Happy Birthday Metroid!

Metroid just turned 25 yesterday!
It´s amazing how gaming was changed after the release of the original Metroid, 25 years ago. Platforming exploration was born, and Samus was the first strong heroine of gaming history.

To celebrate the occasion, the great people of shinesparkers.net produced an awesome tribute album with songs of the entire Metroid saga. Darren, the project director, was kind enough to let me participate with one track. There´s a lot of variety of styles, and some neat surprises. If you haven´t downloaded it yet, get it here:
Harmony of a Hunter

I participated with "Danger in old Tourian", my own version of the Space Pirates song in Super Metroid. Instead of making epic orchestrated arrangements, I decided to go for the atmosphere, and try to recreate what my feelings were when I first heard the song.
The rest of the album is simply impressive, it shows how professional and dedicated the Metroid fan community is.

Thanks to all the people who contacted me about the hard drive, I´m still doing some research on the subject, seems like the solution to this isn´t as simple as it seemed.

Anyway, enjoy the album. Feel free to share what your favorite songs are, here or in the forums.


Kyran said…
Happy Birthday to Samus! 25 Years old and as hot and awesome as ever! Hopefully some new adventures will be coming our way very soon.

::cough, cough, talking to you Doc, cough cough::

Zacca said…
I seen that on shinesparkers. I actually downloaded Harmony of a Hunter today. I listened to your track and I think it sounds great along with the rest of the album. Happy 25th birthday Metroid.
Kyran said…
Megadeth is awesome, I've seen them a bunch of times. Rust in Peace is one of my all time favorite albums. I liked Disturbed's first album, but everything after that sounds generic to me. I don't like Godsmack. Megadeth was my gateway drug to all kinds of different heavy metal. You should check out In Flames, Soilwork, Dimmu Borgir, Arch Enemy, or Children of Bodom. I love all those bands. If you like Dream Theater, check out Sonata Arctica.
Yonathan said…
It's availble in flac! And (some or most songs) don't have dynamic range compression!!!!

*audiophile-gasms, then glares at Stemage for supporting the loudness wars*

I'm a bit sad though that there's no Torvis Bog. :(
Noire said…
I'm pretty sure Nintendo's about to announce something at either the Tokyo Game Show, or the Gamescon Conference. Looking forward to it.
Happy Birthday and good luck for the next 25 years, Samus.
Zaxvo said…
Happy Birthday Samus!

DM64, I'm listening to your track right now and I must say, it is incredible.
Unknown said…
Hahah forgot to leave the YouTube link for the metal cover of Ridley's Theme:


Thanks again.
sabre230 said…

Already did a few weeks abo when they played in Auburn, WA. Fucking awesome!
Metalder said…
So Samus is only 4 years younger than me...and it's a Leo, just like me!!!

Anyway, great song you made DoctorM64. When I played Super Matroid for the 1st time back in 1995 I got this same feeling, as dark as you put in the melody. Very opposite in comparision with other games made back then in SNES.

Congratulations! And let M2R come!
Mick said…
Yay, happy birthday for metroid!!
since nintendo doesn't really care about metroid.. maybe you could :D!

lets party and ceelbrate the 25th birthday of samus with a new beta :D! (or final) whahaha

nah just kidding, but not about the nintendo part.. they just don't care about samus :(

I downloaded the album recently, and I really love the song you made! It really gets me exited for the atmospheric element in the music of AM2R. It also clears out some worries I have, since I wasn't really fond of the music in Metroid Confrontation.

I'm really disappointed in Nintendo's lack of enthusiasm for the Metroid series. Metroid has some of the greatest fans ever, this is made very clear with the Metroid anniversary and all the fan games that are being made. Nintendo should really make a game that would really satisfy the Metroid community instead of making the game more action oriented for a more generic community of people. I'm starting to think that Metroid doesn't really belong to Nintendo anymore, it seems to belong to the the entire community of people that love and support the series.

