Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!

I have a small Christmas present for you, an update for Confrontation:

Metroid: Confrontation v2.2


New in this version: Hard mode, Medals, and a lot of small fixes and updates.

Edit: Added Trailer.

A lot of the changes were done to the main AM2R project, and applied to Confrontation. Multilanguage support is functional, but I can´t find any small pixel fonts that include special characters (needed for most languages). If you have any experience editing fonts, or have a complete pixel font at hand, let me know.

There was some progress on AM2R, mostly bugfixes and optimizations. I´m in the process of rewriting the music playback system with one that manages more than one main song (The one used in Confrontation). The transitions between the main tunnel theme with some atmospheric sounds and the specific area songs need to be smooth, and so far it´s working quite well.

Well, I hope you have a good Christmas, and a great New Year. Personally, I know 2011 will be an excellent year. I do have a couple of work proposals, and if everything goes well, I´ll be in a much better position.

Take care!


Unknown said…
Merry cristmas to you to! And i can't wait for the hole game to be realesed!
General Milky said…
Merry Christmas, Doc and everyone else reading this!

I'll be playing through this and report back with my opinion of the new content. In the meantime, sould it be a problem to give us a % update soon? It's been about a year since the last one, and it'd be nice to see how far the project has come between then and now. And of course how close it is to actual completion. :P
Ezekiel Rage said…
thanx alot!

as austrian, i am a native german speaker. i also know how to do and edit fonts for i am a developer myself. call me up if you like :)
Nintendoer said…
Merry Christmas!

You're doing a great job, doc. 2011 will be a great year, and I know when NCFC rolls around again, you'll be showcasing the compete game. =)

Good luck, as always.
Veysey said…
I've been following you since early 2008 and felt it was time to drop a comment.

Thank you very, VERY much for the hard work you're putting into the project AND the constant teasers/demos you release. It's really made following this project a pleasure.

The amount of detail and effort you put into this project is nothing short of inspirational. You've inspired me in a number of areas and I can't thank you enough.

I'm really happy to hear that things are looking up for you work-wise.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you as well! Here's to a New Year better than the last!

Amanda said…
I just finished playing the updated version, and I really like it. Though I would add medal award pop-up similar to the 360's, and maybe a way to view your medals in-game.
Merry Cristmas, glad to hear your life seems to be getting better.
Anonymous said…
Merry Christmas, and great job on the progress.
MIGUEL said…
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and everyone.I'm so glad to hear about your progress in the game and in your life (work wise).....

It will be a new year soon things will be better this year.....

As 4 me just built a sweet pc, looking to do some programing as well... (The amount of detail and effort you put into this project is nothing short of inspirational. You've inspired me in a number of areas and I can't thank you enough)......(quote from josh)

thanks once again.........

a friend, a fan of a classic game being made better...........
Yonathan said…

traduce this for english XD.
Anonymous said…
Feliz navidad Milton!!

Espero que en el 2011 se concrete el juego!

Anonymous said…
Creo que el spazer beam tiene bajo poder por cada rayo...
Anonymous said…
Merry Christmas and a happy new year, Milton! I can't wait to see the first Queen Metroid screenshot! (Not to mention the Metroid hatchling scene.)
Ben said…
I /really/ hope the final version will be at least WINE compatible. I hope to be able to play this when it comes out.
Anonymous said…
You have a Merry Christmas yourself. I do hope the work proposals turn out well so that everything improves for you. :)

And thank you for putting in so much time and effort to bring us more classic 2D Metroid action that Nintendo refuses to give us. :D
Dragonheart91 said…
Please work on the map before releasing it. Many of these other tweaks are fine and contribute to the final product, but the biggest issue is still the map. It's archaic and makes the game a pain to play. Zero Mission and Fusion had the best map system and it should be replicated for AM2R. Good luck with your work Doc and Merry Christmas!
General Milky said…
I'm back and unlocked all the medals. My thoughts:

I really liked the Medal system. At first I was skeptical, but it grew on me fast when I was scratching my head trying to figure out how to get some of them. It felt very Metroidy, only instead of looking for items and expansions I was looking for solutions to what could be called "riddles."

