All the rooms

I managed to finish the basic layout (collisions and tiles) of the remaining rooms of the final area, and the last tunnels to the surface. So, in some way, all the rooms are basically done.

There´s still a lot to tweak, there are some tilesets to be done, and some of the backgrounds are placeholders, but once I connect these last ones, the entire game will be accessible.
I had a basic layout of the game done before, but the last areas changed too much lately. Also, navigating tiled rooms is a lot cooler than empty rooms full of square blocks.

So, it´ll be a little tedious to check all 224 rooms, and fix or add any missing camera controllers, tiles, hidden parts, minimap coordinates, transitions to other rooms, enemy placement, etc.

Also, I might be redoing some of the earlier surface rooms, I can definitely make a much better tile work with all the experience gathered all this time (the landing site and first temple were done in 2006).

Well, have a nice week. You´re welcome to stop by the forum or post suggestions here.


Anonymous said…
First! Seriously though, 2 years later, Imight actually be able to play the darn game!
Labrynian Rebel said…
That is fantastic! Keep up the wonderful work! I'm serious, this project is AMAZING! And by all means improve what you did before, make this game as good as you can.
Anonymous said…
Its nice to know it. All rooms are now maked ^^ continue whit your awesome job Doc. ;-)
garsh said…
Glad to hear you've seen so much improvement in your work that you feel like you can improve on yourself, and glad to know you're a perfectionist enough to follow-through. Those are the kinds of qualities that can lead to a very polished presentation, but having played your demos, I know you also have the talent to back up the aesthetic with exceptional gameplay. It's so close I can almost taste it!
Anonymous said…
Congratulations on finishing the main build. That's a huge step. You've created SR388, now your job is to finish populating and balancing the game...

Also, have you seen any of other M? Without spoiling too much, there's a 'very' important Metroid evolution from this game that will be featured in Other M. You might want to take notes so that you can use some of the metroid's abilities in that game in your own, should you choose.

Can't wait. Please keep it up. I still want this game a lot more than even Other M.
USS Nocturnia said…
Well this will defenetly be one of the first fan remakes to actually be finished :D
Unknown said…
Always nice to hear you are making progress, i just hope the entire will be as impressive as the demo.

And i just want to say how impressed i am by the amount of work you have put in over the years. Maybe i need to start to hunt down a gamepad for my pc now ^^.
Lippi said…
The end is in sight!!!!
Anonymous said…
This will most likely be the last complete 2D Metroid side scroller ever. Unless Nintendo comes out with a "Metroid Nostalgia" game but has a new story.
Anonymous said…
Awesome, keep the good work up, but dont rush it. :)
(Insert Name Here) said…
I am glad to hear that you're close to completion, I can't wait to experience this masterpiece.

Also, about what that 'evolution' in Other M, I will also not say it, but I couldn't spoil if I wanted too, as I don't know the story reason for it being there(only saw a picture of it), it did however make me about 1000x more excited for Metroid: Other M than I already was.

Back to the topic at hand, I can't wait to play this, and it makes me extremely happy to know that you plan to polish this game to perfection.

Your good buddy whom you don't even know, (Insert Name Here).
Prinny said…
Its amazing to think of how long I've been following the production of this project and where it stand right now. Truly good work man! I can't wait to see the final product.
Anonymous said…
El final se acerca

Espero que pueda ser el juego totalmente terminado mi regalo de navidad.

Espero que lo termines pronto!

Saludos! Nicolas de Uruguay
Turtle said…
I'm glad you've met with success. I know from experience how few fan games ever see completion.

