
First of all, I want to appologise for my absence these weeks.
I had to take care of some personal matters, leaving me almost no free time or energy to work on the project. Progress these weeks was almost non-existant, except for some scarce work on the sountrack.

Things should become normal again soon, and blog posts will actually show some progress.

In the meantime, I re-uploaded Confrontation 2.5, since almost all the mirrors were deleted. I repackaged it to include 2 more translations (Hungarian and Norwegian) and 2 mods (Zero suit and 8-Bit GameBoy).
Thanks to all the great people that make Confrontation a better game.

Metroid: Confrontation v2.5
MediaFire - FileFactory - EasyShare
Download Mirror 1 - Thanks Matt!
Download Mirror 2 - Thanks Steven!

Still not convinced to give Confrontation another go?
There´s a small super secret room that nobody found yet. So if you thought you knew every inch of the game already, there´s some hardcore exploration still to be done. Whoever finds it first, gets a surprise gift...
If you find it, feel free to post about it on the Forums.
Note: It´s on v2.5 only (this release or the first one).

Good luck, and have fun!


Hemse said…
what? secret room? :O *starts playing right away, and bombs away at every inch of all the rooms*

btw. good luck with those persenal matters :) (whatever they may be)
Marco said…
you can make a secret like the SNES Super Metroid, which eventually will be destroyed to moterbrain have to escape but if you check well before you leave the planet, which is a blue door before taking the ship.
Asian Metalhead said…
Thank you for posting something :D. I will be sure to look for the secret room.
MIGUEL said…
good to hear from you hope things alright anyhow you said you did little well a little is progress and thanks for the update......

a friend a fan of classic game being made better......
Awesomist said…
Awesome! You're not dead! Can't wait for the release! I laugh out loud at the 200 comments on the previous post! Thanks for updating! I like exclaiming!
Anonymous said…
excelent¡¡¡¡ muy bien doc y gracias por postear :D
You should add Multiupload to the mirror list:

General Milky said…
I'm looking for the room now. No luck so far, I have 100% items and abusing mid air morph to even get the ceilings.

I felt like I covered the entire game, so I went to Hard Mode and I'm doing it all again. This is such a chore, but I MUST find it!
Master J said…
Is there a way we will know that it is actually the secret room, save for the hours of bombing (or blasting) that will be needed to find it? I hope to find it too!
Anonymous said…
¿¿es posible desbloquear la medalla de 'Cartógrafo' sin descubrir ese cuarto super secreto??
Anonymous said…
sounds fun I'll be gunning for that new room
Unknown said…
I cannot wait to play this game. I've been wanting to play Metroid 2 for the longest, it's the only metroid game I have not played. But it'll be worth the wait for this to be finished!
Anonymous said…
Soo... it's over a 100% map?


That's not all of it?
J/K, going to go lookin' around. :)
Anonymous said…
thanks for the update doc, was really anticipating this.
a secret room you say? i shall hope to find it~
General Milky said…
Reporting: I can't find it for anything. Looked for hours, both Normal mode and Hard, bombing every tile including the ceilings. I haven't found a thing, nothing odd at all.

Not sure if it's worth it to keep looking. @_@
Anonymous said…
Well, thanks for the update. Doesn't sound like this project is going anywhere for a while. I'll check back in a few months. Good luck with everything.
Kyran said…
Thanks for the update Doc. Hope everything is okay.
Unknown said…
A secret room? (Starts the game)
Nintendoer said…
A secret room?

The obvious would be to bomb every wall, floor, and ceiling. However, maybe there's some trick to finding it...

Hey doc, if no one finds it can we have a hint? =P
Anonymous said…
OMG, I think I found the secret room, It's so obvious. It's was in plain sight all along! Like Osama Bin Laden! How could I have missed it?
Kyran said…
I also wanted to thank you for atarting to screen comments that come in. Some people from the last comment section were leaving stupid, racist comments. I do appreciate you stepping in and shutting those people up.
Minigaara said…
Oh please tell me its NOT the charge beam... cause I already know were that is...
Shiralith said…
You're all assuming the secret room is on normal or hard, but have you tried easy yet?

