First area makeover

Here´s some images of the new tileset and background of the first area. It was the most outdated part of the game, and now it has a more uniform and detailed look.
(Click on the images for a large version) 

While the queen sprites are finished, I´m still struggling to make decent animations for the Omega. Having such a huge beast and making it look organic when moving is quite a challenge.
Also, mod support is functional. I still need to make a menu to choose between the installed mods, and add support for some more resources. Now you´ll be able to personalize enemies and even bosses, but only graphically.

Once the mod menu is up and running, I´ll release the language file in the forum, so translations of Metroid: Confrontation can be made and revised.

As always, comments and suggestions are welcome.
Have a good week!


odale15 said…
the ship in the new tileset looks small, it looks streched horizontally. besides that,lokks great, i look forward to seeing the game. and the music in it
Anonymous said…
SAC/Black_Yoshi said…
I must say, what a great improvement you have made with the atmosphere. I would like to say "more darker!" but that would just ruin the nostalgic mood (and after watching Elfen Lied [yes... THAT anime] I can't imagine darker yet). Can't wait to see the rest cleaned up with improved background textures.
Anonymous said…
Dragonheart91 said…
I've always found that the most organic looking large creatures are made up of LOTS of small parts. Try to break down the sprites into more parts and introduce more small movements in each part between frames. If you overdo it it becomes jittery, but if you hit the happy medium it looks very organic.
Dudeman said…
nice cant wait to play dude.
Anonymous said…
I'm starting to get nervous... O.O I can feel the awesomeness comming closer... my life will now be complete.
Anonymous said…
that was great doc, its nice to see the new tileset, i like it very much

keep on doing this amazing work ;-)
General Milky said…
Yay! Finally an update about AM2R primarily! :)
MIGUEL said…
eh was up doc (lol)

the pics are awesome, great work i sure your fans will be pleased......

if not to hell with them i say lol anyways hope the improved year was good to you as 4 some of us..........

keep up the great work doc as always..................

a friend a fan of a classic game being made better..........
Anonymous said…
i read that your having trouble with the omega metroid why dont you look at the shyguy kingdom for the omega metroids sprites
ReddFloxy said…
Hi there,
I've been following your work for quite a long time now and I have to say I'm a pretty big fan of it but in those new screenshots there is one thing that bugs me as a spriter... And that's the shading on/around the front window of your new ship. You get the feeling the window goes in a nice natural circle backwards, but the part it comes onto is hard solid flat... It feels slightly disturbing, if you look at the Super Metroid ship besides it you notice how they solved that :)
Anonymous said…
niceeeeeeee!!! º¬º
Hemse said…
looks Great! :)

really an improvement! the tiles and the backgrounds fit very well together compared to the older version :)
Lippi said…
I also like the new ship design, because it fits better to the "modern" Zero-Mission-Sprites... and somehow it reminds me of a tileset I made with the editor from "n" (an annoying game from Metanet, maybe some of you know it^^)
I can't wait to see the Omega metroid moving (if you plan to make a new video preview^^)
Anonymous said…
I like how you removed the red hue on the tile sets and added in a more green, earthy feel to it. Also, the canyon background looks great. That along with your larger portals on the backdrop make the caves seem more outdoorsy, like you are exploring caves on the surface of a planet rather than immediately diving into deep dark caverns. I like the lighter look.

The Ship seems a little too flat, around 8~16 pixels thicker would look just right, Possibly by adding more depth to the engines on the bottom and raising the humps on the top to give it a less rectangular feeling.
The new stuff looks great. I think a lot of people can agree that the "earthy" feel looks real good for the "closer to surface" of the planet :) as for the ship. i think there could be some improvement. I'd almost like to even see a real new/different than usual ship haha. kind of like how in so many of the games the ship looked different from the other games. anyways, its looking real great. can't wait for the finished
Yonathan said…
Que bien! seguire esperando noticias nuevas! suerte sigue asi :D
zacH said…
The new shots are gorgeous! I only have two points of feedback:

- I would agree that, while the ship now looks like it is actually a part of the project, and not just the exact same ship as super metroid, I would make it a little taller/vertically bumpier on the bottom. It does currently look a bit stretched horizontally... and since it exists on the same plane as Samus (presumably, in a 2d world), it doesn't really look like samus could comfortably fit in there anymore. Coming out of that ship already standing looks next to impossible.