The medals added tons of replayability, I spent several hours in the relatively small map of Confrontation gathering them all. The only bug with them I noticed is I got Flawless Crocomire battle when I was aiming for Dry Feet, and I know I got hit a few times, and somewhat related is Kraid has a bug now with his belly spikes still being able to hurt you (although they are invisible)when he dies.)

Hard mode is very difficult and had a lot of surprises waiting around. At first I thought the Crocomire tweaks were Hard mode only, until he did them on my Normal runs too. I also liked how the missile expansions were 2 instead of five like Zero Mission, but the energy tanks still gave full. Seeing how much everything knocked me around, it was nice to have at least that.

Other bugs I noticed were (rarely) a zoomer in the small shaft after the big room if Kraid's area getting stuck in the platform, and (always) another enemy like it spawning inside the blocks in the long Ridley shaft with two missile expansions.

Excellent work and wonderful Christmas present, Doc. I was sort of hoping for a sort of unlockable reward for being a Confrontation Master, but the bragging rights are enough. :P Good luck with your life in the new year, and good luck completing what will be a fangame legend!

-The General
Anonymous said…
Hola Milton, es solo una opinion, el sonido de los pasos es muy bueno al principio, pero luego se hace molesto. No podrias bajar un poco el sonido de los pasos?

Gracias,chau y Feliz 2011
Anonymous said…
Feliz Navidad y prospero año nuevo DoctorM64 :) (lo escribo en español porque se que eres argentino xD).
Espero que sigas con estos proyectos y los termines al 100% en el 2011...
Saludos desde Chile y como dirían en Argentina(disculpa si lo escribo mal): "Sos un groso".
Bruno 1986 Brasil said…
Thanks for being so nice. I hope this new year you can release the game, Confrontation is just awesome and I'm quite sure Metroid 2 remake will be unforgetable.

Good luck in your job.
Anonymous said…
Merry Christmas!
Anonymous said…
I really like what you did with Hard Mode. I just got back from beating Crocomire after 20+ tries, and I also like the changes to that battle. The new attacks made the fight more exciting instead of just standing to the side to avoid those things he spits out. I think someone on the forums posted this, but when you get around to releasing the final game, I hope that there are mltiple files. I would hate to have to lose my 100% Noormal file in order to start a new playthrough on Hard Mode. I also hope you don't change Hard Mode to be more like Zero Mission. It's hard enough without having the energy tanks cut in half!

Anyway, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Season's Greetings, Etc. Good luck on finishing the project. From the looks of things, 2011 will be the last year you'll be working on this!

P.S: Again, someone already said this, but a progress report on how much % of the project is done would be nice. As long as it's not too much of a hassle for you.
General Milky said…

Fear not, for a multi-file subscreen is confirmed!
Anonymous said…
I agree with the Medal award pop up. You should also put in changes in gameplay when you unlock medals, even if its just color changes for the suit/enemies/beams.
General Milky said…
Actually, the LAST thing medals should do is alter gameplay. Not everyone likes them, and that way they could easily ruin the game for someone. The absolute furthest they should go is cosmetic unlockables, like the Super Metroid suit or something.

As for the pop up, it's perfect as is. It's not in the way or distracting so people who don't care can ignore it, and people who do know they achieved one.
Xplod said…
Please, put an option to play the game in widescreen.
Anonymous said…
I think this game has a lot of potential, although there's one large problem. With the Gamepad input, you're unable to use the D-Pad for Up/Down/Left/Right. This feature would be very useful if it's something you could add (Because the Joystick makes it very hard to control the game).
xCYBERKIDx said…
Nice update, i really enjoyed hard mode and the achievements. For the next update maybe you can look into adding the items selection screen (If you haven't already and i just didn't figure it out) that would be sweet. And yes Widescreen would be nice but that means doc will probably have to rewrite a lot of scripts.
Anonymous said…
All medals unlocked!!
Yonathan said…
Hola men como estas. te vine a decir q.. FELIX AÑOOOOOO xd gracias por todo este tiempo q nos acompañastes y no nada mas eso si no tambien gracias por se nuestro amigo. que la sigas pasando bien en tu vida y con tu familia y en todo lo que hagas. se le quiere muchooo! :D

que siga el proyecto a delanteeee!
MIGUEL said…
happy new year to docm64 and everyone on the forum.........