Also, did the charge beam room get moved?
samushunter242 said…
did you axidentaly delete the post doc?
DoctorM64 said…
Nope. Seems like blogger has been under maintenance lately. Luckily they restored the post properly.
Too bad the comments were lost.
Asian Metalhead said…
Doc, is the secret room somewhere near the bosses
Anonymous said…
looking forward to the game doc. been following you for almost a year now and i cant wait to see the greatness you've created for us to revisit. just wanted to say thanks :D
I loving metroid said…
muchas gracias doc y espero que siga avanzando en este espectacular juego,por cierto, podría decir alguna pista sobre el dicho cuarto secreto?
omega metroid said…
me gusta bastante que este el zero suit y metroid en 8 bits y ademas lo del cuarto secreto de veras que me anima a jugarlo mas de lo que creía(tengo un pequeño presentimiento de que lo del cuarto era solo mentira,pero me animo igual a buscar ^^)
Unknown said…
estube varias horas buscando el cuarto secreto, una pista doctor :(
Anonymous said…
Es posible desbloquear la medalla de 'Cartógrafo' sin descubrir dicho cuarto secreto??
Anonymous said…
playing the 8-bit mode sure brings back a lot of memories..the 1:57 speed runs, item hunts, the music.. *sniff* Doc for president!!
Glad to hear from you Doc! I guess the trivia thing is now over though :/
Nintendoer said…
Still looking for that hidden room lol.

And the trivia doesn't have to be over. We can move it to the forums!
demulation449 said…
hey doc i will tell u this and it might help others to find the secret room if u know how to do the infinite
morph ball jump do it in every place wall ground and roof u might find ir I personaly have not found it but im trying to

And doc what is in the secreat rom
samushunter242 said…
over 9000 metroid's!
MIGUEL said…
thanks for the update hope things are better now (it seems life took you on a bumpy road again)doc you got mad skills which i was so far in programing........

anyhow a break now and then would not hurt this epic build(remake)patience and encouragement doc needs so thanks for sharing this epic build.......

a friend a fan of a classic game being made better.......
MIGUEL said…
thanks for the update hope things are better now (it seems life took you on a bumpy road again)doc you got mad skills wish i was so far in programing........

anyhow a break now and then would not hurt this epic build(remake)patience and encouragement doc needs so thanks for sharing this epic build.......

a friend a fan of a classic game being made better.......
Anonymous said…
how do we know if we found the secrt room?
Anonymous said…
You'll just know
nintendo-metroid said…
creo que en el metroid 8 bits se puede encontrar la sala secreta
Anonymous said…
me encanta el juego! espero lo puedas terminar pronto, esta buenisimo, gracias!
Zacca said…
Sorry to hear you're having personal issues. I hope they turn out for the best. Not sure where this secret is or what it is but I think I'll leave it to someone else to find. Can't wait to see what it is.
Zacca said…
Hey Doc, this secret wouldn't happen to be related to a mid air bomb move would it? I just found out there's some sort of mid air morph ball bomb technique where the bombs form an upside down Y formation in the air.
Anonymous said…
I keep having errors!
Hemse said…
I found the room doc! :P
Anonymous said…
di cual es¡¡
Alvatro said…
donde estaaaaaaaaa me muero de la impacienciaaaa he pasado muuuucho tiempo buscando DIGANLO al carajo la moral de entretenimiento
Asian Metalhead said…
Hey doc, Hemse found the room!
Anonymous said…
No he didn't. There is something in the room for you to post. It's obvious who found it and who is blowing smoke.
Asian Metalhead said…
@anonymous obvious troll. Look in forums.
Kyran said…
Somebody found it? Cool! What's the prize?
Asian Metalhead said…
@Kyran, Hemse hasn't gotten the gift yet.Whats in the room is a message saying that you found the debug room, and it teleports you back to your ship with something that resembles a wave beam/spazer combo, and it gives missles that bounce and super missles that explodes into many little missles.
Kyran said…
Wow! I just watched the video, and he has mad shinesparking skills! Congrats to Hemse! That must have taken some patience.
asian metalhead said…
Actually, I think Terra made the video, but Hemse discovered it first. It is hard to get in there. It took me a while to reach it :P
Kyran said…
I wonder if Doc will give him the demo to AM2R for his reward. I'm excited to find out what his prize is!
Nintendoer said…
Another thing;

The message also said "another challenge awaits..."

I would assume this "challenge" had something to do with the INSANE damage the enemies can do to ya. So I took the liberty of Leaving Ridley alive and fight him in debug mode.