- Am I the only one who always thought it would be night outside in the main area? Maybe I'm just used to Super Metroid being darker and overcast, but even when you play the original on the gameboy color you can see stars in the sky. It would obviously be a huge change, but would you consider making it night out? Or possibly (this might look impressive) sunset? I feel like it would make the beginning of the game more appropriately dramatic, similar to the overcast uneasiness you feel when you play Super Metroid/Metroid 2 on a game boy.

Besides that, it looks spectacular. The overhaul is apparent and lovely. I can't wait to play this!!!
Anonymous said…
Looks like the overhaul was worth waiting for. I hope this means we're just 'that' much closer to a release now...

But then again, talk of the queen's animation being finished means we probably are. I can't wait!

Good luck on the Omega. I'm hoping we'll have this project awaiting us sometime this year.
Firespawn7 said…
I like the new tile set as it feels more organic and fitting to the atmosphere. I agree with a lot of other people here with the ship. It is a little too stretched horizontally.

I'd really like to get an update talking about the progress made on the enemy sprites and music. Keep up the good work and I hope this project finally comes out this year.
Anonymous said…
I'm glad you got rid of the Super Metroid gunship sprite. Ugh! It looks horrible with modern ZM graphics. Anyway, try to release the mod Confrontation update ASAP. Oh, and could you PLEASE PLEASE add the Charge Beam? Maybe even the Jumpball too?
Anonymous said…
In the third picture, are those walls in the foreground climbable or are they just for decoration?

(P.S, I love how you made the terrain more brownish. It makes it look much better. :)
Daniel Quan said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Zoonyboy said…
I know this is going on longer than expected but i think it will be worth it when this game finally releases. i really did not like the purpleness that the rocks had before, but now they look better.

One think that could help you out on the animation in using a 3d program and projecting the image on to a bunch of planes(one for each joint) and then make a skeleton for it(so you can pose it)and then just go into something like photo-shop or gimp and key out the background after the animation is done. sounds allot harder than it is, so if you wanted you could just give it to me and i would do it.
Daniel Quan said…
Hey doc, I saw your blog just yesterday, and saw no change, but I was surprised to see that you posted latest project, and best, was not the Metroid: Confrontation, but the AM2R!
I'm excited every day that passes is one day closer to project completion!
Good work with the new tileset, I was COOL!
Zoonyboy said…
oh two more things.