Thanks for persevering!
Zoonyboy said…
Can't wait for game doc!!!!!!
Congrats! One day to Other M. I just hope they fix all of the problems that people have noticed in the one day they have left. And why did they have to get rid of the Gravity Suit? It looked awesome! And I always wanted to see the Gravity Suit without those giant shoulder pads first seen on the Varia Suit in Metroid II.
Anonymous said…
You are equal parts win, awesome, and sex.
Anonymous said…
Good to see your almpst done,and I've been secretly watching your project for 2 years now.I've made my own games now,4 Zelda ones,and seeinng what you've done,I'm just excited for this!!!
Anonymous said…
I can not wait to play this, but watching you progress is also a great part of this! keep up the great work! and get it done so I can play it!
Anonymous said…
I love the Metroid series, but I haven't played Metroid 2. I'm excited that you're so close to completion. I think that your version of the game will make the experience much better than the GB version.
Dudeman said…
awesome doc keep it up!
Amanda said…
Wow 244 rooms, that's great.
I believe a couple wanted to know what the percentage of the overall game. Do you still intend to have the game done before 2011? Does that include add-on's?
Ryan said…
Congratulations on finishing the first pass of the game! Don't rush to the end though -- take your time when you add in enemies etc. Looking forward to playing this when you finish it!
Anonymous said…
Yes, 'please' give us a percentage update. I know predicting a release date is difficult, but you've got so much done now that a lot of us are getting excited.
Anonymous said…
Freaking awesome news man.
Ultimately this will be awesome.
Can't wait to play this man...
Kinda going crazy for release.

New areas sound exciting!
I really think D64 is the best.
Great job so far.
Good looking screenshots too.
Every time I see news I'm jazzed.
Really can't wait to play this!
Super awesome work DoctorM64!!!
Unknown said…
Hey, on the demo, you can roll over fall-through blocks while using the spider-ball ability. Just letting you know.
Anonymous said…
Wow i'm extremely excited. Keep up the good work man. I was actually curious to here ur input on Other M. If you've had a chance to play it yet?
Ratiqu said…
Sounds awesome. Keep up the good work!!

Anyway, are you in any way considering a private beta? Like, maybe only forums members or something? It's just that it'd be so easy to miss one or two bugs here or there, and mass testing makes it much more likely to be successful...

Lol. Sorry. I'm not asking you to make one, just suggesting it if bugs are something you worry about.
Sam said…
This project is amazing Doc! Your work is very impressive! I cannot wait for the full game to come out.
Russ said…
it's sooo close!!!!! omg!!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!
Jasper said…
doc!! i just beat metroid other m!

and i gotta say.. YOU HAVE TO PLAY IT! like i am not joking, you HAVE to play this game. i swear if you play it, you'll be thinking all these great new twists or ideas that you can put into your game without much hassle.

like seriously if you dont play this game, then you release your game, and then you play it, you'll be thinking "man! i should have done something like this!"

these things arent even that huge, but they're things you can include to make your game more legendary. also, i dont wana spoil anything but, the last boss of metroid other m... yeah.. witnessing it will probably make you wana think of new ways you can make your own last boss a little more interesting.. (you'll totally know what i mean when you see what the last boss is)
Anonymous said…
Well, after playing metroid other m, I'm even more excited for your game. Metroid other M is a huge dissapointment for me, didn't feel at all like metroid other than morph ball mode. Why do they always have to up and change things, don't fix what ain't broke. Keep up the good work, I would rather pay you the $49 for a game.
Magick said…
Nice to know the project is finally almost finished! I loved your demos and I could'nt stand metroid 2 on the game boy color after playing the Game Boy Advance games! XD Keep up the great work :D
Lippi said…
BTW, do you want to create some images of Samus for the ending like in all other games (depending on the completing time)?
Anonymous said…
I think i can say this from all of us, you are the man!

Since all the loyal fans have been dying for a new 2D Metroid for over 6 year now this will surely fill our hunger!

Other M is not what the true fans wanted and we will probably not see a new Metroid game in a few years for now this will surely save us.

Finally you will have my gratitude for this project and you should be proud as a programmer!
Anonymous said…
This is truly impressive. In fact, because of the work you've done I'm starting to tinker with GameMaker now that I see what it's capable of.
Anonymous said…
Snap! I'm super excited about seeing all your hard work coming together. I just played through the first three Metroid games in anticipation for Other M...and than I told me girlfriend...who was kind enough to watch my play them...about your project! Hope to see it done soon. ROCK ON!
Unknown said…
Man, I'm so excited for this, can't wait to hear some more progress.