Hardest thing I have ever done in Confrontation. This was definately the challenge. =)
omega metroid said…
vi el vídeo,es genial¡¡ ^^ yo también me di el gusto de la sala secreta ^^ la probé y logre conseguir el premio de los misiles y los super misiles
secret room said…
deje vivos a crocomire y a ridley,cosa complicada para después con los misiles pero entretenida ^^
Septimus X said…
What is the reward??
Anonymous said…
@SeptimusX- Doc has a lot of stuff going on, which is why he didn't update much. Don't be surprised if you don't hear anything for a while.
Kyran said…
Doc, everything alright man?
Anonymous said…
is there more update for this game anymore? i hope this is still working. anyone?
Suomynona said…
you guys... give Doc some time.. everything is fine... you are posting comments on an updated blog post aren't you? give it a couple weeks for another post... Doc usually posts once every two or three weeks.
Hathaway said…
I just tried the game for the first time the other day, and I have to say: excellent work, sir! This is one of the highest quality fan games I've seen in quite a while. I can't wait to see the future versions! =)
samushunter242 said…
you should make more achivements for the final game
Anonymous said…
can we do trivia?
Suomynona said…
We took trivia to the forum since there was some jerk troll trying to ruin the fun
SPTX said…
I have a file/gamefront account on which I can mirror Confrontation if you want.
metroid said…
metroid confrontation la vale¡¡ ^^
passarbye said…
hey doc, i got a question for you. when you are done with AM2R, why don't you help those guys that are doing FSMR? they seem to have quite a few troubles getting that done because they don't have a programmer, and i'd like to see it have the same awesomeness of AM2R. that would be really cool of you to help them though. just a thought. ^^
Raziel said…
Also Doc, I have some laundry that needs to be done, and I have yet to complete my 2009 tax returns. So when you get a sec...
passarbye said…
lolz @ raziel. not a demand dude, just would like to see more games up and active like this one. :D
Raziel said…
Lol, I know man, I was kidding.

Anonymous said…
hola...es mi primera vez que comento pero llevo siguiendo este post desde el 2009 y quisiera saber si para este año 2011 podremos disfrutar de la nueva metroid 2...la verdad es que estoy muy emocionada y no puedo esperar a jugarlo mi nombre es sergio si me contestas este msj solo pon mi nombre al comenzar gracias
Anonymous said…
Time for an update, Doc! Been next to no activity for a couple months now.
Anonymous said…
Dude, chill. Its only been like 2 weeks. The more time he takes updating, the less he spends on AM2R. Just be patient and Doc will probably have something else up. (he always gives us something good)

P.S. Doc, I gotta tell you, you are awesome at what you do and I'd like to thank you for it. Keep it up man :D
Anonymous said…
You are right, I was totally out of line with that. Doc, let me get that other cheek for you.

::kissy noises::

Sorry, I hope the ass kissing is more valuable than info about the project.
Dragonheart91 said…
Doc performs a service for us free of charge. Ass-kissing is not required, but nor do we have any power to make demands.

Impatience doesn't gain anything for any of us.
Anonymous said…
Relax people. This is a comments forum for a game that Doc made from scratch. He didn't have to, he is not getting paid, and he ended up being more talented than anyone dreamed of. He will update when he has something to update.
Suomynona said…
yeah dude, seriously.. quit being a jerk... you thought you were clever saying "let me get that other cheek for you", but you just came off as some guy who tried and failed to be funny... i swear, some people shouldn't have internet access
passarbye said…
from now on, these comments shall be clean from rudeness, among many other things. i'm tired of going to the am2r site and looking at all of the REALLY UNNEEDED COMMENTS. this is AM2R, not some site to b*tch at people. we are supposed to have fun here, and comment on the progress AND WE SHALL DO SO. BY THE POWER OF THE CLOSEST GOD, I COMMAND IT.

on a more serious note- really stop it though, it pisses people off to see a lot of the comments on doc's posts be bad ones. and i'm pretty sure that doc doesn't like it either.
Kyran said…
I agree. Please keep it civil. That was my comment that started with "relax people". For some reason I forgot to add my screen name.

I have a deal for everyone. Be good on this website through the release of Doc's game, and I will split my pop-tart with you. It's Smores, so if you refuse, you are automatically an assclown.
Metroid dude said…
Have you ever considered using Metroid metal music?
Kyran said…
Well, not really. What would I use it for? I guess I could use it for background music to eat my pop-tart to, but it would just be filler, cause you really wanna concentrate on the taste. Why do you ask?
Anonymous said…
lol I think he was asking doc. (also I love the "get item" music)
reyes said…
denuevo la aucencia!!!,doc,le falta el sonido de la muertre,la selección de continuar o no al morir(por favor) y tambienel menu de los items(de verdad por favor)y,ademas,el sonido y el moçviento al aparecer(al aparecer,es como de la nada y es raro)ojala en las demas actualizaciones esten algunas de estas mejoras^^
passarbye said…
@ kyran, can i has poptart too? or can juu share? lulz.
Anonymous said…
Me too, me too!!! SMOREZ AM MAH FAVERIT!!!!!!!!!!! (please...?)
Nintendoer said…
Played Zero Mission the other day again.

