Links Updated

I´m in a bit of a hurry right now, so please excuse such a small blog post.

Here´s some updated links of Metroid: Confrontation v2.15

FileFactory - MyFreeFileHosting - EasyShare

Sorry for the inconveniences.


Anonymous said…
What's the hurry? P.S. FIRST!
Dark Master said…
that was what happened to you man :S? (Second Comment xD)
Wait, MediaFire removed your content due to probably using Nintendo sprites, and yet Nintendo has done nothing against the actual project?

That sounds suspicious...
Anonymous said…
What's up doc????????????..............sorry, couldn't resist XD
xCYBERKIDx said…
Wow, Nintendo Better not shut your project down! BTW, why are you in a hurry?
DoctorM64 said…
Sorry, I had to leave, and I wanted to fix the download links ASAP. I´ll be posting properly soon.
Nintendoer said…
That's good to hear! Always like hearing updates on the project.

Keep up the good work! =)
Matt said…
I really hope this "Metroid Confrontation. Isn't the actual deal here. I don't remember fighting Kraid, Ridley, hell even Crocomire for that sake in the original. Is this a side game you are working on? And if it is where is the link for the actual one. I didn't see one Metroid in the game at all. :( makes me sad. I know that scripting from srcatch and all that is time consuming. (I haven't done it but still that is an easy assumption.) But I was wondering if you have an ETA for the game.
Anonymous said…
el demo esta una maquina pero la opcion q se parece a la de super metroid nose como que aburre un poco por q no usas la misma q a sido usada en los metroid de gba asi con el boton selec solo cambiarias entre los misiles y los super misiles , con el boton R activarias el item, e hablado con algunos amigos y es mas rapido q estar escoguiendo como en el super metroid
Chirukai said…
Matt, Metroid:Confrontation was just a demo, to get fans into the game and be able to test drive what the engine will be like. There are plenty of trailers on DoctorM64's Youtube page of the actual game he's working on. Oh, speaking of, DoctorM64, I just want to add that you're doing an incredible job with Game Maker. :)
Anonymous said…

Confrontation is a sort of side project that mainly exists to whet our appetites and show off the engine of the game. Right now it remain a techdemo (clarifying, not a piece of the finished project but it's own self contained minigame built with the same blocks as AM2R will)but will eventually maybe grow into it's own full length game.
Unknown said…
I recently played M:C to give it a looksee, and decided to make a video regarding my opinions and thoughts on how you might improve the Kraid battle.

VeganMike said…
So I finally got around to trying out v2.15. Unfortunately, neither of my Logitech Rumblepad 2's is being recognized in setup, nor is my Belkin Nostromo n52. I've got the latest drivers for both types of controller, and both the drivers and other games recognize the gamepads. Are only PS and X-Box controllers supported at this time, or is there something else that needs to be configured?
gato preto said…
Nintendo Maniac 64 our face so this taking too long.
is just making excuses to not finish the game soon.
aff so this guy is getting very suspicious.
this game comes out or not.
Anonymous said…
Cuando se terminara este juego? Ya pasaron 2 años y 12 meses casi de que lo empezaste. ya se esta haciendo muy largo esto
Unknown said…
@gato preto

Q te calienta lo q tarde o no flaco? el tipo lo hace gratis, algun dia saldra, o no, y si no sale no es la muerte de nadie.

Ojala lo termine y salga, por q pinta muy bueno, y q nintendo no cancele ni a el le pase nada como suele pasar en otros proyetos, q si no lo cancelan , el autor desaparece etc. Yo tengo fe ;)

PD: o tu ingles es muy malo o el poco ingles q se es peor de lo q yo creia.

MIGUEL said…
i hope things are good anyhow we understand how it is sometimes (busy)

VeganMike the controls work great if it doesnt work at all for you try mapping the controls to the keyboard you can use xpadder great little software......

well keep up the great work hope your situation improves..........

a friend a fan of a classic game being made better.......
Sebastian1314 said…
Hey, DrM64,

Something you might want to fix:

The bats only attack when you are right below them, whereas in Super Metroid, they see Samus from a slight distance. Just a thought.
Anonymous said…
jaja Juan se lanzo con todo!

Espero que se termine el juego

Anonymous said…
@ Gato Preto

Ok, if you think it's really that easy to make a game, why don't you make one yourself. The doc has a life, you know, and even still he's putting all his free time into this.

You call it "excuses", I call it "life". Just get over it; the game will come out when it's done.
Anonymous said…
My apologies if this comes across as pushy, but what happened to "I´ll be posting properly soon."?
It's cool if you've been too busy to work on the project, it's just that you've been sparse on the blog posts for awhile now, and seeing you say that you're going to post again so soon after the latest post had me a little excited.
Anonymous said…
Doc, what happened to the forum? All I get is a blank page whenever I try to enter it. :I
Anonymous said…
Take your time, don't listen to the people that want you to release it as soon as posible. This is by far the best fan game I've ever seen. Good luck!
General Milky said…
Actually he should listen to the people who want it released, just not too much. People who want it out = people who want to play it. People wanting to play it = motivation to finish the project.

This blog has shown that the Doc is very nearly done actually, just needs some programming done for the endgame and various odds and ends. A little patience will pay off for this project, but reminding the Doc that he has a large world-wide audience awaiting his work would motivate him to finish it.

I check this blog everyday hoping for good news, and I do this because the trailers and Confrontation has shown this to be one of the greatest fan games of all time. I'd hate to rush him or sound pushy too, but I also realize that these pushes are what reminds a programmer that there is reason to make it to the goal.

Godspeed, Doc.
Anonymous said…
the game isn't working on my computer, it looks very promising. Good luck on AM2R.
marcelouzuki said…
After you finish the game would be interesting to also launch the engine not the source code of the game, so fans could make your own game Metroid.
Good Luck!

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