Anyways, I really hope you get the hard drive problem fixed. Be careful with that!
purplecowadoom said…
@wammabe What you have to realize is that Nintendo has never been able to get good sales from Metroid in Japan. Japan doesn't even consider Samus one of Nintendo's mascots. They think of Mario and Zelda and then just stop. Which is unfortunate considering which one is the best of the three.
Headhunter said…
Happy 25th birthday Metroid.

See you at the next Mission! =)
Unknown said…
Man, I really hope you are able to recover the files from that HDD... That would be horrible if you had to start the soundtrack over.... at least from what you said, that's what I assume you would have to do.
Anonymous said…
My favorite franchise rests in the hands of you, don't screw it up. Hopefully you can recover from this crisis...

P.s. Fucking nice music by the way ;)
Der Imperator said…
Happy Birthday, Metroid.
Btw: This year Metroid 2 comes to VC for the 3DS.
Boz said…
i love the way they managed to turn lower norfair/magmoor caverns into dubstep
Anonymous said…
almost time for another update doc. ;D
Anonymous said…
metroid 2 return of samus is going to be released on the 3ds virtual console by the end of the year
Anonymous said…
Well yeah... it is coming to the 3ds, but the doc's version looks and will be more kickass then the original. Have faith...
katiecrimespree said…
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Samuuuuuusssss, happy birthday to you!
Anonymous said…
about time for another juicy update! :D
Anonymous said…
i've just finished metroid confrontation

it's a wonderful tech demo !!!
Bruno 1986 Brasil said…
So, when is this game gonna be released? It's the best unofficial way to celebrate Samus' 25th birthday, if still released this year.
Anonymous said…
This is one of my most anticipated games, along with SSF2 and Skyward Sword. Doc, keep up the good work and, if it's not to much trouble, maybe we can haz update pleez? :)
Spartan.062 said…
I really love Harmony of a Hunter. Been listening to it since the 10th (I was a *little* bit late :( ) And I really like it. I really liked your song DoctorM64!It *prefectly* captured the feelings I had when playing Super Metroid for the first time.

The dubstep in the album was the best I have ever heard. (Most dubstep sounds *really* bad. So I was impressed.) I really like the "Kraid's Campfire Ballad" It sounds unique.

I waited to reply to fully analyze the music. :P

Happy Anniversary, Metroid!
Kooz said…
#5 best NES game ever (imho)
Anonymous said…
I'm thinking that the progress report that was given a while back now was not entirely accurate.
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said…
must... has.... update..... PLEASE DOC!
Anonymous said…
Do you guys remember testicles?
Meteoroid said…
Time for an update?
Anonymous said…
Isn´t it time for a update, doc ?
Christopher said…
I'm sorry to hear about the SSD. I've had HDD issues myself only a year ago, so I share your pain. I was never able to restore the contents myself, but hopefully you'll figure something out!
Anonymous said…
i think this might be the big update we've all been waiting for....
Anonymous said…
Doc, your killing us I tell you.. killing us:P Where are you...please speak to me, I CAN'T SLEEP AT NIGHT!
Anonymous said…
I'm afraid of the data loss stuff....
Bruno 1986 Brasil said…
I know Doctor won't disappoint us. Pitty he's doing it alone, that's why it's taking so long, but it'll be worth waiting.

I can't wait to fight the metroids in better graphics, Metroid 2 is my favorite and the best thing that could happen is playing it in better graphics, 100% in the classic 2D platform style, all for free.

I have to thank DoctorM64 again and again and again for this.
Cheyenne said…
Hey, just wanted to say that I'm really looking forward to playing the actual AM2R soon and I hope ya keep up the good work cause it's lookin really nice! It'd be nice if you could release a demo of it or something! lol :)
Anonymous said…
@cheyenne, there is a demo on the main site, just look for the links on the right side-bar of the page.
Here is your update, please stop bitching:

Hey guys, it's been a (fill in the blank) month, and some progress was made. Sorry for the update on the forums, but after all, this is a fake. Getting closer to completing the final project. Maybe I will release a demo sometime. Did some more touch ups on the (graphical stuff that was completed already) and its looking (adjective). Thanks for you support on the song, It was pretty pimp!