At tight spaces I kept finding myself holding down while running to automatically go into the morphball.

I am addicted to this project. XD
Kyran said…
Me too Nintendoer, except I have been doing the entire series from the start for a little while now. I started with Zero Mission, then beat Prime, Hunters, Echoes, and now I'm near the end of Corruption. Unless Doc comes out and releases his project within the next week, I will move onto Return of Samus next.

My all time favorite is Super Metroid. I have such great memories from when this game first came out. My mother said that since I had all A's and a B for my last report card, she would buy me a game. She also said that I could have any 3 days off during the semester, like sick days for a job. I remember holding that cardboard box with my eyes glued to the artwork on the cover. The crisp smell of the instruction book on the way home will stay with me forever. When I finally heard the click from powering on the Super Nintendo, it was agonizing waiting for those red letters to come across my screen, but when it did...

All 3 sick days were put into effect when Ridley attacked the Ceres Station that day. As the speakers of my television sung the tune of Crateria, you couldn't wrestle that gray controller from my hand. I was in Love. I would be damned if I was gonna let Ridley get away with an infant Metroid I worked so hard to rescue! Many mountain dews, pop tarts and hot pockets had gone by as I stepped into Tourian for the first time in 16-bit land. It was familiar, but new. Mother Brain was gonna get it, and boy did I let her have it! But this time she had a surprize for me. When that sinister music started playing..."BAH, BAH, BAH, BAH-BAH, BAH, BAH, BAH-SCREEEEEE!"... My eyes were wide, my hands were sweaty, my legs were jumpy, and it was AWESOME! An epic battle ensued, and my younger brother watched with a full tank of jealousy. The ending was satisfying, but just a stall in my second go at the game.

One of my best childhood memories.
Nintendoer said…

That is probably the best Super Metroid story I ever heard. =)
passarbye said…
@ kyran, dude, same here. i still have my original super metroid paper manual from when i was like 4 years old, and now i'm 18 and still in love with metroid. lol
Septimus X said…
So, in waiting for an update, I have had a chance to check out every single link that you have for fan made Metroid games, and some others. I would like to say congratulations for having great talent, skill and perseverance to stick with this for as long as you have.

Not one other project is even close, and it would be hard pressed to find 2 that have not quit.
Hemse said…
Happy birthday Doctorm64! :D

thank you for dedicating so much time to remake Metroid 2 for us Metroid fans. much appreciated! :)

now, go and get drunk! :P
passarbye said…
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DOC! TAKE A DAY OFF! or if you still wanna work on the project today, then go ahead~ lol
Nintendoer said…
Happy Birthday Doc! =D
Although it is the 26th where I am, happy early birthday doc :D
Kyran said…
Happy birthday Doc. I hope you have a wonderful birthday weekend.
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday Doc. Hope you have a good one. (And please don't say you're working on AM2R today, you deserve a day off. Actually, with the work you do, you deserve more than that :D)
Anonymous said…
here's hoping for a new update with the finished product soon! :D
Anonymous said…
Suomynona said…
You'll need nothing and you'll like it.

Just be patient and let Doc work at his own pace.. He has a life too and I'm sure he'll update soon.. His update are usually 3-4 weeks apart.
Nintendoer said…
I'm getting tired of all these impatient people on this blog...

Especially since doc has told us he's having personal troubles. He has a life too, you know. Just stay calm, you'll get you're AM2R when he's done with it.
omega metroid said…
por lo que se ve el proyecto,se demora y ojala digo yo,sea por motivos de mejoría referente al proyecto y que el doc aya solucionado completamente sus problemas personales,ademas,feliz cumpleaños doc(atrasado creo)
Kyran said…
(Changing the subject, I have a story for those of you interested in getting Metroid games on the go. LOL, the beginning may sound a little like a commercial, but its not, I promise.)

So I have always had somewhat of a crappy cell phone (a flip phone) because I never saw the need for a fancy one with all of the crazy internet functions and different apps. That and I never saw it necessary to pay hundreds of dollars for a phone...ever. I texted a lot, I didn't like to call a lot, for everything else I used my computer. I never understood why people were so addicted to their phones. So this past week Best Buy had a deal where if you switch to them with 3 or more people and get on a contract, they give you a each this free Samsung Epic smart-phone. I was kinda hesitant cause it is like a $600 phone, but they were free. So we signed up cause the plan is only like sixty bucks a months, unlimited internet, texting, calls to other cell phones, and blah blah blah. So I got home and started playing around with this thing...

