempo pasa, sé que estás interesándote más en el proyecto y mantienes en mente el finalizarlo. Desde que descubrí este blog y lo que tú estabas haciendo, reviso todos los días por algún avance. El saber que sigues posteando me alegra y me mantiene esperando, después de saber que hace tiempo el proyecto de FSMR (First Super Metroid Remake) había muerto, mi única esperanza es que tú termines tu remake. Sigue así, y aunque no nos muestres progreso, haznos saber que mantienes vivo el proyecto.
The7thGuest said…
You know, children dont let us a Choice or even Free Time sometimes, but Life Goes on.
Pc Problems , problems we all have or had it from Time to Time.

Im Happy you on it Again Doc !
Have a nice SummerTime !
Ash_AP said…
Glad to hear things are going relatively well!
Keep it up, Doc!
Unknown said…
Dr. M!

Hey man, I know you're busy working on stuff, and real life for sure takes more priority. But...can you consider the possibility of recruiting a team? I think by having people you consider worthy of helping you out, your game would make a lot more progress!

Think about it. They can work on the programming, show you the build once in a while, and you advise them on what you like, and what you don't like.

Seriously, I think you should STRONGLY consider this. Although I hope to not sound intrusive, but I've been watching your progress for quite a while now. And while I'm amazed at the incredible dedication you've put into this masterpiece, I've always found it very strange that you don't have a team working on things while your gone!

Anyways, keep it the amazing work! I'm still very excited for this game, especially since we haven't had a TRUE Metroid game since Zero Mission and Fusion.
Anonymous said…
Muchichichcihcichichcichisssisisisiisisismas gracias por la update Doc

Maestro continue con su trabajo y tomese su tiempo, practicamente me siento como en familia esperando junto con todos estos gamers, somos una legion paciente que esperará hasta que el cuerpo aguante

Animos desde chile!
Anonymous said…
God you scared me, but then you posted and I'm so relieved
Paradox said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
It's always nice to see an update. It's been a while so I was getting worried. Keep up the good work!! ^_^
Anonymous said…
I keep checking back here now and then, and I am so thrilled that you're still working on this. It's definitely one of the most ambitious projects one could come across, and it's done in the most professional manner.

I hope that by word-of-mouth I and the other visitors can help broaden your audience. This deserves as much exposure as it can get. Not sure how interested you might be in this, but AM2R seems like the kind of thing IGN would love to do an interview on, just like they did with Project M recently.

Best of luck, and many thanks for producing such an awesome Metroid experience!
Anonymous said…
I think you are almost done, no matter if you dedicate a minute per day, we will wait until it is finished.

purplecowadoom said…
What you've accomplished is amazing work! I'm cheering for you over here in the States.
Anonymous said…
Doc, since you're looking for music engines, have you considered using FMOD? It's free for use, as long as you're not charging for your game...
Jea Mike said…
Men Tomate tu tiempo en verdad tengo desde hace 2 años esperando y se que no es facil pero tu eres el que sabe de eso Lo esperaré :D
Jer said…
Yes I am very eager to see more updates with the game, and I am quite happy to hear such good news with a stronger and more advanced version of the GameMaker, huzzah! However it is a shame that you can't be able to use your old original soundtracks from before... oh well. In my eyes I can see this as an opportunity for you to improve the quality or have support help with the remixed and original custom soundtracks from others who are willing to aid you with your amazing project. Keep up with the fantastic work and keep us posted with the latest news! ((Even if the news is about very little progress with the game it's still news for us!))

From one of your patient followers, Jer.
burialatsea said…
Just played the AMR2 demo and completed it, despite having difficulties due to being terrible at playing with a keyboard input. It was pretty amazing.

Also played Metroid Confrontation, but found it somewhat more impossible due to the keyboard input making Kraid / Ridley ridiculously difficult for me. The only real critique I have on that is that Kraid's sprite is annoyingly immobile and static, save for his arms and mouth. There's seemingly no animation on his body at all, and it looks jarring as a result, especially in comparison to Ridley.

That said, otherwise both games are amazing and you've done great work. Really hope to see AMR2 completed in the future :)
Genesis said…
I'm so excited about how am2r is nearing it's completition but is also improved all the time, keep it up!
BSLceresHawkins said…
Estoy trabajando en un juego pero no entiendo nada de los index y el engine más moderno el la web metroid fangame es para GM6. Ya que estás haciendo el juego para el 8 ¿por qué no subes un engine?
Anonymous said…
Excellent news, I am so excited about the project, I'm glad you are doing this game justice! Keep up the good work, can't wait for the full game release.
Luciano said…
Jokerwolf said…
You friend are my hero, keep it up. Once it is done it will be the best free remake to a game ever.
Oops. Sorry for the GM license inconvenience and the death HDD issue. I hope everything go smooth from now on so you can work with a fully performance system. I've been expecting your project final release for couple years so far, just like most of people here. 頑張ってください!(Please do your best effort!)
Dan Blanco said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dan Blanco said…
I'm glad to hear you've been hanging in there. I had to fix a broken laptop which could have meant the difference between living comfortably and being homeless earlier this week, so I can imagine how you feel when things don't go quite as peachy as you would like.
Master of Ing said…
Good on ya Doc! we all got yo buddy dont you worry.

im real glad i came by to see the blog today(everyday actually) to see that things are going well.
Anonymous said…
Great to hear you're still with us, good sir. When Nintendo themselves disappointed me with no major Metroid announcement at E3, you again become my shining hope for this franchise.