And Anonymous two posts above me, just because you didn't like Other M doesn't mean you can say that if you like it you're not a true Metroid fan. I've beaten every Metroid game and I loved Other M; it was a great mix of classic-feeling gameplay, reference to past Metroid games and some new content.
The Ant said…
You sir win, this project has been going on for a while now and the fact that you are still doing it and are going back to update some of the first areas you worked on is amazing. Keep up the good work man.
Anonymous said…
why dont you hold a open beta so we can test it and report any errors that we come across?
Anonymous said…
My only problem with other M was that all the characters don't stick around long enough to make an impression. I lOVED the Speed Booster and the Ridley fight though. Only time Ridley's ever been a challenge.
Anonymous said…
haces un trabajo increible!! cuando acabes esto deverias empezar a hacer un remake d the legend of zelda 2 links adventure... seria exelente!! con tu talento seria un juego d culto!
(Insert Name Here) said…
Played through Other M, and I have to say it was magnificent, I loved it all the way through. I Had very few, very minor problems, and over-all I personally give it a 10/10 or a 9.5/10.

In my personal opinion, Metroid: Other M is by far the best Wii game I have ever played, hell, it's probably the best Metroid game. I know a lot of people would disagree with me on that note, but it's what I think.
LF2010 said…
Yay can't wait for the final product!!!

Luigifan20010 on the forums!
SinTheCorrupt said…
I must say your just pure blooded awesome for taking on such a task as large as this, I had a chance to play metroid 2 years ago and never actually finished it but now with all the new stuff your making I may have to clear a week or two off my life when your finished and blast some metroids.
Rayquaza3010 said…
Would be cool, if you make a new trailer!
Unknown said…

Please make the queen metroid breathe fire and make some of the later metroids ice resistent like in Metroid Other M.
Anonymous said…
You have made a CLASSIC even better!! great job, a TRUE fan of METROID. I'm also glad to hear through the making of this game "experience" you yourself have gained as a programmer.
well done on a AMAZING project....
Firespawn7 said…
You my friend are a true role model. You're dedication to this project is beyond words. Most people would have gotten bored and stopped making a game like this by now, but you keep trucking along.

In addition, you're going back to make sure everything looks amazing, rather than leaving it the way it was. If you decided skip doing this, the project would of looked artistically inconsistent from start to finish.

For you're next update, I'd like to hear more about your sound (music) and enemy design progress (maybe give us a sample or two). Keep up the good work Doc!
Erick Garcia said…
i would literally love you n,n i love it the demo is so much better than super metroid, and super metroid is a great game
Anonymous said…
I love what you are doing doc and can't wait until you finish. When your done and have some free time, I think a speed booster/shinespark puzzle game would be pretty cool.
Have you heard of the Super Metroid Intigrated Level Editor? Look it up on Google. It might seem different to you, but the engine is already there. You could use the untiled GameMaker blocks as a bonus mini-tile set and use the blank, solid color, blue background as well.
Anonymous said…
Dude... You deserve a fucking medal. I dont even have words for how good a job you have done, or how good it is to finally see a remade metroid 2 since it was the best of them all.

Anonymous said…
My favorite video of this remake is "Metroid 2 Remake - Preview 3", on YouTube. I played the AWESOME classic version last weekend (I didn't have patience before, but I found a map in Google to make it easier).

There really are some places totally empty and useless, it would be nice if you change them with items, enemies or even bosses. But careful: A GOOD REMAKE HAS TO BE DISCRETE! If you change too much, like they did in Metroid Zero Mission (a bad remake of Metroid 1 for many people, including me), it may not be so good. And that extension after killing Mother Brain just sucked, then please, just don't put anything after killing the Queen and taking the baby to the ship.
Anonymous said…
I can't wait to play your game. Really, I think you're making an amazing job, I want to play your game perhaps as much as I want to play the new Metroid Other M.