It...is....AWESOME! I have never seen such a great phone. EVER! I got a NES, SNES, and GAMEBOY emulator on there and transferred my metroid ROMs to it. Now I have Metroid, Return of Samus, Metroid 3, Fusion, and Zero Mission on my phone and they are crystal clear! I take back all the things I said about people who are addicted to their phone, cause I will admit, I played straight through Super Metroid yesterday whilst on a boat for 3 hours, and I didn't feel the least bit guilty about being rude... Well, maybe a little. I transferred my other games shortly after.

The point of this thought was I know we all love Metroid on this site, and seeing as that is wonderful taste to start with, I know you guys may have suggestions for other cool games that maybe one or two of us have not played, or even heard of. Maybe we can share ideas? I love this phone, and if you have any app suggestions either, I would love to hear it!

Right off the bat, my favorite NES games are:
Castlevania 1-3
Mega Man 1-6
Zelda 1&2
Blaster Master
Bionic Commando
Double Dragon 1-3
Fester's Quest
Life Force
Ninja Gaiden 1-3
Deja Vu
The Guardian Legend
Brad Smith said…
I've been following your project for a long while. I'm glad you've kept up with it, and am really looking forward to the day when it is finished.

Your tech demo shows that you've got a good handle on the mechanics. I enjoyed playing it.

Keep up the good work!
Steve said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Don't start this again. Show some respect to Doc and take that stuff elsewhere.
Raziel said…
This blog is turning into a disaster with the stupid people making stupid comments. It's not updated enough to keep coming back to that. Hope your project turns out well Doc. I'll check back after summer or something.
Dragonheart91 said…
Apparently Doc has had a busy couple of months. I'm sure he will check in when he has anything interesting to report. He's not gone this time, he is definitely checking the forums daily.
Jokerwolf said…
He will post when he has something just keep checking back on the site and stop writing ridiculous things that have nothing to do with development of the game.
Anonymous said…
oh no guys black people stole doc's computer i see it from the news
Yeah, I have seen that Doc has been looking at the forums.
Passarbye said…
@ annoying anon, okay, i've already done my rant on this don't make me do it again! LET THE COMMENTS ONLY BE ABOUT THE GAME AND SUPPORT FOR DOC! there is NO NEED to talk about anything else, UNLESS it is related to metroid. QUIT BEING RACIST ANON!
Anonymous said…
Sooooooooo... how long do you think it'll take YOU to beat this game (based on what we've seen and heard). I'll probably take a good 5 hours the first time just admiring Docs work :)
SA-X said…
Did Doc ever decide if he was going to release a demo of the first area of AM2R, or just bypass that all together and work solely on the game? I know he was thinking about it, but after that he released a progress report the main project looked to be almost complete, so at that point is it really worth it to stop and make a separate demo?
passarbye said…
@ sa-x yea i think doc is just gonna finish the project and release it, as there is no reason to make another demo of a project that's almost done.
yournigga said…
oh snap black ppl stole his design docs and now he cant finish the project???
Anonymous said…
I think we need some moderators here or something...
Anonymous said…
E3 is coming next week, and I am really hoping that Nintendo has something planned for the Metroid series. I read something a few months after they released Other M that they were not planning on any new Metroid projects for the future. This saddens me and I hope its also untrue.
Anonymous said…
also, this is the only fan based Metroid project in the works that is still operational and has not been either canceled or severely crippled due to lack of talent.

There is a project called Mini-troid, which looks kinda cute, but overall I think does not count as a Metroid game.
Anonymous said…
Dont feed the trolls !
Anonymous said…
Doc I think you should make some mods or something. We could vote on them too. (My vote is to Kyran if he'll do it. He's always very helpful and has shown pretty good judgment.)
passarbye said…
i'll vote for kyran if he'll do it.
Nintendoer said…
Heck, I'd vote for Kyran. He always seems to be here, too.
Anonymous said…
pues muchas felicidades por estre proyecto doc. esperando un nuevo update :D gracias por tremendo aporte a los fans de la saga metroid
Kyran said…
Have me do what? Make mods?
passarbye said…
@ kyran, not make mods, but to be the mod of the comment box. lol
Anonymous said…
hey doc, i don't mean to rush you or anything, but it's been almost a month. i understand if you are REALLY busy (i'm sure we all do), but we are also very anxious for the release of am2r. Here's hoping for another awesome update (sometime soon) of am2r!

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