-You can reach me at

-i agree with @zac H. it is "supposed" to be night out but it looks allot brighter and more cheery with it daytime out. So maybe you could make a cool mechanic were the time of day changed. so that every 20 minutes or so the daytime faded to sunset then about 10 minutes after that is was completely dark and then 20 minutes after that you can fade to dawn and then so on. i haven't worked in game maker for over a year (moved on to 3d game making SOOO much better/easier and plus you can get a good full version of a game making software for FREE at and the 3d modeling program for free at i dont remember how hard that would be but it would satisfy some people. or you could just make night/day and option taht you can turn on/off
Lippi said…
@Anonymus from February 7, 2011 11:59 AM:
There IS a Charge Beam in Confrontation... just search in the comments on Doc's post from Saturday, October 30, 2010 ("Metroid Confrontation 2") for "charge beam" and you'll find a link for a complete map with all items^^
The Ant said…
Man, I would of been content with what you had before, but dude, your just going beyond. A++ so much effort, so much passion. Its a beautiful thing.
Chodeblast said…
When will this game have more naked moms?
Anonymous said…
I must say I REALLY admire the fact that the rocks in the background possess the barest HINTS of having once been Chozo structures, but are now all but unrecognizably weathered. PLEASE tell me this was intentional...
Anonymous said…
It looks really good, but I feel that you should try to complete the game first before making an unfinished product look better.
Anonymous said…
Great Man...!!!
Keep the Good Work...!!!!
FSH17 said…
Great job !
Can't wait to play your game !
Alkaro said…
Man... i think that you are god. you made de game that i always i been looking for.
Anonymous said…
Your time, love and attention to detail is really apparent. Thank you so much for that! Keep it up!
Anonymous said…
@Lippi Yeah, I finally found the Charge Beam. Kind of a weird place to put it. Anyway, I'd like to see the Jumpball combined with the Hijump boots like in Zero Mission. That does NOT mean scrapping the Arachnus. Instead, you simply make it so that you get the hijump boots from Arachnus and remove the hijump from where it was originally. So the hijump boots and jumpball are one upgrade like in Zero Mission.
Anonymous said…
I have a question: will you be able to kill the Queen by rolling into her belly and, instead of dropping a few bombs to damage her like in the original, drop a Power Bomb to obliterate her instantly like in Other M?
Unknown said…
Looks way better. Your progress sounds great. Please don't get too wrapped up in perfecting old areas.
Card388 said…
Looks amazing new tileset really made the first area look a lot better. It would eb ncie to see this on NDS XD
Anonymous said…
Not to be a troll doc but the resolution of the redone palettes are a tad pixelated , you can see a huge difference in clarity on the numbers at the top of the screen. Not sure if you gonna tune and tweak these graphics more , but don't step backwards and over do what was previously fine.
Anonymous said…
hey, doc.
love the updates to the main area. looks bright and makes you feel eager to explore all the areas. also i like the ship, looks MUCH better than the super metroid ship. i think it looks fine, contrary to what some others have commented about it.
i also like how the caves look more open and natural, and not just shot through with cannons. i also like the variation of plantlife and the green and brown instead of the redish-purple ugly tiles. i also like that the deeper you get the less plants you see, nice touch on that. although i would like to see different plantlife in the different major areas of the planet simply for variation and not feeling like you would be exploring the same areas only different sizes and shapes. anyway, i love the updates and hope that you are doing well in life and doing well with the game.
IAN said…
wow AWESOME WORK !!!!!!!!!!!

I just found out about the project and I must say that I am amazed !!1
Anonymous said…
Esta quedando excelentemente bueno, empeze a seguir este proyecto en Noviembre de 2009, y es increible los avances que has logrado en estos meses. Espero que lo termines pronto!!!

Excelente trabajo, muy bueno, Saludos!!!
Gonzalo said…
Well, I'm a fan of your project.
About the Omega, I'm sur that you can"hacerlo con la gorra", as we say here in Spain
Good luck, and don't surrender or i'll take a plane to argentina and will be thre just to torture you!!!
Out of jokes, good luck
Anonymous said…
Incredible work so far. It's very inspiring to see an independent Metroid project that is still going strong.
Anonymous said…
Hey you should fix this problem:
lets say that you have only 9 metroids to kill it only shows 9
and an empty space i recommend you put it like this 09 that way it looks more metroid like i look foward to AM2R
Anonymous said…
Can you make a new preview video? It's been a year and a half since we last had one. (October 2009)
Anonymous said…
i agree with the comment made on February 11, 2011 10:07 AM about a new preview video.
Anonymous said…
esta todo locote dos pulgares arriba sigue con el desarrollo solo espero q el juego salga pronto
Anonymous said…
Looks good!
Anonymous said…
I've seen that ship sprite before. It was in a video called super metroid sprite fight. It actually works quite well just the way it is.
sbq92 said…
I like the graphical improvements. I was wondering if the ship would be modified to match the graphics better, and I see it has been done.