Please, release this game soon if it's completely done.
Anonymous said…
Seriously, DON'T put Ridley in this game. I saw the demo on YouTube, but Ridley DOES NOT appear in Metroid 2, neither the space pirates, then don't put it. That would be a big change in the game and a good remake has to be discrete, big changes allways screw them up, we saw that in Zero Mission (that extension and new bosses sucked).
Russ said…
Nintendo needs to release a 2D side-scrolling Metroid game that's on par with Super Metroid in terms of quality for the DS, or hell, they could even release one on the Wii Virtual Console. Either way, that's most popular format to present a Metroid game in because it's what the veteran fans like myself love, and in my opinion, it's also the most fun (and I'm sure I'm not alone in that assessment). That's why this fan-remake is going to do so well, especially considering the amount of work that's gone into it and the fact that it looks so awesome!!
Ash said…
Great job, Doc!

Can't wait to see the game finished, and give Metroid II another play! I'm also especially hoping that it will be preserved in the fandom as a canon Metroid release!

AM2R seems to be like one of the very rare cases of fan games that, primarily, are in professional quality, and seem to run through completion. Outside this, you also fully respect Metroid's universe and qualities, not introducing out-of-place material, or messing with important parts of the myth.

We rarely see such cases in fanmade games! In my mind, AM2R is going to be the 12th Metroid game release. :)
Anonymous said…
It is so nice to see how committed you are to this. I mean, we're getting an awesome game out of this and you're doing all the work (and anyone helping you). Seriously, anyone 'complaining' just doesn't get it. It's not like you are getting paid for this!?

Amazing passion and inspiring dedication. Nicely done!

Whenever this is completed, I'll be smiling ear to ear just to play it.

Deep thanks,

Metroid Fan since NES
Anonymous said…
this is awesome, and even better on how close it is to finish. I was actually just wondering, recently, if someone was planning a remake of Metroid II in any way. this is definitely awesome work. and a suggestion, add Controller support, i see it supports keyboard and joystick, but controller would really seal the deal.
Anonymous said…
May I make a recommendation? When you're close to done...say about a month or two from release...go quiet. Don't announce "almost done, a couple of weeks/days" etc. Why? 'Cause I swear, about a week before release, Ninty will send out the CnD letter and that's that. Before it even gets out. Release it suddenly before it really becomes knowledge that it's about to come out. That way, any CnD letter get out after the fact, making it moot.
Anonymous said…
I'm kinda new fan of Metroid series. My cousin introduced me Super Metroid in 2001, I thought the game really interesting. But only this last year I decided to download, emulate and play all 2D versions. (better late than never)

I still didn't play Prime series, but I saw all walkthroughs and scenes. I'm gonna buy a Wii this year, then I can play Prime Trilogy and Other M. Oh, about Prime Hunters, I'll find a way to play without a DS. The only one I'm not interested to play is Pinball, and Zero Mission was not a good remake, but that's okay, it's just a remake...

Anyway, METROID ROCKS! I'm a big fan of Tomb Raider, for 10 years it was my favourite game series, but Metroid proved to be even cooler and now METROID IS MY NEW FAVOURITE GAME SERIES. All Metroid games have good graphics for their time, cool gameplay and creative plots.

I still don't believe Metroid 1 is from 1986, most games were so simple that time. My favourite sequence is Metroid 2, because the plot and the scenary were completely new and different from 1, nothing repeated. But Super Metroid, although being like a copy of Metroid 1, is a relic! The 3 first games are definitely relics! I can't wait to play Other M, which I'm sure I'm gonna love!
Anonymous said…
Hey DoctorM64

Since this game is nearly finished :D (Wow I so wana play it!!!), It inspired me to come up with my own ideas for making a metroid fan game. But soon I realized I had one huge problem, I do not know how to make an engine and do not have any knowledge of making one myself.

What I do have is an awful lot of creativity and a story for my game. Something nobody has ever done before (I think). Seriously, have some of you ever asked yourselves once, how did she actually get this fancy suit? I did, and came up with this awesome story which involves her getting the al mighty power suit!