2011 a new adventure for some a new year to advance in studies for others
whatever it is may you all be success full.....

docm64 thanks for the inspiration to do what i always wanted to learn ....

a friend a fan of a classic game being made better......
Anonymous said…
i dont like the 3 download links u gave us looks like virus city
Ezekiel Rage said…
You STILL have the level design mistake in this version, where you can actually aquire the morph ball bomb BEFORE the morphball, trapping you in the room of the bombs.
a simple rock that allows you to only enter the room where this happens in morph ball mode would fix this...
DRReichel said…
I thoroughly enjoyed playing this update on hard. Having beaten Zero Mission on hard myself, I was always disappointed on how lacking the AI was throughout most of the title.

Making the enemy AI much more vicious was a very nice touch in this, so good job there!

Did anyone else think fighting the Wallfires was harder while going down than up? It was fun all the same.

Anyway, I noticed in some parts of this demo while playing on hard, Skrees and other ceiling-hangers apparently come out of nowhere from the ceiling. This is because there are parts in the ceiling in the Zero Mission engine that have no solid physics and are instead purely cosmetic. The skree cannot be seen when it is covered by these "soft" tiles, when it is instead hanging on a solid tile above it. This happened in a purple cave somewhere, though I can't exactly remember where.

Speaking of Skrees, are ever you going to animate them rotating their wings while hanging from the ceiling as they do in all their other games? It would look much nicer.

More on the aesthetics of Metroid, one thing that was most beautifully done in M3 was the well stylized environmental themes, especially regarding the color palette used in certain areas (Norfair was largely red to show a vulcanized area, Brinstar had a lush green jungle area, Wrecked ship used an eerie green-gray palette to symbolize decay...) You could reflect this in AM2R by maybe applying color filters to give a subtle tint to dull, colorless objects like the Chozo statues. This way their color corresponds to the environment of the room. I also got this idea from a room in zero mission where this happens, it looked convincing...
DRReichel said…
One last thing on your plate right now, Doc:

In the menus for video settings, users should be given a message after they change the settings and hit "Apply" telling them to press a certain button to keep the current video mode, otherwise it will revert to the previously used mode after 5 seconds. This way, when a user accidentally sets the video mode wrong and they can't see anything, they don't have to blindly guess what options to change after the fact. Also, include a "Defaults" option in the video settings.

Include a "Quit Game" option in the pause screen, rather than just relying on "Esc" to give you the exit game option. This can get pretty bothersome too, I shouldn't have to reach all the way over the keyboard to press "Esc" to quit when I'm using a gamepad instead. It's just not very ergonomic the way it is right now, I'm sure you'll understand.

I should start donating to this project with PayPal soon, since I think this is worthwhile. I too don't have a good source of income right now, sorry, but maybe by February I will. Happy 2011, Doc!
iamli3 said…
hay thanks for that demo to try out doc guy , i plan on getting a laptop made this year (as opposed to 10 years ago) and once i get set up i'll make a video talking about some of the things i noted while playing the demo , so i'll probably come back here to say when i have it up

till then i should probably play the demo to death to make sure reporting on it will actually be worth while
also i made a couple comments on your videos as well , just in case you feel like checking them out
though i realized you can scrap that one about the dark room and vision as i remember there being a dark room in the original game as well

also also for the rest of you metroid 2 fans here , i seen a lot of comments on doc's videos asking if the remake will have the same select opening glitch world glitch
while i don't know the story about it's origins , i do know a lot about the glitch world itself , as i have documented most of it on my channel , here's the link to the first part

hope to see you all soon :) .....
Anonymous said…
The Kraid fight is really annoying. The platforms should be a little slower and he should attack less frequently. I think he keeps his mouth open a bit too long though. That should balance it out a bit.

Other than that, when I am standing next to an area that is one block (I guess that is the right term) above where I am and jump, she does the power grapple animation instead of just jumping.
Shadow said…
Hey Doc, awesome job you are doing with such classic and awesome game from the Metroid franchise.