Will the title bar of your blog be changed to fit the new graphics? :P

Excellent work! Keep it up!
Anonymous said…
This is going to be awsome, I can't wait to get it when its finished, is it for gameboy advance or Ds? Cause I thought Metroid Fushion And Metroid Zero mission(GBA) were both better than Metroid Prime Hunters(DS).Amazing work I cant wait until its finished and ready to play.
Anonymous said…
i'v been a fan sence the day before yesterday and i'm hooked i'v downloaded all the vershons sence and played all of them over and over again and i got all the items and looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove
your work:)
Anonymous said…
Bruno Brasil 1986 said…
If I knew about this project since 2008, I now would have gone crazy! It's been just 6 months since I first saw this serious project and I just loved it. We can feel (and read DoctorM64's comments) that the game is about to be released. For the 1000th time I say: I JUST CAN'T WAIT!
Unknown said…
Any Idea when the whole game will be finished? Can you at least tell us what all you have left before it is finished?
General Milky said…
I agree, I'd also love to see a status report on how far things have come along. After all these months, things FEEL so close!
Anonymous said…
creo q esta genial y todo pero.. creo q deverias concentrarte mas en el remake que en el demo... digo... ya lo probamos y sabemos q esta genial...
Anonymous said…
In the game menu, there could be a narration of Samus, saying what happened in Metroid 1, how the metroids were used by the Space Pirates and she could also discretely comment the previous fights from Prime series. Then she could say that the Federation realized that the metroids were far too dangerous to keep alive and couldn't be used as the pirates' weapons again, they had to be erradicated. Then the Federation discovered the source from where the Space Pirates stole the metroids: SR388.

When we begin the game, landing on SR388, a message from the Federation could be sent to Samus, saying that there were still 40 metroids left. I think important to say exactly like that, then we could understand that the Federation was already fighting the metroids, that's why there were only 40. Just a detail, but would be nice.

In the Chozo ruins, Samus could comment alone how surprised she is to discover that the Chozo already knew SR388 many years ago and how impressive their robots were to keep still working inside the ruins. That would explain why there were robots working in such an isolated planet.

After the Queen, when the last baby hatched, Samus could focus her weapon on it, but then her eyes would stare at the baby and she would decide to take it with her.

In the end, in the ship, she could say "I don't know why I didn't finish this infant metroid and why I'm bringing it with me. But maybe the scientists from Ceres Station (from Super Metroid) will know what to do with it..."

After she leaves, you could show the surface of SR388, full of dead metroids and empty metroid shells. Then a few yellow goos would appear and realize that the metroids weren't there anymore. Then they'd start infecting the other animals of this planet. These goos are, of course, the Parasite X, from Metroid 4 Fusion. A very dark soundtrack would make this scene perfect.

This last scene could explain why Samus didn't meet the Parasite X when she went to SR388 for the first time. The metroids were the only creatures that kept the parasites away, but with them dead, the parasites could take all creatures around the planet.
Anonymous said…
Hi man. I have a new image for the intro of the game. I hope do you like this picture. Tks
Unknown said…
I hope this picture do you like for the intro of the game.
theasianmetalhead said…
I really want to play this game :O
Anonymous said…
"It looks really good, but I feel that you should try to complete the game first before making an unfinished product look better."

It would be nice to finish the game and release it.
And then improve it as is done with the Confrontation.
They were very good changes! Good luck!
Anonymous said…
Não se esqueça de fazer vários backups do projeto em cds e/ou pendrives e computadores diferentes.
Boa Sorte!

Do not forget to make multiple backups of the project on cds and / or USB sticks and different computers.
Good Luck!
Bunnypoppop said…
Can't wait for this XD
Bruno said…
It's just tragic that Metroid 2 has the best sequel plot of the whole game series, but was made for uncolored GameBoy. That pisses me off, Metroid 2 and 4 (Fusion) should have been made for the best video game of Nintendo at their times, not for portable video games with low memory. Prime Hunters doesn't bother me because it's just one more adventure of Samus, not a very important chapter of Metroid series' story, but Metroid 2 and 4 are very important in the story and could have been just GREAT games if they were made for Super Nintendo and GameCube.