So, get to the point! I would say to myself. You said you maybe would make another metroid fan game in the future; maybe you can use my story. And since it is not a remake, you can do a lot of new game play mechanics (which I also have a few ideas for). The story is not fully finished yet, but it has its rough shape.

If you are interested in sharing opinion's and talk sometime, let me know!


Dark ninja
Anonymous said…
It's so close I can almost taste it! Patience be rewarded. :D
:L said…
/\ You know, the chozos made the suit for samus (both power and varia)
Unknown said…
Would this be released for the snes platform like the other repros?
Unknown said…
Dear Doc,
I find myself checking this damn forum everyday now for reasons that are three fold. (1) Metroid is a great series, and a Metroid 2 remake is brilliant in the hands of a talented individual, which from the looks of it, you seem to be doing exceptional work. (2) The excitement is building knowing that the end is growing near. (3) You have inspired me to create my own Metroid game, but I went a step further...and cloned Samus. Now keep in mind that this clone is a post Fusion version, so her boobs are melted together and I think she has down syndrome, but other than that, we are quite happy living in her ship. We await your game remake and hope that the music will be slightly better(Which she apologizes for. The music was written by Green Day, or something. UGH.) Anyway, in closing, reason number 3 is not real (for people who think that Nintendo comments on forums) and I can't wait for your game.
Anonymous said…
I heard about Nintendo not enjoying fan games based on its games. I don't know if that's true - we never know what's true in the internet - but I would not be surprised if that was.

Anyway, I think this remake is a present from the maker to Nintendo and all fans of Metroid. He's taking his time that he could use to do many other things to make a great remake of the greatest Metroid game (in my opinion) for us, the fans.

I can say I'm very excited to play this remake, as much as I am to buy my Wii this year and play Other M.

Unknown said…
Eres increíble, estás creando el primer juego de Metroid (pero Metroid METROID, no Prime, ni cosas raras como Other M) desde el Zero Mission.
Anonymous said…
love your work! =)
Anonymous said…
release it !! please!! before is too late!! dont want nintendo to cancel it!
de una ves viejo!! antes d q los de nintendo se enteren y te lo cancelen!! asi son las grandes empresas!! :S
Anonymous said…
About Other M, I still don't have it, but I won't be surprised if after playing it all I think it the best Metroid ever, because it has a very cool plot and 4 styles (1st person, 2D platform, 3D platform and fight) in only one game.

Anyway, Prime series was nice (except the boring Pinball), even in different style we feel the universe of Metroid. But I still prefer the classic 2D platform (which - thank God - is gonna be the must used in Other M).

I can't wait to play Metroid 2 remake. I didn't like Zero Mission, it's fun to play and has a cool improved soundtrack, but as a remake it shouldn't be so different from the classic, mainly that boring extension after killing Mother Brain.

I just hope the guy(s) who's making Metroid 2 remake have thought about it and don't make any extension after killing the Metroid Queen and taking the baby to the ship. Oh, and I hope Ridley doesn't appear in this game, he's a cool boss, but didn't appear in the original Metroid 2, neither should appear in the remake. (even because neither him nor the space pirates appear in Metroid 2)
Anonymous said…
Is that true that Nintendo is thinking about remaking Metroid 2? If they do, I hope they don't make a boring extension after Metroid Queen like they did after Mother Brain in Zero Misison.

Anyway, I wanna play your remake so much, dude! If Nintendo remake Metroid 2 in future, well, I hope they take the graphics and gameplay of Other M. But until then, I'll be glad to play yours.

SAC/Black_Yoshi said…
Well, well. Very great progress so far. Ingenious, amazing. I might have to consider putting this higher on my Top 10 Waits list. Around a few years in the making, and you never disappoint. Keep up the good work, we're all rooting for you.
And for guys who want controller support, use a console-to-PC adapter with software, GlovePie, or something. (I use a Logitech Dual Action Pro, so I hope there's in-game calibration for controllers, if you can tackle that in the final phase of development.)

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