
Wow... time does fly by.

Again, many changes in little time. Right now I'm working as a programmer for a consultant company (I got the job!), and still keeping the recording studio open at night. So, free time is a luxury I don't come across
often nowadays. Still, there's some hours on the week that I can dedicate to AM2R at the studio.

Progress this month?
Mostly reworked tilesets, scripted events debugging on both areas 2 and 3, some major tweaking on
Arachnus' AI. Nothing spectacular, I know.

No exciting news right now, but I'm posting anyway, so you know this situation is temporary. At least until I got accustomed to the new rhythm of my life.
Thanks again for all your support.


Anonymous said…
Dude, awesome stuff!!
Glad you're doin ok, good luck with yo stuff!
JusticeforAngels said…
Whew! What a relief! This is the first time you've failed to give at least one update every month, so I was worried. Glad to see ur still alive and kickin' and happy that you got the job. See ya!
Anonymous said…
Sinceramente, espero este juego como la segunda llegada de jesucristo a los ojos de un evangelico.
espero con mucha fe y esperanza, reviso todos los dias el blog, y me pergunto como será, juego una y otra vez los demos...

me siento egoista, pensado que no hago nada por aportar a esto, y esperar que me caiga del cielo, tomate todo el tiempo que quieras... :D
mi fe sigue intacta
y si no lo puedes completarlo comprenderemos, todos somos humanos.
netsendjoe said…
wow im not the only one who noticed it had been more than a month since Doc's last update. Its OK, we understand that you have a life.
Anonymous said…
Obviously, with a new life that makes it harder to find time. Just so long as the game can be finished eventually.

Thank you for the update! When you take this long, we get worried!
Drew P said…
Great to hear from you! Best of luck in your endeavors!!!
Anonymous said…
Awesome news! good to hear things are going well for you :)
CMoses said…
Thanks for the news so we can know that this project is still alive!
We love you Doc, whenever, whatever you do. You're such an openhearted person who shares his thoughts. :)
The7ThGuest said…
Nice to Hear from you :)
Take your Time !
Ken said…
Good to hear you're still finding time to work on am2r occasionally. Keep it up, and good luck with your new opportunities!
Anonymous said…
I do hope this isn't a case of, "Well, I got the demo out, so I released something. Mission accomplished."
Anonymous said…
Yo, glad to hear that u got the job, gratz, take your time and relax dude, once you get the pace of it u get to work at the game again.
Im sure everyones wants to play something you're dedicating yourself too hard.
Anonymous said…
hi doc. terra here. keep up the good work..glad to see ur still finding time to work on am2r. hope ur personal life is going well..i will be looking forward with ur next update
Ash said…
Keep it up Doc! Glad to see you got a new job! :)
Take your time, you know we'll be following!
Anonymous said…
dont rush, take ur time!!!
but as u said. keep some info regular :)
samushunter242 said…
keep on going man (atleast your not like capcom and can atlest Finish what you started)
Anonymous said…
I thought you died T.T glad to hear that your doing well tho.
Anonymous said…
No problem, waiting to see the finished :3
Anonymous said…
I was a bit worried when you didn't post last month, but I'm glad you posted this month. Good to know you're okay, even if you're busy. You don't have to work on this too much if you don't have the time. We know you're still here. :)
Anonymous said…
Hey, I've been watching this site for a while now, and I have to say that I'm really looking forward to what you're doing. For what an anonymous comment on the Internet is worth, I'd like to both congratulate you on your job and thank you for what you're working on. I hope everything goes well for you.
Miles07 said…
class TestGenericList
static int Main()
DoctorM64.wish("Good Luck"));
return 0;

C# for you. :D
Anonymous said…
Congrats on getting the job! Good to hear things are looking brighter for you! You rock!
Yonathan said…
Que bien!!! espero te vaya bien en el trabajo, espero ansioso nuevas noticias!!! saludos!! n.n
Amanda said…
found this online
Unknown said…
Necesito tu ayuda porque no puedo hacer un engine de metroid y estoy haciendo un proyecto de juego metroid y necesito un totorial de como hacerlo, te lo ruego, necesito tu ayuda, por favor.
Necdilzor said…
Congratulations for your new job! Take all the time you need, quality results need time to show up ;).
Anonymous said…
Keep working hard i cant wait for it to be finished. what do tou use to make the game, thanks
Laeuterer said…
Its okay, Realife is important!
Iam a big Metroid Fan Dude and i hope it will be finished this year =)
Anonymous said…
it's gonna be a great game
Anonymous said…
Remember to prioritize your life. Take care of the bigger things, and the little stuff will fall into place. Keep it up!
Luis E. Uribe said…
Impressive stuff. I started working on my own 2d retro game about 2 months ago and its a lot work especially trying to balance that with other projects and my job. I have to say you're stuff is inspirational and makes me want to work more on my game. Nice work!
Anonymous said…
As long as you keep us posted, I'll wait as long as it takes.
asasas318s said…
thanks for the update and good luck on the new job. I got a year before i can become a It networking guy
BSLceresHawkins said…
you can make an 8-bit-game boy version to unlock finishing the game

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