That's why I'm so glad to see this project. Thank you very much for taking your time to make this gift to all of us, big fans of Metroid. You are a number 1 fan, only a number 1 fan does that for us. Nintendo should thank you.
Anonymous said…
I hope the Queen is insanly hard. It took me 12+ tries to take that b*tch down last year, lol.
Anonymous said…
That's definitely an improvement, the older tile set looks whitewashed, next to the new tile set.
Anonymous said…
Ojala que para antes de que termine el 2011 estemos jugando a lo que va a ser un juegaso como es este.
Siempre comento en este blog y siempre digo lo mismo: te esta quedando excelentemente bueno

the asian metalhead said…
just did the confrontation demo, excellent. it is 2x better than metroid zero mission, and zero mission was awesome. can't wait for am2r
Gonzalo said…
jod*r probé confrontation, y si una demo muestra tal potencia, no puedo imaginar cómo será jugar a AM2R!!!!!!!
F*CK I played confrontation and if a demo shows that power, I can't imagine how great can be playing
I agree with the X parasite suggestions.
Estoy de acuerdo con las ideas del parásito X. Podías mostrar al final videos de criaturas luchando contra ellos(y perdiendo, por supuesto).
AT the end of the game you could show some videos of some creatures fighting against them (and loosing,
of course)
Anonymous said…
The game is fantastic ^ ^
Do not wait to play
But will have difficulty?
Steffen said…
I watch everyday this Side and this is the best Fan Metroid what i have ever seen.
I hope everyday when comes out =)
The Zeta and Omega Metroid is Awesome!
The Ship , Atmosphere , Enemys , all looks fantastics.
I wish you much Creativity, time and fun and i hope its not more so long for the release.
Anonymous said…
I loved to see this project. The only boss that is not a metroid in the original game is that turtle. I'm dying to see the new bosses. A strongest robot, a giant octopus, a big plant, etc. Awesome!
Bruno Brasil 1986 said…
I like the octopus stuff, because in that area we fight only a Gamma Metroid and many octopusses, nothing more. There could be a stronger octopus as miniboss. And the a robot and a plant too.

About Samus' voice, you could take her screams from Prime series for the moments she gets hit by an enemy.

And I really would like a confirmation or anything about cutscenes. In my opinion there could surely be cutscenes before the main menu, in the introduction, when Samus enters the Chozo ruins and sees robots (she could say surprised comments), when we see the last egg, before the Queen, when the Queen dies, when the last egg hatches, when Samus goes away with the baby in her ship and the Parasite X appearing in the surface full of dead metroids and empty shells, after the credits. I suggested this scene before, it's just curious but I think it would be very cool in the game and make us remember Metroid 4. Do you have any friend that is also good in computers and can draw the scenes? I believe you do.

Metroid 2 has the best plot and is one of the coolest, but its soundtrack is not the best at all, only the beginning music is really cool, but I'm sure you're doing a great job to make the other musics cooler. But the menu theme of Metroid 2 is different from Metroid 1, 3, Other M and 4. I think it should sound like them, or there could be 2 musics for the main menu, the Metroid 2 menu theme remade and the Metroid 1 menu theme remade too.

*I'm only writing in english to share my opinions with most players, who I believe to speak english. Pero muchísimas gracias por tu tiempo, paciéncia y trabajo, DoctorM64. Ya soy un fan tuyo.

Bruno Brasil 1986 said…
I forgot mentioning the bats, a bat miniboss would be cool too.

About the metroids, in the original game we fight 39 metroids before the Queen and her last 8 larva metroids. You could put more. Instead of 39, 49. Instead of 8 larva metroids, 12 or 16... Or you can put the same number, it's your choice. I don't think it'll make difference, but I'd like to fight even more metroids.

And about floating, well, the larva, Alpha and Gamma are light and can float well. In the original game all except the Queen float, but in your trailer we see that the Omega doesn't float. Then the Zeta should be this intermediate, it could float just a little but a half of time it would be on the floor, because at this stage the metroid starts getting too heavy.