Every release just makes me desire the final AM2R even more. XP

I noticed a little bug (or at least I think that's what it is)

Whenever I try to sync my Wiimote with the computer via Bluetooth to play the demo with it (any demo, i've tried with all the versions of it), the game seems to glitch.

Samus just keeps running to the left, and when I hit right, it just stands there like going back and forth from right to left, without walking at all (same with the jump).

Notice that this happens with the keynoard AND the Wiimote, not just the Wiimote.

I have noticed that when I disable or turn off the bluetooth, the game goes back to normal.

I don't know what's wrong or why it does that, but if you can find any way to fix this, I would be really grateful, since I enjoy the game much more by playing it with the Wiimote + Nunchuck. XP

Thanks again, and keep it up!
Best wishes for this upcoming year.

Nintendoer said…
Love the medal system, doc. You really had an evil moment with the pacifist medal going through the Ridley area, though. =P

One thing I should mention though. When I fought Crocomire, I got hit once by his "falling rocks" attack, and at the end of the battle it gave me the Flawless Crocomire medal. I don't know if this is intentional or not, but I thought it would be worth mentioning.

Keep up the great work! I haven't got all the medals yet, but I'll post back when I'm a Confrontation Master. =)
Unknown said…
Jesus christ the hard mode is hard. Lack of weapon capacity (few missiles won't get you very far), enemy's ability to do/take damage, overwhelming number of enemies, their increased speed (in both movement and firing speed), shit load of traps, etc etc etc.

So how many medals are there? I'm guessing there's one for hard mode at least.
Unknown said…
Err, correction. I meant, not "how many medals" but "what are the requirements for each medals?" Sorry for confusion.
Paul said…
First of all, I want to say how AWESOME all of this is. I first stumbled upon this while looking for a Metroid II emulator, and I was practically drooling when I saw what you were doing with it. Confrontation is great while we wait, and I am chomping at the bit waiting for the actual remake to be complete. Judging by your progress, I'm sure it will be nothing short of amazing.

Just out of curiosity, while I am enjoying each of the upgrades of Confrontation more than the previous version, what happened to the original music for the Ridley battle? The new music sounds more true to the original boss music, but the Shouting of Soul music while fighting him was... well... epic.

Keep up the awesome work and best of luck for a prosperous new year!
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
Is it possible for you to add bilinear filtering? Thanks for the hard work, and I look forward to the completed game. Take care.
marcelouzuki said…
Forgive my English.

My friend. You deleted my post and did not answer what I asked ...
I do not mean to offend you.
I always wanted to make my own Metroid game, but I have no idea how to program all the movements of Samus. That's why I asked if you would release later the engine.
Since it seems that the answer is no, is there any way I can learn how to make such moves and features of Samus?
Thank you for your attention and wish you good luck on the project!
Anonymous said…
Excelente trabajo Milton, por favor en el proximo post puedes poner el porcentaje relizado del juego? Hace el calculo mas o menos...

Anonymous said…
hey doc, i'm a faithful follower on this blog and i just want to say that i'm very excited for the project and can't wait for the official release. i check the blog almost every other day and i've noticed that you haven't had a "percent done" entry for a while... i guess i'm just impatient, but i'd like to see all the progress you've done since the last one. oh and , i really like the engine you're using for samus's movement and the medal system. anyway, the game looks amazing and i'd like to see more of what's going on behind the scenes because i'm aspiring to be a game programmer myself.
Anonymous said…
Cool fan game. But at least put in the original themes for the bosses like Kraid and Ridley. Cause those remixes are just no. Not for a 'Metroid' game.
Anonymous said…
One question:
I downloaded the game but cant play it for some reason. Do you need an emulator to play this?
ZatchKim said…
yeah i have the same problem as above comment. what program or emulator do u need for this game?? plz reply!! ur game looks AMAZING!
Chrismus said…
Hey, i've been following this project for a while now, and greatly enjoyed Confrontations. It's a pleasure to watch AM2R grow.
a quick suggestion, though: in MZM, when you killed the enemies that spawn out of the ground and it drops an item, a new enemy will not spawn until the item gets picked up or disappears. i felt like it helped a lot, just wondering if you ever considered it. thanks!
Anonymous said…
whats the emulator for this??
DoFlaming said…


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