Yes, your project gets just as much anticipation from me as an official nintendo product. Maybe even more.

Keep up the good work. If you need ANY help at all, let us know. You don't have to carry the burden alone. We're here for you.
Paradox said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
keep on!!! and take ur time:)
it will be great!!!

checking ur block one a week :)

keep update running :)
Anonymous said…
Good to hear from you!
Keep up the good work, there are so many people following this project out there!
brandino said…
It means so much to me that you dedicate your time and effort into finishing this game. Just remember all is well if the going gets rough keep pushing forward.

Your almost there. :-)
brandino said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
I knew you wouldn't give up bro! You've worked too hard on this awesome game and have made it even more awesome! Really looking forward to playing! Keep it up Doc :')
Anonymous said…
Good to see things are moving in a somewhat forward direction, keep up the good work :)
Telyurna said…
Terminé el Metroid 2 hace poco en verdad, nunca le había dedicado el tiempo necesario para comprender que era un gran juego. Te he seguido desde hace 2 años mas o menos, y encuentro que con este proyecto estás cumpliendo el sueño de muchos, no te rindas. Te deseo lo mejor para ti y para tu familia. Un abrazo muy grande desde Chile c:
MarioLP said…
The gameplay was already really smooth and tight with this new engine, the compatibility is likely to improve. I was really impressed with the demo, I played it with my Wii classic controller and felt right at home.

Keep on the good work !!
you are a blessing for the gaming community !
Yuzumi said…
That's a good news ! Take your time, do'nt stress yourself, mainly for the soundtrack, that's one of the most important thing :D
Hold on and surprise us ! <3
MegaSeveN said…
As I was reading, I kept expecting to see the horrible news that you had lost half your assets or something, but it seems to have all worked out pretty well (with the exception of the music).

I'm glad! And hey, the easier it is to make, the faster you can complete it! :D
Anonymous said…
wow doc you are keeping everything so clean in this project. ha your awesome dude thank you for posting about anything thats going on. keeps us updated. ^^
Yonathan said…
Claro que si hermano!!! mucho apoyoo!!! espero el nuevo engine te funciones de maravilla!!! n.n saludos y a esperar otras noticias tuyas!!!
JasonsJewelry said…
I don't know that much about Game maker, but I have heard that the latest version allows you to port your projects over to multiple platforms including Android and iOS. Any chance of an Android version of the finished game?
Pedro Soares said…
Even with all the ups and downs you still keep going and that is something to be proud of!
Itzimna said…
Dude, I fantasize about this game. This game seems so amazing, I just daydream about the day when you finish it and I can play it. I love all the Metroid games, and I think you are doing a terrific job. I am so impressed that one single man can achieve the creation of such a beautiful work of art. You are an artist man. Don't ever give up or let off working on it, I absolutely must play it. I will support you by telling everybody I know about it.
Anonymous said…
You're awesome, I can't wait till the game is finished. I've always wanted a Metroid II remake, don't disappoint us.
zero011 said…
Thanks for all the hard work you have put into your project!! I do hope you can do a Mac port if you ever have the time. Again, thanks for all your hard work.
Anonymous said…
Hi! I am christian.smith2000@yahoo.com. I am 12 years old and happy to say it! So, anyways, back to the point. I have been taking a look at this blog since tech demo 1.1 and I am very astonished. So I was thinking, maybe we should get to know each other. It would be a pleasure to become friends with you. So, sometime, I was wondering if you could go on www.mantagames.com, create an account, download mineblock,then wait until the multiplayer update. We could have fun building and destroying together. I know the game won't wait, so I was thinking just me and you playing on a server after you finish the game. I love the effort you have put into the game and I can't wait untill it is finished! I can't wait for me and you to get to know each other. You are truly the greatest. Also, before I leave, if it is laggy on your system, set the resolution to 1x in the options menu. Before I leave, if you choose to play with me, my account name is chsmith5. I will tell you the server I will be waiting on.
Your possible friend,
E7YC3 said…
Yes! :D Please work on a Mac port!
E7YC3 said…
Also, is it possible that when you are finished developing the game that we can play it in different resolution presets? I would like to play it in 800x480 to simulate how it would look like on a 3DS :O
Anonymous said…
I can help!(if you want)
Anonymous said…
I'm glad you're still going, last update had me a bit worried. The demo you put out was very enjoyable, and it would be a real shame if nothing came of it.
Anonymous said…
mucha suerte con el nuevo engine ^^ espero ancioso este mas que nungun otro juego, muchos exitos!!
Omegaptrol said…
por favor si en algun momento quieres renunciar no lo hagas, solo termina el projecto y en ese momento podras hacer lo que quieras.
si terminas el juego nos haras un gran favor a todos, y te trataremos como un heroe(por lo menos yo) por favor no nos decepciones como el projecto SR388
Anonymous said…
Don't give up on your project! I might just be one of a million anonymous but I wanna see a damn fangame finished! And you deserve it too. You've worked hard to make such an accurate engine and I don't want to see someone so cool criticized about quitting part way through. I know you can do it.
E7YC3 said…
My mistake, it's actually 400 x 240 effectively (3DS screen resolution)
Anonymous said…
suspire said…
Ha - at the fear/excitement this caused. We're mostly excited man. Thanks for taking the time.
Anonymous said…
Thank you for keeping up the work--I know after some point, it just becomes difficult and grating, but I sincerely am glad you are powering through that. Everyone is excited to play the awesome final product.
Jeweled Iris said…
I have a question, on the AM2R demo you made of the first area. did you puropsefully set up the music externally so it could be swapped out with other music? because in playing around with music swap, I was able to create various musical stylesets for the game. I created a metroid prime musicset, a zeromission music set and a super metroid music set. and it is nice! Still your music is great in the game I just found a way I can play around with it
Anonymous said…
doc..........i know you have the recent family and all.....as do i......but seriously involve a team as a recent user suggested....you are the master, the head, the boss, the creator, the genes, the life, the go-ahead, the man, the balls, the mother-brain! of it all....don't lose hope....or give all the coding to me and I'll finish it....this is epic and all fan produced games are seriously laughable and complete shit...but this is true work and a complete follow through of what real video games should be like... a recent follower mentioned zero mission and fusion....true metroid games....metroid M? everyone involved should of been fired...shit for a game....screw all the cut seen "beautiful graphics" I need content and an actual game I can "play" and not "watch"! LONG LIVE METROID!