What I wrote in last message and this are just details, but I believe they make all the difference.
Anonymous said…
Can't wait to play this game!
Thanks for your hard works.
Bruno Brasil 1986 said…
I was thinking about the new items. The Gravity Suit, Grapple Beam, Super Missile, Super Bomb and Visor. They first appeared in Metroid 3 (Super) not 2, but I think they'll be in this Metroid 2 remake, right? Well, a remake has to be better and have more options and items than the original, always. But the original items, rooms and enemies still should be more important than the added stuff. That's the must imporant part of a remake, putting new stuff, but not forgeting that the must important is still the original stuff, but in better technology now.

About the Queen, I was thinking... everybody knows that to kill her we need to get inside her and explode the bombs. This Queen could be different. Her room could be a little bigger, then there would be space for larva metroids she could throw on us sometimes. Her attacks could be a little harder to evade with the screw attack too. And to get inside her, just like in Other M, we should use the Grapple Beam and explode a Super Bomb inside her to kill. Maybe more than one.

I think you should make the Queen as strong and hard to kill as in Metroid Other M, but also add some obstacles and powers that make her a huge challenge.

You're smart, DoctorM64, I'm sure you'll know what to do.

Gracias de nuevo, siempre gracias por tu tiempo y trabajo para hacer este regallo para todos los fans de Metroid.
Anonymous said…
I would like to make Metroid games with Gamemaker, Do you have any tips on how to do this?
Bruno Brasil 1986 said…
Esperando por más notícias!!! Estoy mirando este sítio todos los días. No puedo esperar para jugar Metroid 2 Remake. Metroid 2 es mi favorito, es una lástima que sea para GameBoy sin colores, porque fué lo más creativo de todos los juegos de Metroid.
Dragonheart91 said…
After looking for a while, I noticed an oddity in the updated screenshots with the tile layout.

In the second screenshot, there is a tile near the right side of the page that still appears to need some editing. It looks like you took a tile from Zero Mission, reversed it, changed it's colors, and tweaked it in general. Somewhere in there you cut off a few pixels near the edge and it no longer blends with the other tiles properly.

This has resulted in a visible line where the two tiles meet, which in my opinion is not optimal. I suggest editing that specific tile slightly so that it blends more effectively into the designs of other tiles. Probably continue it for a few more pixels and round the right side green patters a bit and try to make room for a black outline around the green.

This is difficult to explain in text lol, but perhaps I can show you a picture of what I mean at another time if my post doesn't make sense.
Phoenix said…
Bruno, the zeta metroid CAN'T fly in the remake sp I noticed you are new to the proyect and have ideas, you should join the forum.

y yo tambien soy latino ;D
Anonymous said…
Huryy up and update the website already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :O
Anonymous said…
you change the ship
i dont liked that
if you can, change the ship again please
Anonymous said…
after the end of this game, if you want, you could do another project of this game
the Metroid SR388
since it seems that I was doing the game quit
then you could do it with the same graphics of metroid game trailer SR388
: D
Anonymous said…
Do you guys realize this project ha been going on for four years.
Anonymous said…

Do you take donations?
Anonymous said…
please people, do not ask to give donations! if you gave him money for this project, then nintendo would have the rights to shut his project down and then you would not have am2r.
Jounzy said…
Hey man great progress. I think im the only person that likes the new ship look haha. but ya i cant wait to play this when your finished i have every metroid game except the metroid prime trilogy which im gettin soon and i plan on playing the entire storyline in order from metroid zero mission all the way to fusion and i would love to play this version of metroid 2 instead of the game boy version so im stoked to see this finish! but take your time gettin it done so everything works right cuz it would suck if you rushed and missed something. but ya keep up the great work man!
Anonymous said…
How do I download it? Do I need somethingelse?
Anonymous said…
Hello, this remake looks great, is one of the best indie games of metroid!

I found this sprite in the web and i reedited, to looks more like the original Gunship of Metroid 2 would look good in the game i think!

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