Other than that,I have a life, and I think I will live it and make this game by myself as a side project. Did I mention that takes time and you should probably go about your lives instead of wait by the computer? Okay, see you bitches in a month!
Anonymous said…
^ I'm not fond of this person. Not at all.
Anon #5 said…
thanks for the update doctor wily. now i know what to expect from trolls like you from now on. :/

ya know, it's one thing to comment saying that doc has other things to do, and telling us not to worry (and really it's a break from the usual trolls, thanks for that), but it's another thing to comment "posing" as the doc and making a really uneducated post like that.

you don't live next to the doc, or are personal friends with him (i'm assuming) so you really have no right to say such things. you don't know the project's progress any more than the next guy, so i'll kindly say, please leave the updating to the real doc.

or if you are the real doc using an Anonymous name, then thanks for the fruitful update, at least we got something. :/

oh, by the way, even if this doesn't get read by you, it will just go to show that trolls never win in these kinds of situations anyway, they just post and leave like little kids.
i've been following this project for a few years now, and i've made many Anonymous comments. but it doesn't make me or anyone else "god".
Anonymous said…
Expect for "God". He posts here sometimes using the POWER OF ODIN RRRAARRGHHHH!!!!!!!!! >:O
Dear Anon#5,

I'm really, terribly sorry my uneducated post offended you so deeply. I hope that it didn't cause you to miss too much work/school/kindergarden and you were able to make a full recovery. I don't know if you caught it, but that was not the real doc posting. It was just me, joking around. Not wearing some cleaver, elaborate disguise. You remember what jokes are, right? Maybe you call them parents? I don't know. But just for people such as yourself, right in the top of the post, I put "this is fake", which roughly translates to: This is fake, this is not a real post, the DOC would not post in the forums, for the love of god it's a fake post, fake fakey fake Mc Fuckinfakerson! Next time I will order a clown to jump out while you read the post and sing "this is not real, this is not real" while stuffing ballon animals up your ass. It must have been rough growing up without humor there in the Hitler household, ya?

Anyway, If you still are scratching your head, thinking what the devil could he mean...IT WAS A JOKE, GO CHANGE YOUR TAMPON.

PS - I realize you love the word troll, I get it. Take it easy tiger. Sticks and stones can break my bones, but you are still inbred.
OH WOW! The real God! What an honor! You must be real since you said so in your name slot! I'm honored.

God, I has question...

Why do internet thunderfucks such as "anon #5" get their panties all twisted up so very easily? Does it have to do with global warming?
the real GOD said…
Well, I'm glad you asked. Back in the day when I made Adam and Eve, I had a fresh shipment of human parts to construct them with. I had gotten a huge discount online and there was a surplus. But nowadays, I have a bit of a shortage, so with "Anon #5", I was running a bit low and had to sub some parts in from other animals (Monkeys, donkeys, homeless people, etc...) So, needless to say, these people thought that their voices were important in society too, so I had to come up with something where it made their meaningless lives feel more important to have a voice about insignificant shit..... I give you....THE INTERNET.

So, ya, you'll get those people.

***This line is for people who don't get that this is not the real God posting - THIS IS NOT THE REAL GOD POSTING.***

Hope I cleared some things up.
Passarbye said…
wow. you guys are really immature.
Anonymous said…
hahaha, this has oddly enough been entertaining.
Anonymous said…
This is very entertaining...keep saying words, wheres the fucking popcorn?
Anonymous said…
Unknown said…
kinda been a while since the last update.... hope everything is okay!
Anonymous said…
first thing interesting enough in this blog since a month ago

haha u trolls r funneh
Anonymous said…
whats a jungle bunny?
Cheyenne said…
@anonymous lol yeah there are tech demos and ive beat every update but those are all Metroid Confrontation, not AM2R! lol thanks anyway dude!

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