P.S. Please don't give me another heart palpitation without posting within a month...I may die without the news and updates. cheers!
Anonymous said…
No matter how long it takes we'll support you to the very end.

Keep on truckin' Doc and may the awesome be with you. ^_^
Anonymous said…
Hi Doc.
Understand you are busy.
Really hope things are going well.
Right now I would love to play your game.
You made a great demo!

Ultimately I would play it many times.
Probably 100!

Now I guess we just wait.
I was worried from last update.
Great to see more updates though.
Gonna tell everyone when it's out!
Everyone will love it I'm sure.
Right on Doc!!
Matthew said…
Keep up the work, I know it takes a long time for multiple people working on a game to develop it properly. With only one person, it ought to be alot harder, and longer. In due time, I know we will have it. I was hoping sooner then it is. But I know how it is not being able to work on something.
Nick said…
It's been a while since your last update. Hope all is well.
Anonymous said…
ola saludos desde mexico...mucha suerte y exito en el proyecto....no te rindas siempre hay algo bueno y eso lo tienes tu....es un proyecto hermoso que nos hara felices a muchos animo y mucho exito
Sebastian said…
Dude, you're never gonna finish this thing. I really hope you don't pull an Axl Rose and start going back and fixing everything all of the time. In the time you've taken to try and make this, you could have built your own Metroid game from scratch and made it three times longer. Your work looks great, but perhaps trying to do this all by yourself along with your perfectionist ideals are a bit much. All the same, good luck.
E7YC3 said…
Any updates soon? It's almost August :/
Anonymous said…
Man, I tried to make a Metroid remake in Gamemaker without using code.. haha
Anonymous said…
You should consider making the music sound like it is the original music but with the GBA sounds.
Unknown said…
hope you can overcome all these troubles,I will stand by you
The Nightmare said…
Thank you for working so hard. I have only followed (somewhat) these post forums thingy for a year but i have think you have done great and i cannot wait to play the full game. I am one of the biggest Metroid Fans. , And so when I thought all hope was lost untill wiiu, you shone the light with a new metroid game. I got somewhat bored cuz i have played and beaten every single metroid game. and i am proud to say so.
The Nightmare said…
wow, i just listend to you your interveiw, and i say you did a very good job, you made it interesting while not giving spoilers away, and and i really liked what you said about super metroid. and i absolutly agree with you, you should tell that to the guy trying to remake super metroid. I am looking forward to the game and i hope you get nothing but the best for all your hard work!
Unknown said…
Is there going to be an Android version?

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